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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX

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Всемирный DX Бюллетень №10
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Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели!
Вот и вышел 10 номер Всемирного DX Бюллетеня.
Время везде UTC. Чтобы получить зимнее московское время нужно прибавить 3 часа,
а летнее - 4 часа.
Через месяц, а именно - 31 марта, наступит новый вещательный сезон. Начиная с
апреля этого года в нашем журнале будут печататься новые частотные расписания
радиостанций, вещающих на КВ.

7240 Radio Australia; 1403-1411+, 23-Feb; EE Asian news.
ID @1405 then "RA Sports Desk". 1410 "This is your Asia-Pacific Net-
work, RA". SIO=433+ (Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1040)

Свежее расписание радиостанции HCJB Australia
HCJB Australia A05
Effective from 27 Mar 2005 to 30 Oct 2005


11750 0700 1000 51,55,56,59,60,62 KNX 50 120 0 108 1234567 ENGLISH
15390 1430 1600 40,41,49,54 KNX 100 307 0 148 1234567 ENGLISH
15405 1300 1430 40,41,49,54 KNX 100 307 0 148 1234567 VARIOUS
15425 1000 1300 41E,49,54 KNX 100 307 0 148 1234567 VARIOUS
15525 2230 0100 44,50,54 KNX 100 340 0 148 1234567 VARIOUS
15560 0100 0230 40,41,49,54 KNX 100 307 0 148 1234567 ENGLISH
15560 0230 0300 40,41,49,54 KNX 100 307 0 148 1
15560 0230 0300 40,41,49,54 KNX 100 307 0 148 234567 URDU
(Dave Yetman, HCJB Australia via Alokesh Gupta - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

11550 Radio Australia, Taipei relay site, GPO Box 9994, Melbourne VIC 3006, Australia,
Full data QSL card for a reception report in bahasa-indonesia language. The QSL
front is a 
beautiful Shepparton International High Frequency transmission station?s view
Delay: 180 days
V/S: Sam Johnson
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - Hard-Core-DX 27, 4)

6090 University Network; 0406-0416+, 23-Feb; Dr. Gene
(presume via tape rather than resurrection) talking about his wife &
canning people in his ministry.  UNet ID spot @0415. S20 sig
(Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1040)

4950 R. Nacional 0401 Male giving news + “high life”
African music
in Portuguese. (Alvin Mirabal via Hans Johnson PR / Feb 21 - CumbreDX 1047)

15476, LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arc?ngel San Gabriel, 1936, 
Canciones argentinas ininterrumpidamente hasta el cierre a las 2100. Varias 
canciones de Atahulapa Yupanqui. En ning?n momento se escuch? locuci?n, 
solo canciones. Parece que, ?ltimamente est?n transmitiendo con solo el 
operador de la emisora, sin locutoras. El a?o pasado, con el anterior 
equipo, ten?an casi siempre locuci?n, primero 3 y luego 2 locutoras, pero 
este a?o, por lo menos las veces que escuch? esta emisora, solo ponen 
m?sica grabada. Tambi?n, en el 2004 respond?an escrupulosamente al correo 
electr?nico y en el 2005 parece que no la hacen. SINPO 24322. (Marzo 3).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

6060, Radio Nacinal, 0458, locutor y locutora, identificaci?n: "Radio 
Nacional, muchas gracias por su amable sinton?a". Comentarios y m?sica. 
22222. (Marzo 4).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

15820 LSB, Radio Continental, 0938, anuncios, comentario sobre secuestros 
en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. A las 1000 noticias, el tiempo y deportes, 
identificaci?n: Radio Continental, nuestra p?gina web 
www.continental.com.ar <http://www.continental.com.ar>". 24222. (Marzo 4).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

28/2/2005 2200-2250 15345kHz R.Nacional, SINPO-33333, SP,
football live program.(Hitoshi Sugio, Hyiogo, Japan - CumbreDX 1047)

7185, Radio Bangladesh, 1815, Ingl?s, noticias, Id. : "This is 
Radio Bangladesh Betar, external service, the news". Locutor. 32222. 
(24 Febrero - Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

В этом сезоне (хотя мало уже осталось):

7110 кГц
5 кВт
180 град
04.00 - 23.00 ежедневно

6040 кГц
5 кВт
180 град
04.00 - 23.00 ежедневно

7265 кГц
Канал Культура
5 кВт
круговая диаграмма
05.00 - 22.00 ежедневно

1008 кГц
Канал Культура
7 кВт
круговая диаграмма
05.00 - 22.00 ежедневно

Кстати, вот дополнителная информация по синхроной сети передатчиков КК
на 1008. Передатчик в Ушачах (районный центр Витебской области)
демонтирован летом 2004 года (50 кВт). Часть оборудования отдана в Слоним, на
запасные части к вещающему оттуда СРВ-50.
(Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 668)

3346U Belarukaje Radio Talk by man at 2012. Nothing on
5256U at this time. In addition to this audio via this military 
I checked through the various listed SW outlets for Belarus but could
not find any that were on. Same ID as noted below at 2030. 
(Hans Johnson Feb 22 - CumbreDX 1040)

5256U Belarukaje Radio 1003 talk by man and woman.
ID as this "Belarukaje Radio .... kanal" so first program? Good signal,
heard in both sidebands, but not AM. Could not spend enough time
to check for //'s. (Hans Johnson Feb 22 - CumbreDX 1040)

R. Belarus, 5970, 0300-0330 Feb 18 [Fri], English news, ID, local
pops, fair; \\ 7210 barely audible. I thought English was at 0200. Also heard
UT Sat Feb 19 with English at 0300-0329, poor on 5970. Apparently English is
now at 0300 instead of 0200 
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxldyg 331) 

But not every day; as you noted last week, on UT Sunday English is at
0330 (gh, dxldyg 331)

7235 Byeloruskaya Radio 1255 with Russian pop 
songs . Clock at 1300 and ID About S5 31432 best in LSB due to DAB 
on 7240 Clear till 1300 when VOA Korea starts on the freq. Liangas 
Feb 26th (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1045)

5025, Radio Benin, 0612, locutor, bolet?n de noticias en franc?s, 
noticias de Africa, m?sica vern?cula. Eclipsa completamenta a Radio 
Rebelde, que suele entrar con fuerza por aqu? a estas horas del amanecer. A 
las 0700 desaparece Benin y ya se escucha Radio Rebelde. 33333 (Marzo 4).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

17670 Feb 23 - 0900 BUL: The Voice. IDing as: "You are
listening to a test transmission of the Voice broadcasting from
Bulgaria". Very nice to tell the tx site, too! E-mail address for
reports as thevoiceone@aol.com . 7245 was heard in Germany between
0500-0600 announcing to be from the UK with a 'voicethree' address.
What's 'voicetwo'? (Mauno Ritola, FIN - Hard-Core-DX 26, 24)

Yes, on Feb 24 (17670 kHz), too. Very strong signal (SIO=554) here in Naantali,
South West of Finland. My tiny Grundig YB played me the music while I was preparing
lunch for my kids. 
Supposedly there are different (language) departments for "one", "two" and "three"
(Matti Ponkamo, Naantali, Finland - Hard-Core-DX 26, 25) 

R. Municipal, 4845.18, *0917-1000+ Feb 19, sign-on with possible
state anthem? Did not sound like NA. 0918 opening Spanish announcements with
IDs, 0923 CP music, Andean vocals. Poor-weak at sign-on but improved to fair
good quality by 0945. Brazils R. Cultura Ondas Tropicais sign-on at 0956
causing co-channel QRM. Both stations at equal level 
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxld 5031)

4902.31, Radio San Miguel, 0200-0216 Program sounded live. Noted
various performers singing and playing tunes. Male annoucer between
performaces. Signal was good. 
(Chuck Bolland, February 27, 2005 - CumbreDX 1044)

4930, BOTSWANA, VOA-"Studio 7", 0328-0340, Mar.1,
English, "Daybreak Africa" and "VOA English to Africa"
IDs at t/in. Intro music and "Good Morning Zimbabwe,
welcome to Studio 7". News brief re Zimbabwe and
African countries. Full ID announcement at 0335
mentioning 909 MW and 4930 SW. Interviews w/ Zimbabwe
opposition party officials. Fair listening in LSB.
(Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1048)

4930 VoA with jazz music S9 at 2155 Over 
Turkmenistan Liangas 26 (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1045)

4915 Radio Anhanguera; 0356-0406+, 23-Feb; Lite vocal music.
Full ID promo in PP @0402 including SID; mentioned Macapa in the
promo. SIO=433-/whistle QRM (Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1040)

4825, Radio Can?ao Nova, 2244, portugues, programa "A voz do Brasil". 
24222. En paralelo con 9675 con se?al 44444. 
(24 Febrero - Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26).

4885, Radio Clube do Par?, Belem, 2240, programa "A voz do Brasil". 24222. 
(24 Febrero). 0745, programa "Clube da madrugada", con m?sica, comentarios 
y canciones brasile?as, presentado por locutor Id. "Faltan 15 minutos para 
as 5 da madrugada, Radio Clube, continuen na nosa sintonia". 34333. 
(Febrero 25).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

4985, Radio Brasil Central, 2246, programa "A voz do Brasil". 34333. 
(Febrero 24).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

9505, Radio Record, Sao Paulo, 0955, portugues, locutor, comentarios, se?al 
muy d?bil. 122221. (Febrero 25). (Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

5035 Aparecida 2201 with ID and mention on Portugal S4 
Liangas 26 (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1045)

4825 Aparecida 2117 with a song of Abba followed by Latin 
songs An ID or like heard on 2126 with ... para familia Signal 22332 
QRM by carrier on LSB and soem operator on USB . S4 Liangas 26
(Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1045)

9630, Radio Aparecida, 0953, portugu?s, locutor, comentarios y canciones 
religiosas, Id. "Seis horas e cincuenta e dos minutos na Aparecida.". 24222.
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, 0950, portugu?s, locutor, comentaros, 24222. En 
paralelo con 11925 con 23222. (Febrero 25). Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26,

11725, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 0945, portugu?s, programa religioso, 
comentarios y canciones. 24322. (Febrero 25). (Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26,

11735, Radio Transmundial, 1955, portugu?s, canciones religiosas, id: 
"Transmundial, o bolet?n informativo". "Radio Transmundial, a radio que 
est? coa palabra". 34333. (Febrero 24). (Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

11765, Radio Tupi, 2039, locutor, predicaciones religiosas, a las 22 horas 
programa en cadena, junto a otras muchas emisoras brasile?as "A Voz do 
Brasil" y dentro de este programa, a las 2230 "Xornal do Senado". 
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, portugu?s, locutor, comentario, Id. 
"Estamos aqu? na Radio Nacional da Amazonia". 34333. (Febrero 24).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2010, portugues, locutor, comentario de 
f?tbol, id: "Amigos da Guaiba". 24322. (Febrero 24).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

11805, Radio Globo, 1920, portugues, locutor "O hor?scopo", Id. "M?sica e 
informa?ao na tarde de Radio Globo" . "Radio Globoooo", "Globo sportivo con 
Jos? Carlos Araujo, a partir das seis da tarde". 34333. (Febrero 24).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

4915, Radiodifusora Macap?, 0659, m?sica y canciones, locutor, 
identificaci?n: "... banda tropical de 60 metros, 4915, Radiodifusora 
Macap?". Anuncios comerciales. 24322 (Marzo 4).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

9505, Radio Record, Sao Paulo, 0802, locutor "Bon d?a, bon d?a, cidade". 
Canciones brasile?as. 23222. (Marzo 4).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

9630, Radio Aparecida, 1008, portugu?s, noticias, comentario religioso. 
24222. (Marzo 4).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

9665, Radio Murumbuy, 2122, portugu?s, canciones espa?olas, locutor "As 
ondas de Radio Murumbuy". 24322. (Marzo 3).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

9665, Radio Nacional de Brasil, 0514, portugu?s, noticias, comentarios 
sobre mal tiempo (lluvia fuerte) en R?o de Janeiro y sobre gran sequ?a en 
Rio Grande del Sur. Identificaci?n: "Radio Nacionala do Brasil transmitindo 
diariamente na banda de 31 metros, 9665 KHz.". "M?sica instrumental 
brasileira contemporanea". Muy buena se?al. 45444. (Marzo 4).
(Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 27, 5)

9675, Radio Cancao Nova, 2116, portugu?s, programa religioso, lectura del 
rosario, locutora. 33333. (Marzo 3).(Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 27, 5)

11725, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, portugu?s, locutor, noticias, sucesos 
en Curitiba, "Informativo Novas de Paz". 34333. (Marzo 4).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

11735, Radio Transmundial, 1010, portugu?s, locutor, comentario religioso. 
24322. (Marzo 4).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 2030, portugu?s, identificaci?n: "Radio 
Nacional da Amazonia, 49 metros, 6180 KHz., 25 metros, 11780 KHz., Radio 
Nacinal da Amazonia, a sua voz na radio brasileira". Locutor. 24322. (Marzo 3).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, portugu?s, locutor, comentarios sobre el 
desarrollo agrario en el estado de Rio Grande del Sur. 24322. (Marzo 4).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)
4915 R. Anhanguera 0358 Pop music in English 
(Alvin Mirabal,PR / Feb 21 via Hans Johnson - CumbreDX 1047)

RTV Burkina, 5030.01, 2300-2400* Feb 18 French talk, ID as
Radiodiffusion Television du Burkina. Local African tribal music, some
interesting indigenous music. Also some Afro-pops. Good, in the clear. Just a
tad off frequency today; usually they are right on 5030.00 
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxld 5031)

5030, BURKINA FASO, 0530. Comienza a esta hora su emsi?n matinal, ocultando 
a University Network, en la misma frecuencia. Musica africana. 33333. 
(Marzo 4).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

7260.18v (T) R. Vanuatu 0838 with pretty much nothing but
talk till 0917. Has had a bit of music but mostly the same guy talking 
language. Pretty weak, but this is the best they have been here in 
some time. Only in LSB, USB and AM are messed up by QRM here.
Seems a bit drifty to me as well. 
(Hans Johnson Mar 4 - CumbreDX 1048) 

Tuned in at 0930, a bit late with enough QRM to drive one mad.
(Robert Wilkner - CumbreDX 1048)

4005, VATICAN CITY, R.Vaticana, 2224-2235, Feb/28,
Italian-?, Ballads and talks w/ various announcers, IS
loop/ID at 2230. Poor/fair w/ constant "data" QRM.
(Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1048)
BUDAPEST 9775, 0150-0158, Radio Budapest Mar 2 choir music 0153 =
with yl commentary in hungarian on 9870khz. om at 0157 followed by =
violin piece. 0159 s/off with channel taken by DW at 0200. moved to =
english broadcast at 0200 on 9775 kHz with om id of 'This is radio =
budapest' followed by yl news.=20 (James Gorecki - CumbreDX 1048)

R. Gabon, 4777, *0531-0600+ Feb 26, abrupt sign-on with French talk,
0534 hi-life music, 0600 R. Gabon IDs. Very good 
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

4052.47, R. Verdad, Got an e-mail from the stn manager saying 
they blew out a transistor in one of their modules and are only running at 
250 watts presently.  I can't tell its any weaker as its doing well at the 
moment, 0137 UTC.  (24 Feb.)(Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1040)

4052.5, 0542, locutor, ingl?s, comentarios religiosos y 
canciones. A las 0600 desapareci? la se?al. 24222. La primera vez que 
escucho esta emisora en ingl?s, pues antes siempre la hab?a sintonizado en 
espa?ol. Posiblemente sea un programa para Belice. (Febrero 25).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0453, canciones religiosas. 
242222. (Marzo 4). (Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

7125, RTV Guineenne, Conakry, 2315. M?sica africana, programa en 
franc?s. locutor. 34333. (Febrero 24).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

7125, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 0705. Radio Guinea entra con mucha 
fuerza estos d?as en la ma?ana, a partir de las 0700. Programa en franc?s 
con noticias, comentarios y m?sica vern?cula. 45444. (Marzo 4).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

3249 Radio Luz y Vida 0220 Male preacher excitedly talking
about Jesus Christ salvation, in Spanish. 
(Alvin Mirabal Puerto Rico / Feb 21 - via Hans Johnson - CumbreDX 1047)

4910 R. Zambia 0325 African tribal music and male speaking in
vernacular (Alvin Mirabal, PR / Feb 21 - CumbreDX 1047)

3230, "ZIMBABWE", (P)SWR Africa, *0300-0310, Mar.1,
Noted again w/ intro music and announcer followed by
OM and YL w/ music and talks. Still too weak under
static too work with here. (Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1048)
6973 Galeil Zahal 0245 Soft rock in English. 
(Alvin Mirabal, PR /Feb 23 via Hans Johnson - CumbreDX 1047)

FM Gold Thanks DX Asia page tip. Checking the various
channels listed at this time. 7195 (under a stronger station),
7270 (fair, but splatter), 7420 (covered by QRN), 9470 fair signal,
channel clear. 0150 local music, woman announcer. Lots of QRN
tonight, announcer sounded a bit distant and difficult to
The complete AIR schedule at the DX Asia page is worth a
look. It is at- http://www.dxasia.info/html/air_lang.html
Tried for these various channels the next evening at *0025
and found them still difficult and weak.  Better at 0138 on 9470, ID's
as FM Gold.  Ad block with English words such as digital. 
(Hans Johnson Feb 23 - CumbreDX 1040)

4760, AIR, Port Blair, 2358 26 Feb;
presumed opening announcements at tune-in;
poor-fair signal audible only on loop; gone by
0009 (Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1044).

9524.9 Voice of Indonesia; 2028-36+, 22-Feb; Lite music;
EE ID @2234 then M w/EE cmtry o/marimba music. SIO=2+32 
(Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1040)

4605, INDONESIA-PAPUA, RRI Serui, 1128-1140, Mar.1,
Indonesian, Indo ballad at t/in, OM w/ ID and
instrumental music at 1130 (not SCI). Talk continues
thru t/out. Weak. (Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1048)

4790, INDONESIA-PAPUA, RRI Fak-Fak, 1140-1205, Mar.1,
Indonesian, Continuos Indo ballads from t/in to 1159.
YL w/ ID and snippet of SCI. OM and YL thru t/oout.
Poor/fair w/ "sweeper" f/in around 1155. (Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1048) 

4925, INDONESIA-SUMATRA, RRI Jambi, 1113-1128, Mar.1,
Indonesian, Ko'ran-like vocal music w/ YL in Indo at
1120. Booming! (Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1048)

03/01/05 1338-1359 9525 KHz SINPO: 55455 Lang: II
Indonesian mx, man announcer, ID and web site address in English, man=20
announcer, ID and web site address in Indonesian, man announcer, interval signal=20
(National anthem?) (T.J.Steenland - CumbreDX 1046)

Иран [non].
Feb 24 at 1430 encountered R. Seda-ye Mellat-e Iran (V. of the
Iranian Nation) on 11625; not sure of ID beyond Sedaye at first, but a break
1441 repeated full ID clearly along with frequencies and a bit of music before
a speech began. This had been on 11620, but clashed with India. However, no
sign of AIR here, tho there was a bit of intermittent utility interference on
the low side of 11625; also fortunate for us, as this gets it out from under
WYFR 11615 skirts; now on a clear frequency. Fair reception, worsening slightly
by 1500* This one supposedly covertly via CIA, Egypt 
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DXLD 330)

This friday morning beetween around 1000-1040 UTC
all southern signals were blocked, nothing from
Peru, Chile etc but at the same time I for the
first time logged CFRB, Toronto(Canada) on
6070.00 kHz with good signal and ID?s. Closer to
1100 UTC the southern signals returned but very
weak. (Bjorn Malm - CumbreDX 1048)

9700 China Radio Int'l; 1422-29+, 23-Feb; M&W in EE w/magazine
pgm. CRI promo @1427. SIO=343- (Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1040)

7285 China Radio Int'l; 2132-37+, 3-Mar; M&W in EE w/sports &
travel pgm, "Realtime Beijing on CRI". NBA scores w/Yao Ming info.
SIO=323-/screech QRM, LSB cleanest. 
(Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1048)

4980, R Xinjiang (presumed), 0011 27 Feb; YL giving nx-like presentation; S6
signal (Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1043).

6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, 0817, espa?ol, locutor, comentario 
religioso "nosotros estamos bajo la cultura del se?or". Id. "La Voz de tu 
Conciencia". 24322. (Febrero 25). 
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

6140 Radio Lider (Melodia) 1030 Local and international
news by male
newscaster in Spanish. 
(Alvin Mirabal, PR / Feb 24 via Hans Johnson - CDX 1047)

6139.8 Radio Lider, Bogota,1240-1301 utc, Marzo 1, Espanol. Emitiendo el 
programa noticioso " Ultimas Noticias " actualidad politica Colombiana.Esta 
emisora aparece listada en WRTH y PWBR como Radio Melodia.
Calidad de la Senal de Regular a Buena, SIO 353.
(Dino Bloise, Icom R-75, Florida, EEUU. - dxldyg 335)

9724.8 University Network (p); 1416-21+, 23-Feb; Dr. Gene
pontificating about the resurrection--not his. Wonder how many year's
worth of tapes they have? SIO=443 (Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1040)

5030, Univestiy Network, 0503, ingl?s, locutor, comentario 
religioso. 24322. (Marzo 4).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)
5025, Radio Rebelde, 0805, Programa presentado por Karina Vargas: "A esta 
hora estamos en la tercera hora de "A esta hora", cuatro con cinco minutos, 
estamos en la tercera hora de nuestro programa". Muy buena se?al. 45444. 
(Marzo 4) (Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)

5030 University Net 0436 OM with religious talks 
followed by jazz music on 0439 referring tel number 1100 33[1] 3030 
twice and a 43 Signal S8 Liangas Feb 26th (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1045)

9600, Radio Rebelde, 1133. Hac?a tiempo que no escuchaba el programa 
"Haciendo Radio" en esta frecuencia. Hoy se sintonizaba bastante bi?n. "Son 
las 7 de la ma?ana con 36 minutos, buenos d?as, desde las 5 de la ma?ana en 
Radio Rebelde, hacemos mejor la radio". Noticias y comentarios de Cuba y 
del mundo. 34333. (Marzo 4).(Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 27, 5)

12000, Radio Habana Cuba, 1102, Manolo de la Rosa presenta la revista 
informativa "Despertar con Cuba", entre las 1100 y las 1400. "Hola amigos 
de la onda corta, les habla Manolo de la Rosa". 34333. (Marzo 4).
(Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 27, 5)
9505 Radio Habana; 2121-2130+, 3-Mar; 2M in EE, interview re
Cuban & Caribe workers to 2125 then ritmos Cubanos. DA 2127-28, then
IS, ID & continued in FF. SIO=3+32+/lousy sig for Cuba. 
(Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1048)

6110 Radio Progreso; 0101-0114:30*, 27-Feb; Caribe mx; "R-P"
ID in SS; off suddenly in mid-tune. SIO=544+ //640, barely audible.
(Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1043)

15505, 1754-, Radio Kuwait Feb 27 1740 to 1800 =
music/chanting/drums with om story. also weaker on 11990. Station music =
at 1800 with yl news.=20 (James Gorecki - CumbreDX 1048)

Cland 6315 R roj 1635, 22.2with Kurdish song  S4 , 32223  best in AM 
N due to QRN  from RTTY station on 6319 at S9 (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1040)

9290 EMR WS ID at 2100 wand pop songs . Poor at general 
at S3 max!!!! 24333 Audio off at 2203 Sign off at 2205 Liangas 26 
(Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1045)

4782.5, R TV Malienne, 0724, franc?s, locutor, comentarios. 24322. 
(Febrero 25).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

1/3/2005 1120-1155 15335kHz Rdiff.TV.Marocaine, SINPO-35433, AR,
Talk and Arabic musics. ID at 1140.
(Hitoshi Sugio - CumbreDX 1047)

17895 Studio 7 Feb.27 17:27-1800. VOA Studio 7 broadcast to Zimbabwe. 
Noted with the Ndelde Broadcast from tune-in to 17:40 hr.. then into 
English. Opening ID as 'You are listening to Studio 7 fro Zimbabwe, 
coming to you from the Voice of America, Washington" Followed with 
news, commentary on new newspaper for Zimbabwe. Sign-off at 1800 but 
another VOA broadcast in English began. Signal heard quite well on loop 
(Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1044)

6185, Radio Educaci?n, 0851, m?sica cl?sica. 34333.
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

12085, Voice of Mongolia, 10000, programa en ingl?s. "This is The 
Voice of Mongolia, welcome to The Voice of Mongolia in English". Locutora, 
noticias y m?sica de Mongolia. 23222. (Febrero 25).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

11690, Free FM (?), heard several days in a row at 1500-1730*. Many pieces
of music and announcements in an accented English. Holland mentioned
sometimes. Quite good reception on 15 Feb. 
(Alexey Kulinchenko, Kazan, Russia - Сигнал 142)

7000 0640z UNID non-stop Latin pops, very weak here... have heard a ute 
playing Latin mx on 7000kHz before but not for prolonged periods... this 
one is still audible at 08:07.(Paul Ormandy, New Zealand - Hard-Core-DX 26, 25)

Hi Paul, nice to see your signature again on the
mailing list! I?m also hearing your unID LA
station on 7000.00 kHz (0200 UTC). AM-modulation,
very weak signal and heavy interference from
radio amateurs. Soft LA music and talk by OM.
Very interesting.(Bjorn Malm - Hard-Core-DX 25, 26)

V. of Nigeria, 15120, 1714-1805+ Feb 18, tune-in to English news
program, ID; fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxld 5031)

Thanks Noel Green's information on their Home Services.
4790 is active, sign on is 0041 with a chorus singing what I
guess is the Azad Kashmir anthem.   I can hear them mention both
Azad Kashmir and Pakistan during this anthem.  0043 brings a
brief bit of Koran and then opening announcements by man.  ID as
Azad Kashmir Radio at this time.  I'm not so sure I am hearing the
transmitter site given as well during this  announcement - Trarkal,
which would follow Radio in the above ID.  0045 a bit of dead air
and then into Koran.
Also trying at listed *0045.  4955 nothing heard.  5025v no
sign of Pakistan, just co-channel Radio Rebelde from Cuba. 
(Hans Johnson Feb 23-24 - CumbreDX 1040)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
4890 NBC Port Moresby (t); 1348-1400*, 23-Feb; Lite
pop/oldies. M in EE @1358 w/tent. mention of Port Moresby; sung anthem & off
before 1400. SIO=352 
(Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1040)

0550-0617 9675 KHz SINPO: 35333 Lang: EE/Melanesian 
Pidgin/Hiri Motu? Tk, mx, man, woman (T.J.Steenland - CumbreDX 1044)    

R. Maranon, Jaen, 4835.47, 0945-1000+ Feb 17. Tune-in to OA folk
music. 0954 NA. 0957 opening announcements with ID. 0958 many canned IDs. Good
but slight distortion; much stronger signal than usual. Power increase? Also
heard Feb 19 at 1020-1040 with good signal but slightly distorted audio

R. Tarma, 4774.98, 1007-1020+ Feb 19, OA folk music, 1008 ID, Spanish
announcements; fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxld 5031)

5544.66, R. San Andres, 0150-0153 Nice live rustic OA flute mx 
(couldn't hear any other instruments), M anncr w/TC 1 min. slow, buenos 
dias, and ment of musica, then continued mx. M returned at 0202 w/more 
anmnts including TC and ID and ment of Peruana. Back to Flute mx. M again 
at 0211 w/quick TC and ID. More flute mx w/occas. anmnts. Changed over 
to lively Tropical mx at 0220. Another ID during anmnt at 
0229. Comunicados at 0232. Seemed to go off the air at 0332. Usually the 
audio is so low that its almost nonexistent, but tonight it was pleasantly 
readable. It did drop off unfortunately. Some SSB QRM and slop from 
something. Getting a lot of lcl noise after about 0240 too. (28 Feb.)
(Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1046)

4386.60 Radio Imperio,Chiclayo,0930-1110, Febrero 14, Espanol. 
Transmitiendo el programa Pentecostal " La Voz de Salvacion "
(Dino Bloise - dxldyg 335)

Вчера (29 января 2005 года) с 18.33 до 18.52 UTC принимал радиостанцию
"Радонеж" на частоте 7465 кГц. Ведущий отвечал на вопросы слушателей (звонки
в студию), давал подробные комментарии и всё такое..
До 18.52 UTC SINPO было 33543 - мешали приёму несильный гул (~200 Гц) на
7465 кГц и китайская глушилка "пекинская опера" на 7455 кГц. Но 18.52 UTC
хорошему приёму пришёл конец - SINPO стало 13531
(Илья Клепко - open_dx 668)

7115, RUSSIA, IBRA Radio via Vladivostok, 1227-1300*,
Feb.28, Mandarin, Test tones until *1230 then IS/ID,
ballads followed by long talk by OM until music at
1257, YL w/ s/off announcments at 1259, pips then off.
Poor/fair. (Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1048)

11975 Voice of America; 2022-27+, 22-Feb; "VoA News Time"
in EE. SIO=2+43
(Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1040)

28/2/2005 2045-2102 4940kHz VOA via Sao Tome e
Principe, SINPO-22222, EG, Talk, ID 'This is the Voice of America.'at 0600.
(Hitoshi Sugio - CumbreDX 1047)

Саудовская Аравия
For some months now BSKSA Riyadh uses two faulty 500 kW txs.
One unit is always off frequency at about plus 320...400 Hertz. The other
unit send out a terrible BUZZ audio.

Today noted the buzz at
1st px 0600-0855 UT 17740 [another peak at 17739.87]
HQ px 0900-1155 UT 21495

\\ 1st px 6-9 odd 17730.38
9-12 odd 17805.32 21705

\\ HQ px 9-12 11935 17615
(Wolfgang Bueschel - Hard-Core-DX 27, 3)

11820 :SABC 1820 news from SABC in Arabic , ID 'Idaatu 
del mekete l arabia min riad ' S9 , 44333 Liangas feb 26th 
(Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1045)

9460 Bible Voice , prayers call  etc 1657 Local  like Excellent 
audio on Bolong radio 
(Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1040) 

WMLK, 9265.05, 1945-2101* Feb 17 [Thu], back on the air after several
weeks silence. Tune-in to the usual Elder Jacob O Meyer talking about Yahweh
teachings. IDs; still announcing 9465 at sign-off. Strong carrier but weak
modulation. Also heard next day, Feb 18 [Fri], at *1600 sign-on. Modulation is
always so weak, I dont see how anyone ever hears these guys 
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxld 5031)

A - 05 Frequency Schedule for KTWR
Trans World Radio - Guam
(March 27, 2005 - October 29, 2005)

Freq Time UTC Pwr Asm Target Days
(KHz) Open-Close (kW) (deg) CIRAF(zones) (Mon-Sun) Languages
======= ==== ==== === === ============== ======
7455.0 1100-1600 100 320 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin
9370.0 1400-1600 100 305 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin
9465.0 1200-1230 100 345 45 12345 Japanese
9465.0 1200-1245 100 345 45 67 Japanese
9585.0 1300-1330 100 285 49 1234567 Sgaw Karen
9635.0 1100-1200 100 285 49 1234567 Vietnamese
9865.0 0930-1100 100 315 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin
9910.0 0930-1100 100 320 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin
9920.0 1400-1445 100 278 49 1234567 Vietnamese
9920.0 1445-1615 100 345 44,45 1234567 Korean
9975.0 1200-1300 100 285 41,49 1234567 Burmese
9975.0 1300-1330 100 315 43,44 1234567 Mandarin
9975.0 1330-1400 100 315 42-44 1234567 Mandarin
9975.0 1400-1500 100 285 43,44 1234567 Cantonese
11610.0 2130-2215 100 320 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin
11690.0 2115-2145 100 345 45 12345 Japanese
11690.0 2115-2200 100 345 45 67 Japanese
11695.0 1300-1330 100 278 49 1234567 Khmer
11750.0 1200-1230 100 293 43,44 1234567 Swatow
11750.0 1230-1245 100 308 42-44 12345 English
11750.0 1245-1300 100 278 49 1234567 Khmer
11765.0 2200-2230 100 308 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin
11840.0 0800-0930 100 165 51,55,56,58-60 12345 English
11840.0 0815-0930 100 165 51,55,56,58-60 67 English
12080.0 1330-1345 100 293 41 12
12080.0 1330-1345 100 293 41 34567 Boro
12080.0 1345-1400 100 293 41 1234567 Santhali
12105.0 1500-1630 100 278 41,48,49,50 1234567 English
12130.0 0900-0930 100 305 42,43,44 1234567 Hakka
12130.0 0930-1400 100 305 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin
12130.0 1400-1415 100 285 41 1234567
12130.0 1415-1430 100 285 41 67 Manipuri
12130.0 1415-1430 100 285 41 12345
12130.0 2200-2300 100 285 44 1234567 Cantonese
13630.0 2215-2300 100 305 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin
15200.0 0900-0915 100 248 54 12 567 Balinese
15200.0 0900-0915 100 248 54 34 Torajanese
15200.0 0915-1000 100 248 54 1234567 Madurese
15200.0 1000-1030 100 248 54 1234567 Sundanese
15200.0 1030-1200 100 248 54 1234567 Indonesian
15225.0 0730-0900 100 278 49,50,54 67 English
15225.0 0740-0900 100 278 49,50,54 12345 English
15275.0 1100-1200 100 255 49,54 1234567 Javanese

KTWR Frequency Coordination
Trans World Radio, PO Box 8780, Agat, Guam 96928 USA
Phone (671)828-8637 Fax (671)828-8636
e-mail: ktwrfreq@guam.twr.org ktwrfreq@guam.twr.org>

(George Ross, KTWR via Alokesh Gupta, India - CumbreDX 1048)

7200, SUDAN, (P)R.Omdurman, 0402-0425, Mar.1, Arabic,
OM w/ talks re Iraq and Syria, several sound bites and
field reports. No discernible ID noted. Poor/very weak
and wiped out by BBC-7205 "crash-start" at 0425.
(Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1048)

4760, Radio Free Europe, 0100-0200, Opening announcement, "This
program is brought to you by the Voice of America, Washington." Then in to
Tajik language comments and features. Parallel programming on 7275 KHz.
This freq (4760) is fair to good, while 7275 is armchair. 
(Chuck Bolland, February 27, 2005 - CumbreDX 1044)

6039, 0255-, Radio Difusoras Tropico Mar 2 0258 =
spanish guitar/om vocal with om chorus. time pip at 0300 with om 'Radio =
Difusoras' followed by om/yl annc of news til 0305. om id again at 0305. =
(James Gorecki - CumbreDX 1048)

9720, 1703-, Radio Tunis Feb 26 om vocal id at 1700. om =
and yl swap news til 1711. arabic chanting/prayer at 1712 to 1714. om =
and yl talk. verify via internet <http://www.radiotunis.com/live.html.=20>
(James Gorecki - CumbreDX 1048)

4930 Home Service noted in LSB, audio fine.  Actually
better than USB because there is a big UTE.  Same pattern observed
last two nights, 0059 sudden sign on with instrumental music, if they
are running open carrier before this, I cannot  tell.  They certainly 
are not running any tones.  0100 four distorted time pips.  Man and woman
then come on and mention Turkmenistan, but I don't hear anything
approaching the listed ID's.  Then anthem till 0104.  What  sounds  like
news read by man follows.  Quotes from speakers in German both nights.
There  is another station underneath, but I cannot even tell the 
language, any ideas, VOA is *0300 yes? 
(Hans Johnson Feb 23-24 - CumbreDX 1040) 

the other station underneath Turkmenistan 4930
is possibly the Turkmen Radio 1st program, same
which is transmitted on 5015. For some years it
has been audible weakly in the background on 4930.
It is no spur from 5015, as it can be heard also
when the 5015 transmitter is off (evening silent period).
So it must be some kind of audio leak-through at some
stage. (Jari Savonlinen - CumbreDX 1040)

4976, Radio Uganda, 0446, locutor, vern?culo, m?sica africana. 
24322. (Marzo 4).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 27, 5)
4976, UGANDA, R.Uganda, 2041-2100*, Feb.28,
Vernacular, OM w/ talks b/w Afropops, NA at s/off.
Fair at best. (Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1048)

9450, FEBC via Tashkent, 1311 27 Feb;
OM & YL alternating in listed Bengali; vocal selection
  1312 followed by announcements; one time through
IS and audio out @ 1314:30 (Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1043).

28 февраля ВСРУ/РУИ изменила частоту 5910 на 7440 кГц для вещания на
Северную Америку ввиду ухода от помех и улучшения прогноза прохождения
на новой частоте. Кстати, эту частоту ВСРУ уже использовала в начале
зимнего сезона вещания и проработает на ней до 27 марта, до конца
зимнего сезона. К сожалению, в 02.15 ЮТС трансляции прекратились из-за
возникшей из-за сильного ветра неисправности антенной системы.
Предполагается, что сегодня вещание на Сев. Америку может быть
восстановлено. (Александр Егоров - open_dx 672)

5910 Radio Ukraine Int'l; 0120-0130+, 27-Feb; Hvy accented M
in EE w/RUI reception rpts. Mentioned Colombiano Marafil Estereo on
5910. SIO=3+43 No audio QRM detectable; only some weak ute clatter.
(Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1043)

Scandinavian Weekend Radio has it's transmission this weekend starting 22 hours
UTC 4th March. All bands are in use, 25 mb (11690/11720 kHz), 48 mb (5980/5990/6170
kHz). and MW 187 meters 1602 kHz.
(Alpo Heinonen - Hard-Core-DX 27, 4)

9570 R. Blagovest via RVA 1527-1555*. Usual relig. talks by
M, occasional ID; closing anmt at 1554, followed by a 20-second carillon
concert. Off at 1555 after an RVA ID. Good signal. (Wilkins 2/27)
(John Wilkins - CumbreDX 1044)

3965 Khz 1/3. RFI,04:24-04:30,fr,noticias.SINPO 55454.
(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 842)
Шри-Ланка/США ? 
11520 VoA ?  Hindi or Urdu  with talks rather than 
news  about Pakistan . At 1720 someone talking in half Hindi half 
English . Best signal on horizontal with S8. 
(Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1040)

Центрально-Африканская Республика
9590 Radio Centafrique (t); 2058-2116+, 3-Mar; Afro mx; M in
FF w/brief anmt @2103 & tent. mention of RC; lengthy cmtry 2110-15.
SIO=3+52/picket fencing badly; several brief off/on's but never
corrected the problem. RC should get their money back. 
(Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1048)

6089.89, R. Esperanza (pres.), 1021-1105, Rel. tlk by M to 1024, 
into soft Rel. mx.  M returned briefly, then canned annmnts/promo 
block.  First was an promo for the stn but didn't mention stn name.  Almost 
every other ad gave phone #'s.  Went into a Rel. Pop song at 1032.  Back to 
live M starting w/TC and ment of "musica Christiana".  Lively Tropical song 
at 1037.  M again at 1042 w/TC and tlk.  More mx and tlk.  1058-1103 canned 
anmnts including what sounded like several ments of Esperanza.  Best signal 
and strongest audio in a long time.  Usually has a decent strength, but 
audio is almost nonexistent.  (21 Feb.)(Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1040)

17680, Radio Voz Cristiana, 1402, espa?ol, identifiaci?n: "Est?n 
escuchando Radio Voz Cristiana, transmitiendo desde Santigo, Chile, para 
toda Am?rica Latina, por las frecuencias de 9635 KHz, banda de 31 metros y 
17680 KHz., banda de 16 metros. Locutor, comentarioa religioso. 24322. 
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 2, 5)

11775 SLBC 1820 OM in Tamil or the like ( Sinhala listed 
in WRTH ) and a mention on SLBC . Tamil songs follow Good signal 
till 1830 when VoA Azeri starts on 11770 with S9_30 db 
(Zacharias Liangas 26 feb - CumbreDX 1045) 

3279.6, La Voz del Napo, 0455, espa?ol, locutor y locutora, comentario y 
canciones religiosas. 24322. (Febrero 25).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

3810, Estaci?n de se?ales horarias HD210A, 0632. Se?ales horarias "Al oir 
el tono ser? la 1 hora, 33 minutos, 0 segundos". 24322. (Febrero 25).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

R. El Buen Pastor, 4815, 1000-1015+ Feb 26, Spanish religious
music, ID, Spanish talk. Poor with sweeper and RTTY QRM 
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

3810 LSB HD2IOA 1010 Time standard signals in Spanish 
(Alvin Mirabal, PR/ Feb 25 via Hans Johnson - CumbreDX 1047)

3279.53 R. Maria via La Voz del Napo 0336-0402. M talking on
religious themes; occas vocal mx selection; "Radio Maria" ID's; pgm ended
at 0358, followed by a couple of Radio Maria anmts and mentions of Quito;
into another pgm at 0400, not sure if still R. Maria or LV del Napo after
0400. VG signal. (John Wilkins 2/26 - CumbreDX 1044)

Экваториальная Гвинея
R. Africa #2, 15190, 1605-1658* Feb 18 [Fri], English
religious talk, 1634 English religious music and more talk. Sign-off with
religious music. Poor signal mixing with BBC Antigua; at times fading up to
equal strength with BBC (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxld 5031)

5005, Radio Nacional Guinea Ecuatorial, Bata, 0529, comienzo de la emisi?n, 
espa?ol, lectura de edictos, "las 6 de la ma?ana con 31 minutos en nuestros 
estudios.  Salud para el desarrollo de la poblaci?n, un programa que 
presenta Radio Bata". Locutora, programa sobre los enfermos de SIDA y sus 
familiares. A las 0600 m?sica africana. 34333. (Febrero 25).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

15190, Radio Africa, 1430, programa en ingl?s, locutora, se identific? 
varias veces como Radio Africa. "Thank you to listenig from Radio Africa 
Network". A las 1441 programa en franc?s, presentado por locutora. A las 
1500 de nuevo ingl?s, identificaci?n "Radio Africa", direcci?n de correo en 
Nigeria. 32332. Interferencia de la BBC World Service. (Febrero 25).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 26, 26)

R. Bata, 5005.0, *0536-0600+ Feb 26, sign-on with African
hi-life music and Radio Bata ID. Spanish talk and African hi-life music. Very
good (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Radio Africa 2 , Equatorial Guinea on 15190 kHz has been noted March 2 around
0645 to 0730 UT. Reception is really poor and there are heavy splashes from R
Vlaanderen International via Armavir, Russia on 15195 kHz broadcasting in Dutch
07-08 UTC to Europe. I?ve heard R Africa 2 also around 1630 UTC on 15190 kHz,
but co-channel QRM by the BBC WS from Antigua is extremely strong.
(Jouko Huuskonen - Hard-Core-DX 27, 4)

15190 R Africa 2, 1513 man with religious talks , on 
Jerusalem etc. 'News on bible' then 1516 gospel song At 1547 with ID 
R Africa and email as : "radioafrica@myway.com' radioafrica@myway.com'>
if I am correct. 
Signal S5 QRMed by BBC Antiqua sometimes in total 22332 Also on 
26th signal is S4 max , 23232 at 1659 (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1045)

5005 R. Nacional, Bata 0557-0610. Music by choir.
0600 Identification by woman in Spanish as "Radio Bata". Additional
announcements and short selection of West African music. 0602 Talk by
man and woman. Good signal with usual low side interference. SINPO
32333. Best signal this Winter and first clear ID. 
(Jim Evans, TN, Feb 27 - CumbreDX 1043) 

Tartu Family Radio announcec the following contact address in Russia:
P.O.Box 18, Pskov-24, 180024, Russia.
(Dmitry Mezin, Kazan, Russia - Signal 142)

Южная Африка/UNID
7435, South Africa. Test txns to West Africa & Nigeria.
Requesting for emails with time mentioned on the subject
line.Also heard on 9675 & 9405 at these times
(Alokesh Gupta - Hard-Core-DX 25, 26)

Южная Корея
Международное Радио Кореи Radio Korea International работает под настоящим названием
последнюю неделю!
С 3 марта (а это будет четверг следующей недели) станция в очередной раз сменит
название и будет называться Всемирное Радио Кореи KBS World Radio. Так что, надо
полагать, соответственные изменения произойдут и в атрибутике станции, включая
QSL-карточки! ;-))

Так же с этого же числа KBS World откроет и вещание на новом для себя (11-м по
языке - вьетнамском. Передачи по 30 минут будут выходить на 9640 в 2200-2230
сеульскому времени (по UTC это, кажется, 1300-1330).

Под настоящим названием Radio Korea International станция работает с 1994 года.

(По сообщению самой станции).
(Игорь Ашихмин - open_dx 668)

В объявлении говорится "по МЕСТНОМУ времени" (а не по сеульскому) - 
вероятно, имеется в виду ВЬЕТНАМСКОЕ время, т.е. 1500-1530
(Сергей Никишин, Москва - open_dx 669)

1530 Khz 28/2. R.Vaticano,21:21-21:38,es, noticias del vaticano.SINPO 34333.
(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 842)

SW Radio Africa, the clandestine for Zimbabwe, recently added a MW transmission
at 0300-0500 UT on 1197 kHz // 3230. The latter is probably via Meyerton, South
Africa, as is their evening on 6145, but they arent saying where 1197 is
coming from. It seems likely it is the 100 kW in Lesutu used by WYFR in the
evening, especially since SWRA admits that it can only reach parts of southern
Zimbabwe that late in the morning, and since AFAIK, there are no MW
transmitters at Meyerton, a shortwave-only site. And since it would not be
cost-effective to build a new MW station and use it for only two hours a day.
So could some monitors in southern Africa get a fix on 1197 during those two
hours?(Glenn Hauser - mwdx 1016)

153 | GERMANY | DeutschlandRadio, Donebach, FEB 22 0112 - // 756 with classical
music; poor. [Connelly*B-MA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 25]

Канарские о-ва
1179 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | SER synchros, FEB 21 2305 - SER net news; poor
to fair.
(Connelly*B-MA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 25)

1570 khz La Poderosa ( XERF ), Coahuila, 0500-0530 utc, Febrero 21, Espanol.

Con musica tropical, cancion de Luis Miguel y locutora animando la radio.
(Dino Bloise - dxldyg 335)

1557, Arabic non-stop songs (from where?) under Radio Asia, that has
recently moved here from 1575 kHz. 
(Alexey Kulinchenko, Kazan, Russia - Сигнал №142)

1008, Radio 10 Gold, 19 Feb, 2125 and later, SINPO 43322. QRM by opera
music; the same opera was played on 1026 kHz, so most likely it came from
Kanal Kultura, Belarus. Songs followed one after another on Radio 10 Gold
until 2133, and then various announcements in Dutch were heard (such as "top
viertech en radio tien gold"). 
(Dmitry Mezin, Kazan, Russia - Signal 142)

612 kHz, 1455, 26/01, Narodnoye Radio, // 729, SIO 332. 
(RUS-DX Plus No.59 - Magsum Galimov, Bugulma, Tatarstan, Russia via Signal 142)

657 kHz, 1744, 22/01, Chechnya Svobodnaya, // 171, SIO 222. 
(RUS-DX Plus No.59 - Magsum Galimov, Bugulma, Tatarstan, Russia via Signal 142)

1503 kHz, 1225, 26/01, Radiostantsiya Tsentr, Moscow, SIO 252. 
(RUS-DX Plus No.59 - Magsum Galimov, Bugulma, Tatarstan, Russia via Signal 142)

Trans World Radio isn't relayed in St.Petersburg on 684 kHz at 2200 any
longer. Two other TWR broadcasts remain on the air; they go out at 1200-1300
and 1400-1500, also on 684 kHz. 
Mikhail Nevolin, St.Petersburg, Russia - MIDXB 411)

549, R. Mayak, clear. 28/02/05, 16.04
567, R. Rossii, clear, 28/02/05, 16.05
1089 VoR, Russian, clear, 28/02/05, 16.08
(Илья Клепко - open_dx 672)

1548 kHz, 1344, 26/01, Voice of Russia, Club DX program. SIO 332. 
(RUS-DX Plus No.59 - Magsum Galimov, Bugulma, Tatarstan, Russia via Signal 142)

Саудовская Аравия
927, BSKSA 2nd program, heard most evenings parallel to 783 kHz, where it
causes much QRM to Syria. Broadcasts in Arabic. 
(Alexey Kulinchenko, Kazan, Russia - Signal 142)

Греция (?)
Last night it was heard by some Dxers (from Florida, Venezuela and Puerto Rico)
a station initially identified as the coastal station Olympia Radio on 6507.1
USB and 8776.1 USB.

I personally monitored it from 0030 to 0325 UTC.

The transmission was a taped loop of a female voice repeating constantly:

 ? This is Olympia (sounded like Oli-Via) Radio calling on channel
eight-zero-six, twelve-thirty-two, sixteen-forty and twenty-two-seventeen.?

Then it seems it repeated the same text but in another language.

This is the text in the unknown language from what I could interpret after
hearing it for three hours:

?Evo (or Edo) Oli-Via Radio calexa za ma canaya, otomi-venexi, 
nove-catrenda-io,  vecaxi-zaranda, gekocivio-digaet??

For reasons that I cannot clearly explain I think that this second text cannot
be Greek.. but of course I am not a language expert and I can be all wrong..
(Alvin Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX 26, 24)

Estimados Dino y demas amigos:
Lo que anuncia Olympia Radio en ingles y en griego no son frecuencias en 
MHz, sino canales de HF asignados por la ITU. Cuando ellos dicen 806, 
1262, 2680 y 2270 se refieren a canales que en realidad son de onda corta. 
Esas frecuencias en MHz tan altas caen en el espectro de las comunicaciones 
via satelite o micro-ondas. Generalmente utilizan el modo "duplex", o como 
se conoce en radioaficion, "split": Emiten por una frecuencia y reciben por 
otra, pero las frecuencias ya estan designadas como un solo canal, por 
ejemplo el canal 806:

Canal          Costera                 Barco
806            8734 kHz               8210 kHz

Y asi por el estilo. No tengo las equivalencias de los canales, pero se 
pueden encontrar en muchas paginas sobre DXismo utilitario.

Saludos, cordiales 73

(Elmer Escoto - NoticiasDX 836)

2/20/05  1914-1930 15485 KHz SINPO:  55545  Lang: GK
Tk, man, woman announcers, Greek mx. (T. J.Steenland - CumbreDX 1040)

Olympia Radio, Athens coastal station, widely heard in Latin America
 on 6507-USB, with loop ID, 2215-0305+, also on 8734-USB; address
 shipsva@otennet.gr  [but bounces](Glenn Hauser - WOR 1265)

6507 kHz Olympia Radio, 2215-0050 utc, Febrero 22, Ingles. transmitiendo la 
misma grabacion por cuatro horas con la voz de una mujer, anunciando sus 
canales de operacion 806,1262,1680 y 2270 MHZ.
La senal llego de mala a muy pobre, SIO 252.
Gracias al Dxista Venezolano Jose Elias Diaz por el tip !
(Dino Bloise, Icom R-75, Florida, EEUU - dxldyg 335)

aditional thought,
i had a tune around with the Icom R3 handheld  on its whip at the dish 
and the lower part of the tv band is quite crammed, but the middle & 
upper part of the band seems much better
E21, 24,27,31 Local Fenton 10kw tx
E22, 25,28,32 pile up- Leek + at least one other mixing-
E23,26,29,33 pile up Wrekin + unid
E30 & 34- seemed clear but must be carefull as Moel-y-parc digital is here
E35 & E37 huge  pile ups many many co-channel signals
E36, 38,48,53,54,56,57,58,60,61,63,64,66,67,68,69 clear
E39 seemed clear But Wrekin digital tv here
E40,43,46,50  Semi Local Sutton coldfield 1mw
E42,45,49,52 Moel-y-Parc -strong
(Tim Bucknall - Skywaaves 1419)

65.90 MHz Европа плюс Крым
66.68 MHz;648 KHz 1 канал Украинского радио
68.24 MHz 2 канал Украинского радио Проминь
90.60 MHz Авторадио Украина
91.10 MHz Радио Эра FM
100.60 MHz Радио Мелодия Украина
101.20 MHz Хит FM Украина
101.70 MHz Наше радио Украина
102.30 MHz Транс-М-радио
102.70 MHz Радио Мейдан (Площадь)
103.10 MHz Радио Шарманка
103.70 MHz Europa Plus Крым
104.30 MHz Радио Люкс FM
104.80 MHz Радио Ассоль
105.40 MHz Стильное радио Шансон
106.10 MHz Русское радио Украина
106.60 MHz Радио Лидер
107.30 MHz Русское радио Крым
107.80 MHz Гала радио
(Андрей Бурлака - Media-DX)

27 февраля в Томске на частоте 67,61 МГц заработало радио "Максимум". 
Оно сменило ранее транслировавшийся на этой частоте канал "Мелодия". 
Частота эта в Томске принадлежит телерадиокомпании "Алсет", занимающейся 
также трансляцией "Нашего радио" и телеканала ТВ-3.
(Валентин Гуртуев, Томск - Media-DX)

Our public broadcaster YLE today announced that digital 
audio broadcasts (DAB/Eureka 141) will be closed down
during 2005.

YLE has been broadcasting DAB-signals on VHF 212 MHz area
since 1997.  All major national networks + regional stations
have been audible via DAB-transmitters in Southern Finland.
Marketing of these new services has been a complete disaster
during last 8 years.  Less than 1000 DAB-receivers were sold.
None of the commercial broadcasters have been using DAB.
(Jorma Mantyla, Kangasala - Hard-Core-DX 26, 24)

Un saludo cordial, R.Marti en FM para la Florida por los 102.5 Mhz, anunciado
en la emision de las 21:00 por los 11930 Khz.
(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 836)
NCDXF/IARU Beacon Location Chart
A very useful propagation tool:
(Wayne Busby - Hard-Core-DX 26, 25)
17640 Special Japanese BCB via HCJB. Full data 'Choir/Christmas QSL 
Card sent along with usual goodies ( schedule, pocket calendar & 
sticker) in 2 months time. v/s: Curt Cole and Kazuo Ozaki 
(Edward Kusalik-Alberta,CANADA - CumbreDX 1044)

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