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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX

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Всемирный DX Бюллетень №7
Вот и вышел седьмой номер всемирного DX бюллетеня.
Время везде: UTC.Чтобы получить зимнее московское время нужно прибавить 3 часа,
а летнее - 4 часа.
Сегодня в номере:
Свежее расписание Kol Israil, Radio Pakistan, наблюдения в разделах Ангола, Сенегал,
ЮАР, новостти СВ/ДВ, а также новости служебного мира (SSB, LSB etc).
Короткие Волны

2310, AUSTRALIA, VL8A-Alice Springs, 1042-1102, Feb.5,
English, Rugby match play-by-play. Fair w/ increasing
static bursts by ToH. No ID noted. 
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

4950, ANGOLA, R.Nacional, 2119-2139, Feb.4,
Portuguese, PT pop ballads and Afropops w/ PT
announcer b/w selections. Fair.
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

On 3 Feb at 1858 R Nacional de Angola on 4950 had a full id
including SW and FM frequencies. Unfortunately I had no recording
on at that time. Worth checking at that time to see what frequencies
are actually on (or announced).
(Jari Savolainen - Hard-Core-DX 26, 4)

6215, ARGENTINA, (P)R.Baluarte, 0009-0033, Feb.4,
Spanish, Ballads w/ OM and YL b/w selections. 2
announcers at 0030 but no discernible ID noted.
Poor/weak under static. Running past 0000* on
weekends? Thanx Hans Johnson tip. 
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

6.060 khz, 00:05 utc. Radio Nacional Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
Programa Mas Alla Del Horizonte. (Espacio muy ameno e instructivo donde se 
difunden todas las actividades de la Base Antartica Base Esperanza de Argentina

en lo cientifico y lo social desde su fundacion hasta nuestro dias). La base

segun lo senalado en el programa fue fundada en 1957, siendo la unica base y

aqui una particularidad muy interesante, donde residen familias, produciendose

casamientos e incluso nacimientos, contando la Argentina con el alto honor de

contar con 8 argentinos nacidos en la Antartida. Un hecho significativo para

los radio oyentes Diexistas, es la fundacion de LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcangel

San Gabriel (Santo Patrono de las Comunicaciones) operativa en la frecuencia
15476 khz. Existieron transmisiones desde esa estacion mas llamativas de lo 
habitual segun recuerdo por ejemplo la realizada por el colectivo de LT 22 
Radio La Colifata del Hospital Neuropsiquiatrico Borda con la participacion de

personas que atraviesan dificiles situaciones de vida como La Raulito, a 
instancias de un grupo de aficionados al diexismo de Argentina, vinculados al

Grupo Radioescucha Argentino y cuyos nombres seria bueno recordar en este 
momento pero no me es posible por lo que pido disculpas ya que sin lugar a 
dudas se merecen nuestra valoracion y reconocimiento. QRK 4.
(Gabriel Gomez - NoticiasDX 820)

7185, BANGLADESH, Bangladesh Betar, 1228-1300
Jan.30, English, IS, ID, "tinny" fanfare into news.
Rough copy but able to hear talks re tsunami, economic
summit and lots of $$ figures tossed around. Cultural
prg. at 1244 re Bangladesh winter season, native
music, s/off annmts. Poor tho better than it was
earlier this season. Thanx Dave Valko tip.
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

7235 State radio (by WRTH, though I think 
heard R Mariya )1619  with  adverts and talks with references to 
Byelorussia . YL with talks , songs on 1627 Liangas Feb 6
(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 10)

7110.0 BELARUS ??  Russian or Whiterussian station at 1600 utc with strange
mix of news and East Slavic pop/disco.
ID as "radio rodna" or "radio rodina".
Exotic station in the background at times (Ethiopia ??)
(Patrice Privat - Hard-Core-DX 26, 4)

9500, BULGARIA, (P)R.Varna, 2306-2317, Jan.30,
Bulgarian, Bulgarian folk music and talks battling for
dominance w/ co-channel CPBS-Shijiazhuang. Poor.
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

7.500 khz, 00:45 utc. Radio Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria. Programa Correo De 
Oyentes De Radio Bulgaria. QRK 3. En paralelo a 11.500 khz. QRK 4.
(Gabriel Gomez - NoticiasDX 820)

5952.5, BOLIVIA, R.Pio Doce, 1007-1032, Feb.6,
Spanish, Ballads, OM and YL w/ banter b/w selections.
Fair at t/in, slipping under 5950-WYFR slop by 1030.
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

4930, BOTSWANA, VOA, 2108-2117, Feb.4, English, YL
hosting country music countdown prg. Poor/fair, best
listening in LSB. 
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

4930, 1709-1730, VOA Feb 7 Very good longpath signal at Botswana
sunset. Man and woman announcers in African language giving news items from
around Africa, and mentions of many regional locations. Brief mabira music
selection 1711, and back to news or political talk. Woman with mention of
'Washington DC' at 1713, followed by '909 AM' and 'shortwave 11975 and 17895
kHz' , and what sounded like 'Voi Amerika' or similar at 1714. Man with
'Washington, DC' at 1729, and 'This is the Voice of America' by woman in
English at 1730, and into English programming with mention of upcoming
features and news. Surprisingly strong at more than two hours past local
sunrise. Also heard VOA Botswana at a very good level on 2/8 at 1657 with
VOA NewsNow report on human rights in Laos.
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

4930 VOA, Kanal7, musical prg on 1715+ in 
Swahili (?) and mentioning second freq in 11975. 4930  is with 
S8-9 , 33423  with  QRM from Turkmen on 4930 and a FDM 
signal on 4931 .11975  is 34423 Liangas Feb 6 
(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 10)

9630.0 Radio Aparecida 0800 Portuguese couple of IDs

9675.0 Radio Cancao Nova 0802 Portuguese , several IDs and listed
frequencies VHF.
(Patrice Privat - Hard-Core-DX 26, 6)

2255 11780 55555 R. Nacional Da Amazonia BRAZIL Samba music,
male speaking in PP
(Alvin Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX 26, 9)

BRAZIL  4805 R Doif Amazonas (p) 2334 contiunuous talks by OM.  . 
two buzzers at both bands smash audio into nothing. Liangas 30.1 
Thessaloniki GReece (Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 5)

BRAZIL 4825 R ecuadora Para by chance wirh pop music .Could 
suppose the stronger from R Cancao Nova  but prg is not of //9675 . 
signal S4  but below marginal audio due to USB usage  due to QRM 
fom 4824.5 Liangas 30.1 Thessaloniki GReece 
(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 5)

BRAZIL 4985 RB Central with  religious talks //11815 . sinal levels 
4985  at 34322 S5  //11815 @34233 S7 Liangas 30.1 Thessaloniki 
GReece (Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 5)

BRAZIL  4805 R Doif Amazonas (p) 2334 contiunuous talks by OM.  . 
two buzzers at both bands smash audio into nothing. Liangas 30.1 
Thessaloniki GReece (Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 5)

BRAZIL 4885  R Clube Para  with sports program on 2231 Just that  
time a sports team (Amazone?) made a goal andthe speaker was very  
enthusiastic with it. New tune in on 2256 with adverts and ID Clube 
Para , ONda critical  and KHz . The first time  I heard their ID_ S7 
33433 Liangas 30.1 Thessaloniki GReece (Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26,

7.305 khz, 00:15 utc. Radio Vaticano. Ciudad del Vaticano. Vaticano. Fin del

Boletin de Noticias e inicio del Programa Iglesia Catolica. Preparandose para

Celebrar la Jornada Mundial de los Enfermos. QRK 5.
(Gabriel Gomez - NoticiasDX 820)

4777, 0538-0605, R. Diff. TV Gabonaise Feb 7 Very good signal of
French pop music and male announcer in French. Fading considerably at 0550,
and almost gone by 0555. However, signal improved somewhat at 0558. ID at
0600 and into presumed news, with mentions of Libreville and Gabon.
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

4915, GHANA, R.Ghana, 2153-2215, Feb.4,
Vernacular/English, OM and YL w/ talks in language re
"Family Radio Bible". EG ID at 2159, drums/pips
followed by news, where the audio level dropped like a
brick, w/ several mentions of rebel fighters and U.N.
Security forces. Poor/fair. 
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

4975 R Hara  1822   talks by OM in a Turkish 
sounding language ID a 1828 Relatively stable signal Liangas Feb 
(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 10)

Доминиканская Республика
1423 6025 55444 Radio Amanecer DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Male talking
about the family in Nazareth with soft instrumental music on
background in Spanish. Audio a little distorted.
(Alvin Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX 26, 9)

2259 11790 24322 R. Cairo via Abu Za'bal EGYPT Traditional
arabic music.
(Alvin Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX 26, 9)

4910, 1634-1708, ZNBC Radio One Feb 7 Male announcer in African
language, with sermon; numerous mentions of 'Janni' or 'Juani' and 'Patmos',
which was likely a Bible story relating to the apostle John who was
imprisoned on the Island of Patmos. Announcer with voice-over organ music at
1656; hymn and choir 1658; 2+1 time pips at 1700. Female announcer with
possible ID and mentions of Lusaka 1701, followed by news items read by a
man, mentioning Zambia, Angola, Malawi, and other locations. Choral anthem
or national song at 1704. Bassy modulation. Very good signal, with AIR
Jaipur faintly in background 1634-1650 with sub-continental music.
Surprisingly strong even at 1 hour 40 minutes past local sunrise and peaking
at 1705, which is Lusaka sunset. Still in at a fair to good level at 1735
recheck, 2+ hours past SR with fast-paced advertisement mentioning many
African music styles such as makossa, soukous, mbqanga, hilife, and others.
Also heard 2/8 with a good signal. 
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

Следует и обновленное расипсание радиостанции Kol Israel / Голос Израиля
в силе с 1 января:
-на арабском
0345-2215 на 5915
-на амхарском
1900-1935 на 9390, 11585 и 11605
-на английском
0430-0445 на 6280, 7545 и 17600
1030-1045 на 15640 и 17535
1830-1845 на 9390, 11585 и 11605
2000-2025 на 6280, 9390 и 15615
-на фарси
1500-1625 с вокресенья до четверга,
1500-1600 по субботам и воскресеньям на 7420,
9985 и 15760
-на французском
0445-0500 на 6280 и 7545
1100-1115 на 15640 и 17535
1800-1815 на 9390, 11585 и 11605
2030-2045 на 6280, 7520 и 9390
-на иврите
0000-0430 на 7545
0500-0555 на 7545 и не используется 15760
0600-0755 на 15760 и не используется 17535
0800-1655 не используется 15760
0800-1030 на 17535
1115-1455 на 17535
1700-0455 не используется 9345
2100-2215 не используется 7520
2100-2355 на 6280
-на венгерском
1745-1755 на 9390, 11605 и 15760
1945-1955 на 9390, 11585 и 11605
-на ладино
1045-1100 на 15640 и 17535
1600-1625 само в събота на 7420, 9985 и 15760
-музыкальная программа
1630-1645 на 11605, 15640 и 17535
-на румынском
1725-1745 на 9390, 11605 и 15760
1845-1900 на 9390, 11585 и 11605
-на русском
1600-1625 только по пятницам на 7420, 9985 и 15760
2100-2200 на 7520 и 9390
-на испанском
1645-1655 на 11605, 15640 и 15760
1815-1830 на 9390, 11585 и 11605
2045-2100 на 6280, 7520 и 9390
-на тигрина
1935-1945 на 9390, 11585 и 11605
-на иддиш
1700-1725 на 9390, 11605 и 15760
По всей вероятности, после 31 марта станция более не будет работать на коротких
(DX-MIX 499)

6280 Khz Kol Israel,7/2/05, 19:45-20:00,"Kol Israel noticias", terroristas pagaran
hasta 20.000 Dolares por acto terrorista.SINPO 44333.(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX

9390 Khz Voz de Israel,7/2/05,18:17-18:30,ID Kol Isrel Voz Israel emitiendo 
desde Jerusalem en espanol". 500 presos anuncian huelga de hambre
en protesta por la cumbre en Estados Unidos de Israel y Palestina.
SINPO 34433.
(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 820)

11585 Rainbow FM, Delhi, Special Transmission for Andaman & Nicobar
Territory, 0945-1000, February 05, Vernacular. Very nice programme with the
traditional format for a FM transmission. Local pops.- A man cunduced the
programme. The listeners called by phone and talked with the speaker. 24432
but by many minutes the signal was 3 to 4. 
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - Hard-Core-DX 26, 6)

5040, INDIA, AIR Jeypore, 0117-0130, Feb.4,
Vernacular, Hindi music w/ brief announcer b/w
selections. Poor/weak under static, lost in the mush
at 0130. 
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

15235, GOA-INDIA, AIR Panaji, 1141-1200*, Feb.5, Thai,
Thai and Hindi vocal music, Thai chanting, w/
announcer in Thai b/w selections. OM at 1159 w/ s/off
anmts, crushed at 1200 by 15240-R.Sweden s/on.
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

9525, INDONESIA, VO Indonesia, 2021-2100*, Feb.7,
English/Indo, Audible after co-channel TWR,Swaziland
2020* (Sat-Mon) w/ familiar RRI web info announcement.
Music w/ breaks in audio around 2032 followed by
whisper quiet talks re "investment in Indonesia" then
continuous Indo pops/ballads. "From Jakarta you are
listening to the VOI" IDs at 2031 and 2048 and s/off
annmts w/ frequencies and "Goodbye from VOI in
Jakarta". IS at 2100*. Good music audio, poor vox.
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 8)

INDONESIA 3976, 1120-1127, RRI Pontianak Feb 7 Male announcer with poss.
talk of regional politics, with mentions of Indonesia and Pakistan. Female
Indo vocals at 1127. Excellent signal, but some co-channel ham interference.
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

INDONESIA 4000.1, 1125-1135, RRI Kendari Feb 7 Two Indonesian announcers
with talk and occasional mentions of Kendari. Good signal. The notch filters
on the 756Pro are the best I've ever encountered, and did a great job on the
big het that's usually present on this frequency. 
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

INDONESIA 4604.95, 1135-1147, RRI Serui Feb 7 Male announcer with 'RRI
Serui' ID at tune-in, followed by brief news items with mentions of
Indonesian cities and pauses in-between. Orchestral anthem at 1142, and into
C&W style Indonesian music and vocals. Excellent signal. 
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

INDONESIA 4925, 1145-1201, RRI Jambi Feb 7 Playing a mix of Indonesian pops
and US music; male announcer with 'RRI Jambi' ID 1159 and into Love Ambon
tune briefly, then more pop music at 1200. Good signal. 
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

1445 11690 32233 R. Jordan, Qasr el Kharana JORDAN Female disc
jockette with euro-pop music with words in FF and EE (strong RRTY
interference on 11689) World news by female at 1500 in heavy accented
EE. s/off at 1550
(Alvin Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX 26, 9)

9555 Khz Voz de la Rep.Isl.de Iran,6/2/05,01:30-01:57, boletin de noticias. SINPO
(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 820)

7590U, ICELAND, AFN, 2331-2347, Jan.31, English, NPR's
"Marketplace" prg. re Social Security, Microsoft and
other business related topics. Fair w/ fades.
(Barbour-NH- Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

2301 11800 34333 RAI Int. via Rome ITALY "Qui Italiano" program,
female talking in II.
(Alvin Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX 26, 9)

3219.83, Presumed CHSL, Toronto (2x1610), LA Pops here first noted 
at 1215.  1218 W anncr in SP.  Found // 1609.92 at 1226 when it faded back 
up.  Too weak and too much QSB to positively ID. (6 Feb.)
(Dave Valko - Hard-Core-DX)

9760, CYPRUS, Cyprus B/C Corp. *2214-2232, Feb.5,
Greek, ID/ IS-? (stringed instrument), OM over brief
musical bits, ballad into interview b/w 2 OMs. Good.
//6180-Good, // 7210-poor w/ co-channel unid.
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

4785 CNR Mongolian 1558 with songs 1600 OM with 
news and music  S7  33333  Signal off at 1605  Liangas Feb 6 
(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 10)

4980.0  0005z Radio Urumqi, oppressed province of Sinkiang , Uighur (Turkic)
language fair reception in AM.
(Patrice Privat - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

5910, COLOMBIA, LV de tu Conciencia, 1010-1033, Feb.7,
Spanish, Up-tempo music and ballads; talk over at
songs end by 2 OM, barnyard sounds at 1017, ID at
1031. Good. // 6010-fair.
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 8) 

CONGO 5985, 1713-1750, R. Congo Feb 8 Fair to good level at Brazzaville
sunset (1715). Male announcer in African vernacular; into French at 1723
with 'Ici Brazzaville, Congo' ID at 1731. Enjoyable Soukous music selections
starting at 1732, but unfortunately by 1740 the signal was weakening and
getting noisy. However, Congo was still listenable with a fair signal even
past 1800 (10am local time PST). Strongest on southwest Beverage.
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

1439 9765 35344 R. Exterior Espa?a, Costa Rica relay, SPAIN Two
male ancrs, soccer game between Croatia and Spain in Spanish
(Alvin Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX 26, 9)

Корея Северная
7570 Khz R.Pyonyang,7/2/05,19:41-19:53,ID "Aqui Pyonyang","Escuchan la voz  guerrera",

relato sobre un mauinista de tren considerado un heroe.SINPO 44433.
(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 820)

4930.0, 0709-, University Network Feb 5 . English preaching.
(Patrice Privat - Hard-Core-DX 26, 6)

15.230 khz, 21:50 utc. Radio Habana Cuba. La Habana. Cuba. Programa En 
Contacto, conducido por Manolo de la Rosa Hernandez y Malena Negrin 
(Conductores que en tiempo de la Union Sovietica nos acompanaran con diversas

propuestas periodisticas en especial algo que les deleitaba  a ellos y quienes

les escuchabamos a traves de las Ondas de Radio Moscu, programa que llevaba por

nombre Para Los Diexistas) En la ocasion de este programa En Contacto se 
difundio una nota realizada por Pedro Martinez Piriz al profesor Andres 
Francisco Polanco de Republica Dominicana. Seguidamente la Seccion Que le Ha

Dejado a Usted el Diexismo, a cargo de otro conocido difusor del dx como es 
Norberto Hernandez. En esta ocasion  el articulo enviado por Daniel Meinardi
la Provincia de Santa Fe, titulado “Gracias a la Radio”, titulo que me trajo
al memoria otro articulo de otras caracteristicas sumamente fascinante de otro

Rosarino como el titulado “Gracias a la Vida, Gracias a la Radio” describiendo

el periplo del querido amigo que la vida me obsequio la oportunidad de 
compartir varias jornadas en Montevideo, Ruben Guillermo Margenet. QRK 5.
(Gabriel Gomez - NoticiasDX 820)

5025 R rebelde 2059 with OM  abot Cuba , socialista , 
revolution , restoraya and a mexican style ballad played with guitar S9 
, 31421 best in USB , QRMEd by unknown station Liangas 30.1
(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 5)

5010, 1617-1633, R. National Malagasy Feb 8 Probable. Man and
woman with discussion or interview in heavily African accented English,
over/under AIR Thiruvananthapuram in Hindi. Good signal, but very difficult
to follow due to the Indian at equal level. Language changed to pres.
Malagasy 1628 with announcements by a man; brief drumming, then woman in
French at 1631with possible mention of 'Malagache' beneath AIR's
subcontinental music. I was surprised to hear English on this frequency at
tune-in; unfortunately the level was so low I couldn't make out the subject
or topic. (Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

15295 Voice of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1002-1010, February 05, Bahasa
Malaysia language, news by male, local music. 24442
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - Hard-Core-DX 26, 6)

4786.92 RTV mali wwith hilife music  . Signal S9 but strong QRM from 
CNR Mongol on 4785 so YSB is must Liangas 30.1 Thessaloniki 
GReece (Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 5)

VO Mongolia on 12085 Feb 5 quite good in English with news until 1010. 
English prgr off at 1030 after giving schedule.
 Usual bad modulation. 
(Finn Krone - Hard-Core-DX 26, 6)

3935, UNIDENTIFIED, 1041-1104, Feb.6, Very weak
instrumental/classical music under static. Possible
pips at 1100 followed by talks quickly overtaken by
USB chatter. Very poor. I've never logged anything
here in the morning but amatuer radio pile-ups.
R.Reading-NZ perhaps? 
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 8)

Radio Nepal, Kumaltar, is not heard on daily basis. However pretty good reception
noted February 2 at 16 UTC. S7-8/2-3. Frequency is 5005,35 kHz. In the 70?s,
did they use 3415 kHz. That was a good one. Just now Feb 11 at 1615 UTC no trace
of Nepal on 5005 kW. What?s the transmitting power?
(Jouko Huuskonen - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

Voice of Nigeria-Lagos very strong here in Denmark
 Feb 5 1050 with English programme 'Moving On' into news 1100 on 15120 kHz.
(Finn Krone - Hard-Core-DX 26, 6)

4770, NIGERIA, R.Nigeria-Kaduna, 2227-2243, Jan.30,
English, Religous/devotional prg. "You are listening
to Avatar(?) from R.Nigeria-Kaduna" and local TC. Weak
but clear. 
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 8)

Новая Зеландия
15530 Feb 10 1200-1216 New Zealand: R. New Zealand International,
Rangitaiki. The RNZI short-wave transmitter is back on-air after a
fault at the transmission site. Weather forecasts read by male
announcer. reminder ID of National Radio and time signal at 1216 UTC.
(Nino Marabello - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

0045-0115 ассами на 9340 и 11565
0045-0215 урду на 11580 и 15485
0115-0200 бангла на 9340 и 11565
0215-0300 хинди на 9340 и 11565
0315-0345 тамильский на 15625 и 17485
0400-0430 гуджарати на 9340 и 11565
0500-0700 урду на 11570, 15100 и 17835
0800-1105 урду и 5-минутные новости на английском на 15100 и 17835
0945-1015 тамилски на 15625 и 17495
1015-1045 сингальский на 15625 и 17495
1100-1145 хинди на 9340 и 11570
1200-1230 китайский на 9585 и 11570
1200-1245 бангла на 11550 и 15625
1245-1315 непальский на 11550 и 15625
1330-1400 тюркский на 4850 и 6060
1330-1530 урду на 9390 и 11570
1415-1500 русский на 7375 и 9340
1445-1515 пушту на 4955
1515-1545 дари на 4955 и 5860
1600-1615 английский на 9390, 11570, 11850 и 15725
1630-1700 турецкий на 9340 и 11565
1700-1900 урду на 7530 и 9400
1715-1800 фарси на 5840 и 7570
1800-1900 урду, Исламабадская программа на 7575
1815-1900 арабский на 7465 и 9340
1915-0045 урду на 7575
(DX-MIX 499)

National news in English of Radio Pakistan noticed on three frequencies at 16
UTC Feb 9: 11570 kHz with weak and distorted audio, 5080,3 kHz with signal strength
S9 +5dB and fair to good reception. Similar reception on 4790 kHz by Azad Kashmir
Radio. Not noted 5027 Quetta since October. It?s a hard one to hear.
(Jouko Huuskonen - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

Папуа - Новая Гвинея
3205, 1018-1031, R. West Sepik Feb 7 Two men in English
with a discussion on PNG economics; many mentions of 'Kina'. Poor to fair
signal. (Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

3260, 1031-1034, R. Madang Feb 7 Male announcer in Pidgin
with mentions of Madang at 1032 and 1035. Poor signal. (Atkins-WA)

3275, 1035-1039, R. Southern Highlands Feb 7 Enjoyable PNG
sing-sing music with female chorus and guitars; announcer in Pidgin. Too bad
the signal was such a low level; tonight is a poor PNG propagation evening.
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

3315, 1041-1048, R. Manus Feb 7 Announcer in Pidgin with US
pops tunes; seemed to be a music countdown program. 'R. Manus' ID noted at
1106 recheck. Fair. 
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

3355, 1057-1101, R. Simbu Feb 7 PNG pop music 1057; male
announcer at 1059 with announcements in Pidgin; 'R. Simbu' ID at 1100 with
mentions of 'province'. Suddenly off without fanfare at 1101*. Other PNG
stations still on, though. Poor-fair signal. 
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3385, 1048-, R. East New Britain Feb 7 Male announcer in
Pidgin with slow, casual talk. Time check in English 'five minutes until 9
o'clock' at 1055; phone number and poss. quick ad for restaurant. Initially
a poor-fair signal, but a recheck at 1107 revealed a good level with Pidgin
language hymn and male chorus. 
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3905, 1105-1111, R. New Ireland Feb 7 Presumed. Male
announcer in Pidgin with mentions of 'tok tok' and 'come up long hearim...'.
Poor level signal, with strong co-channel ham QRM from the New England
Weather Net. No evidence of RRI Merauke on the frequency. 
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 4960, 1112-1116, Catholic Radio Network Feb 7 Talk or
interview about Catholic and family planning issues. First noted at 1035
with Christian contemporary music. Poor-fair level, but seemed to be slowly
improving. Also heard at 1707 on 2/8 with choir music; weak signal.
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

6188.1, PERU, (P)R.Oriente, 1109-1120, Feb.1, Spanish,
Up-tempo music w/ "animated" OM talk over at songs
end. Poor/weak, hammered by adjacent channel slop.
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

6536.25, PERU, (P)R.Huancabamba, 0014-0032, Feb.1,
Spanish, OM w/ continuous talks until music at 0030.
Weak under static. 
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

3173, PERU, (P)R.Municipal, 0934-1003, Feb.7, Spanish,
Lite SP music and talks at length. Poor under static,
no chance for ID. 
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 8)

cland 6600 V of People 1846 OM and YL with talks in Korean S3 
22432  QRM from unknown type of FSK modulation songs  
Liangas Feb 5(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 10)

cland 4380,75 unIDed  Kurdish 1755 in Kurdish lang with 
continuous mentions on Kurdistan ! NIce signal S9 44334 songs  
Liangas Feb 5(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 10)

cland 4025 V of People of Kurdistan 1758  ID by OM in AR ( 
shhab Kurdisatan ) with short news , tune in on 1840 with  Arabic 
songs  Liangas Feb 5 (Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 10)

7490, RUSSIA, R.Vlaandereen via Armavir(?), 2121-2134,
Feb.5, Dutch, Announcers w/ talks and acoustic
ballads, ID at 2130. Good. No sign of co-channel
(Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 26, 7)

5940.0 RadioKanal Dadrujestva 1704z Russian news, any precise info on that
station, lads ?
(Patrice Privat - Hard-Core-DX 26, 9)

5895 Khz R.Rossii,7/2/05,20:17-20:28,en ruso,comentarios y musica clasica. SINPO
(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 820)

4760, 1647-1652, TWR Mpangela Ranch Feb 8 Male preacher in African
vernacular, over/under AIR Port Blair's sub-contintental vocals. Fair-good
level and best on southwest Beverage. 
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

4774.95, 0409-0420, TWR Mpangela Ranch Feb 8 African choral music
that sounded like a hymn at tune-in; religious organ music 0413; brief talk
or meditation by man in what sounded like the German language (per WRTH
sked), and into a series of short hymns by choir with organ accompaniment.
Language switched to English at 0430, also per schedule. Faint signal.
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

2330 6150 54444 Mediacorp Radio SINGAPORE Male talking about
the "dengue" sickness, ID's as "New Radio 9-3-8 a station of
Mediacorp Radio" in EE.
(Alvin Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX 26, 9)

7235 SBC  2322 with lagu melayu , berita 2325 S3 23432 
(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 5) 

918.0, 2131-, Radio TV Slovenia-Domzale Feb 2 . English news "2004
has been good for Slovenia"
(Patrice Privat - Hard-Core-DX 26, 4)

Соломоновы о-ва
 5019.9, 1737-1740, SIBC Feb 7 Honiara still in at a good
level with BBC news relay in English, 2-1/2 hours past local sunrise. Panel
discussion about economies of Middle Eastern countries. 
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

6960  Radio Shabelle 1820 talks by OM.  Best time 
for reception here with maximum S1  with 16 db pre-amplification 
Liangas Feb 5(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 10)

 4990.0 khz 0425z non-latino music mix, very little
talk, indistinct language, suspect RADIO APINTIE-Paramaribo.Station totally
faded out with the return of AGC and maxi. RF Gain
(Patrice Privat - Hard-Core-DX 26, 10)

11930 Khz R.Marti,7/2/05,20:30-20:45,noticiero de la tarde, asalto al consulado
espanol en Berna (Suiza).SINPO 54444.
(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 820)

12080 Khz Voz de America,frances,7/2/05, 18:32-18:50, noticias sobre la cumbre
en Estados Unidos entre Israel y Palestina.SINPO 54433.
(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 820)

IOWA, Cedar Falls KCNZ-1650 kHz 0632-0800
Talk show Program Coast to Coast; Very nice levels with strong peaks 
and some nice IDs recorded; First time heard here in CT; WHKT-Portsmith 
also battling for frequency. (Konnie Rychalsky, Connecticut - Hard-Core-DX 26,

4930.0, 2110-, Voice of America-Relay Feb 2 . Louder than 4940 khz
English (Patrice Privat - Hard-Core-DX 26, 4)

4975 VoRussia 1610 with  prg in English . S7 
QRM by 4976 Uganda and 4974.5 a carrier Liangas Feb 6 
(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 26, 10)

TAJIKISTAN 4965, 1603-1612, V. of Russia, Yangiyul Feb 7 While searching for
R. Christian Voice, Zambia, I came across Voice of Russia on the frequency.
Female newscaster with world news, VOR ID at 1607, and into light jazz. 'VOR
World service' ID again at 1609 and 1611 by male announcer. Good.
(Guy Atkins-WA - Hard-Core-DX 26, 12)

6120 Khz R.Taiwan,6/2/05, 21:00-21:17, noticias espanol,SINPO 55444.
(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 820)

4976 Radio Uganda 0414-0455 Feb 3, 05 Good signal but diminishing;
     Male ancr w/many mentions of "Uganda" -news perhaps; soon followed by 
woman w/20 min
     report-commentary perhaps, again many mentions of Uganda; followed by 
music and a
     lively male ancr giving local time.  Het began at 0429; signal 
inaudable by tune out.
     First timer for me, very nice.
(K Rychalsky, Connecticut, DX-440 100 ft lw indoor - Hard-Core-DX 26, 8)

7.088 khz, 13:30  utc, CX 1 AA. Boletin Informativo del Radio Club Uruguayo,

operado por Victor. El radio Club Uruguayo se fundo el 23 de Agosto de 1933.

Esta ubicado en Simon Bolivar 11 95. Su telefax (05982) 708 78 79. La sede 
permanece abierta de Lunes a Viernes de 16 a 20 horas. Casilla de Correo 33 
(Buro Internacional) Codigo Postal 11.000 Montevideo Uruguay. QRK4.
(Gabriel Gomez 05/02/2005 - NoticiasDX 820)

6.010 khz, 14:44 utc. Emisora Ciudad de Montevideo. Montevideo. Uruguay. (En

paralelo a 1.370 khz). Programa dedicado a la difusion de Carnaval, con una 
seleccion de diferentes fragmentos de Murgas del presente ano 2005. (Expresion

tipica del Carnaval desde los inicios del Siglo 20).
(Gabriel Gomez - NoticiasDX 820)

6.140 khz. 14:48 utc. Radio Monte Carlo. Montevideo. Uruguay. (En paralelo a

930 khz). Boletin Informativo. A las 15:00 utc tras identificarse como CX 20

Radio Monte Carlo, anuncio su enlace con El Gran Circuito CORI, siglas que 
significan Cooperativa Radioemisoras del Interior. QRK 4.
(Gabriel Gomez - NoticiasDX 820)

6140 This is the R Montecarlo, Montevideo outlet that has been 
reactivated, at least to carry development of the 34 Edition of "Rutas de 
Am?rica" bicycle tour to Uruguay, simulcasting NOT MW for Montecarlo but a 
CX12 R Oriental (MW770), CX147 R Cristal, Las Piedras, Canelones, (MW 1470) 
and CX160 R Continental, Pando, also in Canelones, all parallel. Hrd today 
1430 -approx.1800 with remote from Departamento of Paysand?. This event 
lasts all the Carnival week, from February, Sat 5 to Sun 13. Noisy, ugly, 
(appears to me as AC hum with a mixture or radiofrequency QRM). Also 
webcasting at <http://usa.ciudaddigital.com.uy/online/> . The webcast starts

0930, acc. to info in this website. (Nigro-Uruguay, Feb 7)
Also heard by Uruguayan SWL Gabriel G?mez at 1448, presumably on Feb 5 . as 
Radio Monte Carlo, // MW930) with nx and ID at 1500 joining to "El Gran 
Circuito CORI" (i.e: Cooperativa Radioemisoras del Interior). QRK 4
(Gomez-Uruguay in "Noticias DX" yg via Nigro-Uruguay, Feb 7 - Hard-Core-DX 26,

6090 Radio Esperanza, Temuco, 1105-1120, February 05, Spanish.
Local advs: "...en este verano continuan los descuentos en Sociedad Biblica
Chilena de Temuco....."; Identification and announcement as: "Escuche cada
domingo en Esperanza FM, de 14 a 17, su programa favorito......Entre
Amigos....auspiciado ........". More local advs: "...Prefiera Cemento....y
paguelo con su tarjeta de credito Edema....siempre junto a usted", 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - Hard-Core-DX 26, 6)

6.070 khz, 00:00 utc, Radio Voz Cristiana, Santiago de Chile, Chile. Programa

El Mundo Hoy. (Emisora de Caracter Religioso, hasta donde se con Estudios en

Miami y enlaza al Centro retransmisor de Santiago de Chile de la que fuera 
radio Nacional de Chile)
(Gabriel Gomez 06/02/2005 - NoticiasDX 820)

EQUADOR 5040 R Dif Catolica Cultural  http://www.coastalradio.greater-peterborough.com/ - Coastal Radio
http://home.luna.nl/~ary - Numbers & Oddities #91
http://www.geocities.com/archivoradio/gabrielgomez.html - Gabriel Gomez Homepage

6150 Radio Bayrak I have got a nice QSL with 2 letters in Swedish as well as
in English, info folder and photo. 
V/S is Bertil Wedin who produce and also present the programme "Magazine North".
Bertil was also a DXer in younger days. 
(Lars Skoglund SWB translated by Thomas Nilsson Feb 6)

 There were a number of DXers reporting receiving QSL's from this station in
the latest SWB. 
(Johnson Feb 6 - Cumbre DX 1019)

USA, 7385, AWR via WRMI, f/d reproduction of "Radio
Monitors Int'l DX Prg via Sri Lanka B/C" QSL card, f/d
AWR "Special QSL" card (both w/ site), personal note
and a bunch of AWR goodies in 287 days for SASE
(used). V/S, Adrian M. Peterson. "Special" QSLs
offered for re-airing of vintage "Voice of the
Maldives" recording. (Barbour-NH - Cumbre DX 1019) 

Wolfgang Palmberger - nr. Munich, Germany 
47.46.469 N 11.07.897 E
NRD 515, NRD 525, wires, verticals
code3gold W4010

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverage antennas.

Jerry Strawman
Des Moines, IA
41.64W 93.66W
Icom 756 Pro II
Drake R8B
60 Mtr. Dipole

Gunter Lorenz
Icom R75, Grahn magnetic loop
Currently near La Spezia, Italy

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