The Federal Act "On credit cooperation" has putted into effect
Since August
4, 2009, there has been putted into effect
the Federal Act N 190-FZ of July 18, 2009 (document is in
Russian) determining legal, economical and organizational fundamentals
for creation and activity of credit consumers' cooperatives
of different kinds and levels, units (associations) of credit
consumers' cooperatives.
So it should be noticed that the
requirement about observance by a credit cooperative of financial
norms shall putt into effect upon expiration of one year from
the day on which
the Federal Act N 190-FZ of July 18, 2009 enters into force.
Besides during one year from the day when
the Federal Act N 190-FZ of July 18, 2009 enters into force,
credit cooperatives, created before the day of entering into
force of
the Federal Act N 190-FZ of July 18, 2009, are obliged to
bring constitutive documents into accordance with its requirements.
Upon expiration of two years from the day when
the Federal Act N 190-FZ of July 18, 2009 enters into force,
the requirement about entering of credit cooperatives to self-regulating
institutions shall putt into effect.
There are putted into effect the amendments made by the Federal Act "On technical regulation"
Since August
4, 2009, there has been putted into effect
the Federal Act N 189-FZ of July 18, 2009 (document is in
Russian), which has made a number of amendments to
the Federal Act N 184-FZ "On technical regulation"
of December 27, 2002 (document is in Russian) establishing
the requirements to content of technical regulations and concerning
questions of access to national standards and codes of practice
in informational system of general use, procedure for consideration
and publication of technical regulation projects, necessary
for application rules and methods, and effect of declarations
about compliance and compliance certificates.