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News of the Federal Legislation

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News of the Federal Legislation

The amendments are made to the Federal Act "On protection of the rights of legal entities and sole traders at making state control (supervision) and municipal control"
2009-04-30 08:00


The amendments are made to the Federal Act "On protection of the rights of legal entities and sole traders at making state control (supervision) and municipal control"

  The Federal Act N 60-FZ of April 28, 2009 (document is in Russian), putting into effect since the day of its official publication (has been published in the Russian Newspaper N 76 of April 30, 2009), has changed the period for putting into effect of the Federal Act N 294-FZ "On protection of the rights of legal entities and sole traders at making state control (supervision) and municipal control" of December 26, 2008 (document is in Russian).
There is established that the Federal Act N 294-FZ shall putt into effect not since July 1, 2009 as is was earlier but since May 1, 2009, except certain provisions.

In accordance with putted amendments, provisions of the Federal Act N 294-FZ shall be applied in the following order;

- since July 1, 2009 they shall be applied in respect of experts, expert organizations certified in the order established by the RF Government;

- before December 31, 2009 (inclusively) they shall not be applied to state control (supervision) over arbitration managers activity;

before January 1, 2010 at making state control (supervision) specified in part 4 of article 1 of the Federal Act N 294-FZ there shall not be applied provisions establishing the procedure for organization and carrying out examinations in the part concerning kinds, subject, basements for examinations and terms for carrying out of them;

- the provisions of the act establishing the procedure for organization and carrying out of examinations shall not be applied at making control over observance of requirements of the RF legislation about counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes received by a criminal way and financing of terrorism.

A number of amendments are made to the legislation of insolvency (bankruptcy)
2009-04-30 08:00


A number of amendments are made to the legislation of insolvency (bankruptcy)

The Federal Act N 73-FZ of April 28, 2009 (document is in Russian) has made a number of amendments to the legislative acts regulating relations on insolvency (bankruptcy).

In particular the amendments are made to the Federal Act N 40-FZ "On insolvency (bankruptcy) of credit institutions" of February 25, 1999 (document is in Russian), which establish obligations of the head, member of administration bodies, founders (participants) of a credit institution in the case of arising of insolvency (bankruptcy) signs. In the new wording there are given the provisions determining the responsibility of it heads, members of directors council, participants, terms and order for consideration of deals as void and specific features of juridical examination on cases about bankruptcy. Besides there are changed the duties of competitive manager.

The amendments are made to the Federal Act N 127-FZ "On insolvency (bankruptcy)" of October 26, 2002 (document is in Russian), which concern debtor's duty on filling of application to arbitration court, responsibility of debtor and other persons, consideration of persons as interested in relations with debtor, competitive manager's authorities and sequence for satisfaction of creditors requirements. Besides there is established the procedure for challenging of debtor's transactions.

The Federal Act N 73-FZ of April 28, 2009 (document is in Russian) shall putt into effect upon expiration of thirty days after the day of its official publication. Provisions of legislative acts in the wording of this Federal Act shall be applied by arbitration courts at consideration of cases about bankruptcy, proceeding on which has been initiated after the day of its enforcement, and provisions about challenging of debtor's transactions shall be applied in respect of deals concluded after the day of its enforcement independently when a case about bankruptcy has been initiated.

There is changed the procedure for placing and circulation of securities
2009-04-30 08:00


There is changed the procedure for placing and circulation of securities

The Federal Act N 74-FZ of April 28, 2009 (document is in Russian) has made the amendments to the Federal Act N 39-FZ "On securities market" of April 22, 1996 (document is in Russian) and to article 5 of the Federal Act N 46-FZ "On protection of rights and legal interests of investors on securities market" of March 5, 1999 (document is in Russian), which regulate the procedure for placing and circulation of securities.
There is established that it is prohibited at securities market to place, to circulate and to propose to general public securities intending for qualified investors, securities public placing and turnover of which is prohibited or not provided in legislation, as well as documents identifying monetary and other obligation but being not securities. At that placing and turnover of securities intended for qualified investors on auctions of stock exchanges and other trade organizers at securities market is not considered as public, and trade organizers have no right to disclosure and to submit information about such securities to any interested persons.

  Besides there is given in the new wording the article 51_1 of the Federal Act "On securities market" establishing the specific features of placing and turnover of foreign issuers securities in the Russian Federation.

There is established the Procedure for control over execution of agreement about activity in special economic zone by such zone resident
2009-04-30 08:00


There is established the Procedure for control over execution of agreement about activity in special economic zone by such zone resident

The Order of the Ministry of Economical Development and Trade of Russia N 82 of March 16, 2009 (document is in Russian)has approved the Procedure for control over execution of agreement about making industrial, technical and implementation, tourist and recreational activity or activity in port special economic zone by resident of special economic zone.

In accordance with the Procedure the control shall be provided by officials of territorial administrations of the Federal agency on administration with special economic zones in the form of inspections, in frameworks of which it should be fixed accordance of resident' activity to terms of the agreement about activity in special economic zone.

At that there is established that inspection can be as planned (annual) and unplanned (carried out in the case of receiving of written information about violation of terms of the agreement about activity in special economic zone by resident).

The period of inspection shall not be more than fourteen calendar days and in exclusive cases the period may be prolonged but not more than fourteen calendar days.

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