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News of the Federal Legislation

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News of the Federal Legislation

There are changed the terms of the Bank of Russia for granting credits secured with assets
2009-01-30 06:00


There are changed the terms of the Bank of Russia for granting credits secured with assets

The Decree of the Bank of Russia N 2171-U of January 19, 2009 (document is in Russian) makes the addition to clause 1 of the Direction of the Bank of Russia N 2139-U " On the size of interest rates on credits secured with assets" of November 28, 2008 (document is in Russian), which increases the maximum period for granting credits issuing pursuant to the Statute of the Bank of Russia N 312-P of November 12, 2007 (document is in Russian) p to 365 days. At that the interest rate on credits granted for the period from 181 up to 365 calendar days is established in the size of 13 percent per annum.

Since February 1, 2009 the payment is putted for passage on roads of the Russian Federation of transport vehicles registered at foreign states territories
2009-01-30 06:00


Since February 1, 2009 the payment is putted for passage on roads of the Russian Federation of transport vehicles registered at foreign states territories

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1007 of December 24, 2008 (document is in Russian), which is putted into effect from February 1, 2009, establishes that duty of foreign carriers for use auto-roads of the Russian Federation is collected from road freight transport with handling capacity 3,5 ton registered at the territory of the states specified in the list of foreign states, in respect of which carriers the duty is putted for use auto-roads of the Russian Federation .

So, the Decree approved the size of duty of foreign carriers for use auto-roads of the Russian Federation and the form of notification about duty for use auto-roads of the Russian Federation issuing to carrier's representative at making measures on transport control at entrance of transport vehicle registered in a foreign state to the Russian Federation territory (transport vehicle driver).

There are approved the rates of export customs duties for raw oil and certain categories of goods manufactured from oil exported from the Russian Federation territory outside the boarders of the states-participants of agreements about the Customs Union
2009-01-30 06:00


There are approved the rates of export customs duties for raw oil and certain categories of goods manufactured from oil exported from the Russian Federation territory outside the boarders of the states-participants of agreements about the Customs Union

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 66 of January 29, 2009 (document is in Russian) approves the rates of export customs duties for raw oil and certain categories of goods manufactured from oil. In particular the rate of export customs duty (per 1000 kg) on item "raw oil" is set in the size of 100,9 USD.

This Decree shall putt into effect from February 1, 2009 except the rates in respect of goods classifying with TN VED of Russia codes 2711 12 - 2711 19 000 0 applying to legal relations arisen from January 1, 2009.

There are changed the forms of decisions on reimbursement and on refusal in reimbursement of sum of the value-added tax
2009-01-30 06:00


There are changed the forms of decisions on reimbursement and on refusal in reimbursement of sum of the value-added tax

The Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia N MM-7-3/1@ of January 11, 2009 (document is in Russian) makes amendments to the Order of the Federal Tax Service N MM-3-03/239@ "On approval of the forms of documents used by tax bodies at implementation of their authorities in relations regulated by the legislation on taxes and duties" of April 18, 2007 (document is in Russian).

The Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia N MM-7-3/1@ of January 11, 2009 excludes the item on refusal in a partial reimbursement of sum of the value-added tax from operative part of the form of Decision on reimbursement (in full or in a part) of sum of the value-added tax applied for reimbursement. Title of the form of Decision on refusal in reimbursement of sum of the value-added tax applied for reimbursement is given in the new wording, which specifies in full or in a part it is refused in reimbursement of sum of the tax.

Thus these forms are brought into accordance with provisions of clause 3 of article 176  of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (document is in Russian) given in the wording of the Federal Act N 224-FZ of November 26, 2008 (document is in Russian).

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