Taking into account the will expression
of South Ossetia nation, the South Ossetia Republic is recognized
as sovereign and independent state by
the Edict of the RF President N 1261 of August 26, 2008
(document is in Russian).
The amendments are made to the Statute on control over foreign economic activity in respect of microorganisms, toxins, equipments and technologies
The Decree of the RF Government N 642 of August 25, 2008
(document is in Russian) makes amendments to
the Statute approved by
the Decree of the RF Government N 634 of August 29, 2001
(document is in Russian). In particular there is fixed the
list of documents submitting to the Federal Service on Technical
and Export Control for a permit receiving on export of controlled
equipment and technologies outside the Russian Federation in
the form of technical data with the purpose of temporary use
at territory of a foreign state with following return to the
Russian Federation territory. So there is established that import
of controlled microorganisms and toxins is provided on the basis
of single licenses issuing by the Federal Service on Technical
and Export Control, for which receiving a Russian participant
of foreign economical activity shall submit an application about
submission of the license with a covering letter to the Federal
Service on Technical and Export Control, as well as other documents
provided by rules of licensing of foreign economical operations.
The Decree shall put into effect upon expiration of 3 months
from the day of its official publication.
There is approved the form of application on voluntary accedence to legal relations on obligatory pension insurance in the purposes of payment of additional insurance fees to the accumulative part of labor pension
There is established the procedure for carrying out cash settlements with cash in foreign currency in authorized banks at the Russian Federation territory
The Direction of the Bank of Russia N 2054-U of August 14, 2008
(document is in Russian) establishes the procedure for carrying
out cash settlements at the Russian Federation territory in
the kind of circulating banknotes, treasury notes, coins and
being legal mean of cash payment at territory of according foreign
state (a group of foreign states), as well as with aforesaid
currency units withdrawing or withdrawn from circulation but
being subject or exchange at making banking operations and other
deals and the procedure for works with currency units of foreign
states (a group of foreign states) being doubtable in their
authenticity, banknotes of foreign states (a group of foreign
states) of having signs of falsification, currency units
of foreign states (a group of foreign states) having defects,