Executive bodies of the state power of the RF subjects are authorized in conclusion of contracts with producers of foodstuffs and (or) organizations involved in trade, in purposes of decreasing and keeping of prices for goods of first priority
In accordance
article 16 of the Federal Act "On protection of the competition"
the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 769
of November 10, 2007 (document is in Russian) establishes
that in purposes of decreasing and keeping of prices for certain
kinds of socially important foodstuffs of first priority, executive
bodies of the state power of the RF subjects have the right
to conclude according agreements with managing subjects - producers
of foodstuffs and (or) organizations involved in trade with
foodstuffs, for fixed period, but not later than for the period
till January 31, 2008.
Executive bodies of the state
power of the RF subjects shall notify the Federal antimonopoly
service and the Federal service of state statistics on conclusion
of contracts during 3 day period.