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За 2004-05-11

Re: помогите с переводом

Hi everybody!

Sorry for my silence, I really try to answer as soon as I can.
I was away last week, because I had my wedding day and short honeymoon

So, let's see what you have there:
1. He has asked in what business area is this company working. He was
replied that this company deal with financial services as well as provide
services of reinsurance and property management.
2. He asked whether the expansion program provides staff expansion. He was
replied positively.
3. He has asked where the headquarter is located and how many production
per day it turn out. Very weird sentence. Headquarter cannot product
something, because headquarter is the place where all bosses and chief
managers working.

4. He wondered how many workers this company employed 2 years ago.
5. He wondered who will run the department if Microsoft would take company
6. She asked which Board settle and monitor the basic policy of the
7. He asked who headed the Personel Department before this post was
taken by Mr. Ivanov.
8. He wonder if company was divided into sectors before the consolidation.
9. He asked whether all the programs were executed by Board of Control.
10. He asked who presides meetings convened by the Executive Officer.
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   2004-05-11 14:28:17 (#142459)

Re: помогите с переводом

Приветствую Юрашка,

>Здравствуйте подписчики, очень бы хотелось, чтобы вы мне помогли с
>Я перевел как смог, но знаю, что здесь полно ошибок, т.к. с грамматикой я
>очень дружу. На всякий случай внизу я напечатал русский перевод. Очень бы
>чтобы вы не плюнули на моё письмо, а, действительно, помогли.

Я не знаю почему никто не отвечает в лист на твое письмо, хотя в данных
субскрайба написсано что подписанно 94 подписчиков - и я думаю хоть часть из
них знают на самом деле английский неплохо - может времени не хватает или не
Английский знаю слабовато (совсем :() так что особо помочь не смогу.
Но я здесь поспросил и мне ответили что текст на английском полон ошибок
- и что лучще бы звучал как ниже. А про русский перевод - если что-то будет
дельно я напишу в лист (пока что нет - а мой субьективный перевод - не думаю
что будет полезен.
Удачи и помогите плз кто нибудь человеку.

1. He asked in what business field the company was active? The
answer was that the company was dealing with financial services and
specialized in providing second time insurance as well as property
2.. He asked whether the programme involved the expansion of the
He got an affermative answer.
3. He asked where the headquarters was located and what was its daily
turnover. (Althought the sentanse is a real poppycock! headquarters
4. He was wondering how many employers worked with the company 2 years
6. She asked what council regulated the principle course of the company and
monitor its policy.
7. He asked who had been the manager of the HR department before
8. He asked whether the departments of the company had been subdivided by
sectors before the company was merged together with another one.
9. He asked whether all programmes had been fulfilled by the management
10. He asked who run the meeting of the executive director.

С уважением,
Сайт Листа - http://english4.ru

-*Информационный канал Subscribe.Ru
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   2004-05-11 13:03:40 (#142370)