1a: not having the mind or feelings engaged : not
interested <telling them in a disinterested voice —
Tom Wicker> <disinterested in women — J. A.
b: no
longer interested <husband and wife become disinterested in
each other — T. I. Rubin>
2: free from selfish motive or interest : unbiased <a
disinterested decision> <disinterested intellectual curiosity is the
lifeblood of
real civilization — G. M. Trevelyan>
: not interested : not having the mind or feelings
usage Disinterested and
uninterested have a tangled history.
Uninterested originally meant impartial, but this sense fell into disuse
during the 18th century. About the same time the original sense of
disinterested also disappeared, with uninterested developing a new
sense—the present meaning — to take its place. The original sense of
uninterested is still out of use, but the original sense of disinterested
revived in the
early 20th century. The revival has since been under frequent attack as an
illiteracy and a blurring
or loss of a useful distinction. Actual usage shows otherwise. Sense 2
of disinterested is still its most frequent sense, especially in edited
prose; it shows no sign of vanishing. A careful writer may choose sense 1a
of disinterested in preference to uninterested for emphasis <teaching
the letters of the alphabet to her wiggling and
supremely disinterested little daughter — C. L. Sulzberger>. Further,
disinterested has developed a sense (1b), perhaps influenced by sense 1 of
the prefix dis-, that contrasts with uninterested <when I grow tired or
disinterested in anything, I experience a disgust — Jack London (letter,
1914)>. Still, use of senses 1a and 1b will incur the disapproval of
some who may not fully appreciate the history of this word or the
subtleties of its present use.
If you
are disinterested, you have no feeling about something
and are therefore free to judge it fairly.
If you are
uninterested, you don't want to think about something
because it bores you.
I knew
she was sick because she was uninterested in
судья disinterested in конечном результате
ждет того воина, который абсолютно disinterested
перед боем.
зови его к нам в гости, я в нем
Всё в
прошлом, я давно uninterested в этой
Я вел
беседу in theuninterested
disinterested/uninterested см. на дне