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Деловой английский- расширяем активный словарный запас Global trading

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Vlad Vorobev, Business English Corporate Trainer in Moscow Влад Воробьев, корпоративный тренер по деловому английскому языку в Москве Banking and Finance International Management Business Law Public Relations Human Resources Management Intercultural Communication Business Russian for foreigners Индивидуальный тренинг и мини-группы – 30 $ ( 3 ак.часа) Tel +7 926 1658686 Email 74@list.ru ICQ 50550240 MSN v1304@hotmail.com Yahoo vlad_vorobev And now my topic for you Global Trading - International Trade ∙ free trade N-UNCOUNT Free trade is a system which allows certain countries to buy and sell goods from each other without any financial restrictions such as taxes. The proposed free trade agreement between the US and Mexico came under fire today from environmentalists. The two presidents want to replace the suspicions of the past with a new commercial relationship based on free trade. ∙ export (exports) N-COUNT import (imports) N-COUNT visible export/import (visible exports/imports) N-COUNT invisible export/import (invisible exports/ imports) N-COUNT Exports are goods which are sold to another country and sent there. Imports are products or raw materials bought from another country for use in your own country. Trade in goods such as food, raw materials, and manufactured goods is known as visible exports and visible imports. Trade in services such as banking, insurance, and tourism is known as invisible exports and invisible imports. According to the September estimates, exports rose by 18%. British video games have always been big in the US, but this year's imports have done particularly well. In the UK visible imports have traditionally been greater than visible exports. Tourism is Britain's single biggest invisible export. Common Collocations a ban on imports imports/exports increase imports/exports decrease ∙ balance of payments (balances of payments) N-COUNT A country's balance of payments is the difference, over a period of time, between the payments it makes to other countries for imports and the payments it receives from other countries for exports. Britain's balance of payments deficit has improved slightly. ∙ trade deficit (trade deficits) N-COUNT trade surplus (trade surpluses) N-COUNT If a country has a trade deficit, the value of the goods it imports is greater than the value of the goods it exports. If a country has a trade surplus, it exports more than it imports. America's trade deficit grew sharply in February, widening to SI3.9 billion from a revised $11.4 billion in January. The country's trade surplus widened to 16,5 billion dollars. ∙ exchange rate (exchange rates) N-COUNT The exchange rate of a country's unit of currency is the amount of another country's currency that you get in exchange for it. The continuing strong performance by Scotland's exporters, despite the relatively high exchange rate, is very good news. ∙ protectionism N-UNCOUNT Protectionism is the policy some countries have of helping their own industries by putting a large tax on imported goods : by restricting imports in some other way. The aim of the current round of talks is to promote free trade and to avert the threat of increasing protectionism. ∙ tariff (tariffs) N-COUNT A tariff is a tax that a government collects on goods coming into a country. Each exporting country has an incentive to subsidize exports even when the importing country levies an import tariff. ∙ customs duty (customs duties) N-VAR Customs duties are taxes that people pay for importing anc exporting goods. Foreign investors can now import and export goods without paying customs duties. Customs duty on cotton is being removed to ensure cheaper availability of raw material. m quota (quotas) N-COUNT A quota of something is an official limit on the minimum or maximum number of them that is allowed. At present, farmers are given a set quota of sheep to produce in return for a subsidy under the common agricultural policy. Sometimes it's cod we're throwing back into the water because we can't exceed our quota, other times it's plaice or haddock. ∙ domestic market (domestic markets) N-COUNT A domestic market is the market which exists within a particular country. More of us are holidaying at home too - Mr Davern said the domestic market was worth 24 per cent of tourism earnings. ∙ open market N-SINC Goods that are bought and sold on the open market are advertised and sold to anyone who wants to buy them. The Central Bank is authorized to sell government bonds on the open market. ∙ World Trade Organization N-PROPER WTO ABBREVIATION The World Trade Organization is an international organization that encourages and regulates trade between its member states. The abbreviation WTO is also used. ... institutions such as the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. In 1998 the WTO agreed with the US that Europe was going against WTO rules of free trade. О USP: Topic 9.4 26 Topic 3.2 GlobalTrading -World Economy ∙ flight of capital N-UNCOUNT Flight of capital is when people lose confidence in a particular country's economy, and so start to remove their money from that country. This often has the effect of making that country's economic situation worse. The interest-rate rise should slow the flight of capital. Tl has seen its shares suffer because of a flight of capital to telecom and Internet-related businesses. * infrastructure (infrastructures) N-VAR The infrastructure of a country, society, or organization consists of the basic facilities such as transport, communications, power supplies and buildings, which enable it to function. The infrastructure, from hotels to transport, is old and decrepit. ...improvements in the country's infrastructure. Common CoJIocations an infrastructure project infrastructure investment infrastructure spending infrastructure development ∙ deregulate (deregulates, deregulating, deregulated) VERB deregulation N-UNCOUNT To deregulate something means to remove controls and regulations from it. Deregulation is the removal of controls and restrictions in a particular area of trade. Once wholesale prices are deregulated, consumer prices will also rise. Deregulation of the power market is not necessarily the best option, because free market principles seldom work when there is no free market. ∙ dump (dumps, dumping, dumped) VERB If one country dumps goods in another country, the first country exports a very large quantity of cheap goods to the second country. The Commerce Department has ruled that the Japanese companies have been dumping minivans at unfairly low prices in the US. The US will dump 22,000 tonnes of subsidised milk powder, butterfat and cheese onto Australia's traditional markets in Asia. ∙ subsidy (subsidies) N-UNCOUNT A subsidy is money that is paid by a government or other authority in order to help an industry or business, or to pay for a public service. European farmers are planning a massive demonstration against farm subsidy cuts. They've also slashed state subsidies to utilities and transportation. ∙ recession (recessions) N-VAR A recession is a period when the economy of a country is doing badly, for example because industry is producing less a more people are becoming unemployed. The recession caused sales to drop off. We should concentrate on sharply reducing interest rates to p the economy out of recession. Common Collocations a deep recession a severe recession a global recession recession-proof to sink into a recession to come out of a recession to emerge from a recession recession-hjt ∙ inward investment N-UNCOUNT Inward investment is the investment of money in a countr. by companies from outside that country. The UK is the main location in Europe for inward investment с the third largest recipient of inward investment in the world. ∙ law (laws) Ш N-SINC The law is a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements, and social relationships. You can also use the law to refer to the people who work in this system. It is against the jaw to discriminate on the basis of sex, age, marital status, or race. Trading-standards officers suspect that many firms are breaking the law by not advertising the full cost of last-minute holidays. Ш N-COUNT A law is one of the rules in a system of law which deals with a particular type of agreement, relationship, or crime. French lorry drivers say they will be put out of business by the new law which cuts the working week from 39 to 35 hours. Common Collocations to change a law to become law to pass a law to break the law law-abiding bjj law taw enforcement against the law ∙ regulation (regulations) N-COUNT Regulations are rules made by a government or other authority in order to control the way something is done or the way people behave. The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees. Under pressure from the American government, Fiat and other manufacturers obeyed the new safety regulations. 3 boom: Topic 7.1 Topic 3.3 Global Trading - Competition ∙ compete (competes, competing, competed) VERB competitor (competitors) N-COUNT When one firm or country competes with another, it tries to get people to buy its own goods in preference to those of the other firm or country. You can also say that two firms or countries compete. A company's competitors are companies who are trying to sell similar goods or services to the same people. The stores will inevitably end up competing with each other in their push for increased market shares. Banks and building societies are competing fiercely for business. The American economy, and its ability to compete abroad, was slowing down according to the report. The bank isn't performing as well as some of its competitors. Common Collocations a major competitor to lose ground to a competitor a direct competitor to compete successfully to compete fiercely to compete effectively to see off a competitor a close competitor ∙ competitive edge N-COUNT If a company has a competitive edge, it has advantages such as new skills or new technology which make it more likely to attract business than its competitors. The Japanese government also works with its industries to help them develop a competitive edge. Quality of service is becoming an increasingly important consideration in maintaining a competitive edge in all markets. ∙ competitive advantage (competitive advantages) N-COUNT A competitive advantage is something that makes one particular company or economy more likely to succeed than others. By keeping wage rises down, Germany and France have made their goods cheaper to buy. That gives them a huge competitive advantage over us. ...a general shift towards using IT systems to gain competitive advantage, rather than merely automating existing processes within the business. ∙ key player (key players) N-COUNT If someone or something is a key player in a particular organization, event, or situation, they are one of the most important people or things involved in it. The former deputy chairman was a key plaver in a number of the deals that pushed the bank to the top of the list. The Federal Government regards BHP's move as a vindication of its concerted effort to confirm Australia as a key player in the financial affairs of Vietnam. ∙ monopoly (monopolies) N-VAR Ш If a company, person, or state has a monopoly on something such as an industry, they have complete control o\e-it, so that it is impossible for others to become involved in it. ...Russian moves to end a state monopoly on land ownership, Щ A monopoly is a company which is the only one providing 5 particular product or service. ... 0 state-owned monopoly. Common Collocations a near monopoly a virtual monopoly to break a monopoly to end a monopoly ∙ market leader (market leaders) N-COUNT A market leader is a company that sells more of a particular product or service than most of its competitors do. We are becoming one of the market leaders in the fashion industry. It means that the market leader has a very strong grip on the market, so if you want to be profitable you have got to be number one, or maybe number two. ∙ best-seller (best-sellers) N-COUNT A best-seller is a product which is very popular and of which а great number has been sold. When it goes on sale in June it confronts tough opposition such as the VW Coif, Vauxhall Astra and the UK best-seller, the Fora Focus. Her books have topped best-seller lists throughout the world. ∙ rival (rivals) N-COUNT Your rival is a person, business, or organization that you are competing against in the same area or for the same things. BTP, one of Britain's few remaining chemical companies, has been bought by a Swiss rival. Two problems facing the tourism ministry were how to boost winter tourism, ensure a constant water supply, and see off new rivals such as Croatia and Egypt. 3 public sector enterprise:Topic 2.2; economies of scale: Topic 8.2; brand name: Topic 9.4; market: Topic 12.1; market share: Topic 12.1 30Global Trading - Global Brands ∙ global ADJ global brand (global brands) N-UNCOUNT You can use global to describe something that happens in all parts of the world or affects all parts of the world. A global brand is a brand which is sold and recognized throughout the world. ...a proposed international agreement liberalising global trade. We are already familiar with global brands such as Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Microsoft. ∙ align (aligns, aligning, aligned) VERB If a company aligns its products with a particular market, it tries to present them in a way that suggests they are suitable for that market or similar to other products within that market. To better align its huge array of products with today's consumer tastes, KCF is now making a concerted effort to become a leader in the low-fat to no-fat foods arena. ... a branding strategy to more directly align the group with the globally recognised brand of its French parent, AXA. ∙ core values N-PLURAL A group or organiazation's core values are the things they believe in and consider to be most important. With all that change going on, one of my most important jobs is keeping the company focused on our core values. The core values of this firm are respect for the individual, treating the individual with dignity, and teamwork. ∙ standardize (standardizes, standardizing, standardized) VERB standardized ADJ To standardize things means to change them so that they all have the same features. Standardized products are products which have been changed so that they all have the same features. There is a drive both to standardize components and to reduce the number of models on offer. If people do not prefer differentiated products to standardized products, why would a business expend resources seeking to destandardize its particular product? ∙ product differentiation N-UNCOUNT Product differentiation refers to the way that a particular product is presented to the public in order to distinguish it from other, similar products. Consumers today enjoy unrivalled choice. But sometimes it is possible to think that what marketing people call 'product differentiation' has gone too far. They cannot seize a significant part of the market unless they achieve product differentiation. m product line (product lines) N-COUNT product mix (product mixes) N-COUNT product portfolio (product portfolios) N-COU\-product range (product ranges) N-COUNT A product line is a group of related products produced by nJ manufacturer, for example products that are intended to be чЛ for similar purposes or to be sold in similar types of shops. A company's product mix is the range of products that it produces. A product range or product portfolio is all the products sold by a particular company. A well-known UK supermarket launches more than 1,000 пел product lines each year. The product mix is 25% toys and games, 25% gifts, 25% desz- items, 15% electronic items, and 10% fitness-oriented merchandise. Unilever's product range spans food, teas, detergents, deodorants, soaps and hair-care. We intend to position Kambrook as a value brand within our current product portfolio. ∙ target market (target markets) N-COUNT A target market is a market in which a company is trying tc sell its products or services. We decided that we needed to change our target market from the over-45s to the 35—45s. О globalization:Topic 1.4; multinational:Topic 1.4; corporation:Topic 2.1; life cycle: Topic 9.2 32 Global Trading -The International Marketing Mix ∙ marketing mix N-UNCOUNT A company's marketing mix is the combination of marketing activites it uses in order to promote a particular product or service. A typical marketing mix is a combination of product, place, promotion and price. The product is the most important element of the marketing mix. since it holds together promotion, distribution and pricing policies. The key focus of the marketing mix will be on price. в market conditions N-PLURAL The market conditions are the state of a particular market at a particular time, for example whether there is a lot of demand for a product or little demand for it. In current market conditions, fundraising for biotechnology companies is difficult. The dot-com boom marked one of the most significant periods of change in recent times and highlighted the need for business schools to be responsive to market conditions. ∙ direct marketing N-UNCOUNT Direct marketing is a method of marketing which involves companies sending advertising material directly to people who they think may be interested in their products. The direct marketing industry has become adept at packaging special offers. Direct marketing on the Internet needs to be conducted with particular care. ∙ marketing strategy N-VAR A marketing strategy is a general plan or set of plans intended to organize the sale of a product, for example, deciding on its price, and how it should be advertised, especially over a long period. But the customer database must be updated, not only with a full shopping history, but keeping an eye on their lifestyles is vital to our marketing strategy. For example, if a customer is no longer single and has started a family, we need to know. It will affect how he or she chooses to holiday. ∙ launch strategy (launch strategies) N-UNCOUNT A launch strategy is a general plan or set of plans intended to organize the launch of a product, for example, deciding on how it should be advertised, especially over a long period. Could you design a cocktail that would help make the brand more appealing to 18-24 year-olds? Or devise a launch strategy for a new chain of student pubs? These developments are long term and involve high risks. Established new product development, test and launch strategies will need to be re-examined. ∙ customize (customizes, customizing, customized) VERB If you customize a product, you change its appearance or features to suit your tastes or needs. To accommodate the preferences of homeowners, most manufacturers will customize their products, even the starzfz models. The company makes portable electronic typewriters and pe~:: - wordprocessors and markets office supplies, including file fo.:e- and customized printed products. ∙ country-specific ADJ Something that is country-specific relates to a particular country. These programs are to be country-specific. ...losses due to country-specific economic, political, and socc events. ∙ customer profile (customer profiles) N-COUNT A customer profile is a description of the typical sort of customer who is regarded as likely to buy a particular produc: In stores, between 60% and 70% of all men's underwear purchases are made by women for their men, but on the wet the customer profile is 90% male. Each day of the week has its own particular customer profile. Mondays and Tuesdays bring in the older, retired customers, while Thursday is mainly dominated by housewives. Э target market: Topic 3.4; standardize: Topic 3.4; product differentiation:Topic 3.4; merchandising: Topic 6.4 34

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