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Topic 6.1 Sales-Sales ∙ sales N-PLURAL sales revenue (sales revenues) N-VAR turnover (turnovers) N-VAR The sales of a product are the quantity of it that is sold. Sales revenue is money that a company or organization receives from sales of its goods and services. The turnover of a company is the value of the goods or services sold during a particular period of time. The newspaper has sales of 1.72 million. ... the huge Christmas sales of computer games. ...retail sales figures. The company spends a tiny 4% of sales revenues on marketing. Dairy Vale estimates that sales revenue will rise to SI34 million. Her annual turnover is around £45,000. The company had a turnover of £3.8 million. ∙ target (targets) N-COUNT A target is a result that you are trying to achieve, such as a particular number of products sold or produced within a particular period. Stanford's initial target of 4,500 subscribers within three years was exceeded by ten times that amount. When the FT began its push into America two years ago it set a target of reaching 100,000 in sales within five years. to meet a target to miss a target Common Collocations to reach a target to set a target ∙ unit sales N-PLURAL The unit sales of a product are the numbers of that product that are sold. Unit sales this year should climb by more than 9 per cent to more than 900,000 vehicles. His research suggests that, in the past 12 months alone, unit sales of T-shirts increased 6% to about 1.7 billion. ∙ sales territory (sales territories) N-COUNT A salesperson's sales territory is the area or areas where he or she tries to sell the company's products. He was responsible for a six-state sales territory. Article 16 of the Regulation states that if the supplier allocates an exclusive sales territory to the dealer the Regulation ceases to be applicable. ∙ sales forecast (sales forecasts) N-COUNT A company's sales forecast is the number of products that it expects to sell during a particular period. Baltimore said it would fail to meet sales forecasts of between £21 million and £22 million for the second quarter. Mr Gerry gently trimmed his full-year sales forecast from £1.32 billion to £1.28 billion. ∙ sales figures N-PLURAL Sales figures are the numbers of a product or products that have been sold and the money resulting from these sales. This week Marks and Spencer, Britain's biggest clothes retaile- will reveal its Christmas sales figures. He pointed to disappointing sales figures in Poland. ∙ sales force (sales forces) N-COUNT sales team (sales teams) N-COUNT sales rep (sales reps) N-COUNT salesman (salesmen) N-COUNT saleswoman (saleswomen) N-COUNT salesperson (salespeople) N-COUNT sales executive (sales executives) N-COUNT A company's sales force or sales team is all the people thai work for that company selling its products. A sales rep is a member of the sales team. A salesman, a saleswoman or i salesperson is a person whose job is to sell things, especia ∙ directly to shops or other businesses on behalf of a compan;. sales executive is a senior member of a sales force. ... the biggest financial sales force in the country. ...a sales team of twenty. I'd been working as a sales rep for a photographic company. ...an insurance salesman. ...a saleswoman from npower who called at his home. When you go to buy cosmetics, the salesperson often sugges:: that you buy several products from the same line. ...an advertising sales executive. Topic 6.2 Sales - Distribution ∙ distribution N-UNCOUNT distributor (distributors) N-COUNT The distribution of goods involves supplying or delivering them to a number of people or places. A distributor is a company that supplies goods to shops or other businesses. Scottish Courage will also take on distribution of all beers, cider and soft drinks to the pubs. He admitted there had been distribution problems. ... Spain's largest distributor of petroleum products. Theater owners lease films from film distributors. ∙ distribution chain (distribution chains) N-COUNT distribution network (distribution networks) N-COUNT channel of distribution (channels of distribution) N-COUNT A distribution chain is all the stages that goods pass through between leaving a factory and arriving at a retailer. A distribution network is a set of distribution chains. A company's channel of distribution is the method it uses in order to distribute its goods. ...all the companies in the distribution chain involved in bringing the mussels to Montreal. Cadbury has widened its European distribution network. They have to develop other channels of distribution, especially direct selling via the telephone and internet. ∙ warehouse (warehouses) N-COUNT warehousing N-UNCOUNT A warehouse is a large building where raw materials or manufactured goods are stored until they are exported to other countries or distributed to shops to be sold. Warehousing is the act of storing materials or goods in a warehouse. Sainsbury will open a big warehouse this summer that will deliver groceries to households throughout London. ... the warehousing and distribution of consumer goods. ∙ end user (end users) N-COUNT The end user of a product or service is the user that it has been designed for, rather than the person who installs or maintains it. You have to be able to describe things in a form that the end user can understand. ... the final end-user of the finished product. ∙ freight N-UNCOUNT UJ Freight is the movement of goods by lorries, trains, ships or aeroplanes. France derives 16% of revenue from air freight. a Freight is goods that are transported by lorries, trains, ships ^ aeroplanes. ...26 tons of freight. 90% of managers wanted to see more freight carried by ran ∙ forwarding N-UNCOUNT freight forwarding N-UNCOUNT forwarding agent (forwarding agents) N-COLVT freight forwarder (freight forwarders) N-COL-- Forwarding or freight forwarding is the collection, transportation and delivery of goods. A forwarding agent : freight forwarder is a person or company that is involved -the forwarding of goods. ... Montreal, the great forwarding centre for wheat and flour. Add costs for freight forwarding to Moscow - around 14 a k : You authorize Federal Express to act as a forwarding agent [': - you. If a freight forwarder requests information from an airline, the airline's computer can immediately reply to the request. ∙ wholesaler (wholesalers) N-COUNT A wholsaler is a person whose business is buying large quantities of goods and selling them in smaller amounts, for example to shops. There were a lot more small wholesalers then, and competitic n was really keen for the business of the independent grocer. CEHE is the largest drugs wholesaler in Europe. ∙ factory shop (factory shops) N-COUNT A factory shop is a shop where a factory sells damaged or out-of-date goods to customers at reduced prices. Quantities of fabric may be sold direct to customers in the factory shop. We took advantage of visiting the factory shop where you can buy very fashionable shoes at cost prices. ∙ agent (agents) N-COUNT An agent is a person who looks after someone else's business affairs or does business on their behalf. You are buying direct, rather than through an agent. ...a written declaration, authorizing another person to act as hi agent. O retail outlet:Topic 6.5; consumer: Topic 11.2; customer: Topic 11.2 64 Topic 6.3 Sales - Orders and Stock Control ∙ order (orders, ordering, ordered) HI N-COUNT An order is a request for something to be brought, made, or obtained for you in return for money. They are going to place an order for 188 trains. 0 VERB When you order something that you are going to pay for, you ask for it to be brought to you, sent to you, or obtained for you. A mixture of e-commerce and shops will enable people to order items such as books, CDs, and insurance on the Web, while going to a shop for the things they need to touch, feel or try on. If ordering a T-shirt or sweatshirt, please indicate where you would like the logo to go. ∙ on order PHRASE Something that is on order at a shop or factory has been asked for but has not yet been supplied. The airlines still have 2,500 new aeroplanes on order. ∙ stock (stocks, stocking, stocked) H VERB If a shop stocks particular goods, it keeps a supply of them to sell. The shop stocks everything from cigarettes to recycled loo paper. SI N-UNCOUNT A shop's stock is the total amount of goods which it has available to sell. We took the decision to withdraw a quantity of stock from sale. 0 N-VAR A company's stock is the raw materials or components it has ready to be made into finished goods. That buyer ordered £27,500 worth of stock. The performance of the textiles side might have looked worse had it not been for the fact that stocks have been kept to a minimum. ∙ stock control N-UNCOUNT Stock control is the activity of making sure that a company has the right amount of goods available to sell. Paul's first priority should be to get a stock control system which would re-order automatically when an item is bought. The combination of a widespread transport network and computerised stock-control has become a powerful one. ∙ buying department (buying departments) N-COUNT purchasing department (purchasing departments) N-COUNT The buying department or the purchasing department of a company is the section that is responsible for buying products sold by the company or materials used by the company. Now that consumers have familiarised themselves with all th; popular designer labels, naturally cautious buying departmer\: have become more conservative than ever. Company policy on raw materials must be flexible enough tc enable the purchasing department to exploit price opportune - ∙ re-order level (re-order levels) N-COUNT The re-order level of a particular stock is the point at which the existing stock becomes so low that new stock needs to be ordered. But the exact nature of the stock-control system and the re-c :? level will depend upon the rate of usage of the stock, how frequently new stock can be brought in and the lead time. ∙ work-in-progress N-UNCOUNT In book-keeping, work-in-progress refers to the monetary value of work that has not yet been paid for because it has no: yet been completed. The idea is to avoid tying up capital in work in progress. ...five million pounds' worth of finished goods and two millio'- pounds' worth of work-in-progress. ∙ logistics N-UNCOUNT Logistics is the management of the flow of materials through an organization, from raw materials to the finished product. Logistics is now more important in our industry than technolo-g- ∙ lead time (lead times) N-COUNT The lead time is the time between the original design or idea for a particular product and its actual production. The lead time is also the period of time that it takes for goods to be delivered after someone has ordered them. They aim to cut production lead times to under 18 months. Lead times on equipment orders can run as long as 3 years. ∙ vendor rating (vendor ratings) N-COUNT Vendor ratings are a measure of the relative performances o* a group of suppliers, produced by asking a business to evaluate them on factors such as price and flexibility. You can search the vendor ratings either by vendor's name or e> category. m component (components) N-COUNT The components of something are the parts that it is made o" Enriched uranium is a key component of a nuclear weapon. ...as component costs come down, PC prices come down. They were automotive component suppliers to motor manufacturers. O raw materials: Topic 4.3; just-in-time manufacturing: Topic 5.1; wholesaler: Topic 6.2 66 Topic 6.4 Sales - Sales Methods ∙ online booking N-UNCOUNT online retailing N-UNCOUNT online shopping N-UNCOUNT Online booking is the activity of booking services such as rail tickets or holidays via the Internet. Online retailing is the business or activity of selling goods or services via the Internet. Online shopping is the activity of buying goods and services via the Internet. Travel agency and flight consolidator Flightbookers (www.flightbookers.com) was the first to offer online booking. Good old-fashioned marketing principles apply as much to online retailing as to conventional retailing. Flextech owns a string of websites and provides interactive services such as online shopping. ∙ shopping channel (shopping channels) N-COUNT home shopping N-UNCOUNT direct sales channel (direct sales channels) N-COUNT A shopping channel is a television channel that broadcasts programmes showing products that you can contact the channel and buy. Home shopping is the activity of buying things from a shopping channel or from an online retailer. A direct sales channel is something such as a website where you can buy things directly from a company. ... the growing awareness and use of interactive shopping channels on digital television. ...the QVC home shopping channel. A higher portion of total sales came through direct sales channels, which have lower margins than retail sales. ∙ cold call (cold calls, cold calling, cold called) II N-COUNT If someone makes a cold call, they telephone or visit someone they have never contacted, without making an appointment, in order to try and sell them something. She had worked as a call centre operator making cold calls for time-share holidays. 1 VERB To cold call means to make a cold call. You should refuse to meet anyone who cold calls with an offer of financial advice. ∙ sample (samples) N-COUNT A sample of a substance or product is a small quantity of it that shows you what it is like. We're giving away 2000 free samples. You'll receive samples of paint, curtains and upholstery. ∙ loyalty card (loyalty cards) N-COUNT A loyalty card is a plastic card that some shops give to regular customers. Each time the customer buys something from the shop, points are electronically stored on their card and can be exchanged later for goods or services. ...a loyalty card that rewarded shoppers with money-off vouchers. (schemes. ∙ direct mail N-UNCOUNT direct marketing N-UNCOUNT direct selling N-UNCOUNT Direct mail or direct marketing is a method of marketing which involves companies sending advertising material direct . to people who they think may be interested in their products Direct selling involves the use of direct mail or similar sales techniques. ...efforts to solicit new customers by direct mail. ...the use of data for direct marketing. ...direct selling via the telephone and internet. ∙ merchandising N-UNCOUNT Merchandising is used to refer to the way shops and businesses organize the sale of their products, for example the way they are displayed and the prices that are chosen. The company has lost money every year because of poor store locations, an unfocused merchandising strategy and inventory problems. ∙ point of sale (points of sale) 0] N-COUNT The point of sale is the place in a shop where a product is passed from the seller to the customer. The abbreviation POS : also used. Demand-chain management captures information on consume- behaviour at the point of sale and feeds it up the supply chain. ... the vast amount of information collected by POS. E AD) Point-of-sale is used to describe things which occur or are located or used at the place where you buy something. The abbreviation POS is also used. Introduction of electronic point-of-sale systems is improving efficiency. ...POS terminals. ∙ personal selling N-UNCOUNT Personal selling is the selling of a company's goods or service; by means of direct contact between the company's sales representatives and potential customers. Avon concentrates on personal selling in the home. 3 intermediary: Topic 6.5; mail order: Topic 6.5; call centre: Topic 12.5 68 62 Sales - Retailing ∙ retail outlet (retail outlets) N-COUNT retailer (retailers) N-COUNT retailing N-UNCOUNT A retail outlet is a shop or other place that sells goods direct to the public. A retailer is a person or business that sells goods direct to the public. Retailing is the activity of selling goods direct to the public, usually in small quantities. ... the largest retail outlet in the city. Furniture and carpet retailers are among those reporting the sharpest annual decline in sales. She spent fourteen years in retailing. ... the car retailing industry. ∙ retail park (retail parks) N-COUNT shopping centre (shopping centres) N-COUNT A retd'l) park is a large specially built area, usually at the edge of a town or city, where there are a lot of large shops and sometimes other facilities such as cinemas and restaurants. A shopping centre is a specially built area containing a lot of different shops. But finding large sites, which allow ranges to be better displayed, is no easy task, given the small number of shopping centres and retail parks and the increasing number of retailers hunting them down. ...large out-of-town retail parks. The new shopping centre was constructed at a cost of £1.1 million. ∙ department store (department stores) N-COUNT supermarket (supermarkets) N-COUNT A department Store is a large shop which sells many different kinds of goods. A supermarket is a large shop which mainly sells foods and household goods. ... Britain's biggest department store after Harrods and Selfridges. Most of us do our food shopping in the supermarket. How do those prawns find their way from Norway to the supermarket shelf? Common Collocations supermarket chain a leading supermarket a local supermarket a major supermarket ∙ bar code (bar codes) N-COUNT A bar code is an arrangement of numbers and parallel lines that is printed on products to be sold in shops. The bar code can be read by computers. The moment a bar code is scanned in one of its US stores, a computer is alerted and checks when the item needs replacing. ... a bar code scanner. ∙ checkout (checkouts) N-COUNT In a supermarket, a checkout is a counter where you pay fat things you are buying. ...queuing at the checkout in Sainsbury's. Shopping centres are reporting long queues at the checkout : -4 record numbers of bargain hunters. ∙ mail order N-UNCOUNT Mail order is a system of buying and selling goods. You choo< the goods you want from a company by looking at their catalogue, and the company sends them to you by post. The toys are available by mail order from Opi Toys. Many of them also offer a mail-order service. They have two shops in London and a mail order catalogue Common Collocations a mail order catalogue a mail order service a mail order company a maii order business available by mail order ∙ intermediary (intermediaries) N-COUNT An intermediary is a person or organization that provides a link between two other people or organizations. However, it says it has no plans to be a car dealer. Instead act as a non-profit intermediary putting buyers in touch with z participating dealer. ... the rule that investment products must be sold through ar independent intermediary. ... financial intermediary companies. 3 franchise:Topic 2.4; franchiser: Topic 2.4; franchisee Topic 2.4; wholesaler: Topic 6.2; agent:Topic 6.2; stock: Topic 6.3; online shopping:Topic 6.4; online retailing:Topic 6.4; direct marketing:Topic 6.4; aftef-sales service: Topic 11.2 70
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