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Деловой английский- расширяем активный словарный запас services

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Services -The Market
∙  market (markets)
The market for a particular type of thing is the number of
people who want to buy it, or the area of the world in which it is
The foreign market was increasingly crucial.
 ... the Russian market for personal computers.
The market refers to the total amount of a product that is sold each year, especially
when you are talking about the competition between the companies who sell that
The two big companies control 72% of the market.
Ben & jerry's conquered the market and in a few years owned
their own giant corporation.
The actions of a country's competition authority can affect
foreign companies' ability to enter its market.
Common Collocations
to enter a market           an emerging market
∙  market economy (market economies) N-COUNT market forces N-PLURAL
If you talk about a market economy, you are referring to an economic system in
which the prices of things depend on how many are available and how many people
want to buy them, rather than prices being fixed by governments. If you talk
about market forces, you mean the economic factors that affect the availability
of goods and the demand for them, without any help or control by governments.
Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary.
 ...opening the economy to market forces and increasing the role
of private enterprise.
∙  market conditions N-ptuiut
Market conditions are the economic situation that exists within a market, especially
the stock market.
Investors need every bit of wile and guile they can acquire to
perform well in these market conditions.
∙  marketplace (marketplaces) N-COUNT market sector (market sectors) N-COUNT
The marketplace refers to the activity of buying and selling products. A market
sector is one part of a market, consisting of related products or services.
It's our hope that we will play an increasingly greater role in the marketplace
and, therefore, supply more jobs. It achieved this growth by identifying a market
sector, and moving quickly to become the market leader in that sector.
∙  segment (segments, segmenting, segmented)
A segment of a market is one part of it, considered separately from the rest.
Three-to-five day cruises are the fastest-growing segment of the
Women's tennis is the market leader in a growing market
segment - women's sports.
If a company segments a market, it divides it into separate parts, usually in
order to improve marketing opportunities.
The big six record companies are multinational, and thus can
segment the world market into national ones.
Perhaps the greatest value of this approach is that it is capable
of generating new ways of segmenting the market.
∙  market segmentation N-UNCOUNT
Market segmentation is the division of a market into
separate parts.
 ...increasing market segmentation, with specialist builders constructing dwellings
aimed at the young singles market and elderly persons.
∙  market share (market shares) N-VAR
A company's market share in a product is the proportion of the total sales of
that product that is produced by that company in relation to other companies.
Ford has been gaining market share this year at the expense of
CM and some Japanese car manufacturers.
Littlewoods, which is one of Liverpool's major employers, is being
hit too by loss of market share in its mail-order business.
Common Collocations
to lose market share           to gain market share
to increase market share    to grab market share
∙  market entry N-UNCOUNT

A company's market entry is its entry into a market where it has not done business
Digital delivery will certainly lower the cost of market entry.

Services -The Service Industry
∙  service industry (service industries) N-COUNT tertiary industry (tertiary
industries) N-VAR
A service industry or tertiary industry is an industry such as banking or insurance
that provides a service, but does not produce anything.
Although shops and service industries are doing reasonably well,
manufacturing output is falling.
Loans to tertiary industry grew by $171 million over the year.
∙  supplier (suppliers) N-COUNT
A supplier is a person, company, or organization that sells or supplies something
such as goods or equipment to customers.
 ...Hillsdown Holdings, one of the UK's biggest food suppliers.
japan is Asia's dominant supplier of imports and technology.
a leading supplier a sole supplier
Common Collocations
a major supplier a preferred supplier
∙ supplier partnership (supplier partnerships)
A supplier partnership is a relationship between a company and a supplier.
 ...the practical implementation of supplier partnerships in
manufacturing industry.
Villadsen is responsible for reducing manufacturing cycle time,
strengthening supplier partnerships, overseeing quality assurance
and streamlining purchasing procedures.
∙  supplier base N-SING
A company's supplier base consists of all the companies that
are its suppliers, considered as a group.
Most retailers have narrowed their supplier base over the past decade, though
Marks and Spencer, for example, is careful to maintain a spread of competing
suppliers for its products. We needed to dramatically reduce our supplier base.
∙ outsource (outsources, outsourcing, outsourced)
outsourcing N-UNCOUNT
If a company outsources goods or services, it pays workers from outside the company
to supply the goods or provide the services. Outsourcing is the use of outside
companies to supply goods or services.
Increasingly, corporate clients are seeking to outsource the
management of their facilities.
The difficulties of outsourcing have been compounded by the
increasing resistance of trade unions.
∙  service business (service businesses) N-COUNT service organization (service
A service business or service organization is a business or an organization that
provides a service but does not produce anything.
Still more significant was the formal announcement on \une 25th that service
businesses such as retailing, transport and banking will be opened to foreign
investors. .. .service organizations that deliver repeated services of a common
kind, such as car-hire businesses, transport firms, restaurants and so on.
∙ virtual company (virtual companies) N-COUNT
A virtual company is a company which outsources all of its activities, and which
uses IT to communicate with clients or customers.
It is a virtual company, outsourcing everything from manufacture to logistics
and sales.
One reason it is so competitive is that it has established itself as a virtual
company, buying in all distribution and other services from outside suppliers,
rather than operating its own facilities.
O IT: Topic 1.1; virtual integration: Topic 1.1; service sector:Topic 2.2; lean
production: Topic 5.1; JIT manufacturing: Topic 5.1; customer base:Topic 11.2;
service: Topic 12.3; service provider: Topic 12.3

Services - Services and Service Providers
∙ service (services)
If an organization or company provides a particular service,
they can do a particular job or a type of work for you.
The kitchen maintains a twenty-four hour service and can be
contacted via Reception.
Iberia's main objective is to provide an excellent service to its
The level or.standard of service provided by an organization or
company is the amount or quality of the work it can do for you.
First Technology is proud of its commitment to excellence and its
high standard of service.
The current level of service will be maintained except that the
evening 'Network Express' trains will be withdrawn.
Common Collocations
y provide a service > offer a service a mail-order service
∙  services N-PLURAL
Services are activities such as tourism, banking, and selling things which are
part of a country's economy, but are not concerned with producing or manufacturing
In the 25 years to 1998, Scotland's services sector grew by 2.2%
a year.
Mining rose by 9.1%, manufacturing by 9.4% and services by
Common Collocations
goods and services public services financial services
∙  customer service N-UNCOUNT
Customer service refers to the way that companies behave towards their customers,
for example how well they treat them.
 ...a mail-order business with a strong reputation for customer
The firm has an excellent customer service department.
Common Collocations
to provide customer service to improve customer service a customer service representative
a customer service centre
∙  service provider (service providers) N-COUNT
A service provider is a company that provides a service,
especially an Internet service.
just under 50 per cent of all home users switched to another service provider
last year, compared to 24 per cent of business users.
∙ criterion (criteria) N-COUNT
A criterion is a factor on which you judge or decide some:-
Location used to be the most important criterion in buying oe
but people are showing a tendency to drive further and fur.t
for lower and lower prices.
We believe our proposals do meet the BBC's core public ser. :
criteria of distinctiveness and quality.
Common Collocations
selection criteria                              performance cr
to meet a criterion for something to set a criterion for something
∙ consumer choice N-UNCOUNT
Something that increases consumer choice increases the number of different products
or services that are available fat people to buy.
Really, there ought to be consumer choice operating here c~:
the competitive pressures of the marketplace ought to be c
to take effect.
The experts say health service reform means higher taxes an
less consumer choice.
3 service business: Topic 12.2; service industry: To

Topic 12.4
Services -The Leisure Industry
∙  leisure revolution N-SINC
People sometimes refer to the recent increase in tourism and other leisure-time
activities as the leisure revolution.
By 1970 the canal was ready to play its part in the new leisure
revolution that was giving canals an unexpected lease of life.
The BBC has been slow to respond to the leisure revolution.
relying on tried and tested subjects like cooking and gardening.
∙ work-life balance N-UNCOUNT
Your work-life balance is how you organize your days, for example, how many hours
you spend at work, and how much time you spend with friends and family or doing
things you enjoy.
Young people, in particular, expect work-life balance. Middle-ranking and senior
managers unanimously stipulated work-life balance as their main criterion when
choosing jobs.
∙  social chapter N-SINC
The social chapter is an agreement between countries in the European Union concerning
workers' rights and working conditions.
Britain's rejection of the social chapter of the Maastricht treaty
preserves employers' freedom from over-regulation and under-
flexibility of labour.
 ... the 11 governments which signed the social chapter.
∙  body (bodies) N-COUNT
A body is an organized group of people who deal with something officially.
 ...the Chairman of the policemen's representative body, the
Police Federation.
 ...the main trade union body, COSATU, Congress of South
African Trade Unions.
Common Collocations
a review body                 a regulatory body
art independent body
∙  public sector N-SINC
The public sector is the part of a country's economy which is controlled or supported
financially by the government.
 ... Carlos Menem's policy of reducing the public sector and
opening up the economy to free-market forces.
Questions were raised about whether a public sector body should
have been investing taxpayers' money in this way.
Common Collocations
a public sector worker        public sector pay
public sector borrowing      a public sector union
a public sector employee    a public sector organization
∙ trade association (trade associations) N-COLST I
A trade association is a body representing organizations within the same trade.
It aims to protect their collective especially in negotiations with governments
and trade ur
 .. .one of the two main trade associations for antiques dea e~   ] ...a comprehensive
list of trade associations covering home energy efficiency.
∙  core sector (core sectors) N-COUNT
The core sectors of a company or industry are the most important or most profitable
areas of its activity.
In the UK it could be argued that we have neglected prodi. ::∙:
as a core sector, subsequently losing in world trade terms *:
Germany, japan, Korea.
Hagstrom believes that Buffett's core sectors ~ advertising,
consumer products, financial services, healthcare and mer.
have the scope to out-perform the SkP 500 in forthcoming
∙  service quality N-UNCOUNT
Service quality is the level or standard of service providec  an organization
or company.
Improvements in efficiency and in service quality may well
require substantial changes.
To ensure security for our customers and staff, and to help
maintain service quality, phone calls may be recorded.
O market share: Topic 12.1; service industry:Topic 12.2; service:Topic 12.3
140Topic 12.5
Services - Financial Services

∙ financial service (financial services) N-COUNT financial product (financial
products) N-COUNT
A company or organization that provides financial services is able to help you
do things such as make investments or buy a pension or mortgage. A financial
product is something such as an investment, a pension, or a mortgage.
 ...voluntary organisations that provide independent advice to
consumers on financial services.
 ...financial service companies.
Sites such as moneyextra allow consumers to compare financial
products, such as car insurance, from several different
∙ financial services provider (financial services providers) N-COUNT
A financial services provider is a company or organization that offers financial
 ...one of the fastest-growing financial services providers in the
∙ financial consultant (financial consultants)
financial adviser (financial advisers) N-COUNT A financial consultant or financial
adviser is someone whose job is to advise people about financial products and
They have agreed to provide the services of a qualified financial
consultant to help you analyse your current investment, pension,
mortgage and insurance needs.
 ...an independent financial adviser.
∙  cashpoint (cashpoints) N-COUNT
A cashpoint is a machine built into the wall of a bank or other building, which
allows people to take out money from their bank account using a special card.
Chris couldn't find a cashpoint to get the money for a taxi home.
You are issued with a personal identification number that allows
you to withdraw money from more than 400,000 cashpoint
machines worldwide.
Common Collocations
a cashpoint card              a cashpoint network
a cashpoint machine
∙ electronic trading N-UNCOUNT online banking N-UNCOUNT
Electronic trading is the buying or selling or stocks and shares by means of
the Internet. Online banking is banking services that are available to customers
by means of the Internet.
Electronic trading is cheaper than traditional floor trading.
Two of the world's biggest investment banks have teamed up
with a rival of the New York Stock Exchange to offer a new
electronic trading system.
This move to online banking has been partly driven by the move
to flexible working.
∙  personal banking N-UNCOUNT
Personal banking is the part of a bank's activities that is concerned with bank
accounts belonging to individual customers rather than to businesses.
What they don't understand is that consumers who use PCs for
personal banking today used to be those institutions' most
profitable customers.
Services are confined to a range of personal banking products,
such as mortgages.
∙  call centre (call centres) N-COUNT
A call centre is an office where people work answering or making telephone calls
for a particular company.
/ phoned Dell's call centre and spoke to an operator, who
patiently answered some of my queries.
Andrew is one of 204,000 call-centre employees in Britain.
∙ telephone banking N-UNCOUNT
Telephone banking is banking services that are available to
customers over the telephone.
One reason for the relatively slow adoption of online banking is that it is not
yet much more convenient than telephone banking.

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