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Деловой английский- расширяем активный словарный запас Management from Collins Cobuild Business Vocabulary

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Topic 13.1         Managers - People at the Top
∙  senior ADI
The senior people in an organization or profession have the highest and most
important jobs.
Each group presents its findings to senior managers.
,.. the company's senior management.
∙  executive (executives)
An executive is someone who is employed by business at a senior level. Executives
decide what the business should do, and ensure that it is done.
Several top executives subsequently resigned.
 ...an advertising executive.
The executive sections and tasks of an organization are concerned with the making
of decisions and with ensuring that decisions are carried out.
A successful job search needs to be as well organised as any
other executive task.
I don't envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become
a consultant on merchandise and marketing.
Common Collocations
an executive director         an executive officer an executive chairman    
 an executive committee
∙  non-executive ADJ
Someone who has a non-executive position in a company or organization gives advice
but is not responsible for making decisions or ensuring that decisions are carried
Mr Margetts is a non-executive director of Anglo American.
The issue became whether he should leave altogether or remain
as chairman in a non-executive role.
Common Collocations
a non-executive director       a non-executive offic
a non-executive i
a non-executive <
∙  director (directors) N-COUNT
The directors of a company are its most senior managers, who meet regularly to
make important decisions about how it will be run.
 ... Karl Uggerholt, the financial director of Braun UK.
There were two female directors employed at the station.
∙  board of directors (boards of directors) N-COUNT board (boards) N-COUNT
A company's board of directors is the group of people elected by its shareholders
to manage the company. The board of a company or organization is the group of
people who control it and direct it.
The Board of Directors has approved the decision unanimously.
He wants her to put it before the board at a special meeting.
 ... the agenda for the September 12 board meeting.
∙  company secretary (company secretaries)
A company secretary is a person whose job within a company is to keep the legal
affairs, accounts, and administration in order.
 ... David Jackson, company secretary of Powergen.
∙ chairman (chairmen) N-COUNT chairwoman (chairwomen) N-COUNT chairperson
(chairpersons) N-COUNT chair (chairs) N-COUNT
[TJ The chairman of a company is the head of it. / had done business with the
company's chairman.
\S The chairman, chairwoman, chairperson or chair of a
meeting, committee, or organization is the person in charge of it. The chairman
declared the meeting open. I hear you, Mr. Chairman.
Primakov was in japan meeting with the chairwoman of the Socialist Party there.
As chairperson and party president, she'll be in charge. She is the chair of
the Committee on Women in the Military.
∙  managing director (managing directors) N-COUK" MD (MDs) N-COUNT
The managing director of a company is the most important working director, and
is in charge of the way the company is managed. The abbreviation MD is also used.
 ...Nick Webb, managing director of Simon & Schuster UK.
He's going to be the MD of the Park Lane company.
∙  chief executive officer (chief executive
officers) N-COUNT
The chief executive officer of a company is the person who has overall responsibility
for the management of that company. The abbreviation CEO is often used.
Dr Fredrik C Verkroost has been appointed chief executive officer
of the Domain Dynamics Group.
 ...Geoffrey Paterson, CEO of Teamphone.
∙ annual general meeting (annual general meetings) N-COUNT
The annual general meeting of a company or organization is a meeting which it
holds once a year in order to discuss the previous year's activities and accounts.
The abbreviation AGM i; also used.
The club has its annual general meeting at the end of this month. The CCBA is
holding its AGM at 3pm on January 8.
O limited company:Topic 2.4; shareholder: Topic 7.2
Topic 13.2   ;    Managers - Management and Leadership Styles
∙  management style (management styles)
management ability (management abilities)
A person's management style or management ability is
the way they behave as a manager or the qualities they have as a manager.
Ware became increasingly unhappy at the new management
style and he left to join Dunlop.
The only hard questions directed at the group concerned its poor
management ability.
At Courtaulds Textiles, Martin Taylor has demonstrated
outstanding management abilities.
∙  hierarchy (hierarchies) N-VAR
A hierarchy is a system of organizing people into different ranks or levels of
importance, for example in society or in a company.
Like most other American companies with a rigid hierarchy.
workers and managers had strictly defined duties.
 ... those lower down the management hierarchy.
Common Collocations
hierarchy           a strict hierarchy
a rigid hierarchy
∙  collective ADJ
Collective actions, situations, or feelings involve or are shared by every member
of a group of people.
It was a collective decision.
 ...a more collective style of leadership.
∙ decision-making N-UNCOUNT
Decision-making is the process of reaching decisions, especially in a large organization
or in government.
Much of the pioneering work was based on decision-making
models borrowed from the social sciences.
She wants to see more women involved in decision making.
∙  crisis management N-UNCOUNT
People use crisis management to refer to a management style that concentrates
on solving the immediate problems occurring in a business rather than looking
for long-term solutions.
Today's NSC is overcome, through no fault of its own, by day-today crisisjnanagement,
...a crisis-management team.
∙  change management N-UNCOUNT
Change management is a style of management that aims to encourage organizations
and individuals to deal effectively with the changes taking place in their work.
She is hoping to go into change management or IT manage when she graduates.
A key part of change management is making sure the right information is available
for people to make informed choice:
∙  leader (leaders) N-COUNT
The leader of a group of people or an organization is the person who is in control
of it or in charge of it.
 ... the leader of a great marketing team.
But he never won much praise as a manager, nor as a tec-
∙ autocratic ADJ democratic ADJ laissez-faire ADJ
An autocratic person or organization has complete powe'  makes decisions without
asking anyone else's advice. Some — that is democratic is based on the
idea that everyone she . z have equal rights and should be involved in making
impor.s--decisions. A laissez-faire style or approach is based on the d that
people should be allowed to make decisions themsekes without interference from
those in authority.
Weston's autocratic style at the family firm had its critics.
NBBj also prides itself on an open and democratic manage--
He's quite democratic in that he'll listen to ideas from an\ rcot
"Technically, we have laissez-faire management," says Drzez-r
"We all talk a lot over the Internet about what we might a:
∙ subordinate (subordinates) N-COUNT
If someone is your subordinate, they have a less importa-: position than you
in the organization that you both work fo-
Haig tended not to seek guidance from subordinates.
Nearly all her subordinates adored her.
∙  delegate (delegates, delegating, delegated) \i delegation N-UNCOUNT
If you delegate duties, responsibilities, or power to someone you give them those
duties, those responsibilities, or that po.vgrl so that they can act on your
behalf. The delegation of responsibility is the act of giving the responsibility
for sometf to another person.
He talks of travelling less, and delegating more authority to 
deputies in Britain and Australia.
Many employers find it hard to delegate.
A key factor in running a business is the delegation of
5 staff: Topic 13.4; entrepreneur:Topic 13.5; entrepreneurial: Topic 13.5
Topic 13.3
Managers - Organizational Culture
∙  corporate culture (corporate cultures) N-COUNT organizational culture
cultures) N-COUNT A corporate culture or organizational culture is the set of
values and attitudes within a company or organization that influences the general
behaviour of its employees, for example how efficient or friendly they are.
Passion, freedom and autonomy are all part of French corporate
The entire organizational culture must be prepared to change by
embracing diversity.
∙  bureaucratic culture (bureaucratic cultures)
performance culture (performance cultures)
If you talk about the bureaucratic culture in a workplace, you mean that there
is a lot of emphasis on complicated rules and procedures. If you talk about a
performance culture, you mean that the emphasis is on being successful and achieving
Devine admits CM's bureaucratic culture is a problem. Keith Brookes, an assistant
secretary at Bifu, said that the group's performance culture is putting intense
pressure on staff.
∙ facilitate (facilitates, facilitating, facilitated) VERB
To facilitate an action or process, especially one that you would like to happen,
means to make it easier or more likely to happen.
The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism.
He argued that the economic recovery had been facilitated by his
tough stance.
∙  dress code (dress codes) N-COUNT
The dress code in a workplace is the rules about what kind of clothes employees
are allowed to wear there.
Three months ago the Boots Company relaxed its dre
certain areas of its business.
∙  hot-desking N-UNCOUNT
hot-desk (hot-desks, hot-desking, hot-desked}
Hot-desking is the practice of not assigning particular de particular employees
in a workplace, so that employees c=-at any desk that is available. If an employee
works in this v\aj you can say that they hot-desk.
/ think that very few employees prefer hot-desking to ha'. '∙: i
fixed desk.
 ...a sales manager who worked from the car between he:-
desking in offices in Bristol, Birmingham and London.
∙ empower (empowers, empowering, empowered) VERB empowerment N-UNCOUNT
To empower someone means to give them the means to    ] achieve something, for
example to become stronger or morel successful. The empowerment of a person or
group of | is the process of giving them power and status in a partic^ : situation.
Empowering the underprivileged lies in assuring them the:
education holds the real source of power.
The new law empowers people to challenge wrongdoing in :
This government believes very strongly in the empower
Phil is committed to employee empowerment and enlighie-^,
O corporate: Topic 2.1; corporate values: Topic 11.4

Common Collocations
a strict dress code                   a relaxed dress code
; to a dress code
∙ dress-down Friday (dress-down Fridays) N-COUNT
In some companies employees are allowed to wear clothes that are less smart than
usual on Fridays. This day is known as a dress-down Friday.
But is it really feasible to don sportswear to the office without the excuse
of dress-down-Fridav?
Topic 13.4         Managers - Human Resource Management
∙  human resource management N-UNCOUNT
Human resource management is the work within a company that involves the recruitment,
training and welfare of staff. The abbreviation HRM is also used.
Before this time supervisors handled nearly all aspects of human
resource management.
 ...areas in which HRM can demonstrate measurable cost
∙  human resources N-UNCOUNT
Human resources is the department in a company or organization that deals with
employees, keeps their records, and helps with any problems they might have.
The abbreviation HR is also used.
RAM has also appointed Mark Molloy from Cartmore as head of
human resources.
We are a small firm so there is no HR department for me to go to.
m human resource planning N-UNCOUNT
Human resource planning is the work within a company that involves identifying
the future employment needs of the company and recruiting the staff to meet those
needs. The abbreviation HRP is also used.
Finally, a realistic understanding of current workforce capabilities
is essential for effective human resource planning.
Since HRP was instituted, vacancies at this level have been
reduced by roughly SO percent.
∙  staff (staffs)
The staff of an organization are the people who work for it. The staff were very
good. The outpatient program has a staff of six people. ...members of staff.
Many employers seek diversity in their staffs.
People who are part of a particular staff are often referred to as
7 0 staff were allocated to the task.
He had the complete support of hospital staff.
m personnel N-PLURAL
The personnel of an organization are the people who work for
There has been very little renewal of f education.
I in higher
∙ workforce (workforces) N-COUNT
The workforce is the total number of people in a country or region who are physically
able to do a job and are available for
work. The workforce is also the total number of people .-.-» are employed
by a particular company.
 ... a country where half the workforce is unemployed.
 ...an employer of a very large workforce.
∙ employee (employees) N-COUNT
An employee is a person who is paid to work for an organization or for another
He is an employee of Fuji Bank.
Many of its employees are women.
∙  line manager (line managers) N-COUNT
Your line manager is the person at work who is in charge
your department, group, or project.
He claimed his line manager, a woman, had bullied him s: relentlessly that the
stress caused a mental breakdown. Mr Ezra was line manager to Mr Archer, 24.
∙  management philosophy (management
philosophies) N-COUNT
A company's management philosophy is the set of ideas has about how the business
should be run.
Second, Bertelsmann's management philosophy dictates f —
divisional chiefs should run their bits of the business
 ...alternative management philosophies that were intende:
foster work-force commitment.
∙ theory X N-UNCOUNT theory Y N-UNCOUNT
Theory X is the idea that employees work better when the. closely supervised
and when their work is strictly controlled Theory Y is the idea that employees
work better when the* given responsibility for their own work and when their
pers: needs are satisfied.
Some managers certainly hold a Theory X point of view ac:~-some of the people
in the business and a Theory Y point c" .-a about the others.
∙  hierarchical ADI flat ADJ
A hierarchical system or organization is one in which peoc e have different ranks
or positions, depending on how importa^: they are. Companies with a flat structure
are organized in a la hierarchical way than traditional companies, with the aim
of giving all employees a relatively equal status within the com&a"
They claim that the hierarchical structure of schools replicat;:
the hierarchical structure of the workplace.
The management structure remains flat rather than hierarcr
to make everyone feel they have an important role to plgy.
O induction: Topic 11.3; organizational culture:Topic 13.3; recruit: Topic 14.1;
wage: Topic 14.2; CO-WOP ; Topic 14.3
bpic 13.5
Managers - Entrepreneurs
∙  entrepreneur (entrepreneurs) N-COUNT entrepeneurial ADI
An entrepreneur is a person who sets up businesses and business deals. Entrepreneurial
means having the qualities that are needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.
 ...Maltha Lane Fox, the 26-year-old entrepreneur who set up
 ... her prodigious entrepreneurial flair.
We feel that we have the entrepreneurial skills to build a major
business in this area.
Common Collocations
entrepreneurial spirit         entrepreneurial skills
entrepreneurial culture      entrepreneurial activity
∙ talent (talents) N-VAR flair N-SINC
Talent is the natural ability to do something well. If you have a flair for a
particular thing, you have a natural ability to do it well.
This is one of the few places where the talent for business has
been allowed to blossom without hindrance.
He was an unusual man with great business talents coupled with
deep political convictions.
He showed a flair for business when he was just six years old,
selling juice for two cents a glass.
 ...a bid that would primarily have been about injecting new
management flair into the organisation.
∙ tycoon (tycoons) N-COUNT
A tycoon is a person who is successful in business and so has become rich and
 ...a self-made Irish property tycoon.
The media tycoon had illegally shifted money out of his workers'
pension funds to support his crumbling business empire before he
Common Collocations
a media tycoon a business tycoon
a property tycoon a publishing tycoon
∙ skill (skills)
A skill is a type of work or activity which requires speciat training
and knowledge.
 . ..methods of developing the management skills needed to create the environment
for innovation within a business. Commercial, entrepreneurial and financial skills
will need to be in place to implement any long term business strategies. ...
when a person who has prided himself on a technical skill discovers that his
job can be done better by a machine.
Skill is the knowledge and ability that enables you to do something well.
Last year's IT installation problems raise questions about :
quality and depth of management skill.
∙ guru (gurus) N-COUNT
A guru is a person who some people regard as an exper : leader.
He treasures the advice he was given by business guru Sr
Management gurus are among the most powerful opinion
formers of the modern age.
        Common  Collocations    
a design guru           an advertisin   g guru
an investment   guru    a marketing     guru
∙ self-employed ADJ
If you are self-employed, you organize your own work a- r taxes and are paid
by people for a service you provide, rathe-than being paid a regular salary by
a person or a firm.
There are no paid holidays or sick leave if you are    If   11
 ... o self-employed builder.
∙  multi-skilling N-UNCOUNT multi-skilled ADI
Multi-skilling is the practice of training employees to do a number of different
tasks. Multi-skilled employees have a number of different skills, enabling them
to do more than c~* kind of work.
He said restructuring at the station would lead to increases
multi-skilling among staff.
 ... the development of a more adaptable, multi-skilled won ?_ ∙
capable of moving with the times.
∙  run (runs, running, ran, run) VERB
If you run a business, you are in charge of it or you organize His stepfather
ran a prosperous business. ...a well-am organization.
O high-tech sector: Topic 1.2; small business:Topic 2.1; start-up:Topic 2.3;
factors of production;Top 4.3

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