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Деловой английский- расширяем активный словарный запас entries from Collins Cobuild intermediate grammar
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business used as an uncount noun Business is work relating to the production, buying, and selling of goods or services. There are good profits to be made in the hotel business. Are you in San Francisco for business or pleasure? There are a number of other nouns which refer to activities which people are paid to do. For more information on these words, see entry at work. WARNING You do not refer to a discussion connected with business as `a business'. You do not say, for example, `We've got a business to see to'. You say `We've got some business to see to'. I was sent up here to do some business with someone. We've still got some business to do. Do you mind just sitting? used as a count noun A business is a company, shop, or organization which produces and sells goods or provides a service. He set up a small travel business. work Work is used as a verb or a noun. used as a verb People who work have a job which they are paid to do. I'm not working any more. I used to work in a hotel. You can use `as' with work to say what a person's job is. Pam works as a careers officer. used as an uncount noun If you have work, you have a job which you are paid to do. ...people who can't find work. ...different types of work. When someone has a job, you can say that they are in work. ...ways of allowing people to remain in work. When someone does not have a job, you can say that they are out of work. There are one and a half million people out of work in this country. Work is also used to talk about the place where someone works. When work has this meaning, you do not use a determiner in front of it. He too drives to work by car. I can't leave work till five. `works' A place where things are made is sometimes called a works. For more information, see entry at factory. nouns with a similar meaning The following nouns all refer generally to activities which people are paid to do: business, employment, job, occupation, position, post, profession, trade `employment' Employment is a formal word with a similar meaning to `work'. Like `work', it is an uncount noun. Of those who had paid jobs, perhaps only half were in full-time employment. There is no hope of regular employment as an agricultural labourer. Employment is also used to talk about the number of people in a country or area who have jobs. ...the government's commitment to full employment. Only 18 per cent thought employment would rise over the next year. `job' A person's job is a particular set of duties which they are paid to do. Job is a count noun. Her mother had a cleaning job. When you are settled in your new job, invite some of your old friends out to lunch. For another meaning of job, see below. `position' and `post' In formal English, position and post are used instead of `job'. When a job is advertised, it is often described as a position or post. A person applying for a job usually uses one of these words. He had left Birmingham suddenly to fly back to London, having resigned his position. Today the Foreign Ministry announced that the Ambassador to Cuba is retiring from his post. `occupation' Your occupation is your job. Occupation is often used on official forms. The Judge asked his occupation. `Security consultant,' he replied. ...men preparing to switch to a new occupation. Note that if you are asked to write your occupation on a form, you can put `student', `housewife', `unemployed', or `retired' if you do not have a paid job. `profession' and `trade' Profession and trade are both used to refer to types of job which require special training. A profession is a type of job which requires formal training and which has fairly high status, for example the job of a doctor, teacher, or lawyer. Both her parents had been school teachers and after college she entered the same profession. You can also use profession to refer to all the people in a particular profession. For example, you can talk about `the teaching profession' or `the medical profession'. There would be an outcry from the legal profession if these proposals were seriously put forward. A trade is a type of skilled job, usually one which involves making or repairing something. I learned a trade, began to work, worked hard and earned money. He was the son of a newspaperman and he never thought there was any other trade to follow. You also use trade to refer to work that involves buying and selling things, or catering for tourists. ...the effect such an arrangement would have on Britain's hugely successful art trade. The absence of a tourist trade will bring more economic hardships. `business' Business is used to refer to work that involves making, buying, or selling things. You were in the film business? You'd better go into the oil business or become a banker. another meaning of `job' Job has another meaning. You can use it to refer to one particular thing that needs to be done. It will be a long job, I'm afraid. It's always better to concentrate on the job in hand. `piece of work' and `task' You can also call this a piece of work. If it is difficult or unpleasant, you can call it a task. Task is a fairly formal word. ...a means of doing an essential piece of work. The first task is to raise educational levels. company A company is a business organization that makes money by selling goods or services. He is a geologist employed by an oil company. You can use either a singular or plural form of a verb after company. The company has taken on 1600 more highly-paid staff. The insurance company have approved the burglarproofing. price - cost The price or cost of something is the amount of money you must pay to buy it. ...an increase in the cost of fertilizer. Note that you do not use any preposition except `of' after price or cost in sentences like these. You can also use cost to refer to the amount of money needed to do or make something. The building was recently restored at a cost of *500,000. They are now manufactured by the billion at a cost of a few pence each. You do not use price in this way. `costs' You use the plural noun costs when you are referring to the total amount of money needed to run something such as a business. She decided she needed to cut her costs by half. Moulton's have had to raise their prices still higher to cover increased costs. `cost' used as a verb You use cost as a verb to talk about the amount of money that you must pay for something. The dress costs $200. These four books cost *2.95 each. You can use cost with two objects to say how much money someone actually pays for something on a particular occasion. Note that the past tense and past participle of `cost' is cost, not `costed'. A two-day stay there cost me $125. Note that you do not use `to' after cost in a sentence like this. Telephoning In the examples in this entry, A is the person answering the phone, and B is the person who is making the phone call. answering the phone There are several ways of answering the telephone when someone phones you. You can just say `Hello', or you can give your telephone number. A: Hello. B: Hello. It's me. A: 76459. B: Hello. Is that Carol? Note that you say each digit of the telephone number. For example, you would say 435 1916 as `four three five one nine one six'. British speakers usually say 0 as `oh'. American speakers usually say `zero'. When a number is repeated, British speakers use the word `double'. For example, they say 4335 as `four double three five'. If you are at work, you can give the name of your organization or department, or your own name. You can say `Good morning' or `Good afternoon' instead of `Hello'. A: Parkfield Medical Centre. B: Hello. I'd like to make an appointment to see one of the doctors this morning please. A: Hello. Tony Parsons speaking. B: Oh, hello. It's Tom Roberts here. A: Good morning. B: Good morning. Who am I speaking to? A: Er, my name is Alan Fentiman. Some people say `Yes?' when answering a phone call, especially one within an organization, but this can sound abrupt and rude. If you recognize the person's voice when they say `Hello', you can say `Hello' followed by their name. A: Hello. B: Hello, Jim. A: Hello, Alex, how are you? If you don't recognize the caller's voice, you can ask who it is. If you are at home, you say `Sorry, who is it?' or `Who is this?' Some people say `Who's that?', but this can sound rude. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: Sorry, who is it? B: It's me, Terry. If you think you know who the caller is, you say, for example, `Is that James?' or `That's James, isn't it?' A: Hello. B: Hello. Can I speak to John? A: I'm afraid he's just gone out. Is that Sarah?> B: Yes. If you are at work, and the caller wants to speak to someone else, you say `Who's calling?' or `Who's speaking?' B: Hello, could I speak to Mrs George, please? A: Who's calling? B: The name is Pearce. A: Hold on a minute, please. If the caller has got through to the wrong number, you say something like `I think you've got the wrong number' or `Sorry, wrong number'. A: Hello. B: Mrs Clough? A: No, you've got the wrong number. B: I'm sorry. telephoning someone When you are phoning a friend or relative, you can just say `Hello' when they answer the phone, if you think they will recognize your voice. You can add their name. A: Hello. B: Hello! I just thought I'd better ring to let you know what time I'll be arriving. A: Hello. B: Hello, Alan. A: Hello, Mark, how are you? B: Well, not so good. Note that after saying `Hello' friends and relatives normally ask each other how they are. If you need to make it clear who you are when you phone someone, you say `It's' or `This is' and your name. A: Hello. B: Hello. It's Jenny. A: Hello. B: Hello, Alan. This is Eila. You can also say `It's ... here'. A: Hello. B: It's Maggie Turner here. Sometimes you do not need to give your name, for example when you are asking for general information. A: Citizen's Advice Bureau. B: Hello. I'd like some advice about a dispute with my neighbours. If you are not sure who has answered the phone, you say `Who am I speaking to?' or, informally, `Who's that?' A: Hello. B: Hello. Who am I speaking to, please? A: Yes? B: I want to speak to Mr Taylor. A: I'm afraid Mr Taylor's not in the office right now. B: Who's that? You can check that you have the right person, organization, or number by saying `Is that...?, or by just saying the name or number like a question. A: Hello. B: Is that Mrs Thompson? A: Er, yes it is. B: This is Kaj Mintti from Finland. A: Hello. B: Hello? 435 1916? A: Yes? Note that American speakers usually say `Is this...?' instead of `Is that...?' A: Hello. B: Hello. Is this the Casa Bianca restaurant? I want to speak with Anna. Anna di Pietro. asking to speak to someone If the person who answers the phone is not the person you want to speak to, you say, for example, `Can I speak to Paul, please?' or `Is Paul there?' A: Hello. B: Can I speak to Sue, please? A: Hang on -- I'm sorry, but she's not in at the moment. B: Can I leave a message? A: Yes. B: Would you tell her that Adrian phoned? If you are making a business call, you say, for example, `Could I speak to Mr Green, please?' or just say the name of the person or department you want, followed by `please'. A: William Foux and Company. B: Er, good afternoon. Could I speak to Mr Duff, please? A: Oh, I'm sorry, he's on another line at the moment. Will you hang on? B: No, it's all right. I'll ring later. A: British Steel Corporation. B: Data room, please. A: I'll put you through. If the person you are speaking to is in fact the person you want, they sometimes say `Speaking'. A: Personnel. B: Could I speak to Mr Wilson, please. A: Speaking. B: Oh, right. I wanted to ask you a question about sick pay. ending a phone call When you end a phone call, you say `Goodbye' or, informally, `Bye'. A: I'm afraid I can't talk to you now. B: OK, I'll phone back after lunch. A: OK. Goodbye. B: Goodbye. A: I'll just check. Yes, it's here. B: Oh, OK. Thanks. Bye. People sometimes also say `Speak to you soon' or `Thanks for ringing'. BR written All right I'm a coward, but that car business ... BR written ` `None of your nosey business." BR written Well, it happens in business empires. BR written Escape's like murder, a private business. BR written `It's no business of ours, Ian. BR written This clan-loyalty business could surely be safely forgotten, except among the elderly gossipmongers of Dubneath. BR written How they hear about it's their own business. BR written `He's the best barker in the business. BR written Just before a sale, like that Norfolk business in the mid-'seventies ... BR written I wanted to drop in on Karpova upon learning this, but she wasn't there: either she was sick, on holiday, or away on business. BR written The business of distributing the work, counting up the pages and lines and trimming the sheets provided Sofia Petrovna with far more pleasure than working at a typewriter herself. BR written Still, a typing business was presumably even better and in a way more important. BR written Finally Sofia Petrovna took the whole business into her own hands -- at which point she discovered that the radio really was a very pleasant invention. BR written Other business. BR written But in his day he introduced into the business a whole string of his own admirers, his own suite, if I may use the word, which formed a closely knit group and did everything possible to help him in his dirty Trotskyist machinations. BR written He had no business being so quick-tempered. BR written Well, it's your business, I suppose. BR written Not that he was any danger, but when God made you a gift of a bit of unfinished business, you didn't throw it back in his face! But first things first. BR written I don't know the truth of that Health Centre business, Dog, but let's accept that Johnny Jacobs likes having his bishop bashed by a pretty girl now and then. BR written He spent a lot of time over this side of the water on his Noraid business, so he'd have plenty of opportunity to set up a bolt hole. BR written `Now perhaps you'll explain how a man in my line of business comes to be smuggling a man in yours out of a police station.' `I'm on the run," said Dog bluntly. BR written `She told me it was her business. BR written Now he was a full colonel, though he didn't look in the least military in his grey business suit. BR written No, this is personal business, so you'll need to dredge up something better than money to talk your way out of it.' `No one's talking their way out," said Bridie Heighway. BR written He wore a crumpled blue business suit and a homburg, and on his thin, unremarkable face was the melancholy expression of an insurance salesman about to remind you of your family responsibilities. BR written By the time he realized how wrong he'd been, he'd got married and established the family business, a cafe and fish and chip shop in Romchurch. BR written `He's from the Priory College, if it's any business of yours. BR written Then, surprised at detecting none, she folded her arms and said, `All right, Mr Cicero, what's your business with me?' He brought himself back to the present and said, `It's about your daughter.' `Has there been an accident?" she asked in alarm. BR written She hesitated then said, `What goes on between my daughter and myself is our business. BR written Thought you were just enquiring about the Jacobs business till she heard the news. BR written That's my business, Inspector. BR written He wound up his business and `very naturally he started speaking and teaching spiritual ideas which were not his, which he had not read anywhere. BR written Her father tried a number of business ventures. BR written She helped set David up in a taxi business. BR written Most, at least, `respect our beliefs and know that we mean business". So what does `Salvation" mean? BR written Nevertheless, `We are a business. BR written With a small - and diminishing - group of people, she ran a tofu factory and a wholefood distribution business. BR written Some members' trust is wavering under the onslaught of `slick kind of business terms", Dianne says. BR written But for her there is a challenge: how to ground commerce in the spiritual. `What does it mean to love at a business meeting, to interact in a respectful way? BR written They lived in a small town twenty-five miles from Bangalore, where his father had gone to get a job and, in his spare time, run a business. BR written The energy crisis and global warming made a fashion out of Green living and `we realized we'd got to move in quick to keep in front, if you like, still have things to say. " In 1989, after agonized deliberation, the Quarry's permanent staff acknowledged that day visitors had become their `core business". BR written The success of the Visitors' Centre, run as a business by the plc, helps fund research; its `respectability" has led to more and more consultancy work. BR written She'd quickly taken to Chicago, and when a rundown brasserie had come on the market in the fashionable River North gallery area, they'd decided to go into business together. BR written Her hand froze over the switch and she slowly looked round at the two telephones on her desk: one was her business line, the other her private line. BR written Most of his business came from the civil wars in Africa. BR written He taught her maths, and by the age of sixteen she was already in charge of all the business accounts.' `He sounds like a remarkable man," Andrews said. BR written `The CIA faked his death, then sent him to Central America with a new identity and enough money for him to open a business for himself in Guatemala City. BR written A last throw of the dice so that I can pay off my debts and get the hell out of this damn business once and for all. BR written I put all my clients - and potential clients - up there when they're in town on business.' `What is it you do?" BR written It also wouldn't be very good for business, would it? BR written `It's the only way to survive in this business, Coughlin.' `Come inside and close the door," Dennison instructed Coughlin, gesturing him impatiently into the room. 'What do you want?" BR written `That's all you need to know about him.' `Well, now that the pleasantries are over, perhaps we can get down to business," Marlette said. BR written Whenever she's asked after her father, Gustavo told her that he'll be coming for her as soon as he's completed his business in the city. BR written I've been in this business long enough to recognize that difference. BR written This would be the death blow for many of his rivals, who were already struggling for business; he'd make sure his own troubleshooters were circling around like ravenous vultures, waiting to buy them out for a fraction of their real worth. BR written This is business, Nicole, and you know damn well that I never renege on a contract.' Ruiz heard the raised voices and approached the two of them cautiously. BR written When I first took on the contract I did see it merely as a means of paying off my debts and getting out of this business once and for all. BR written You learn to do that in this business, otherwise you'll get sucked into their world. BR written Do you know how much business I've lost in these last couple of days with so many of my men out of circulation?' 'Just think of all the government contracts you'll get once Vaquero's in power," Amaya reminded him. BR written You've got something of a reputation as one of the best marksmen in the business. BR written Weapons are still big business, Marlette. BR written Very big business." BR written We're going to need to use some of Pruitt's money to pay for this little business venture. BR written As players get older the amount of international cricket played and the pressure involved, as well as the business of leaving your family at home for months at a time, mean that if you don't take an occasional winter break you are vulnerable to burn out. BR written As our relationship blossomed, Kath managed to arrange as many business trips as possible to coincide with my county games, and in her trusty Austin 1100 she would appear at cricket grounds in Somerset, Devon, Cornwall or wherever we happened to be playing at the time. BR written In fact, Kath apparently had not been too keen on coming at all as she had just returned from a business trip, was worn out and, in any case, was meeting up with her boyfriend over the weekend! BR written Kath was doing a business studies course at Lanchester polytechnic in Coventry and, in between times, working for her father helping to promote high-quality drums and drumsticks used by some of the big name rock stars. BR written He came across Kerry Packer, the Australian television magnate, a man who shared his view that something should be done to make cricket into a high-profile big business entertainment industry. BR written In my early career, batting was a very straightforward business. BR written But the players appreciated that he made it his business to keep such a low profile as to be almost invisible. BR written From the windows of the coaches transporting us from our hotel, we saw these locals walking the streets armed to the teeth with guns, knives and machetes - and this was just the everyday folk going about their business. BR written Now I could be judged solely on my achievements as a player, and I was absolutely determined to prove I could still do the business. BR written Once the business of resigning the captaincy had been attended to, Kath and I both felt a huge weight had been lifted from our shoulders. BR written Nike were highly sensitive about South Africa, especially as the Olympic Games were coming up in Los Angeles in 1984, and if an England rebel cricket team was to spark a mass boycott of the games it would not have been good for their business. BR written At least the fun we had put the South African business to the back of our minds for a while. BR written I'm not just referring to the media, but also to those who make it their business to pry into, examine and pass judgement on the lives of people they know nothing about and care for even less. BR written As far as we were concerned it was our business and nobody else's; if the story got out it would only lead to more unwelcome press intrusion. BR written It was actually alleged by the News of The World, although not printed until two years later after the Lindy Field business in Barbados, that I had shared a night of heroin-induced passion with the wife of a cricket journalist. BR written What irked me about the whole business was that once I had done so, they insisted that I should phone home and get Kath to come along for questioning as well. BR written One of his more outlandish claims was that he had had regular conversations with the millionaire recluse Howard Hughes and that these meetings had been instrumental in fashioning his business ideals. BR written The parting of the ways was not pleasant and I was glad when, some years later, he and I re-established a friendship that had been badly damaged by the whole business. BR written In other words nothing happened, and the reception of the crowd when I took the field at The Oval showed exactly what they thought of the whole business. BR written I had played in fewer than half our first-class games due to Test calls and a toe injury, and the club were understandably getting a little upset that I appeared to be spending more time with Hudson than concerning myself with county business. BR written Golan welcomed us and got straight down to business. BR written He and I have argued a number of times about the invasion of Ian Botham into our private lives, as well as completely redirecting our business energies in your direction. BR written We have scrapped all other business interests in the UK to concentrate on I. T. Botham. BR written We are the creative and business mind. BR written We love you, but cannot give our business and talent free. BR written Kath, the kids and I had just returned from a trip to Hong Kong which was part holiday, part business, and on the car journey from Heathrow to home we put Becky's fractiousness down to exhaustion after the long flight. BR written They blanched somewhat when I told them, but ended up supporting the venture and making a film of the whole business from start to finish. (Sadly, the pilot who taught me in double-quick time, Harry Knapp, recently lost his life in a training accident.) I almost managed to avoid further trouble before the ban was lifted. BR written Business was booming at New Road, only a dozen or so season ticket holders failed to renew their memberships for the following season and the intake of new members soared, so much so that the club ran out of car parking space. BR written On that tour his singlemindedness meant that even the players' wives were barred from the team hotel and there was a very grim, almost missionary zeal about the way the players went about their business. BR written I put my hands on his shoulders, redirected his gaze so he was facing the front again and told him to mind his own business. BR written Ian told him to shut up and mind his own business. BR written I still find it hard to work out why Queensland were so keen to get rid of me because I did good business for them at the turnstiles; they had not attracted such large crowds in years. BR written There is no doubt that the biggest casualty of the whole business was Gower. BR written He had contacts in the music business and his `Bunbury" cricket XI, who play matches for charity all over the country, has included stars like Roger Daltry, Bill Wyman, Eric Clapton and many others with whom I have shared many good times. BR written We got hold of a promoter called Nick Leigh at Kennedy Street Enterprises who has since become my agent and business partner, and made a 35-minute film featuring various cricketing highlights to start the whole thing off. BR written Alan had some business out there and I fancied going, not just for the air show but because the Rolling Stones were recording in a studio in Paris. BR written Take the Lindy Field business, for example. BR written She relies on the escape to Alderney to recharge her batteries for the exhausting business of being Mrs Ian Botham. BR written Until only quite recently, what happened away from the cricket field for instance, was considered none of anyone's business. BR written Tentative housing recovery Robert Miller THE tentative nature of the housing recovery and cut-throat competition for new mortgage business was underlined yesterday when building societies reported a * 157 million monthly fall in net home loan advances to * 603 million. BR written Pledge by Labour on late payment Philip Bassett, Industrial Editor TONY BLAIR, proclaiming new Labour as the `party of small business", said yesterday that a future Labour government will legislate on late payment of debt. BR written Oftel said the new price regime would remove some * 1.5 billion a year in `super-normal" operating profits from the company's regulated business. BR written Was this a `Middle Eastern" way of doing business, or was it simply dishonest? BR written Elys has remained largely unchanged as a one-store business for a generation, despite operating two Beds for Less discount stores in Surrey. BR written Jupiter bonuses study;Business Roundup INVESTIGATORS from Imro, the watchdog for fund managers, were yesterday still studying allegations that Jupiter Tyndall, the fund management group bought by the German Commerzbank last year for * 169 million, had breached City rules relating to staff bonus payments and the handling of client assets. BR written Swedes size up Fokker;Business Roundup SAAB and FFV Aerotech, the Swedish aircraft and defence firms each said yesterday that they are considering buying parts of Fokker, the failed Dutch aircraft maker. BR written Telspec advances;Business Roundup TELSPEC, the electronic equipment company, lifted pre-tax profits by 33 per cent to * 8.72 million in the year to December 31, in spite of incuring a number of unforeseen problems which wiped * 1.5 million off full-year profits. BR written Digital warning;Digital Equipment;Business Roundup DIGITAL EQUIPMENT is the latest victim of sluggish sales of personal computers, warning investors that it expects its current quarterly earnings to fall well below Wall Street expectations. BR written Christos Papoutsis, the EU commissioner who has responsibility for enterprise policy, said yesterday that the SME sector accounted for 99 per cent of all European firms, covering two thirds of total employment and 65 per cent of all EU business turnover. BR written Blair hails Labour as the party for small business Philip Bassett, Industrial Editor LABOUR yesterday declared itself to be the `party for small business" as it set out a new package of proposals aimed at giving assistance to small firms by a Labour government. BR written In addition to the declaration by Tony Blair, the Labour leader, of his party's intention to legislate on late payment of debt, senior Labour figures set out a series of measures aimed at the small business sector. BR written Andrew Smith, the Shadow Treasury Chief Secretary, said Labour's commitment to working with small firms now marked out `new Labour as the party of small business". BR written He told a conference on small business: `Small firms will benefit especially from Labour's determination to secure sustainable expansion with a medium-term growth strategy, aimed at raising the trend rate of growth with low inflation." BR written At a conference organised by the Industry Forum, the body set up by Labour to provide links between Labour and business, Mr Smith said Labour would act to close the investment gap, modernising and simplifying the tax system, tackling tax abuse and taking steps to encourage long-term investment and its availability to small business. BR written The Forum published yesterday a policy document that sets out Labour's proposals on small business. BR written He said that every economic and fiscal proposal brought forward by Labour `will be examined for what it can do to nurture small business success". BR written Labour unveiled a pilot site on the Internet, called the Enterprise Zone, aimed at providing easy access for small business to a range of information an idea mentioned by ministers last week at their own small business conference as an objective. BR written Stan Mendham, chief executive of the Forum of Private Business, said that the conference showed clearly that Labour had `come a long way" in its relationship with business and small firms in particular. BR written He said that, if Labour wanted to be the party of small business, `they will have to measure accurately what we need, and then they will have to meet those needs. BR written Stephen Alambritis, from the Federation of Small Business, said that large firms were still cutting jobs, whereas small firms could repeat their 2.5 million job growth over the past 20 years. BR written Clear interest in Labour's plans for small business was indicated by the wealth of businesses, industry organisations and others speaking at yesterday's conference. BR written Stan Mendham, chief executive of the Forum of Private Business, said that the conference showed clearly that Labour had `come a long way" in its relationship with business and small firms in particular. BR written Lloyd's rescue needs`* 4.8bn to succeed";Business Roundup A GROUP indirectly representing 20,000 members in Lloyd's of London said the troubled insurance market's Reconstruction and Renewal plan needs more financing. BR written Centre jobs hope;Business Roundup A PROJECT to spend * 31 million on conference facilities could create up to 1,000 new jobs in Scotland. BR written The new centre will have two auditoriums, a business centre, committee rooms, stages and accommodation. BR written OGC achieves 10% rise;Business Roundup;OGC International OGC INTERNATIONAL, the oil and gas industry construction company, achieved a 10 per cent rise in pre-tax profits to * 14.2 million last year despite a 14 per cent decline in turnover to * 232.9 million. BR written SiR plans to join AIM;Business Roundup SYSTEMS INTEGRATED RESEARCH (SiR), which designs, produces and supplies multi-media educational software, plans to join the Alternative Investment Market next week. BR written Mediators stand by;Business Roundup FEDERAL mediators are on standby to help General Motors and union negotiators who have been unable to end a two-week-old strike that has left 175,000 workers idle. BR written The dispute was started by union fears that GM would start to provide more brake production business to outside companies. BR written Unveiling operating profit before tax of * 50.6 million for the year to 1995, up 7.1 per cent on the 1994 restated figure of * 47.3 million, Mr Shaw said that new life and pensions business written in 1995 was lower than in the previous year. BR written Britannic, which had 26,000 motor policies when it decided to stop writing new business, will continue to cover policyholders until renewal. BR written Mr Cruickshank seems determined to govern BT's network as though it were some social service rather than a fast-changing integrated business. BR written Marley begins the move out of vehicle products Carl Mortished MARLEY, the building products group, is selling part of its automotive products business after another difficult year in which setbacks in all its divisions left pre-tax profits for 1995 down 21 per cent to * 46.3 million. BR written Marley is selling part of the automotive components division to Magna International, of Canada, for * 53.2 million and is in talks to sell its share in the Davidson Marley joint venture, which makes up the rest of its automotive business. BR written Profits in the automotive business, which makes interior trim and instrument panels, fell from 5.5 million to 2.8 million last year because of difficult trading in Germany and start-up costs. BR written David Trapnell, Marley's chief executive, said the business needed to invest heavily to meet the demands of car manufacturers who were seeking to consolidate their supply chains. BR written A sharp increase in the cost of polymer resin hurt Marley's plastics division, including Syroco, the garden furniture business acquired early last year. BR written A new Flextech subsidiary will have a 79 per cent interest in the British infomercial division of the Home Shopping Network as a `further expansion of Flextech's business into electronic retailing". BR written A strong performance from the chrome business helped the chemicals and industrial division to increase profits by 26 per cent to * 50 million. BR written The pet food business performed well, although the animal feed businesses suffered from rising raw material costs and a smaller national pig herd. BR written Unfortunately for small business, both moves were largely bogus. BR written Early late announcement;Small business is a big issue;Pennington Pennington NOT since the Chancellor made his ill-fated early morning announcement about share options on the day the Greenbury report was published has the Government made a move as early in the day as Ian Lang's 7am announcement on consulting on late payment. BR written It is a measure of the political heat that this issue, and the question of small business in general, is now producing that the President of the Board of Trade felt impelled to do so. BR written Despite the pitfalls, small business support is still a political prize worth pursuing. BR written What is significant, though, is the sharply different responses to Mr Blair's proposal from the CBI and the small business bodies. BR written What is clear is that without a strong and growing small business sector, there will be little economic and employment growth, on which electoral prospects rest. BR written There was a big put-through recorded in shares of Royal Bank of Scotland just before the official close of business. BR written ABN Amro Hoare Govett, Hanson's own broker, is believed to have transacted the business. BR written CRH, the Irish aggregates group, is splashing out $ 87 million to acquire the Jack B Parsons Companies, the Utah-based aggregates business. BR written The business is largely irrelevant but Wassall now has an acquisition vehicle in Asia, which can issue (highly rated) shares. BR written Wassall is not just driven by acquisitions; it is investing heavily in General Cable, its copper wire business, which doubled profits last year with the benefit of high copper prices and contracts with telephone companies. BR written Wassall is also making good money from another dull-sounding business: plastic bottle tops, which are taking over from traditional metal closures. BR written A business producing plastic trim for motor cars makes little sense in a building products group. BR written Unfortunately, having rid itself of a business with poor prospects, Marley's newest investment performed even less well last year. BR written Marley has landed itself with another non-core business and one with low quality earnings. BR written Harrisons & Crosfield;Tempus Edited by Carl Mortished PIGS and paint might not seem to have a lot in common but Harrisons & Crosfield has created a business that relies on very different markets. BR written In such a complex business bad news in one division tends to knock the share price hard, witness the bumpy ride Harrisons' shares suffered over the past year. BR written Agreeing termswith Lloyd's;Business Letter From R.N. BR written He points to the Chicago Business School study that showed the leading brand names of the 1920s were still around 60 years later. BR written David Scotland, president for Europe at Allied Domecq's spirits and wine business, which owns Canadian Club and Ballantine's whiskies, is scathing about his industry's reliance on names that have lost their lustre: `People in my industry could have a pretty comfortable life because B brands were still selling." BR written If, on the other hand, the rise in US profits and the willingness of American workers to limit their share of national income is part of a long-term secular trend, then the present business cycle could have many more years to go before it runs into a serious problem of inflation and rising interest rates. BR written Simplification of law on small businesses is overdue;Business Letter From Mr Des Keenan Sir, It would be a pity if Mr Heseltine's excellent proposals regarding the simplification of law concerning small businesses were to be drowned by waves of synthetic outrage from interested parties. BR written He said the exhibition business tends to trail GDP by 12 or 18 months and `there are indications of a slowdown in GDP in France and Germany". BR written The company said that, as of December 4 last year, Devro America had been treated as a discontinued business and the profit and loss account includes the results of that business until then. BR written But both DAP, the DIY business, and the closures division suffered from an increase in raw material prices. BR written Devro advances 7%;Business Roundup;Devro International DEVRO INTERNATIONAL, the sausage skin maker, has unveiled a 7 per cent pre-tax profits rise to * 31.2 million last year. BR written The company said that, as of December 4 last year, Devro America had been treated as a discontinued business and the profit and loss account includes the results of that business until then. BR written Rethink on joint venture accounts Graham Searjeant THE Accounting Standards Board has bowed to business opinion and abandoned a proposal to treat associate companies and joint ventures as a single category of strategic alliance. BR written Proposals in an early discussion paper, which called for much more detailed disclosure of the results of associates have also been scaled back to ease potential burdens on business. BR written Results warning at Newman Tonks;Business Roundup NEWMAN TONKS, the architectural products supplier to the building industry, warned shareholders that the cost of further rationalisation implemented as a result of continuing poor UK trading conditions would have an adverse effect on first-half results. BR written But if the operations and assets of each company in the joint venture are essentially separate, their interest will be consolidated in their own accounts, as if it were part of their business. BR written Keller increases payout;Business Roundup;Keller Group KELLER GROUP, the ground engineering specialist, lifted profits 19 per cent in 1995, relying almost entirely on organic growth. BR written Symonds buys for * 11m;Business Roundup;Symonds Engineering SYMONDS ENGINEERING is acquiring Zlin, a manufacturer of printed circuit boards, for * 11.5 million. BR written Evans Halshaw flat;Business Roundup EVANS HALSHAW, the multifranchise motor distribution group, said the continuing downward trend in car purchasing by the retail sector still gave cause for concern, although the company was trading ahead of the market. BR written CRH expands in US;Business Roundup CRH, the building materials group, has acquired Jack B Parson, an American aggregates, asphalt and paving company based in Utah, for $ 87 million. BR written Whistle-blower true and fair;Accountancy;Any Other Business Robert Bruce ON Saturday, 75,000 people are arguing about your every decision. BR written Win some...;Accountancy;Any Other Business Robert Bruce SOMETIMES you can't win. BR written Tail-ender;Accountancy;Any Other Business Robert Bruce FOR the sedentary cricketer who prefers to get into trim for the summer season with a session on the Net rather than in the nets Coopers & Lybrand has provided some entertainment. BR written This is the world at which all the Government's many wars on red tape, its efforts to lift the burdens on business, are aimed. BR written Without the right attitude, a business with everything going for it will often fail. BR written The truth tends to be the opposite, however uncomfortable it is for the myth of the beleaguered small business person. BR written The second, published this week, The 1996 Pulse Survey, is by a team at the London Business School, sponsored by Binder Hamlyn. BR written The problems included `autocratic, inflexible owners making decisions based on emotion, who either failed to seek outside help or who resisted that which was offered", `a poor management team with insufficient experience, inappropriate mix of skills, or failure to delegate managerial responsibility", `poor operations management", `lack of family succession", and, most damning of all, `a weak business concept and a lack of planning". BR written `Specifically, our research showed that company growth is more often determined by internal factors than by the external business environment," it said. BR written The real burdens on business, as both of these reports show, are poor management and an insistence on blaming others for its consequences. BR written This suggests that owner-managers believe additional funding will solve their problems whereas they should be looking at the more fundamental business issues." BR written So we should forget the fuss about burdens on business and bonfires of regulations. BR written Joined Cases C-171/94 and C-172/94 There was a transfer of an undertaking where a business holding a motor vehicle dealership for a particular territory discontinued its activities and the dealership was then transferred to another business which took on part of the staff and was recommended to customers, without any transfer of assets. BR written Most of the daily British Midland scheduled flights, with economy seats costing from 155 return, and business-class fares from 330, are filled by independent travellers. BR written When French skies closed;Travel News;The Travel Business Harvey Elliott ONE of the most amusing, yet worrying, aviation stories is told by a former air traffic controller, David Gunson. BR written Steve Allen, Thomson commercial director says: `Five years ago Thomson was market leader but during the recession we went back to our core business and allowed small specialist companies to move into city breaks. BR written `They will find it a very different business. BR written Joan Swindells, his wife, said last night that he had made frequent business trips abroad. BR written Mr Swindells, 59, was working in Shenzhen as a business consultant for Corning Incorporated, a New York-based computer company. BR written A 25 per cent drop in bookings at the start of the year led the UK's five largest operators to cut their summer capacity by approximately 11 per cent, but business has since picked up and Paul Brett, chairman and chief executive of Thomson Travel Group, said operators had fewer holidays left to sell than they had this time last year. BR written It becomes quite a reasonable option for those on business," he said. BR written If the lease of business premises does not provide for their repair, the law presumes that no one was intended to be responsible, which can make it impossible for either landlord or tenant to force the other to halt the deterioration of the property.
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