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Knowledge Base
HOWTO: Terminate an Application "Cleanly" in Win32PSS ID Number: 178893
Article Last Modified on 1/7/2002
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Win32 Application Programming Interface (API), when used with:
the operating system: Microsoft Windows 95
the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
the operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000
the operating system: Microsoft Windows XP
This article was previously published under Q178893
In a perfect world, your process could ask another process, through some
form of inter-process communication, to shut down. However, if you do not
have source-level control of the application that you wish to shut down,
then you may not have this option. Although there is no guaranteed "clean"
way to shut down an application in Win32, there are steps that you can take
to ensure that the application uses the best method for cleaning up
32-Bit Processes (and 16-Bit Processes under Windows 95)
Under Win32, the operating system promises to clean up resources owned by a
process when it shuts down. This does not, however, mean that the process
itself has had the opportunity to do any final flushes of information to
disk, any final communication over a remote connection, nor does it mean
that the process' DLL's will have the opportunity to execute their
PROCESS_DETACH code. This is why it is generally preferable to avoid
terminating an application under Windows 95 and Windows NT.
If you absolutely must shut down a process, follow these steps:
Post a WM_CLOSE to all Top-Level windows owned by the process that you want
to shut down. Many Windows applications respond to this message by shutting
NOTE: A console application's response to WM_CLOSE depends on whether or not
it has installed a control handler.
Use EnumWindows() to find the handles to your target windows. In your
callback function, check to see if the windows' process ID matches the
process you want to shut down. You can do this by calling
GetWindowThreadProcessId(). Once you have established a match, use
PostMessage() or SendMessageTimeout() to post the WM_CLOSE message to the
Use WaitForSingleObject() to wait for the handle of the process. Make sure
you wait with a timeout value, because there are many situations in which
the WM_CLOSE will not shut down the application. Remember to make the
timeout long enough (either with WaitForSingleObject(), or with
SendMessageTimeout()) so that a user can respond to any dialog boxes that
were created in response to the WM_CLOSE message.
If the return value is WAIT_OBJECT_0, then the application closed itself
down cleanly. If the return value is WAIT_TIMEOUT, then you must use
TerminateProcess() to shutdown the application.
NOTE: If you are getting3 a return value from WaitForSingleObject() other
then WAIT_OBJECT_0 or WAIT_TIMEOUT, use GetLastError() to determine the
By following these steps, you give the application the best possible chance
to shutdown cleanly (aside from IPC or user-intervention).
The 16-Bit Issue (under Windows NT)
The preceding steps work for 16-bit applications under Windows 95, however,
Windows NT 16-bit applications work very differently.
Under Windows NT, all 16-bit applications run in a virtual DOS machine
(VDM). This VDM runs as a Win32 process (NTVDM) under Windows NT. The NTVDM
process has a process ID. You can obtain a handle to the process through
OpenProcess(), just like you can with any other Win32 process. Nevertheless,
none of the 16-bit applications running in the VDM have a process ID, and
therefore you cannot get a Process Handle from OpenProcess(). Each 16-bit
application in a VDM has a 16-bit Task Handle and a 32-bit thread of
execution. The handle and thread ID can be found through a call to the
function VDMEnumTaskWOWEx(). For additional information, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
175030 HOWTO: Enumerate Applications in Win32
Your first, and most straightforward, option when shutting down a 16-bit
application under Windows NT is to shut down the entire NTVDM process. You
can do this by following the steps outlined above. You only need to know the
process ID of the NTVDM process (see the KB article 175030 cited above to
find the process ID of an NTVDM). The downside of this approach is that it
closes all 16-bit applications that are running in that VDM. If this is not
your goal, then you need to take another approach.
If you wish to shut down a single 16-bit application within a NTVDM process,
following are the steps you need to take:
Post a WM_CLOSE to all Top-Level windows that are owned by the process, and
that have the same owning thread ID as the 16-bit task you want to shut
down. The most effective way to do this is by using EnumWindows(). In your
callback function, check to see if the window's process ID and thread ID
matches the 16-bit task you want to shut down. Remember that the process ID
is going to be the process ID of the NTVDM process in which the 16-bit
application is running.
Although you have a thread ID, you have no way to wait on the termination of
the 16-bit process. As a result, you must wait for an arbitrary length of
time (to allow a clean shut down), and then try to shut the application down
anyway. If the application has already shut down, then this will do nothing.
If it hasn't shut down, then it will terminate the application.
Terminate the application using a function called VDMTerminateTaskWOW(),
which can be found in the Vdmdbg.dll. It takes the process ID of the VDM and
the task number of the 16-bit task.
This approach allows you to shut down a single 16-bit application within a
VDM under Windows NT. However, 16-bit Windows is not very good at cleaning
up resources of a terminated task, and neither is the WOWExec running in the
VDM. If you are looking for the cleanest possible approach to terminating a
16-bit application under Windows NT, you should consider terminating the
entire VDM process. NOTE: If you are starting a 16-bit application that you
may terminate later, then use the CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM with
Sample Code
The sample code implements the techniques described above for 16-bit and 32-
bit applications using the following two functions: TerminateApp() and
Terminate16App(). TerminateApp() takes a 32-bit process ID and a timeout (in
miliseconds). Terminate16App(). Both functions use explicit linking to DLL
functions so that they will be binary compatible across Windows NT and
Windows 95.
#include <windows.h>
#define TA_FAILED 0
#define TA_SUCCESS_16 3
DWORD WINAPI TerminateApp( DWORD dwPID, DWORD dwTimeout ) ;
DWORD WINAPI Terminate16App( DWORD dwPID, DWORD dwThread,
WORD w16Task, DWORD dwTimeout );
#include "TermApp.h"
#include <vdmdbg.h>
typedef struct
DWORD dwThread ;
// Declare Callback Enum Functions.
BOOL CALLBACK TerminateAppEnum( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam ) ;
BOOL CALLBACK Terminate16AppEnum( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam ) ;
/*DWORD WINAPI TerminateApp( DWORD dwPID, DWORD dwTimeout )
Shut down a 32-Bit Process (or 16-bit process under Windows 95)
Process ID of the process to shut down.
Wait time in milliseconds before shutting down the process.
Return Value:
TA_FAILED - If the shutdown failed.
TA_SUCCESS_CLEAN - If the process was shutdown using WM_CLOSE.
TA_SUCCESS_KILL - if the process was shut down with
NOTE: See header for these defines.
DWORD WINAPI TerminateApp( DWORD dwPID, DWORD dwTimeout )
HANDLE hProc ;
DWORD dwRet ;
// If we can't open the process with PROCESS_TERMINATE rights,
// then we give up immediately.
if(hProc == NULL)
return TA_FAILED ;
// TerminateAppEnum() posts WM_CLOSE to all windows whose PID
// matches your process's.
EnumWindows((WNDENUMPROC)TerminateAppEnum, (LPARAM) dwPID) ;
// Wait on the handle. If it signals, great. If it times out,
// then you kill it.
if(WaitForSingleObject(hProc, dwTimeout)!=WAIT_OBJECT_0)
CloseHandle(hProc) ;
return dwRet ;
/*DWORD WINAPI Terminate16App( DWORD dwPID, DWORD dwThread,
WORD w16Task, DWORD dwTimeout )
Shut down a Win16 APP.
Process ID of the NTVDM in which the 16-bit application is
Thread ID of the thread of execution for the 16-bit
16-bit task handle for the application.
Wait time in milliseconds before shutting down the task.
Return Value:
If successful, returns TA_SUCCESS_16
If unsuccessful, returns TA_FAILED.
NOTE: These values are defined in the header for this
You can get the Win16 task and thread ID through the
VDMEnumTaskWOW() or the VDMEnumTaskWOWEx() functions.
DWORD WINAPI Terminate16App( DWORD dwPID, DWORD dwThread,
WORD w16Task, DWORD dwTimeout )
// You will be calling the functions through explicit linking
// so that this code will be binary compatible across
// Win32 platforms.
BOOL (WINAPI *lpfVDMTerminateTaskWOW)(DWORD dwProcessId,
WORD htask) ;
hInstLib = LoadLibraryA( "VDMDBG.DLL" ) ;
if( hInstLib == NULL )
return TA_FAILED ;
// Get procedure addresses.
lpfVDMTerminateTaskWOW = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(DWORD, WORD ))
GetProcAddress( hInstLib, "VDMTerminateTaskWOW" ) ;
if( lpfVDMTerminateTaskWOW == NULL )
FreeLibrary( hInstLib ) ;
return TA_FAILED ;
// Post a WM_CLOSE to all windows that match the ID and the
// thread.
info.dwID = dwPID ;
info.dwThread = dwThread ;
EnumWindows((WNDENUMPROC)Terminate16AppEnum, (LPARAM) &info) ;
// Wait.
Sleep( dwTimeout ) ;
// Then terminate.
lpfVDMTerminateTaskWOW(dwPID, w16Task) ;
FreeLibrary( hInstLib ) ;
return TA_SUCCESS_16 ;
BOOL CALLBACK TerminateAppEnum( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam )
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwID) ;
if(dwID == (DWORD)lParam)
PostMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0) ;
return TRUE ;
BOOL CALLBACK Terminate16AppEnum( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam )
DWORD dwThread ;
TERMINFO *termInfo ;
termInfo = (TERMINFO *)lParam ;
dwThread = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwID) ;
if(dwID == termInfo->dwID && termInfo->dwThread == dwThread )
PostMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0) ;
return TRUE ;
Additional query words: Kill Exit Terminate Program Application Process Task
Keywords: kbDSupport kbhowto kbKernBase kbThread KB178893
Technology: kbAudDeveloper kbOSWin2000 kbOSWin95 kbOSWinNT400
kbOSWinNTSearch kbOSWinSearch kbOSWinXP kbOSWinXPSearch kbWin32API
Send feedback to Microsoft
2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
<конец цитаты>
Как видно, единственный "законный" и "чистый" метод - это посылка сообщения
WM_CLOSE главному окну. Я подозреваю, что если главного окна у него нет, то
посылать надо в нить посредством PostThreadMessage(). Если нитей много,
наверное, всем :-), так как процесс живёт, пока у него имеется хотя бы одна
нить, и при этом неважно, в какой последовательности нити запускаются и
завершаются. Перечислить нити можно через toolhelp32 (который в WinNT based
появился только в W2K).
С консольными приложениями могут быть проблемы, если они не устанавливают
свой control-handler. Им, наверное, можно послать Ctrl-Break. Смотри
Если не получается, всегда можно TerminateProcess() и TerminateThread(), но
это уже не "чистый" метод.
У сервисов (чем не процессы?) обязательно есть управляющая команда
SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP. Смотри ControlService(). То же для драйверов, впрочем.
Насчёт последующего запуска, так это CreateProcess(), CreateProcessAsUser()
и т.п. Проблемы разве что с именем исполняемого файла, так toolhelp32 должен
помочь. Для сервисов и драйверов - StartService().
С уважением, boroda
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