В общем такая ситуация: есть 2 сервера (A и Б) в кластере, на котором куча БД большого размера 5-30гб.
Ярлыки Юзверей (1000+) настроены на БД сервера А
При падении сервера А и его поднятии начинается проверка целостности допустим 5 БД в течении часа. При попытки пользователя открыть ярлык с сервера А, Lotus Notes долго тупит и потом выдает сообщение что проверка целостности в процессе, вместо того чтобы переключить ярлык на сервер Б. Если пользователь пробует открыть ярлык с сервера А когда он в дауне, то переключение ярлыка на сервер Б проходит нормально.
Вопрос - как сделать, когда идет проверка целосности на сервере А, чтобы ярлык смог переключиться на сервер Б ?
Задача оказалась следующая, мне её пояснили на следующем примере. Пример: Открывают Word (к примеру выпуск 2003 руссифицированный) Нажимают Файл->Отправить->Сообщение (как вложение)... Происходит следующее: активируется окно с лотусом, и в моей почтовой базе создается письмо уже с прикрепленным Word-файлом. Задача: Сделать тоже самое, только аналогичная кнопка нажимается в Lotus Forms Viewer, и вместо почтового ящика нужно подсовывать другую базу, в которой атач из LFV должен подцепляться просто к некоторому документу.
За ранее прошу извенения если написал много и путано, переспросите постараюсь пояснить. Буду рад любым советом хотя бы с чего начать искать, потому как даже маломальски вменяемый запрос в поиковик не смог забить
If ever I talk shop with Karen (and I try not to) I keep it very simple. Patronisingly so. There's a reason for this - she knows not the first thing about computers. It's comical how little she understands.
The other day I said on Twitter:
Win Phone 7 ad on TV. Wife says "Windows phone! What's that?" I say " A phone with Windows on". She says "Windows? Like the internet?"
She honestly seems to think that Windows and the internet are one and the same thing. I can only guess that this is because she's using Windows to get on the internet and so Windows is the internet. Who knows what's going on in her head.
It's not that she's stupid. She's a reasonably intelligent person who just happens to be one of the many that struggle with computers. When she was at work she used to say how she'd been to see the "idiots in IT" to get her laptop sorted and all the time I'd be thinking "those poor, poor men".
I know there are some of you who married people in the same line of work. Personally I like that Karen knows so little. As a rule I don't talk about my work outside of the office or working hours. Unless asked.
Last night we were at mum and dad's and I covertly recorded a conversation between Karen and my dad on things internet. It would make for a great podcast - "Jake's Dad & Wife Talk Computers". You can't believe the stuff they come out with. If the sound quality is good enough I'll post is here at some point (assuming I get their permission, which I guess I need?).
In the mean time I'll continue to posts Karen's pearls of computing wisdom on my Twitter.
Continuing my attempt to upset those nearest and dearest to me, it's dad's turn today, as I turn an analogy against him.
Here goes.
I've been wondering if the idea of me learning to code properly is akin to teaching dad to drive properly. Or are the bad habits too well embedded to ever hope for them to change?
Dad drove for a living and was once good at it. But now, as an OAP (ouch - double whammy) being his passenger can be a nerve-racking experience. To his credit though he's aware of this and has promised that as soon as he has an accident (that's his fault) he'll hand over his licence. A noble stance and perhaps one more "older people" ought to take?
Anyway, to the point. As I venture further in to disciplines other than Lotus Domino, such as C#, I find myself struggling with some of the base concepts of coding. Well, I get the ideas, but I'm not confident I'm doing it the right way. If there ever is in fact a "right" way.
Has ten years as a Domino developer left me in a position, aged 35, that it's too late for me to hope to become a real programmer?
A lot of what I've been doing with ASP.NET is in C# and based on objects I've created myself. This all feels very natural and good and lately I've been feeling quite pleased with myself as I created a subclass for the first time.
Still, I'm not sure I'm following the right conventions and kind of wish I'd take a Computing Science degree.
Short of going back to uni can anybody suggest how best to learn the very basics and core principles of coding?
Whenever you build a form in a place with rooms you have to rebuild that form in each and every room. Why can't there be an option to "inherrit forms into all rooms" option that will automatically inherrit the form into each room? This makes it easier to maintain as you only have one place where you need to change the form (e.g. place level) and makes it a lot easier to move around documents between rooms.
We've updated the Resources pages on
XPages.info: http://XPages.info/resources We've added categories for companies
who provide commercial training and services for XPages. If you want to
add your company please contact
us. We also have a ...
A greater emphasis is being placed on wikis for the development of documentation for Notes application development. This is great a sthe community has a lot to give. But the value of the resulting wikis is in great need of a full-time content manager to maximize the value of its content.
Roles that can be performed by the content manager include:-
Building a more structured Table of Content
Esuring links are created between relevant wiki pages
Removing material that is not relevant, out-dated, or just plain WRONG
Citing articles where refrences or better explanations are needed to support points (as per Wikipedia)
Actively search for people with technical skills that can fill in gaps in the wiki
Publish better guidelines for wiki articles that would lead away from many of blog-like articles to more that resmble a technical refrence library.
Ludwig Nastansky and I (Niklas Heidloff)
will attend DNUG
next week in Germany. We'd be happy to discuss with you all topics related
to OpenNTF. There are several OpenNTF and XPages related sessions. Viel
Neues und Demos von OpenNTF -
Ludwig ...
This article provides an overview of how to write a business component for the composite application infrastructure in IBM WebSphere Portal. It includes a sample implementation of a business component that demonstrates how the composite application infrastructure can be utilized, plus best practices to leverage and pitfalls to avoid.
Full details about this installation, including how to solve a few gotchas... http:searchdomino.techtarget.comtip0,289483,sid4gci1521213,00.html Chuck Connell www.chc3.com I would like to read this, but why force me to register at searchdomino? Post the info here.
What is Serviceability? Serviceability is the endtoend experience, from the time a problem occurs or a customer perceives they have a problem with our products, solutions or services, to the time they believe it has been successfully resolved for them. Serviceability deals with the tools and ...
Streamlining passwords and achieving SSO for users on Windows platforms Single signon (SSO) can mean many things, but in general the goal is to reduce the number of password prompts that users must respond to. From an administrative standpoint, the goal also includes reducing the number of ...