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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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How many Domino servers can be configured on IBM i (LPAR)?

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 411 от 2010-11-08
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

This database demonstrates the following Dojo dijits: * dijit.layout.AccordionContainer
* dijit.Menu
* dijit.MenuBar
* dijit.TitlePane
* dijit.Tooltip It also has examples of a simplified layout based on OneUI and some validation/confirmation messages.
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Bastian Wieczorek has posted the full press release for you to read but, basically, BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express provides about 75 of the over 500 smartphone controls available in the premium version making it a great way to try out the software.

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While Domino has been supported on Linux for some time, the Notes client has had more limited Linux support. This page lists the supported Linux releases and related system requirements.

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Tom Simmons has posted sign-in information for this webcast on November 11, 2010. Pre-registration is not required.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower8

Robert Ibsen Voith has run into a problem where @MailSend works on one id, but fails with another on the same machine. He's puzzled by this and hopes someone can explain what's happening.

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imageAssuming the DNS changes have propagated around the globe by now you should see the Rockall website in its new LAMP-based incarnation. Until yesterday it was a Domino-based website.

The fact this happened on the day I was talking about whether traditional websites were suited to the new-fangled XPages approach to development was purely a coincidence. Honestly.

Why not Domino?

A better question than "Why not Domino? " might be "Why Domino?". And, before you say anything, I've not done this just to cause some controversy.

There's no need for it to be a Domino site. The only reason it ever was is that I thought it might look odd for a Domino development company not to have a Domino website. Add to this the idea that people might see the site and think "Hey, this looks nice! And it's on Domino too - wow!!" was another factor. They're the only reasons though. It didn't need an ACL or replication or document-level security or anything like that. None of the things that make you think Domino is suited.

So I've moved it to LAMP as the first step of a much bigger plan for the site, moving forward. Until recently I've not really needed a company website as such. This site is where the business has always been generated. The company website was there as a formality. Which shows. It's a poor website and I want to change that.

The Most Important Part of a Company Website

Arguably one of the most important functions of any company website is the contact "us" form. What I need is a contact form I can rely on. Completely rely on!

Somebody using your contact form is, in effect, saying "Hey, I want to give you some money!". Now, I don't want to be not getting one of those messages, do I.

Thanks to the rise of the spambot the Domino-based contact form was no longer reliable. Even after I added a simple maths CAPTCHA to it. Domino has never been much cop at allowing server-side form validation and creating pseudo-sessions using ?EditDocument was leading to ~400 waste documents a day which I could no longer sift through to find the false negatives. I don't want to think about about the chance I've lost business this way.

Now the contact form is PHP-based I have much better control over it and can now rest assured I'll get all contacts intended for me.

Moving Forward

Rockall's website is how a website should be - fast! Firebug's Page Speed plugin ranks it 95%! If you can do that with an XPage-based Domino website I'd be amazed.

Now that it's stable and on PHP I want to make some changes to the site:

  1. More content!
  2. Better explain what it is I do.
  3. More case studies. What's on there in no way reflects what I'm capable of. The best stuff I do I'm never allowed to talk about!
  4. Re-write the content to be more friendly and honest.

I want to try and move away from the "We do this" and we do that" kind of stuff. You all know it's just me in a garage. And for those that don't know I don't want to mislead them in any way. If they don't want to deal with a man in his garage then I don't necessarily want to deal with them either.

Once it's there I'll start paying for some Google AdWords and see how it goes. I tried this recently but the visitors had a "page per visit" average of about 1.02. The site as it stands isn't sticky.

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Finally got round to making a few CSS tweaks to this site. For years now the blue header bar has had rounder corners at the top. This was achieved with background images via CSS.

Now that CSS3 gives us the ability to round corners off I've switched to using CSS and the site is now one image lighter.

If you use a modern browser - Chrome of FF3 you shouldn't notice much difference. Apart from the grey menu bar looking a little snazzier.


Although, if you use IE then things might look a little blocky. Sorry, but I've got to move with the times. Maybe you ought to too?


More tweaks to come...

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We've posted about Recent Contacts before--how they work, how to remove them, and more. See here for the past posts: More info on recent contacts We've got some nice changes to Recent Contacts in No
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It's only been less than 24 hours, but thanks for your feedback regarding the new SVN plugin in our blog entry, other people's blogs and Twitter. Now we are curious to get more feedback if the plugin works the way you'd like it to. You can create ...
We've updated the Demos page on XPages.info significantly. Our intention with the new page is to allow people to discover what end user functionality can be built with XPages and to demonstrate the value XPages applications can provide. The page ...
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Статьи и Документация

This document explains how many Domino servers can be configured on 1 instance of IBM i (os/400)
Customer reports that an initial or intermittent search request within an application or mailfile, performing a Search action or pressing Ctrl-F to locate a word that the following error will be displayed, CLFNM0113E: Errors updating view content Upon pressing ok, additional queries will work w/o error.
IBM Lotus Notes Client Standard 8.5.1 Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 1 (851FP5IF1) for W32/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 5 November 2010. See 'More info' link above for additional information.
After installing 8.5.1 Fix Pack 5 for Windows, Domino Designer will not function properly unless Notes is launched first. This regression issue has been reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# VMAA8A8NKC and is being investigated for an interim fix.
EZ Notes Search Available at www.notesconnectors.com Search your mail, archives, attachments and files with one click! Designed for use on Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32 or 64bit) or XP and with Lotus Notes 6.5 to 8.5.2. Enables users to search their Lotus Notes mail, archives, and attachments ...
table class"lotusTable lotusInfoTable" tr th h4 Table of Contents h4thtrtrtd Introduction Conceptual Overview Frequently Asked Questions Configuring SPNEGO in a mixed server environment Configuring SPNEGO on a server that accepts Web traffic from mixed sources Configuring ...
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