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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 409 от 2010-11-03
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Доброго времени.

В данной (NIFFindByKey) функции интересует формирование ключа void far *KeyBuffer.

|#^#]>описание функции|#^#]>

Не получается переложить на LS следующую строку:
memcpy (pTemp, &Itemtbl, sizeof(Itemtbl));

Делал кто-нить?
Добавляю пользоватьеля в группу, которая есть в АСЛ некой базы. Но при попытке зайти потом в эту базу - пишет нет доступа. Делаю рестарт сервера - все работает. При добавления пользователя напрямую в АСЛ - все работает без рестарта сервака. Что за...
Дело в том, что клиент Lotus Notes (именно клиент) кеширует права доступа. Т.е. после того, как вы добавили пользователя в группу, пользователь должен перезапустить клиент Lotus notes. Domino сервер перезапускать не обязательно. Изменения в группе должны...
Все дошло по репликации. Сутки прошли после внесения юзера в группу - а доступ так и не появился. я думаю за стуки чел перезапускал клиент :))
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Tips. Советы

David Greenstein says the Notes 8.5.2 client includes a Sametime 8.0.2 client. Since this may not work for you, he explains a way to install the Notes client and get the correct version of the Sametime client installed for your office.

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Brian Benz is trying to pass a variable to a XPages custom control and has run into a problem. He can't seem make a custom control work more than once on a form. If you know how to fix this problem, he'd like to hear from you.

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Like having a team of consultants by your side -- ones who have all the answers and never make mistakes -- THE VIEW gives you immediate access to field-tested instruction, guidance, and best practices from the brightest Lotus professionals around.

See the new instruction, advice, and best practices added to THE VIEW this week.

Ferry Kranenburg would like to submit his software for the Lotus Awards 2011 contest. To do so, Ferry would like some help from developers who use Source Sniffer.

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Stephan Wissel thinks all the press about Firesheep is a good thing. It makes you think about the security of your network connections. He's posted instructions on hardening your Domino web server against attack.

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Once again this year, Halloween was a scary date as it meant financial year end for Rockall. Today is the start of Rockall's 8th year.

Whereas last year the growth chart was continuing to show a generally-upwardly trend, this year things have take a turn for the worse.



Although I made enough to live off, what made this such a difficult year was not anticipating or planning for such a sharp decline in turnover. The trouble was that I've never traditionally put money aside to pay taxes. What I've always done is pay what I owe out of money earned in the following tax period. I knew it at the time but now know exactly why this is no way to run a business. When your accountants use the word "insolvent" you know you've done something wrong.

It's been a hard and painful year, but I've learnt some very valuable lesson that will help get me through the next couple of years. Hopefully.

What I've Learnt

  1. Plan ahead. The mistake I made was assuming I'd make the same (if not more) in one year as I did in the previous. Of course there's no guarantee of this and unless you plan ahead you can find yourself - like I did - in a very sticky situation. I've since setup a separate business account in to which I transfer VAT and estimated tax on income as it gets paid. I will never, ever touch this money until it's time to pay it to the tax man. No matter what. I always knew this was the way to do things, but it's a bit like PC backups - until you've been burnt you never appreciate how important it is.
  2. Your customers are not your friends. Don't expect the loyalty and devotion you give them to always be returned. I won't go in to any more detail than that.

There are other things I've learnt, as it always the case, be it a good or a bad year, but these are the two big things I'll take forward with me.

Looking Ahead

Although I said customers aren't your friends I'm finding now that there are in fact potential customers amongst my friends. In fact I'm currently working on a sizeable job for a friend. One of my best friends in fact (we were best men at each other's weddings). He happens to work for a large company who need a website building and he knows he can trust me.

I'm finding myself doing more and more self-promotion while talking to people. Whereas I used to change the subject if ever I told people I was a web designer and they said "Oooh, my [insert relation's name] needs a website" I now find myself giving out my email address. As it stands I'll do whatever work comes my way.

Networking has never been my strong point, but I'm working on it and get better and better. In the real world that is. Networking online is also something I should really put more time aside to do.

What's for sure is that I can no longer rely on the fame that once came with being the well-known Domino "guru" behind codestore.net to bring the work in. There's always chance that work might continue to come in via this site for years to come, but unlikely it will be at the volume it once was. I need to adjust my business model to cater for this.

Looking Further Ahead

Something I've always known, but have had affirmed this year, is that I need a product to sell. Sitting and waiting for work to come to me has always worked in the past but I've never felt like a master of my own destiny. What I want is something tangible I can take to market and pro-actively sell.

I've got a couple of ideas. One for a  web service and one of a mobile app. All I need now is to find the time to build them. Easier said than done, but I will do it.

Whatever happens I'm determined to continue making a viable success of Rockall Design ltd! I've got three perfect reasons why I've got no choice:


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Sherpa Software offers Discovery Attender to help you respond to Ediscovery requests. They offer trial downloads or free half-hour demos to show you how it works.

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Chris Miller has posted the latest IdoNotes episode on LotusLive and Vondle Live integration. He includes links to earlier podcasts on integration with Skype and Tungle.

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Mitch Cohen says integrating Connections with Webtrends should be really simple, but... After running into a problem, he's posted the code he used to fix things.

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A new article on the Lotus Sametime wiki explains how to use the Sametime system console to set up your Sametime environment. It includes setting up DB2, Domino, Community, Meeting, and Proxy servers.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Doctor API
Tags: eml drag and drop
For example, if you have 10 emails selected in a view, when you drag them to the desktop only 1 document is exported as .eml file. All of them should be saved as .eml files

Author: Joseph Hoetzl
Tags: project concord symphony web editor
I wonder what the plans are for integrating Project concord functionality in and amongt Quickr?
From the labs description - "Project Concord is a collaborative, browser-based office application suite for creating, editing and sharing documents. Project Concord will leverage the collaboration, task management and file sharing services of LotusLive to deliver a new approach for collaborative authoring and content creation."
So, it sounds like it would be pretty nice if they could rip the editor out of there, and make it a native editor in a Quickr Place - just seems like some overlap, that might be nice to have integrated into a Quickr server setup...

Author: Bartosz Makara
Tags: linux font fonts opentype otf
Symphony doesn’t support any OpenType fonts on Linux systems. Migrating OpenOffice 3.2 sources should solve this problem because OpenOffice also didn’t supported *.otf-fonts until version 3.2.

Author: Rebecca Dorman
Tags: connectors
Please add support for the Quickr connectors on Citrix.

Author: Rebecca Dorman
Tags: connectors
Please add support for the Quickr connectors on Citrix.

Author: Rebecca Dorman
Tags: search forms
It would be really handy to allow users to search for forms and then have them be able to create a document from the form using a link in the search results.

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: icons view value
Help from the latest version of the missing document (subj), which contained a table of icons and numbers, for use in the columns of views. This is inconvenient.
But, in principle, without it would be necessary, if in the columns with the option "Display values as icons" add a button to choose the icon in the dialog (to the cursor position will be inserted a number of the selected icon).

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: context menu field text
Very are lacking the context menu with items:
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Select All. Also wanted to work in the field corresponding to the key combination Ctrl+A. 

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: context menu field text
Very are lacking the context menu with items:
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Select All. Also wanted to work in the field corresponding to the key combination Ctrl+A.

In addition to contributing and sharing source code on OpenNTF.Org, the OpenNTF Alliance also allows now the posting of certain binary files under proprietary licenses. The Alliance approves these types of projects if the binary files support the mission ...
Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: working sets
Maximum number of now - 5 items.
Please remove this restriction or add an option to change (increase) in that number.
By default, propose to display all.

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: interface gui speed stability
Load Client on Pentium-4 2,8 MHz 2Gb - 20 seconds! And this despite the fact that when you install the Client was set option, is responsible for loading the core elements of the Client to speed up loading it..
The first call to the context menu on the icon of the database - 4 seconds! Is it really such a difficult operation?

When transiting to Java-GUI (Notes Client, Domino Designer) greatly decreased the rate. I see the following problems:
1. Wrong order for determining and drawing windows (icons). This can be seen when loading the Client when the option "Dock the Open List" in the menu "View": first defined and drawn the lower icon, and then the top (see screenshots).
2. A similar problem - change the Working Set in Domino Designer, or remove the icon of the database from the Working Set - it is very slow when a lot of shortcuts database, then the window often and displeasingly flashes... Developer as soon as possible should be given the opportunity to work, that is instantly display the selected working set, and other processes (closing / saving of being closed set, and others) to produce a background process, not hinder the developer - sometimes these processes are so cumbersome (it is not clear why?) that the mouse pointer moves jerkily (work in such a mode is impossible)..
3. Gradual drawing, ie when tiniest interface changes follows immediate redrawed windows, that strongly slows GUI and Lotus-applications in general.
4. Twitching of the windows. When you switch from the designer in the client and vice versa all the internal windows nasty jerk.
5. Prolonged use of the Client and Designer of Java-GUI starts work aggressively. I have a OS Windows taskbar in the properties of the option "Auto-hide the taskbar", when your mouse it should pop up, but when the on-screen client or designer, after prolonged operation this does not happen. Moreover, display the taskbar, and switch from the Designer to the Client or another program can only minimize each or pressing Win+D.

There have been persistent rumors that the Domino Administrator with the 9-version of Lotus going to rewrite on Java (Eclipse).. Judging by the work of the Client and Designer versions 8.x.x - just horror takes on the news, as Administrator was the most reliable and rapid Lotus application..

I beg to optimize the algorithms for rendering boxes and their contents.
Also, ask before drawing off WM_SETREDRAW, and after drawing - on, - the speed will increase by several times! A new kind of window will be displayed instantly, and will not be nasty twitching. I beg to do it for all the Client and Designer interface.

If anyone has elaboration and suggestions, please write in comments. Increased computational power of computers - that's no excuse, something must be done about this.

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: interface gui speed stability
Load Client on Pentium-4 2,8 MHz 2Gb - 20 seconds! And this despite the fact that when you install the Client was set option, is responsible for loading the core elements of the Client to speed up loading it..
The first call to the context menu on the icon of the database - 4 seconds! Is it really such a difficult operation?

When transiting to Java-GUI (Notes Client, Domino Designer) greatly decreased the rate. I see the following problems:
  1. Wrong order for determining and drawing windows (icons). This can be seen when loading the Client when the option "Dock the Open List" in the menu "View": first defined and drawn the lower icon, and then the top (see screenshots).
  2. A similar problem - change the Working Set in Domino Designer, or remove the icon of the database from the Working Set - it is very slow when a lot of shortcuts database, then the window often and displeasingly flashes... Developer as soon as possible should be given the opportunity to work, that is instantly display the selected working set, and other processes (closing / saving of being closed set, and others) to produce a background process, not hinder the developer - sometimes these processes are so cumbersome (it is not clear why?) that the mouse pointer moves jerkily (work in such a mode is impossible)..
  3. Gradual drawing, ie when tiniest interface changes follows immediate redrawed windows, that strongly slows GUI and Lotus-applications in general.
  4. Twitching of the windows. When you switch from the designer in the client and vice versa all the internal windows nasty jerk.
  5. Prolonged use of the Client and Designer of Java-GUI starts work aggressively. I have a OS Windows taskbar in the properties of the option "Auto-hide the taskbar", when your mouse it should pop up, but when the on-screen client or designer, after prolonged operation this does not happen. Moreover, display the taskbar, and switch from the Designer to the Client or another program can only minimize each or pressing Win+D.

There have been persistent rumors that the Domino Administrator with the 9-version of Lotus going to rewrite on Java (Eclipse).. Judging by the work of the Client and Designer versions 8.x.x - just horror takes on the news, as Administrator was the most reliable and rapid Lotus application..

I beg to optimize the algorithms for rendering boxes and their contents.
Also, ask before drawing off WM_SETREDRAW, and after drawing - on, - the speed will increase by several times! A new kind of window will be displayed instantly, and will not be nasty twitching. I beg to do it for all the Client and Designer interface.

If anyone has elaboration and suggestions, please write in comments. Increased computational power of computers - that's no excuse, something must be done about this.


Author: Erwin Heeren
Tags: Password login
When a user is locked out after too many failed logon attempts, they can reset their password, but remain locked out. End-users are clueless as there is no 'locked out' error message.

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Статьи и Документация

Problem Description: When the LDAP setting "Minimum characters for wildcard search:"
Different session expiration dialog & logging in styles after idle session
Steps to reproduce.
Customer server crash when using iNotes and access a document in specific folder or inbox.
This document corrects errors in the Lotus Domino 8.5.1 Administrator Help content.
NSD fails with nsd.sh[7711]: 2 2: syntax error
Widgets may be provisioned numerous ways, including the Lotus Greenhouse. When provisioning a widget from an authenticated site, the Lotus Notes client attempts to create an account document in the local name and address book of the user. However, a regression was introduced in the way this was ...
Within Lotus Domino there is a facility called Message Tracking. Message Tracking is a very useful tool that allows you to monitor every email that travels across every server in your Domino Domain. First, to give a complete explanation of exactly what Message Tracking is, let's take a look at ...
IBM® Lotus® Quickr® 8.5 for IBM WebSphere® Portal introduces server- and place-level statistics. Administrators can monitor the use of the system through an administrative web user interface. Statistics for Lotus Quickr places can also be obtained by calling REST services on the \adminqcs context root. These services provide both server-wide and place-specific statistics.
Server crash in IMAP on Dpool memory corruption while converting richtext field item with image
Whenever the server is started, it is found that WNSD has stopped working.
This article represents Phase 4 of Upgrade Cookbook: Upgrading from Lotus Notes and Domino 6.5.x to 8.0.2 Previous Table of contents This page contains the following sections:ulliSpecific areas of change liSystem databases liTemplates and design elements liNew ...
Previous Table of Contents Next HTML Body Font color"FF0000" BREAKING NEWS: font Notes and Domino 8.5.2 has shipped. It is recommended you upgrade to the latest version available. The upgrade process has not changed from 8.5.1 to 8.5.2, but some resource information contained on ...
Domino server's nrouter task stops responding. On the Domino server, we see an abundance of semaphore locks with the same writer thread.
Clustering the Resource Reservation database in IBM Lotus Domino Susan Bulloch IBM Software Group SWAT Engineer, Lotus Brand Charlotte, NC USA August 2009 Summary: IBM® Lotus® Domino® releases 7 and 8 support the clustering of the Resource Reservation database (RRDB). This article explains the ...
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