Неоднократно возникала необходимость в собственное ПО встроить механизмы ответа за SNMP запросы.
Гугл не помог, как будто никого это никогда не интересовало.
А именно - необходимо чтобы собственный софт по определенным OID отдавал определенную информацию, и как бонус посылал traps. Это возможно очень сложно, но отвечать что это невозможно не надо. Примером реальности вопроса та же продукция IBM Lotus Domino которая по SNMP предоставляет большой срез информации о сервере. Хотя допускаю что это сделано по спец соглашению с MicroSoft, что маловероятно.
Причины поиска решения различные... как то что MS SQL 2008 перестал отвечать на SNMP и требуется алтернатива, так и необходимость во включении в софт не уступающий требованиям спеицализированному оборудованию, или ОС которые требуют постоянного мониторинга состояния системами "аля" MRTG и Nagios.
Задача: Необходимо сделать импорт данных из excel в Lotus. Для этого в документе делаю кнопочку , которая вызывает форму с полями необходимыми для импорта, один из полей RT, в которой предполагается вставить excel файл. Но проблема в том, что окно вызывается модально и кнопка приложить файл не активна. Поискал в инете по LS примеры , нашёл пример, но там используется сторонняя библиотека, в @ тоже ничего подходящего не нашёл. Извиняюсь если вопрос глупый, но учимся тока.
Yesterday morning was spent getting to know SharePoint. Yesterday afternoon I was at to the dentist for an agonising reminder of why I should floss and rinse more often.
I was going to make some joke about how I've never looked forward to a visit to the dentist so much, as it was a relief to get away from SharePoint. However, I didn't find SharePoint too bad after all. Despite everything I've read of late.
So far all I've been doing is messing about with the web-based front end in SharePoint 2007. Using this you can quickly create a site and add "views" and "documents" (known as Lists and Items in SharePoint"). You can then add your own "fields" (known an Columns) from the web front end. Before long you can build a simple website and add an ACL (of sorts). You can then add "views" and other stuff to the homepage.
It's actually quite impressive. Although, so far, I've been trying to look at it with my "business head" on, rather than as a developer. I've not yet dared to look at the HTML source code it generates. To use SharePoint you've got to learn not to care about that kind of stuff.
If I were a part of a team, in a department, in a business then I'd probably be able to build something useful and fairly quickly.
Having said that my next step is to delve deeper and go beyond the basics. Perhaps my initial impressions will be a little less rosey after this.
To go to the next level I'm in the process of installing Visual Studio 2008 and then VSeWSS on top of it. As I understand it you can't do anything with SharePoint using the free "Express" versions of VS?
Now that we have (in 8.5) all these nifty comment templates for NEW Subs, Functions, etc. it would be great when we are workiing with old uncommented code to right click and insert formatted comments at the cursor.
Once a document with a particular UNID is deleted it is no longer possible to reuse that UNID while it remains as a deletion stub. When using UUIDs as part of an application this means a document with a specific key cannot be re-added to the database because the UNID is no longer valid. (Refer to blogs from nathan Freeman and Tim Tripconny as to how this can be very useful). As part of the improved support foir UUIDs I would like to see a capacity added to Notes (both LotusScript and SSJS) that would allow a document to be assigned a specific UNID when that document has previously been repeated. i.e. the deletion stub would be replaced with the new document. To work, I imagine the replication proces would need to be enhanced to recognise what has happened to the document.
Currently the security setting to allow creating databases on a server is an all-or-nothing option. I would like to give users limited ability to create databases on the server in a designated directory. This would allow them to replicate local databases like their archives to the server in a managed way.
Without this ability, the alternative is for the user to give a copy of the file to someone who can create replicas on the server or to set up a server that allows everyone to create replicas, knowing the admin will need to go in and move things around and clean them up.
Access to create databases in a directory should be managed by an ACL of sorts that permits the use of groups. User policies may come into play somewhere here too.