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How long does it take for a wipe command to be pushed to a device?

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 346 от 2010-06-09
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Отправляю письмо-задачу адресату. Программно определяю статус задачи в зависимости от заданного времени "StartDateTime" (Not started, Current ....). Адресату задача приходит...все в принципе ок...Но при наступлении времени изменения статуса, к примеру задача просрочена, он не меняется! Помогите плиз!

            objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "Task")         
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("From", objNotesSession.UserName)
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("Owner", objNotesSession.UserName)
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("Send to", pSendTo)
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("Subject", pSubject)
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("AssignedTo", pSendTo)                  
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("Chair", objNotesSession.UserName)
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("Principal", objNotesSession.UserName)
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$BusyName", objNotesSession.UserName)
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$BusyPriority", "2")
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("Recipients", pSendTo)

                objNotesItem.IsNames = True
                objNotesItem.IsAuthors = True

                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("DueDate", pDateDue)            
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("DueDateTime", pDateDue)        

                If pDateStart > Now() Then
                    objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("DueState", 2)
                    'ElseIf pDateStart < Now() Then
                ElseIf pDateDue < Now() Then
                    objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("DueState", 0)
                ElseIf pDateStart < Now() And pDateDue > Now() Then
                    objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("DueState", 1)
                End If              

                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$NoPurge", pDateStart)        
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("PostedDate", pDateDue)        
                'objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("AppendStartTime", pDateDue)    
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("StartDateTime", pDateStart)    
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("StartDate", pDateStart)      
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("EndDateTime", pDateDue)        
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("EndDate", pDateDue)
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("EndTime", pDateDue)
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$CSVersion", "2")
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$ExpandGroups", "3")
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$HFFlags", "1")
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$Encrypt", "0")
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("SequenceNum", 1)
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("UpdateSeq", 1)
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("WebDateTimeInit", "1")

                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("AppointmentType", "2")              
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("CalendarDateTime", pDateStart)      
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("Repeats", "1")                    
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("alarmDescription", "test alarm")  
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("Alarms", "1")                      
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$Alarm", 1)                        
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$AlarmOffset", -10)                
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$AlarmUnit", "M")                  

                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("Importance", pPriority)            
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("TaskType", "1")                    
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("Categories", "C")                  
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("AssignState", "2")                

                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("DefaultMailSaveOptions", "1")      
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("MailOptions", "0")                    
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("StorageRequiredNames", "1")        
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("_ViewIcon", 168)                                  
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$SMTPKeepNotesItems", "1")        
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$MessageID", "")                    
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$PublicAccess", "1")                
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("apptUNID", objNotesDocument.UniversalID)        
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("Location", "")
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("$Mailer", "Lotus Notes Release 8.5.1 September 28, 2009")
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("INetRequiredNames", ".")
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("MiniView", "1")
                objNotesItem = objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("MsgTaskFlags", "0")
                'Create and set the Body content
                If pAttachFile.Length > 0 Then
                    objNotesRishTextItem = objNotesDocument.CreateRichTextItem("Description")
                    objNotesRishTextItem.AppendText(pBody & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine)
                    'Domino.EMBED_TYPE.EMBED_ATTACHMENT = 1454, pAttachFile - Attachment Path
                    objNotesRishTextItem.EmbedObject(Domino.EMBED_TYPE.EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", pAttachFile)
                    'Example to save the message (optional)
                    objNotesDocument.SaveMessageOnSend = True
                End If

                'objNotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue("PostedDate", Now())
                If objNotesDocument.Save(True, True, True) Then
                    objNotesDocument.Send(False, CType(pSendTo, Object))
                End If

Понимаю, что еще не пятница, понимаю шо может быть полный оффтом, однако готов выслушать ЛЮБЫЕ идеи.
Что имеем на входе:
- есть страна у которой кризис прошел, наступил полный пипец
- вроде нужно экономить на всем и искать рациональные выходы
- есть безплатная ОСь типа Убунты, лотус клиент под ней просто летает - и симфония тоже
- есть куча жлобов с самого верху, которые за всё хотят откаты, из-за чего продвижение безплатного продукта гарантирует фиаско так как процент от работ это слишком мало

Чо делать?
Вообще есть реальный способ как-то воздействовать и придумать схему, дабы продвигать лотус на убунте?

Пожалуйста, без флуда, чисто идеи!
Вопрос серьезный, я уже извелся искать пути как это втолкнуть в массы обойдя жлобов или придумать чем же им выдать откат....
Люди добрые, выручайте.
Специалист по Lotus уехал в командировку.
У нас как на зло упал сервер.
Точнее не упал, а сбилось системное время после чего начались проблемы с лотусом.
Вроде всё работает. Частично почта доходит, но много остаётся в mail.box в состоянии held.
Пытаюсь её принудительно отослать, безрезультатно.
В логах ничего.
Не знаю, куда копать.
Буду очень признателен за помощь.
Весь день почта простояла.
Кто поможет и живёт в Питере готов угостить пивом или чем более крепким =)
Забыл как звучит команда, чтобы Домино перечитал свой notes.ini, подскажите
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Tips. Советы

Silanis Technology announced special introductory pricing for e-SignDoc and e-SignRoom. Both services are now integrated with IBM's LotusLive online collaboration and social networking platform and available at a reduced price until July 31, 2010.

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Fix Pack 12 for Quickr has fixed an on-going problem for Sasa Brkic. If you've run into similar problems, Sasa recommends the fix.

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Learn how to develop XPages with TLCC's new course, Developing XPages using Domino Designer 8.5. Learn XPages at your own pace and at your place. An expert instructor is a click away if you need help. Not just a collection of sample exercises, Developing XPages Using Domino Designer 8.5 is a complete and comprehensive course that will give you a thorough understanding of this exciting new technology in Domino.

Click here for more information and to try a complimentary demo course!

Gabriella Davis shares some tips for clearing the cache and workspace when working with Eclipse. She's found this quicker than deleting the frameworkrcp directory.

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By David Gewirtz

If you haven't been paying much attention to LotusLive, IBM's hosted software as a service offerings, it's time to start.

Many of us, tasked with running servers, tend to pay less attention to SaaS than we should, since we're not going to be doing the install on our own machines. While this may be valid on a day-to-day basis, there are a few simple facts of life that may make this a more foolish long-term strategy than you might think.

First, SaaS solutions often save companies money. A lot of money. Because companies can effectively outsource much of their IT operations (that's you, bucko!) to another provider, they're able to cut fixed costs significantly. So, first, you're competing against SaaS.

Second, SaaS solutions are often only part of the answer. LotusLive is a good example. While the service offers some great collaboration technologies, it's not the same as doing it all yourself. Standard applications run well in LotusLive, but those edge cases don't. Plus, you have to abide by terms of service requirements when running as a SaaS client, while you can push your own systems to their groaning limits.

Third, IBM is starting to integrate LotusLive with other interesting services. Last week, it announced that Ariba's commerce platform will be integrated into LotusLive. Previously, IBM announced Skype and Salesforce integration.

This approach is different and powerful. Because each of these offerings are excellent offerings in their own rights, LotusLive integration solves one of the bigger SaaS problems: NiH (Not in-House) disease. By integrating other powerful tools, not everything has to be invented by IBM and produced by IBM, so you get a wider variety of options.

Companies are trying to do more and more with less and less. One easy way is to consolidate the server technologies they need in data centers they own, and offload everything that can be offloaded. LotusLive is that offload destination, and since it provides much of IBM's top-line products in a turnkey, make-a-call-and-make-it-so way, it's going to have a strong appeal.

Clearly, SaaS offerings like LotusLive are in the best interests of your employer. But how can you make them be in your best interests as well? The answer is simple: become a mashup expert. Learn about the integration issues, the terms of service issues, the edge cases, and how to make everything meld together.

While not every IT person employed today in the Lotus space will keep his or her job in a world with LotusLive, the mashup-savvy will -- and will probably do better and be in more demand than every before.

David Gewirtz is the author of How To Save Jobs and Where Have All The Emails Gone? For more than 20 years, he has analyzed current, historical, and emerging issues relating to technology, competitiveness, and policy. David is the Editor-in-Chief of the ZATZ magazines, is the Cyberterrorism Advisor for the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, and is a member of the instructional faculty at the University of California, Berkeley extension. He can be reached at david@zatz.com and you can follow him at http://www.twitter.com/DavidGewirtz.

Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower8

Synaptris announced the public Beta availability of the German language version of FewClix, an email productivity add-on for Lotus Notes.

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Try IntelliPRINT, The world's leading Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis solution for Notes & Domino

  • Don't spend unproductive time maintaining different versions of the same spreadsheet
  • Preserve data integrity and security in multi-user environments
  • Create reports in minutes INSIDE Notes
  • Get freedom from iterative report requests, deliver self-serve capabilities

Experience Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis INSIDE Notes!

Try IntelliPRINT NOW!

John James saw this error scrolling across the Domino console but couldn't find any information on it. If you have any ideas, John might like to hear from you.

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This news comes from two sides: one is Ed Brill, the other is eWeek. Ed's version assumes you know what Traveler (or Notes) is.

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Marc Champoux gave this tip the full title of "Updated (V3) Step-By-Step Presentation on Deploying R8.5.1 Fix Pack 3 Clients using Smart Upgrade, the Install Shield Tuner, SURunAsWizard and Policies". If you have questions, ask Marc.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower8

This morning I was stood at the door as the postman walked up the drive and handed me the day's post.

Normally I would have cheerfully thanked him and wished him a good day, because isn't that what you're meant to do with your local "postie"? However, what he'd handed me was a collection of un-addressed junk mail and what I actually said was "Is that it! Just junk!?". To which he simply replied "Yeah, that's it".

There wasn't in fact any post for us. Nothing with our name or address on anyway. Just some flyers for bed/carpet companies and a letter addressed to "Dear Car Owner". If I'd have thought quicker I'd have said to him "Here, you can have it back". But, alas, he was off in a flash and I had to then make a detour via the bin to get rid of it.

What sad state are Royal Mail in that they're reduced to delivering nothing but junk!

It's getting so bad now I've thought about putting a bin directly beneath the letter box. Cuts out the middle man between them and the bin. I'd say about 1 in 20 of the items coming through our door is something I want. If I taped the letter box up I don't think I'd miss out on much.

I know they started delivering junk as a fund-raising method a few years ago as I opted out of it. That process involves finding the address to write to and actually writing them a old-fashioned-style letter. Opting out only lasts two years though and obviously my time is now up.

And don't even get me started on the elastic bands the "postie" keeps dropping in our porch. That's just plain rude. And on the street. They're everywhere.

There's no wonder Postman Pat now works for "Special Delivery Service". He must have been too ashamed to continue working for Royal Mail.

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Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: conflict double-click edit mode UI
Situation: A user opens the document, reads it, at this time an agent or another user changes the document, then the user goes into edit mode, change the document, saves it and gets a warning: "Another copy of this document was saved while you were editing it. Save your changes also as a Save Conflict document?".
In some applications, the user should not have the right to create conflict - in such applications are unacceptable.
I propose to change the working principle, ie, alert the user at the very beginning (when he translates the document into edit mode) that the document was changed, then the need for this message will disappear. The best implementation would be in translating the document into edit mode (for example, by double-click) to get the document from the database again (recent Instance) and substitute it in Source.Document in Querymodechange. Thus, if the document has changed and it is not terrible, because the translation into edit mode, we will always have actual data. If the document is changed at this time, then give the message that the document is now changed by another user, and to prohibit a transition to edit mode, ask to perform this operation later.  

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: conflict double-click edit mode UI
Situation: A user opens the document, reads it, at this time an agent or another user changes the document, then the user goes into edit mode, change the document, saves it and gets a warning: "Another copy of this document was saved while you were editing it. Save your changes also as a Save Conflict document?".
In some applications, the user should not have the right to create conflict - in such applications are unacceptable.
I propose to change the working principle, ie, alert the user at the very beginning (when he translates the document into edit mode) that the document was changed, then the need for this message will disappear. The best implementation would be in translating the document into edit mode (for example, by double-click) to get the document from the database again (recent Instance) and substitute it in Source.Document in Querymodechange. Thus, if the document has changed and it is not terrible, because the translation into edit mode, we will always have actual data. If the document is changed at this time, then give the message that the document is now changed by another user, and to prohibit a transition to edit mode, ask to perform this operation later.  
EDITED: To accelerate the discovery of certain documents (if someone would need such a regime), can make it optional with the system items, such as SaveOptions, ie:
  • receive new Instance before going into edit mode;
  • display a message about a conflict situation on save (as it is now).

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: conflict double-click edit mode UI
Situation: A user opens the document, reads it, at this time an agent or another user changes the document, then the user goes into edit mode, change the document, saves it and gets a warning: "Another copy of this document was saved while you were editing it. Save your changes also as a Save Conflict document?".
In some applications, the user should not have the right to create conflict - in such applications are unacceptable.
I propose to change the working principle, ie, alert the user at the very beginning (when he translates the document into edit mode) that the document was changed, then the need for this message will disappear. The best implementation would be in translating the document into edit mode (for example, by double-click) to get the document from the database again (recent Instance) and substitute it in Source.Document in Querymodechange. Thus, if the document has changed and it is not terrible, because the translation into edit mode, we will always have actual data. If the document is changed at this time, then give the message that the document is now changed by another user, and to prohibit a transition to edit mode, ask to perform this operation later.  
To accelerate the opening of certain documents (if someone would need such a regime), can make it optional with the system items, such as SaveOptions, ie:
  • receive new Instance before going into edit mode;
  • display a message about a conflict situation on save (as it is now).  

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: agents background
1. Each time you save a LS-agent message "A runtime error will occur if this agent requires user interaction. Interactive agents cannot be run in a background client thread. Do you wish to save?"; it's annoying...
I propose to remove this message, this can be written in for Help.
2. Now an agent with such an option (subj) can only be saved in "Action menu selection", as a result of the agent visible to the user from the menu that sometimes unacceptable. Make an agent hidden hand will not work because when translating the trigger in "Agent list selection" this option is automatically disabled... To hide the agent have to rename it using the code (enclose the name in brackets).
I propose to allow an agent to keep the option (subj) with a trigger "Agent list selection".

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: agents background
1. Each time you save a LS-agent message "A runtime error will occur if this agent requires user interaction. Interactive agents cannot be run in a background client thread. Do you wish to save?"; it's annoying...
I propose to remove this message, this can be written in for Help.
2. Now an agent with such an option (subj) can only be saved in "Action menu selection", as a result of the agent visible to the user from the menu that sometimes unacceptable. Make an agent hidden hand will not work because when translating the trigger in "Agent list selection" this option is automatically disabled... To hide the agent have to rename it using the code (enclose the name in brackets).
I propose to allow an agent to keep the option (subj) with a trigger "Agent list selection".  
3. Implement the ability to run some background agents without indication of the progress bar, and without possibility to disable their users.

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: profile document dialogbox
something like
Sub Initialize
    Dim session As New NotesSession
    Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim doc As NotesDocument
    Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
    Set doc = db.GetProfileDocument("profile")
    Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
    Call workspace.DialogBox _
    ("Dialog Box", True, True, False, False, False,  _
    False, "Dialog Box", doc)
End Sub

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: profile document dialogbox
something like
Sub Initialize     Dim session As New NotesSession     Dim db As NotesDatabase     Dim doc As NotesDocument         Set db = session.CurrentDatabase     Set doc = db.GetProfileDocument("profile")     Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace     Call workspace.DialogBox _     ("Dialog Box", True, True, False, False, False,  _     False, "Dialog Box", doc) End Sub

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: documentlocking lock unlock LockHolders $writers double-click edit mode ui
1. In the present implementation the document is locked when double-click, that is, before the commencement of Querymodechange! This is wrong - on Querymodechange there are some conditions for which are not permitted to translate the document into edit mode.
I propose to block the document between Querymodechange and Postmodechange, while in edit mode, the document should be translated only if the document was blocked!
If suddenly you need to block the document before, it can be done elementarily programmatically by calling notesDocument.Lock() on Querymodechange.
2. If the document has been blocked by the current user and will re-lock (an attempt to translate the document into edit mode), then the document should not explicitly blocked and translated into edit mode, rather, it is not true, because document at the same time could be changed by another process from the same user, such as background agent. If you give to save the document, the data entered by another process will be replaced by the current instance.
Ideally, there should be a link with this idea, or should warn you that "the document is changed by another process..."
3. Lock indicators:
  • If notesDocument.Lock() to pass an array of users, at the beginning LockHolders(1) for some reason a space (looks like this: " Value"), which complicates the analysis of blocking. It has been noted in 8.5.1. 
  • It was noted that notesDocument.Lock() returning True sometimes does not prescribe a document items $Writers and $WritersDate...
  • If unlock (notesDocument.UnLock) LockHolders property is cleared immediately and the items $Writers - no.
This is all seen in the debugger and flies in the runtime...

Author: Mike VandeVelde
Tags: designer formula @Text
The LotusScript Format function has several options for displaying AM / PM.
@Text has none of these.
For example: when putting a time value into a string in a view column, I would like to be able to force it to 12 hour or 24 hour time, retaining all the fantastic Domino features like time zone conversion etc:
"yadda yadda at " + 3:45 PM + " yadda yadda"
As opposed to what might be displayed by default when all you have are "T1Z1S1":
"yadda yadda at " + 15:45 + " yadda yadda"

You can create reports and charts from any Notes database using Notes Reconn. Impress your clients with the power of Notes integrated with technology like Adobe Flash. Download it here and have it working in a few ...
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Статьи и Документация

When attempting to reschedule or cancel a meeting which contains an online meeting, you receive the error, "An error occurred while saving: Unable to send mail; no match found in Name & Address Book(s)" and the reschedule or cancellation is not sent.
The Lotus Notes Roaming User feature automatically replicates enduser settings and personalized data to a Domino server of file share where they can be backedup by an administrator. For those not yet using this feature the following is a procedure for manually backing up a Lotus Notes user's ...
Selecting items in the mail miniview does not display them in the preview pane.
When creating a package using the SUSetRunAsWizard.exe, you choose files that have been extracted to a remote file server to create the package to include on your Smart Upgrade kit document to upgrade users in your environment. You receive the error "Failed to UpdateStringBlock(). Error ld - s" during the creation of the package.
You would like to create a package to install Lotus Notes using a USB drive, and there are certain modifications that you would like to make to the install, and you have included those modifications in
Repeated characters do not pass spell check in Notes 8.5.x. For example, multiple dashes "- - - " or multiple underscores "_ _ _ " are mistaken for repeated words.
You find that if several To Do items are due the same day, a scroll bar appears in the To Do pane of your Notes calendar, and its overall display and readability quality is lessened.
While the Domino Administrator client is also open on your workstation, if in your Notes client (Standard Configuration) you right-click a bookmark and select "Open in new window," nothing happens.
Password synchronization fails if you log on using the format "FirstName LastName@domain" and then open Notes.
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