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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 349 от 2010-06-16
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Всем доброго дня!
Пришлось недавно вносить правки в один отчет из СЭД под Lotus в MS Word.
Для переноса значений полей документа Лотус в системе использовались закладки Word.
Мне пришлось добавить несколько закладок в существующий вордовский шаблон, и в некоторых закладках использовать для проставления отметок шрифт с символами, отличающийся от шрифта основного текста шаблона.

Ошибка: При формировании отчета (замене закладок на текст) почему-то шрифт с символами меняется на совершенно "левый" шрифт, который я не нашла в стилях документа (у меня Word 2003).
Никаких сообщений об ошибках при этом не появляется.

Шрифт с символами в системе установлен, я использовала в шаблоне форматирование символов для закладки этим шрифтом, пробовала задавать форматирование этим шрифтом символов слева и справа от закладки.
Столкнулась с закладками впервые, пробовала для заполнения закладок код, который был изначально в базе (через изменение у закладок Range.Text) и приведенный в Кодебейзе форума (с переходом на закладку), пыталась явно указать имя шрифта из лотуса при замене текста закладок - ничего не помогает sad.gif

Документ вордовский после формирования отчета не сохраняется, а просто показывается пользователю.
Очень похоже на глюк то ли шаблона, то ли еще чего - ибо после сохранения отчета и выделения текста/превью документа, символьный шрифт восстанавливается...

Кто-то сталкивался?
в чем причина - я не умею правильно добавлять закладки (вроде бы там всего лишь 3 кнопочки, трудно прокосить)?
где что можно глянуть и чем можно вылечить?
Вопрос очень сильно просится в Vb-раздел, но хотелось бы послушать мнения лотусиных спецов по отчетам.
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Tips. Советы

Michael Urspringer has had some users complain about Notes re-scheduling meetings from morning to evening. The fix is a simple addition to the Windows Registry.

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Denny Russell knows there are times when the Help files just aren't enough. He's posted a list of links to various blogs, podcasts, and other sites to help you out.

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Peter Presnell has been working with Notes/Domino for a number of years, and hopes there are more years to come. But. Along with others, he's watching Notes lose out as IBM has failed to keep perspective.

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It's finally here! Now that Teamstudio Edition 25 has shipped, listen to our latest Tool Time audio program to find out what's changed. Updates to all your favorite Teamstudio tools will be discussed.

Plus, you'll get an introduction to Teamstudio Undo (formerly known as Teamstudio Snapper).

Tap here to get started!

Mikkel Heisterberg has posted a excerpt from the Notes 8.5.2 release notes on the option to reuse a single sidebar panel for a particular widget's action.

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By David Gewirtz

Last month was Migration May. We ran four articles about migrating TO Lotus Notes and Domino. Unfortunately, IBM seems to be dropping the ball here, because the only place we could find good information about moving to Lotus products was in our DominoPower series.

Go ahead. Type "migrate from exchange to domino" into Google. Or type "migrate from outlook to lotus notes". Try it. Do you know what you'll find?

It's not good. What you'll find is search result after search result about moving from Lotus products to Microsoft products. You'll hardly find anything about the reverse.

We know. We spent a month running these searches. It was depressing. Yes, we did our part. Here are the four articles we ran:

The thing is, IBM needs to really dig in on this topic. IBM needs to have a metric ton of resources online about moving to Lotus products and away from Microsoft products. Even if it does nothing but keep the search results even, it'd be a win.

Right now, if you're thinking about moving to Lotus products and do a Google search, you might be tempted to think again. That's how few good migration to Lotus resources there are, particularly those that might show up high in the search results.

We'll do our best. Bloggers, if you want to help, run your own migrate to Lotus stories. But, ultimately, it's up to IBM to push their products -- and one key way is to make sure it's clear that it makes sense to move to Lotus products.

IBM needs to put some stakes in the ground, and start putting out how to migrate TO Lotus, and make those available and indexed via Google.

So far, we're the only ones doing ANYTHING.

David Gewirtz is the author of How To Save Jobs and Where Have All The Emails Gone? For more than 20 years, he has analyzed current, historical, and emerging issues relating to technology, competitiveness, and policy. David is the Editor-in-Chief of the ZATZ magazines, is the Cyberterrorism Advisor for the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, and is a member of the instructional faculty at the University of California, Berkeley extension. He can be reached at david@zatz.com and you can follow him at http://www.twitter.com/DavidGewirtz.

We've probably all heard of Microsoft's "Flex killer", SilverLight, but how does it stack up against Flex? As a simple comparison exercise I thought I'd try and reproduce the Flex contacts database in SilverLight.

By the time I'd added one XML-consuming DataGrid I gave up in frustration. I don't think Flex has much to worry about for the time being.

Here's the Silverlight app I started which is consuming the same XML as it's Flex counterpart. As you can see, I didn't get far.

Getting Started

To start developing the SiverLight (SL) app I launched Visual Studio Web Express (free!) and created a new SL project.

For the sake of argument let's assume most Flex or SilverLight business applications are going to be centred around some kind of Data Grid / "view", which fetches XML from a web server. Because most apps are like this. Are they not!

So, first thing I did was add a DataGrid and then I did a quick Google to find how to make it consume XML from a URL. I quickly found the code I needed and pasted/modified it to work with my own XML schema.

The C# code-behind for the SL app is, in essence, like this:

namespace SilverlightDominoDemoApp
{ public class Contact { public string ID { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public string DOB { get; set; } public string Email { get; set; } } public partial class MainPage : UserControl { public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); //make a new WebClient object WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadStringCompleted += client_DownloadCompleted; client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://www.codestore.net/apps/contacts.nsf/vwContactsAsXML?OpenView")); } void client_DownloadCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) { if (e.Error == null) { XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse(e.Result); var contacts = from contact in xml.Descendants("documents").Descendants("document")  select new Contact { ID = contact.Attribute("id").Value, FirstName = Convert.ToString(contact.Element("first_name").Value), LastName = Convert.ToString(contact.Element("last_name").Value), DOB = Convert.ToString(contact.Element("date_of_birth").Value), Email = Convert.ToString(contact.Element("email").Value) }; myDataGrid.ItemsSource = contacts; } } }

What this code does is fetch the XML and then, in the "on complete" event listener for the web request it loops all the "document" nodes using LINQ and creates a new object based on the Contact class. It then binds them to the data grid.

At this point alarm bells were ringing. What's this strongly-typed class I need to add? This means that to add or remove columns I need to modify the class and re-compile it all?!

You might remember in part 1 of my Flex App Basics series I talked about building views remotely. The idea being that the grid is designed on the server. The XML defines the columns to display as well as the data for the grid. The SilverLight way looks like it won't adapt itself to working this way. At least not easily. I'm sure there's probably a way to do it, but if it requires an in-depth knowledge of SilverLight in the first place, then it's failed at the first hurdle.

One of the things I have always loved about Flex is how easy it is pick up and how intuitive it is to develop with. Lots of what I've found out about Flex I've found out simply by guessing what might work, trying it and finding out it does.

On the other hand, after spending a couple of hours with SL I've found it to be quite un-intuitive. Almost as though it subscribes to the "it's enterprise class, so it needs to be complicated". You can tell it's a Microsoft product.

As an example, I could find no easy way to set the width of the DataGrid to 100% as percentage values aren't allowed. While I'm sure there's a way to do this, the fact I even need to think about in the first place is kind of off-putting.

On the plus side. The Silverlight app was created at no cost (thanks to the Express version of Visual Studio I used), whereas Flex/Flash Builder Pro cost me about 400 quid! Although I see that as no price considering what I've had out of it.


While what I did was far from an exhaustive comparison I did see enough to know that I don't think it's worth considering SL as a viable alternative to Flex.

Part of the reason I ever considered its use was that I assumed it would be easier/quicker to integrate it with an ASP.NET/Microsoft background. Whether this is true or not I don't know. Either way I can't imagine there's anything that radical about it that would make it worth re-learning what I know of Flex.

It just re-affirms my belief that Flex is an amazing product without limits as to what can be done with it.

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Stuart McIntyre has posted information about the fix for this issue. IBM has some code that you need to get and Stuart has listed the steps to take.

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Paul Withers has posted an 8-minute video showing XWeb, a website building tool using XPages, in action.

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Try IntelliPRINT, The world's leading Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis solution for Notes & Domino

  • Don't spend unproductive time maintaining different versions of the same spreadsheet
  • Preserve data integrity and security in multi-user environments
  • Create reports in minutes INSIDE Notes
  • Get freedom from iterative report requests, deliver self-serve capabilities

Experience Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis INSIDE Notes!

Try IntelliPRINT NOW!

Jake Ochs has run into some problems when developers forget the difference between stack and heap, and how they affect performance. He's posted a chart to help you see the difference.

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IMAG0163When your fifteen year old step daughter tells you to "man up" you can't help but take notice. Even though being a "real" man has never bothered me too much, like most men, I don't like having my manliness questioned.

It can't help that the picture on the right is of my new favourite mug, which we bought Friday just gone when I took the afternoon off to go to an Arts & Crafts fair with Karen.

"Ooh, that one's nice!" I said to Karen.

About as unmanly as you can get, no?

What can I say - I like pretty things. Surely it doesn't make me less of a man. I've always thought it makes you more of a man, being honest and happy about who you are.

Anyway, part of the reason I guess Quinn thinks I'm a sorry excuse of a man is that I'm not in to football, unlike all the other men in her life.

But, it's not that I'm not "in to" football. It's just that I can take or leave it. I don't follow a team or watch many matches (watched about 10 minutes of the World Cup so far). Although I can happily sit and watch a good game, they are few and far between, so I tend not to watch any. I don't watch Match of the Day or know who transferred to who or who won the FA cup in 19XX.

What I prefer is to actually do sport rather than sit and watch it. Watching most sports is fairly boring. Doing sports is fun. That's why I jumped at the chance a month ago to play 5-a-side and have been going every week since.

Before I agreed to make up their numbers I did check that it was just a friendly kick-about. What really gets my goat is people who take sport too seriously. Sport should be fun. Thankfully the match has just the right amount of seriousness about it to mean it's enjoyable while remaining competitive.

Thankfully too none of them seem to mind that the new boy isn't that good. Perhaps the fact that I run about like a mad man from one end to the other non stop has fooled them in to thinking I'm worthy of a place. At least that's what got me in the school team when I was younger. The Forrest Gump of football.

The aspect of the game I like the most however is the escapism. The first time I played last month, I didn't realise it until afterwards, but I was so immersed in the game that I didn't think about any of the stresses of work or life. With running, which is my other way of escaping the desk, I still think about the same things while I'm out. With football I didn't think about any of it.

All I need to do now is brush up on the lingo. I've always known what "man on", "one two" and "square" meant but now I'm learning others like "hold it", "runner" and "squeeze the ball". Maybe one day I'll be manly enough to actually return these orders to the people I've never met before...

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Joerg Rafflenbeul
Tags: traveler folders iphone policies
Traveler shows all user folders on the on device. By default only the "Inbox" is selected (iPhone experience) is selected for synchronization. Also it is possible to get all contents based on device's settings for emails. In order to filter certain contents on the level of the server process it would be valuable if the user can limit the maximum amount of data and the synchronized folders within Lotus Notes. Also a limitation on the level of Traveler Policy document would be valuable in order to limit the maximum amount of transferable contents.

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: appstore
It seems many people, including IBM, now agree that an AppStore may not be a bad idea to increase the channels avaliale for (a) Notes developers to write and sell Notes-based applictions, and (b) For Notes users (especially SMBs) to purchase Notes solutions.  It seems for IBM to do it presents the usual amount of beaurocracy that may leave the idea stagnant for years.  Within the Notes community there seems to be an interest but few people have the time to commit to such a project.  So Why not have IBM fund the external development of a community resource (e.g. an OpenNTF with a shopping cart) that would allow such an initiative to get started.  Maybe some of the developers with years of experience finding it hard to secure direct employment can earn a living by exporting their expertise in the form of useful applications and templates.

Author: Alexey Katyushyn
Tags: xpages
I wonder how bad the xPages technology solved questions of backward compatibility with legacy Lotus applications.
One example - the nested categorization. In the Lotus Notes client using nested categorization of each subcategory is displayed with an indent to the right. In xPages - without indentation (usually left alignment). This is not acceptable. And consequently delayed the implementation of xPages-application for an indefinite time.
I want that xPages displayed categoryized column in the same way as does the client Lotus Notes.

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: lock documentlocking master lock server acl distributed environment
It is known that the lock on the database properties (option "Allow document locking") on the server, which is in ACL is marked as an Administrative (Master Lock Server), create a system repository for locks. In real distributed system without a permanent connection between the servers, having trouble: the mechanism locks works very slowly, sometimes incorrectly, when the timeout throws out an error code 4000...

One of the working solutions - to block or modify documents on their parent server. The find was to disable the replication of ACL, and to set the ACL of each database on each server of the Current (Master Lock) server, it leads to the fact that on each server creates its own repository for locks - it works quickly and beautifully.
The problem is that now can not sync ACL, - have to do it manually...

I propose move the server setup blocking option from the ACL to the database properties, because on the one hand, it has no relation to the ACL, and the other would remove the restriction, which further enhance adjustability Lotus database for the distributed environment.

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: Lsi_info module LS library lotusscript notes client
It is known that Lsi_info(3), Lsi_info(13), Lsi_info(14) on the Client in the name of the module (library) returns gibberish, such as "*AB65D0".
In the agents working on the server, the same code for LS-module returns a normal read values.
Please correct the work of the above functions so that they always returned normal reads the value of the name of the module.
Thank you.  

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: xpages styles headers
The page view control allow me to nominate a style class for pretty much everything in a view except the column header (as a row).  For that I must apply a style to the column header of every single view column.  I cant mimic the functionality I have with Notes client where I can nominate column header attributes such as background color at the view level.

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Статьи и Документация

Registration Policy is set to store user IDs in the Domino Directory. When a user is registered on a server where ID Vault
Conversation Threads will either never group, or intermittently will not group on AIX or UNIX platforms
Alloy by IBM and SAP (23) App dev (3) Customer selfassist (49) Deployment scenarios (18) Getting started (6) Learning Center (69) Learning Lotus Notes clients (77) Lotus Domino (108) Lotus Notes Traveler (25) Lotus Notes (168) Lotus Protector ...
When you hover a mouse over Sametime awareness icons in Notes (Basic Configuration) 8.5.1 FP1 or FP2, the client may crash with or without generating an NSD. Here is a sample crash stack:
1 to 18 of 18 results for "website editor" New topic Previous Next Search Results Date Topic Author 7.Jan.06 Display LotusScript source in HTML julien bottemanne 23.Jan.08 Documents not showing. Thamsanqa D Majola 27.Jun.07 How do I add the VeriSign Seal to my web page? Jim Hession 22.Apr.08 ...
You receive reports that some Notes 8.5.1.x clients (Basic or Standard) terminate abnormally while users perform various operations. An NSD log file is not generated, and the issue often occurs in, but is not limited to, Citrix environments. This issue is due to a combination of (1) NSD running as an operating system service, and (2) the Notes data directory being stored on a file share.
During client configuration or runtime, you notice that the font in the dialog boxes is not correct and is a fixed-width font like Courier New, causing the text to be truncated in the field. This occurs due to a missing font package on the system.
Home page buttons in bookmark.nsf appear off center, why does this occur?
Your Domino mail server reports high CPU usage on server task continuously. The increased CPU usage can get to 70% of total CPU usage. This situation causes users to experience difficulties in accessing the mail server.
Deleting reservations Since users don't clean up their calendars, it's possible to can remove the old documents from the Resource Reservation database and not send messages that their reservation was deleted. The message will be sent from the home mail server of the person deleting the ...
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