7.0.3 сервер LD. На нём крутится интранет. У нас в организации используется как основной почтовый сервер MS Exchange и соответственно настроена связь Lotus - Exchange для отправки писем из Лотуса по smtp через Foreign SMTP domain в Exhange.
А вот обратной связи у нас нет - Exchange шлёт письма в LD.
Возникла потребность организовать mail in базу в Лотусе с приёмом писем из Exchange. Как создать mail in базу понятно, непонятно как и что я должен настроить для того, чтобы Exchange server мог отправлять письма на сервер Dоmino.? Просто, совсем не представляю с чего начать и что имеено надо сделать для приёма писем, вероятно поднимать IMAP сервис, как то его настраивать, или нет, посоветуйте...
Что и как необходимо настроить для принятия писем в LD с внешних адресов?
Если можно опишите пожалуйста поподробней. Спасибо!! И сильно не пинайте за тупые вопросы, я конечно не совсем админ))
Столкнулся на днях с интересной проблемой. Может быть кто-то тоже сталкивался.
При открытии документа в его методе
Sub Queryopen(Source As Notesuidocument, Mode As Integer, Isnewdoc As Variant, Continue As Variant)
в параметр Source - передается совсем другой документ, т.е. передается документ из другой базы совсем (из почтовой) у которого другой метод Queryopen и т.е. попадает документ который вообще не имеет отношения к открываемому документу.
Какой-то интеренсый "глюк" что-ли ? Как такое может быть вообще.
Удалял cache.ndk, desktop, bookmarks, - переустанавливал клиент - ничего не помагает
Самое интересное вот что:
- если переустановить клиент lotus на этой машине, то при первом открытии документ - то ошибки с подменой параметра не возникает но если перезапусить клиент то ошибка появиться и будет повторяться уже всегда.
- если в ACL базы изменить уровень пользователя с Редактора на дизайнера - то ошибка с подменой параметра исчезает
- на других компьютерах под этим iD-пользователя - все работает корректно т.е. глюк проявляется только на оной конкретной машине
Lotus Notes. 7.0.2 + Windows XP SP2
Даже не знаю - это что какая-то проблема с интерпретаром Lotus Script ?
In Notes 8.5.1, you can save your online meeting information, so you can easily add it to future meeting invitations. You can save more than one set of online meeting info too, in case you have multip
If I am in Designer and try and open a database that I do not have access to then currently I get prompted to remove the icon from Designer.
I'd like to suggest that this prompt is removed. By definition, if the icon is there then I have been able to access the database at some point in the past. In my case it just means I'm using the wrong ID file at the moment, so I'll just switch ID and then open up the database. The prompt is an annoying interruption which doesn't add any benefit.
8.5.1, and indeed every version of Designer since 1973 have introduced wonderful and innovative new features.
A complimentary feature which would be excellent would be the introduction of minor regressions, rather than enormous bug monsters with practically every release.
Yes I know many of you will attack me for not using the 'right forum for bugs', but please entertain me for just a moment, as I'm attempting to 'strike the root' and create a measure of influence for all our good.
I am led to believe, from experience mostly, that major development platforms don't normally reach Gold release level with items like:
* New scripting (LotusScript) interface that almost always reports the wrong error line number in the debugger
* New scripting (LotusScript) interface that becomes drunk with erroneous red error indicators several times a day
* New scripting (LotusScript) interface that sometimes fails to update design regardless of how many times one tries to save, with updates stuck in mysterious (yet well conceived) design caching mechanism to make script development faster.
8.5.1 is a dream compared to 8.5, but are we right to demand an even higher standard? And if not, is it too technically challenging or politically savoury to address major problems in a timely manner? (ie must we wait 12 months for the above monsters to be recfified)?
I am not asking for bug fixes, I am campaigning for a change of culture. A new Feature of Domino Designer QA culture, if you will.
But I do not really qualified to preach. My website is a sophisticated Domino-based SAS application which has often suffered from the same imbalance of innovation versus quality, so I understand the savour of the imbalanced focus.
However, on the eve of my transformation, I am proposing a dialogue and not serving an indightment, as one would thoughtfully react to a lifelong friend. A gracious recognition of fundamentals.
But, like the software I love and swear by, I now regress.
8.5.1, and indeed every version of Designer since "Nam" have introduced wonderful and innovative new features.
A complimentary feature which would be excellent would be the introduction of minor regressions, rather than enormous bug monsters with practically every release.
Yes I know many of you will attack me for not using the 'right forum for bugs', but please entertain me for just a moment, as I'm attempting to 'strike the root' and create a measure of influence for all our good.
I am led to believe, from experience mostly, that major development platforms don't normally reach Gold release level with items like:
* New scripting (LotusScript) interface that almost always reports the wrong error line number in the debugger
* New scripting (LotusScript) interface that becomes drunk with erroneous red error indicators several times a day
* New scripting (LotusScript) interface that sometimes fails to update design regardless of how many times one tries to save, with updates stuck in mysterious (yet well conceived) design caching mechanism to make script development faster.
8.5.1 is a dream compared to 8.5, but are we right to demand an even higher standard? And if not, is it too technically challenging or politically savoury to address major problems in a timely manner? (ie must we wait 12 months for the above monsters to be recfified)?
I am not asking for bug fixes, I am campaigning for a change of culture. A new Feature of Domino Designer QA culture, if you will.
But I do not really qualified to preach. My website is a sophisticated Domino-based SAS application which has often suffered from the same imbalance of innovation versus quality, so I understand the savour of the imbalanced focus.
However, on the eve of my transformation, I am proposing a dialogue and not serving an indightment, as one would thoughtfully react to a lifelong friend. We are a family after all.
However, like the software I love and swear by, I now regress.
For whatever reason, on occasion the HTTP password does not get synchronized with the Notes password. Add a way to manually force synchronization, like a menu option (File - Security - Synchronize Notes and HTTP/Sametime passwords) or as a button on the User Security dialog.
Yes, users can set the password by editing their person document, but they may enter the password incorrectly, they do not have author access to their person document in all environments, and that is far more difficult to talk a user through.
Provide the abiltiy to "email" a group calendar to specific persons / all members of the calendar. The email should compose some special "notice" similar to a meeting invitation where the member have the ability to create the group calendar given the properties that the calendar creator entered.
Updates (e.g. calendar name changes) could be handled similar to updates of meetings or even "accepted" automatically (maybe make this a preference).
- Lotus / IBM doesn't want or isn't able to provide a corporate calendar and there are good reasons not to go corporate with a calendar. But giving the users just the ability to manage themselves could be a huge win for collaboration
- Technical backend should already be pretty much in place providing that Lotus can utilize calendar meeting feature to broadcast group calendars.
In Lotus Notes/Lotus Domino 6.x, users who have editor access to their mail files and who use local replicas cannot disable their Out Of Office (OOO) agents on the server.
You are attempting to add some items to a field in a Lotus Notes database in which there are already a number of items selected. When you select the field in edit mode and the dialog list opens, the values that were originally in the field are not retained and must be reselected, along with the values you want to add. Why does this happen?
In a Notes multi-user install on Citrix, installed using custom data directory specification, Notes uninstall may not remove all needed registry settings.
Trying to prune a large number of deletions fails. No errors are posted. However, prune does not process all deletions and marks the DAOS catalog as "needs resync".