Прошу больно не бить , но после прочтения нескольких книг так и не нашёл ответа на свои вопросы, поэтому надеюсь на помощь бывалых админов Лотуса. Ситуация следующая: Есть головная организация ORG1 в которой установлен Лотус сервер 7.0.3. Нам выдан Lotus Notes, обмен почтой происходит посредством репликации (т.е. реплицируются адресная книга (names.nsf) и сама БД (userbd2.nsf). Для входа в клиента используется id файлик user2.id. Репликация идёт по TCPIP протоколу, POP3 и SMTP на сервере отрублены. В течении 5и лет все работало нормально, да и сейчас нареканий нет, кроме того, что с почтой у нас работают 2 человека и есть желание установить клиента третьему, но т.к. БД одна, то к ней может подключиться только один человек, второму приходится ждать своей очереди, чтоб поработать с почтой. В связи с этим возникло желание установить у себя сервер, чтоб он реплицировался с головной организацией и всю почту перекидывал в локальную БД, где с ней смогут работать столько пользователей, сколько надо. Установил у себя сервер 7.0.2, локальную базу настроил (оба заведённых туда пользователя могут обмениваться письмами) начал настраивать подключение к серверу головной организации и тут уткнулся в непонимание, как это сделать. После чтения умных книг пришёл к выводу, что мне нужно создать 2ой домен настроенный так же как и в клиенте, прописать туда сервер с теми же (из клиента) настройками и создать 1 коннектион на сервер головной организации и 1 на локальный сервер. Но вот как сказать этому второму серверу, что адресная книга находится по адрессу org1\names.nsf (кстати, как я понял именно там и лежат все настройки удалённого сервака), что ему нужно подключаться к удалённому серверу используя файл org1\user2.id и что ему нужно реплицировать базу org1\userbd2.nsf и всё это делать через прокси сервер. (в клиенте лотусовском у меня прописано: прокси-сервер Тунель-HTTP, в настройках Connections этого не нашел. После любой настройки получаю на консоли сообщение:
23.06.2010 16:41:14 Unable to replicate with server MailServer/ORG1/RU: The server is not responding. The server may be down or you may be experiencing network problems. Contact your system administrator if this problem persists.
ЗЫ. Если влом объяснять, то дайте хотябы сылочку на литературу, где это описано, а то везде описано, как создать несколько доменов и их заставить общаться друг с другом, а вот как подключиться к стороннему домену, который тебе не принадлежит, нигде нет. ЗЗЫ. а мож я всё просто усложняю и недопонимаю...
Ставлю на убунту 9 ку... Lotus domino 8.5 . запускаю из под иксов .. всё запускается.. доходит до самой установки.. до 2 процентов и всё... пишет нет JVM.. стоит версия 1.6.. сервер... всё тестится.. всё как бы имеется... везде прописано... а всёравно ругается что нету... что за гэ?
FIND UNUSED LOTUS NOTES GROUPS AND CLEAN UP YOUR ADDRESS BOOK Have you ever wanted to get rid of old Lotus Notes groups that were cluttering up your address book, but you weren't sure if they were used? Find Unused Groups can help.
Find Unused Groups will check your ACL, mail, multi purpose and server groups to help you determine if they are used, and who uses them.
It seems like only yesterday that Minnie was born, rather than the two years it's actually been.
Yesterday, as is now our custom on their birthdays, I took the day off work and we made a day of it. This time round we went to Drayton Manor theme park. Here's daddy and daughter waiting for Thomas to get a move on:
Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen? Don't you dare say no!
You can't help but love Minnie. More than just being cute she's got a real character about her and is constantly making us laugh. Even when she's being naughty I struggle not to laugh. Already she's learning to exploit her cuteness.
Having said that she can, like most kids, drive you mad at times. Not that I'd change that though. In fact I wouldn't change a single thing about any of my kids. Even their most annoying traits. It all goes towards making them who they are and I love them just as they are.
Here's Minnie on the eve of her birthday at granny-grandad's having her mark on the wall updated (only a true Howlett would use a spirit level):
Here she is at the garden party we had for her on Sunday, helping herself to the jam. She likes her food, does our Minnie.
Blowing out the candles on her cake:
It feels like it's been her birthday for about a week, but we've all enjoyed it. Makes all the difference having a summer birthday.
Watching Them Grow
The other custom of ours is to take a photo of the kids on their birthday, laying on my chest. To help manage the photos I've put together a website to hold them all. Click the image below to go there.
Notice the one constant in each photo? My stripey dressing gown hanging on the back of the door. Wonder how old they'll be before that goes...
when I select 'Add Senter to Contacts..' in the upcoming dialog there is no option to add some additional comment for this contact. I still have to open my contacts applicatio, locate the person, open it and add WHY I have added this person to my contacts in the first place.
when I select 'Add Senter to Contacts..' in the upcoming dialog there is no option to add some additional comment for this contact. I still have to open my contacts applicatio, locate the person, open it and add WHY I have added this person to my contacts in the first place.
LotusScript agents that run longer than the limit which is configured in the server document are automatically terminated by the Agent Manager. There is currently no way to handle this exception programmatically and execute a graceful termination / rollback and thus maintain data integrity.
I suggest one solution may be to trigger the error handling in the Initialize event with a unique error number - Err() - which corresponds to this specific error condition, and apply a secondary timeout on the execution of the error handling code.
some programs allow the display of tips at start-up. this is a great way for self education.
we try to educate our users in using their Notes client more effectively (some might even start to like the program) but this is a very tedious job and we can only make it effective by sendin people mails with info or links to information sites.
a tip of the day option would do much good for end-users and administrator.
In the Notes client, when I'm in my inbox I can scroll with the mousewheel to go though my messages. To scroll through my my folder list, I have to click in the frameset first to scroll. Same for my ST contacts and same for the message preview. I can't scroll though the current previewed message with the mousewheel until I first click in the message preview. It would be nice if the scroll focus would change simply by moving the mouse over the frame.
It all works PERFECTLY in iNotes/DWA (and another email package that we won't mention)
Currently when you are mentioned as 'FYI' invitee to a meeting, you will get the same text in your invitation as a 'required' invitee. (see picture)
For a person it is not clear they do not absolutely need to be present.
I'd like to have the invitation's text to be depending on the type of invitation.
for required: .... has invited you to a meeting where your presence is required
for optional: .... has invited you to a meeting where your presence is optional
for FYI: .... would like to inform you of a meeting where your presence is not required
additionally: the text "You have not yet responded" is a bit antagonistic. To my opinion the text should be changed to "Please respond to this invitation".
This readme document provides information on Lotus iNotes Interim Fix 304.5aCHF1 for Domino 8.5.1 Fix Pack 3. This Interim Fix is cumulative and is applicable to the following platforms: Windows, AIX, AIX 64-bit, Linux and Solaris. (Lotus iNotes was previously named Lotus Domino Web Access.)
"Options for this Application" displays replication settings for the first database that was selected under the files tab within the Administrator client and not the currently selected database.