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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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DAOSInit error when using network share as the DAOS base path

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 269 от 2009-12-11
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

This is a LS Agent I put in every database I own so I can quickly stamp all selected records with certain values without having to write a special agent when the need arises. Option Public
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New notessession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Dim col As notesdocumentcollection
Dim doc As notesdocument
Dim uiWorkspace As New NotesUiWorkspace
Set db=session.currentdatabase
Set col=db.unprocesseddocuments
Set doc=col.getfirstdocument
Dim Fld As NotesItem
Dim FldCount As Integer
If db.currentaccesslevel < 5 Then ' Little Security Touch
Print ("Access Denied")
Exit Sub
End If 'Get list of field names
FldCount = 0
Forall item In doc.Items
FldCount = FldCount + 1
End Forall
Redim FieldList(0 To FldCount)
FieldList(0) = "-Create New Field-"
x = 0
Forall item In doc.Items
FieldList(x) = Cstr(item.name) ' Now FieldList is an array with all fieldnames
End Forall
Call Sort(FieldList) ' Now it's alphabetized 'Now to select which field to set
FieldToChange = UIWorkspace.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELCOMBO, "---- Field Setter ----", "Please select wich field you wish to change.","" ,FieldList )
If Trim(FieldToChange) ="" Then
Print "Canceled"
Exit Sub
End If
If FieldToChange = "-Create New Field-" Then
FieldToChange = UIWorkspace.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELEDIT, "---- Field Setter ----", "Enter the Field Name you wish to add","" )
If Trim(FieldToChange) ="" Then
Print "Canceled"
Exit Sub
End If
End If 'Now to get the New Value
NewFieldInput = UIWorkspace.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELEDIT, "---- Field Setter ----", "Please Enter the new value.","" ,"" )
If Trim(NewFieldInput) ="" Then
Print "Canceled"
Exit Sub
End If Set Thisitem = doc.GetFirstItem( FieldToChange )
If Not Thisitem Is Nothing Then
ThisType = Cint(Thisitem.type)
DefaultChoice = ""
Redim TypeList(0)
TypeCount = -1
If Isdate(NewFieldInput) Then
TypeCount = TypeCount + 1
Redim Preserve TypeList(TypeCount)
TypeList(TypeCount) = "Date"
DefaultChoice = "Date"
End If
If Isnumeric(NewFieldInput) Then
TypeCount = TypeCount + 1
Redim Preserve TypeList(TypeCount)
TypeList(TypeCount) = "Number"
If DefaultChoice = "" Then DefaultChoice = "Number"
End If
TypeCount = TypeCount + 1
Redim Preserve TypeList(TypeCount)
TypeList(TypeCount) = "String" If DefaultChoice = "" Then
ThisType =1280
TypeChoice = UIWorkspace.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELCOMBO, "---- Field Type ----", "What type of field do you wish this to be.",DefaultChoice ,TypeList )
If Trim(TypeChoice) ="" Then
Print "Canceled"
Exit Sub
End If
Select Case(TypeChoice)
Case "Date" : ThisType = 1024
Case "Number" : ThisType = 768
Case "String" : ThisType = 1280
End Select End If
End If Select Case ThisType
Case 1024 : NewFieldValue = Cdat(NewFieldInput)
Case 768 : NewFieldValue = Cdbl(NewFieldInput)
Case 1280 : NewFieldValue = Cstr(NewFieldInput)
Case Else : NewFieldValue = Cstr(NewFieldInput)
End Select While Not doc Is Nothing
Call doc.replaceitemvalue(FieldToChange, NewFieldValue)
Call doc.save(False,False)
Set doc=col.getnextdocument(doc)
Wend End Sub
Sub Sort(array)
For I=1 To (n-1)
Do While J>=1
If array(J)<array(J-1) Then
Exit Do
End If
Loop Next
End Sub
This LS agent lets you rename fields on selected documents This is an agent I use a great deal when rewriting an old application when a field name or many field names need to be changed to something more useful or appropriate Option Public
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New notessession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Dim col As notesdocumentcollection
Dim doc As notesdocument
Dim uiWorkspace As New NotesUiWorkspace
Set db=session.currentdatabase
Set col=db.unprocesseddocuments
Set doc=col.getfirstdocument
Dim Fld As NotesItem
Dim FldCount As Integer
If db.currentaccesslevel < 5 Then ' Little Security Touch
Print ("Access Denied")
Exit Sub
End If FldCount = 0
x=0 'Get list of field names
Forall item In doc.Items
FldCount = FldCount + 1
End Forall
Redim FieldList(0 To FldCount)
Forall item In doc.Items
FieldList(x) = Cstr(item.name) ' now FieldList is an array with all fieldnames
End Forall 'Get list of field names
FldCount = 0
Forall item In doc.Items
FldCount = FldCount + 1
End Forall
Redim FieldList(0 To FldCount)
FieldList(0) = "-Unlisted Field-"
Forall item In doc.Items
FieldList(x) = Cstr(item.name) ' now FieldList is an array with all fieldnames
End Forall
Call Sort(FieldList) ' Now it's alphabetized 'Now to select which fields
FieldToChange = UIWorkspace.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELLISTMULT, "---- Field Renamer ----", "Please select wich fields you wish to Rename.","" ,FieldList )
If Isscalar(FieldToChange) Then
Print "Canceled"
Exit Sub
End If
If FieldToChange(0) = "-Unlisted Field-" Then
FieldToChange(0) = UIWorkspace.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELEDIT, "---- Field Deleter ----", "Enter the Field Name you wish to Rename","" )
If Trim(FieldToChange(0)) ="" Then
Print "Canceled"
Exit Sub
End If
End If Redim Newlist(Lbound(FieldToChange) To Ubound(FieldToChange))
For z = Lbound(FieldToChange) To Ubound(FieldToChange)
Newlist(z) = UIWorkspace.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELEDIT, "---- Field ----", "Please Enter the new Field Name. for the field: " & FieldToChange(z),"" ,"" )
Next While Not doc Is Nothing
For y= Lbound(FieldToChange) To Ubound(FieldToChange)
If Doc.HasItem(FieldToChange(y)) Then
Set DeadField = doc.GetFirstItem(FieldToChange(y) )
Call DeadField .CopyItemToDocument( Doc, Newlist(y) )
Call DeadField.Remove
End If
Next Call doc.save(False,False)
Set doc=col.getnextdocument(doc)
End Sub
Sub Sort(array)
For I=1 To (n-1)
Do While J>=1
If array(J)<array(J-1) Then
Exit Do
End If
Loop Next
End Sub
Deletes Selected Fields from Selected Documents Option Public
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New notessession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Dim col As notesdocumentcollection
Dim doc As notesdocument
Dim uiWorkspace As New NotesUiWorkspace
Set db=session.currentdatabase
Set col=db.unprocesseddocuments
Set doc=col.getfirstdocument
Dim Fld As NotesItem
Dim FldCount As Integer
If db.currentaccesslevel < 5 Then ' Little Security Touch
Print ("Access Denied")
Exit Sub
End If 'Get list of field names
FldCount = 0
Forall item In doc.Items
FldCount = FldCount + 1
End Forall
Redim FieldList(0 To FldCount)
FieldList(0) = "-Unlisted Field-"
Forall item In doc.Items
FieldList(x) = Cstr(item.name) ' now FieldList is an array with all fieldnames
End Forall
Call Sort(FieldList) ' Now it's alphabetized 'Now to select which fields
FieldToChange = UIWorkspace.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELLISTMULT, "---- Field Deleter ----", "Please select wich fields you wish to Delete.","" ,FieldList )
If Isscalar(FieldToChange) Then
Print "Canceled"
Exit Sub
End If
If FieldToChange(0) = "-Unlisted Field-" Then
FieldToChange(0) = UIWorkspace.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELEDIT, "---- Field Deleter ----", "Enter the Field Name you wish to Delete","" )
If Trim(FieldToChange(0)) ="" Then
Print "Canceled"
Exit Sub
End If
End If While Not doc Is Nothing
For y= Lbound(FieldToChange) To Ubound(FieldToChange)
If Cstr(FieldToChange(y)) <> "" Then
Set deadfield = doc.GetFirstItem(FieldToChange(y))
If Not deadfield Is Nothing Then Call deadfield.Remove
End If
Next Call doc.save(False,False)
Set doc=col.getnextdocument(doc)
End Sub
Sub Sort(array)
For I=1 To (n-1)
Do While J>=1
If array(J)<array(J-1) Then
Exit Do
End If
End Sub
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Tips. Советы

Vaughan Rivett has posted a link to Paul Gardner's training video on using eProductivity to paste text from a Lotus Notes storage database. The video runs about two minutes.

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Register by December 31, 2009 to save $350.

Denny Russell has posted a chart showing the end-of-life dates for different Domino versions. Domino 6.5 is expiring in a few months.

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Tommy Valand found a bug in the multi-value fields in XPages. He's reported it to IBM but wanted to let you know before you ran into the problem.

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If a .Net developer asked me -- a Domino developer -- what he needed in order to get started learning Domino I'd say something like:

  1. A PC and a Server
  2. A copy of Lotus Domino Server installed on the server with the HTTP task running.
  3. A copy of Domino Designer installed on his PC.
  4. Launch Designer and choose File - New Application (let's forget ID creation)
  5. Create a Form etc etc

What if I asked the same of the .Net developer though? What's the equivalent process I'd need to follow as an entry route in to .Net development?

Do I need Visual Studio on my PC and just IIS on the server or is there a .Net platform to add to the server first?

Sometimes the hardest part of learning something new is finding out what you need to do before you can even start learning.

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Use these 8 steps and some LotusScript to open and use Macromedia Flash files in a Lotus Notes client.

CommonTime has issued updated mSuite and mNotes Wireless releases to work with Acer's new Android Liquid A1 handset.

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Bastian Wieczorek knows it can be a drag to open a large, server-based, Names.nsf just to find a phone number. His "Phone Lookup Widget" makes such searches quicker.

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Devin Olson has posted four short - 4-6 minutes each - videos on how to set up Lotus Domino 8.5.1 on OpenSUSE 11.1 in VirtualBox 3.0.8 on Microsoft Windows 7.

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Keith Brooks knows that Sametime 8.0.2 is not certified to run with Domino 8.5.x however, Keith also knows it can be made to work. He even provides a link to the Technote on the issue.

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It's been a while since I implemented a series of much-needed changes to this site - focusing on the commenting system.

Lots of what I did was behind the scenes work to improve the day-to-day running of the site. Mainly to deal with spam comments.

The principle now is that any comment to an "article" older than 4 days is assumed spam. Guilty until proven innocent. This works because most (if not all) commenting by real people happens in the first two days of an entry's life, while most (if not all) commenting from spambots happens after 4 or 5 days.

Obviously there are genuine comments posted after 4 days and I need to filter these out. Right now I do this by scanning a bi-hourly (that means every two hours right?) email which summarises unapproved posts since the last email.


As you can see it's pretty easy to scan the email and pick out the obviously genuine ones. All I do then is click the link where it says "Approve" and it's live.

To improve on this I've now added a View of all approved comments sorted by the email address supplied. If you now comment on an old article using an email address you've used previously you won't have to wait for me to approve it.

Right now it feels like I'm winning in the war against comment spam. The agent that sends me the summary above also removes unapproved spam comments older than 2 days, thus keeping the backend nice and tidy. Apart from having to scan an email every two hours (normally only at the weekend though) there's not much I have to do.

Most importantly the site still doesn't require you to either login or pass any kind of CAPTCHA! My mantra will always be that my visitors shouldn't have to do my job for me.

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Many thanks to you all for helping me get started with ASP.NET yesterday. Using your advice and a couple of hours I put aside I managed to get going.

Look mom, I made a database:


Obviously it's laughable in how simple it is. The point is that I'm up and "running". Now I know how to create and connect to a database it's all downhill from here, surely ;o)

Most importantly I found getting this far an enjoyable experience! I like the Visual Web Developer 2008 IDE and can tell I'd enjoy using it. At the point I left it yesterday I wanted to carry on and learn more. I can only learn things if I actually want to.

On Lazy Blogging

Nobody said it but there must be some of you thinking that me asking for help on basic things like how to start with ASP.NET is terribly lazy. While I'm just as happy Googling it and learning that way I like to think I'm helping others at the same time as helping myself.

While I was surprised how many of you are ASP.NET experts already there must be just as many of my readers who, like me, aren't and will take interest in your replies to my dumb-ass questions.

Whatever I talk about on here it will probably always be from a Domino perspective, so if I'm talking about other technologies, like PHP and ASP.NET then I assume it's of interest to my readers. That's my thinking anyway. Oh, and I'm lazy...

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: computed_text warning
it would be nice if you could define as a preference if you would like to receive a warning when you want to remove a computed text. a similar warning as when you want to remove a field.
a lot of functionality is build in computed text and it is easy to be overlooked when selecting text...

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: computed_text warning
it would be nice if you could define as a preference if you would like to receive a warning when you want to remove a computed text. a similar warning as when you want to remove a field.
a lot of functionality is build in computed text and it is easy to be overlooked when selecting text...

Tags: Admin client domino administrator scroll
I have been using Domino Administrator client since v7 and one of the most annoying bug i have encountered in the Admin client GUI is the snail like "Scroll up" thing it has!
Let me elaborate: You scroll down fine using the mouse wheel, but when you scroll up, i dont know why, it takes a lot more wheel turns to get up.
Anyone else find it annoying?   

Author: Jake Ochs
Tags: files resources lotusscript Java
Make file (and other) resources' data available programatically. I can currently grab a resource design doc using a NotesNoteCollection and find what I'm looking for by searching for the $Title that I need, but if the resource is -say- a file I can't get the file data in any simple manner using LS or Java. I'd like to be able to do that. I'd also like additional NotesNoteCollection filters for the different types of resource documents.

Author: Wayne Scarano
Tags: sametime domino
 The meeting server has taken a new path and many of us have moved on to other products (gotomeeting, etc.).   However, integrated chat is considered mission critical and essential to any product in the Collaboration space (think Google Wave).  
So please either rewrite a simple chat for Domino or rip out the components we don't need and make it an option in the Domino server install.  From there the product can be upgraded to further integrate the experience into the Notes client.  I don't think chat is such a load that it requires a stand-alone server in most cases.
We need to make the fat Notes client with Eclipse more compelling and worthy of a huge install. 

  OpenNTF is excited to announce that starting in January 2010 an OpenNTF project will be featured on the OpenNTF home page as "Project of the Month".  The featured projects for January 2010 will be the winners of the two prestigious ...
We've published a new reusable XPage control. With this control you can see bookmarks of a specific user from Lotus Connections. This sample is interesting technically since it uses the Domino HTTP proxy server to perform Atom requests to the ...
Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: ssjs events
Provide a SSJS equivalent of LotusScripts ability to bind to events via On Event eventname From variablename Call eventhandler
Such a mechanism would allow me to place the majority of my SSJS code in a SSJS Library and not spread it all over my XPage where it can be difficult to find AND makes my XPage source code long and difficult to read.

Author: Craig Wiseman
Tags: Chrome
I use Chrome for most of my browsing (because it's VERY fast), and IQJam is not working for me in some areas (can you tell what's wrong with the screenshot?).
Chrome's use is growing, so I'd like to see IQJam work as well in Chrome as it does in IE & FF.

Author: Yellow Dog
Tags: xpages css themes
When a CSS is added to an XPage via a theme (e.g. oneui) the list of styles contained with the CSS files are not included in the list of available styles.  This can often tax the memory of some developers such as myself trying to remember what class I should assign to various controls.
Note: Dummy CSS files can be generated as a partial solution.  But these do not automatically change as the CSS itself changes.

Author: Vinod Seraphin
Tags: iNotes
Many folks use color coding within the Notes client.  Would be nice if this capability was also there in iNotes.  Also iNotes honors color coding for calendar entries (if they happen to have been setup using the Notes client).  iNotes should have the ability to set these in preferences without requiring someone do this from the Notes client

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Статьи и Документация

If DAOS is configured to use a network share as the DAOS repository base path, you may receive initialization errors, but you can easily correct the path to a form that will cause no errors.
IBM System Verification Test for AIX (64 bit) with Domino 8.5.1 October, 2009 1 Overview The IBM System Verification Test (SVT) objective is to execute a set of test scenarios against a test configuration that contains the key requirements and components that will create a load on an AIX ...
IBM System Verification Test for zSeries with Domino 8.5.1 October, 2009 1 Overview The IBM System Verification Test (SVT) objective is to execute a set of test scenarios against a test configuration that contains the key requirements and components that will create a load on a zLinux ...
IBM System Verification Test for Windows 2003 (64 bit) with Domino 8.5.1 October, 2009 1 Overview The IBM System Verification Test (SVT) objective is to execute a set of test scenarios against a test configuration that contains the key requirements and components that will create a load ...
IBM System Verification Test for Windows 2003 VMware (32 bit) with Domino 8.5.1 October, 2009 1 Overview The IBM System Verification Test (SVT) objective is to execute a set of test scenarios against a test configuration that contains the key requirements and components that will create a ...
IBM System Verification Test for SLES 10 (64 bit) with Domino 8.5.1 October, 2009 1 Overview The IBM System Verification Test (SVT) objective is to execute a set of test scenarios against a test configuration that contains the key requirements and components that will create a load on two ...
The attached file is a snapshot of this wiki, converted to a PDF file on December 9th, 2009.
This is an index to Notes.ini information posted in the Wiki. It is updated almost constantly; check back if you don't see the Notes.ini for which you are looking. Better yet, create an article! ==J== ...
In this article, we give an overview of IBM® LotusLive Meetings and describe its unique features. In other articles in this series, we examine each offering in more detail.
Learn how to build an XSLT plug-in for Version 2 of the IBM Mashup Center that takes advantage of the built-in support for Basic and Form-based authentication.
This article explores various features that Lotus(R) Domino(R) Server provides to create and deploy Lotus applications as Web services. You will learn how IBM InfoSphere(R) Information Server uses these applications through DataStage(R) Web Services Pack. This step-by-step guide helps you create, configure, and deploy Web services in Lotus Domino, and it helps you create, configure, compile, and execute a DataStage Web Services Pack job that uses Lotus Web services.
In this article, we give an overview of IBM® LotusLive Engage and describe its unique features. In other articles in this series, we examine each offering in more detail.
A new adminitrators group is created, but users in this group are not able to see the Traveler twisty (or section) under the Messaging > Mail tab. However, the Traveler twisty shows up when signed in as the default Domino Administrator.
When a database link is pushed down via a desktop policy in Lotus Domino/Lotus Notes, the database is not added to the replication page if the default access in the database is set to "No access."
This document corrects errors in the Lotus Domino 8.5.1 Administrator Help content.
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