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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 198 от 2009-06-29
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Подскажите, кто знает, как убрать эту ошибку? "Необходимая папака не найдена в базе данных закладок. Выплните обновление на последний шаблон базы данных закладок" при закрытии клиента Lotus Notes (7.0.3) система выдает такую ошибку. Как видно идентифицировать какая закладка не найдена. Обновление БД закаладок никаких результатов не дало. Осталось выяснить, что за закладка такая, ну и удалить.
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Tips. Советы

Andrea Waugh-Metzger knows you haven't finished reading the ND 8 license so she wants to let you know about a feature you may not have noticed, Directory Integrator. She provides several points, and links, to help you understand it.

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Bob Balfe is running a poll. It seems the BONES project has created a demand for information on using Java views with Notes data and he wants to know how much interest there is for education materials.

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Peter Presnell says polymorphism is a common feature of object oriented programming languages and, though it isn't mentioned in the documentation, LotusScript has some capability in that area.

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Visit THE VIEW Online Knowledgebase at www.eview.com.

Gabriella Davis waited to upgrade her BlackBerry Enterprise Server until she'd read most of the documentation. When she finally upgraded a small server, there were some things that didn't thrill her.

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Lotus Symphony 1.3 has been released and now lets users import both Microsoft Office 2007's Office Open XML (OOXML).

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For Show and Tell Thursday (on a Friday), Ben Langhinrichs explains the property boxes affecting the borders of tables, images, and other items.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower85.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Abraham Venegas
Tags: terminations user deletion
In my company we got Notes, Quickplace, Domino.doc, Sametime,etc, when we terminate an email account , the account is not deleted from any of the other Lotus products, if we are using the same server to provide the services, it would be great that terminating the email account,  the user is deleted consistently from all the Lotus products.
This will make much more easier to maintain the user's access to the extended products.

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: xpages frames
It is possible to add an Xpage to a frame as a URL.  It would be a lot easier if we allowed developers to nominate an xpage as a named element.   This would remove the complexity of calculating the appropriate URL, especially when the frameset is used in a template or the database is hosted on multiple servers.

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: lotusscript
When the length of any code gets long it becomes a challenge to navigate around the code.  Visual Studio has an excellent feature in which classes, properties, methods etc can be quickly expanded/collapsed allowing me to review my code in a way that suits what I am trying to do.  They alwo allow the developer to define manual sections of code which can then also be expanded/collpased.  This could be a large block of code inside a mthod (function or sub) or could a grouping of classes, properties, methods etc.  e.g. when doing C# development I would always create a collapsible section around my properties and another around my methods.  I could thenh expand just those components I am working on.
Note: This need not just apply to LotusScript  but would apply to all programing langues (JavaScript, Java, CSS etc.)

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: lotusscript javascript
This is more a vote to see how the Notes development community might feel about Notes development moving away from LotusScript towards Javascript.  With 8.5.0 IBM introduced xPages and it seems a lot of IBM's focus for Notes application development is going to be on the use of this design element.  Xpages do not have any support at this early stage for LotusScript and given the way Xpages are implemented it is difficult to say if this will happen any time soon.
The LotusScript language has become a little outdated and needs work to make it competitive with languages such as Java, C#, and VB.Net.  There are a lot of ideas on this forum for this... Would you rather see IBM focus its attention on expanding the server sided Javascript language supported in xpages (promote this idea) or would you instead like to see significant redevelopment of LotusScript and support for Lotusscript in Xpages (demote this idea)????.  Personally I am on the fence but very interested in which way the yellowverse may go.
If this idea does not make the hot list I will assume that the Notes development community is ambivalent about the programming language used.

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: lotusscript javascript
This is more a vote to see how the Notes development community might feel about Notes development moving away from LotusScript towards Javascript.  With 8.5.0 IBM introduced xPages and it seems a lot of IBM's focus for Notes application development is going to be on the use of this design element.  Xpages do not have any support at this early stage for LotusScript and given the way Xpages are implemented it is difficult to say if this will happen any time soon.
The LotusScript language has become a little outdated and needs work to make it competitive with languages such as Java, C#, and VB.Net.  There are a lot of ideas on this forum for this... Would you rather see IBM focus its attention on expanding the server sided Javascript language supported in xpages (promote this idea) or would you instead like to see significant redevelopment of LotusScript and support for Lotusscript in Xpages (demote this idea)????.  Personally I am on the fence but very interested in which way the yellowverse may go.
If this idea does not make the hot list I will assume that the Notes development community is ambivalent about the programming language used.

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Статьи и Документация

The following contains tips and tricks for troubleshooting Lotus Notes Smart Upgrade (SU) issues including errors or unexpected behavior. Some of the symptoms of problems include: -- No prompts for
The Lotus Domino server starts reporting long held locks on a particular database by two IMAP threads, which eventually leads to a server hang.
This document contains tips and tricks for troubleshooting Lotus Notes Smart Upgrade (SU) issues.
Manually specifying the network path such as u:Notes:archive.nsf in the archive settings causes the path to be specified as :u:Notes:archive.nsf (with a preceding colon). Therefore, archiving fails.
This technote details which versions of the Lotus Notes client are supported on which Mac OS versions.
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