Уважаемые форумчане! Подскажите, пож, как защитить дизайн своих баз от вскрытия в дизайнере и изменении в них программного кода? У меня клиент 8.5.
p.s. Зашел в дизайнер, выполнил рекомпайл олл по nsf-ой базе, создал шаблон на основе этой базы, отреплейсил базу на основе созданного шаблона с установкой галки hide formulas and Lotus Script....далее открыл базу...и обнаружил , что все действия на вьвах перестают работать(((, т.е не реагирует на нажатие.
Собственно со смартдоктором-агентом для сервера закончил теперь приступаю к механизму анализа lotus script & @formula для базы Суть в том что пройдясь по всем элементам дизайна и собрав весь код указать где и что можно оптимизировать/исправить, пока придумал только следующее: - неправильное обращение к итемам - Не задикларированные переменные - Не использованные переменные - Не использованные функции/процедуры - Отсутствие option declare - в видах в колонках сложные или длинные формулы(много пробелов) - в видах в отборе сложные или длинные селекты(много пробелов)
Столкнулся с проблемой некорректного отображения письма в Лотус (6 - 8). Письмо присылается с некоей веб-формы на гугл почту, а потом редиректится на корпоративную почту. (зачем сделано так - не спрашивайте - ХЗ) И вот это конечное письмо выглядит нечитабельно.
Компания, предоставляющая сервис сказала, что в Аутлюке всё отлично отображается и всё дело в нашем клиенте. В связи с этим попросили пирслать eml файл.
Peter Presnell has failed to find a way to access the information inside the Agent Design Notes to tell when an agent last ran, so he's found a workaround. He's posted some code and says .DominoFramework 1.0 will include the change.
JavaScript in Notes Domino 8.5 covers the use of JavaScript for Domino web applications and the Notes client using the familiar Domino Designer 8.5 environment.JavaScript is the key programming language for XPages.
The Gears demo from last week is now available as a download. Just grab the latest version of DEXT from the sandbox.
I had planned on adding some more functionality to it first but I'm not sensing a whole lot of interest in it, so am saving my time. At least it works in that it's a proof of concept on which you can build.
The Flex/Accounts download I've been promising for ages is the next on my list to get packaged up and available. Stick with me.
The Apprentice
Anybody been watching the UK Apprentice this time round? Not the best series so far, but with some funy moments nonetheless.
If you really want a laugh and at "Sir" Alan's expense then watch this video. It had me crying with laughter:
WANT THE TOP LOTUS EXPERTS BY YOUR SIDE WITHOUT PAYING HEFTY CONSULTING FEES? LOOK NO FURTHER. Like having a team of consultants by your side -- ones who have all the answers and never make mistakes -- THE VIEW gives you immediate access to field-tested instruction, guidance, and best practices from the brightest Lotus professionals around.
Gregg Eldred offers a few ideas on getting those old desktops to accept the Notes Basic Client when they won't run the Standard Client. He provides links to several Technotes and other documentation.
We wanted to bring you up-to-date on some of David's latest postings on the CNN Anderson Cooper 360 site. In the past two weeks, he's published the following fun articles:
OpenNTF Alliance Steering Committee
Meeting Minutes: June 8, 2009
Conference Call Members: Vince Schuurman (Chairman), Bruce Elgort, Nathan Freeman, Ludwig Nastansky, Justin Hill, John Head, Rob Novack, Brent Peters, Scott Johnsen Others Present: ...
When you hide the design on a database, nobody is able to program a hotspot using @functions in "Add action". Quite annoying as regular users need more than pre-programmed actions.
On the Lotus ID wikis, give top non-IBM contributors their own personal wiki page. They can use the page for almost anything they want... as a contact page, an online brochure for their company and their products, a company announcement page, or whatever. Contribution can be measured by number of pages created, number of edits made, article ratings, or a combination.
This article provides an introduction to the administration console, new in IBM® Lotus® Quickr™ 8.1, a short description of a new policy feature in Lotus Quickr 8.1, and a detailed look at the REST-based service that the console uses and that you can reuse to enhance your server's management.
On a Domino server, the administrator attempts to "lockout" a user by selecting the "Lockout ID" option in that user's Person document (Administration Tab/Password Management/Check Password). The user, however, is still allowed access.
In Lotus Notes, you notice an intermittent issue on Windows Vista where the Notes Inbox numbered accelerators will remain on the screen over an application that was switched to using ALT + TAB.
.tif attachments sent by an AS400 server are distorted and unreadable when viewed in Notes. The image is distorted and you are unable read the attachment.
Some configuration problems may be experienced when running IBM Lotus® Notes® Traveler 8.0.1.x and Domino® Web services on the same Domino server. This may occur if you have existing Internet Site or Web SSO documents configured or if you are using Domino Web Access (DWA), IMAP, POP3, LDAP, SMTP or IIOP.
Learn how to extract 3270 or 5250 data using IBM® Rational® Host Access Transformation Services, which can then be formed into an Atom data feed. This data feed can be utilized by IBM Mashup Center to consolidate with other data sources to create a new situational application for business users. We present an example of extracting data from a 3270 financial application, creating an Atom feed, cataloging that feed, and using that data to create an information dashboard for a loan officer.
When you type in a Rich-text field in Notes and change the font or the font size using the toolbar, the focus of the cursor does not return to the text field.
You would like to run tasks such as fixup, compact, or convert on local databases. It is possible to run a version of these processes from the Notes client installation?