Всем привет! Есть вот какая задачка: нужно определить кому из пользователе дана какая роль? Не @UserRoles!!!!!!!!!!!!! Т.е. грубо говоря... функции надо скормить Lotus-имя пользователя и получить его возможные роли.
задача усложнилась! Если вдруг пользователя нет в АЦЛ - надо просмотреть все группы в АЦЛ на предмет вхождения в них этого пользователя
Stephan H Wissel reminds us that a poorly planned upgrade can leave us with a less-than-optimal installation. He lists a number of items to help you clean up your existing installation before starting on an upgrade.
SOPHISTICATED MEETS SIMPLE FOR DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT Share. Control. Manage. Documents, emails, and content in the context of how work is done.
Native to Lotus Domino. The User Experience unseen for Lotus Domino.
Do more with less. Really.
Tim Tripcony offers a quick tip for adding elements to the OneUI CSS template by wrapping the links. He provides screen shots and code to help you get started.
The 7.5 releases of MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench Professional Edition and MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench Blue Edition, for IBM WebSphere application development have added a Java profiler and speedier response time.
There are a lot of things you can accomplish using the List data type in Lotus Notes. But it doesn't allow you to sort objects alphabetically. This LotusScript code will do the trick.
Roland Reddekop saw the ID Vault presentation at Lotusphere, read the documentation, and did the testing. Now he has some practical information to share with you before you start your installation.
It turns out that Scheduled Agents have their own document/storage area that you can add to and read from. I never knew that!
You get to it via the SavedData property of the Session object (in LotusScript). See help page on it for more.
With a bit of tweaking I re-wrote the code I mentioned yesterday to more accurately find the documents created since it last ran, which is posted below.
This gets round the fact that the agent's LastRun property is the time it last finished. Any documents created while it ran won't ever get processed. Using the agents "saved data" area we can add a more reliable time to state when it began.
Set thisAgent = Session.currentAgent
Set agentDoc = Session.SavedData Dim query As String, datepart As String'Default date string
datepart = "@Adjust(["+Cstr(thisAgent.LastRun) +"];0;0;0;0;0;-30)"If thisAgent.HasRunSinceModified ThenIf Not agentDoc Is Nothing ThenIf agentDoc.HasItem("LastBeganAt") Then datepart = "["+Cstr(agentDoc.LastBeganAt(0))+"]"End IfEnd IfElse datepart = "@Adjust(@Now; 0; 0; -1; 0; 0; 0)" End If query = {Form="post" & @Created>=}+datepart+{ & Approved="0"} agentDoc.LastBeganAt = Now 'Set this after query is built!Set collection = db.Search(query, Nothing, 0)'do stuff here agentDoc.Save(True, True)
Forever Learning
How long have I been using Notes now!? Must be getting on for, if not more than, ten years. How this nugget passed my by I don't know. Going back to Monday's whine this is an example of one of the things I do love about this site. Without it I wouldn't know half what I do. The learning process is two-way! Thanks Rob.
Now that LotusLive is publically available, Notes/Domino customers are trying to decide if they should make the move to hosted email services. See what the benefits are and what you need to know before moving to hosted email services in this article from industry analyst Karen Hobert.
On the topic of web-form spam and the ever-evolving ways in which I deal with it, I made a change to Rockalldesign.com's Contact Us page so that it sends me a daily digest of the entries made. It gets used so little for the purpose it was intended that it's safe to check once a day if a real person has used it. Most won't mind waiting 24 hours for a reply, I'm sure.
Anyway, here are the email addresses of the "people" who posted on Rockall's contact "us" page over the last 24 hours. Rather kindly, I always think, the spammer make it pretty obvious it's spam.
The Challenge
Your challenge is to make a short story that includes all of the words used below and in the order they appear!
Extra point for anybody who can make it topical and about Michael Jackson (the word "five" is in there, how hard can it be!?). The less extra words you use to pad out those above the better.
I have a request for improvement on the follow-up flagging in Lotus Notes. This is one feature where Outlook 2003-2007 has a much better model and the feature I probably miss most in Notes.
Currently (even in version 8.5), Notes is limited to three hard-coded flag priorities and only a "Quick Flag" option on the toolbar and right-click menus. Outlook allows multiple priority flags and makes it easy to flag an email with a priority from either the toolbar or the right-click menu. Notes seems to have the foundation to be able to do this as well without a major overhaul of the feature - and possibly even do it better. Used properly, this feature in Outlook improves productivity and makes it easy to quickly prioritise email for later review and response.
Therefore, I propose that the follow-up flagging feature in Lotus Notes be extended as follows:
Allow the color and priority of flags to be editable by users or at least by the Domino administrator via a policy setting
Provide more than three priorities of flags, preferably configurable by the end-user or Admin, but at least increase the number available to five (5)
Improve both the toolbar and the right click menu in Notes to allow for the selection of the priority of flag to be set on a document rather than just the "Quick Flag" option, which allows only one default priority setting. The user should not have to set and then edit the flag to change the priority to what they want.
Extend the new right-click menu in Notes 8.5 to include the "Follow-up / New Notices / To Do"window in the left lower-hand corner of Notes. This currently uses the old mechanism.
Set flags using metadata tags to provide for more flexibility in the use of the flag data (see related Idea)
I often need to access my mail / notebook / contacts from a web browser on a machine that is not my own, but often find that something I know is in my Notebook on my PC has not synchronised into the Mail file for it to be shown in the iNotes Notebook presentation. The same goes for Contacts.
Why not abandon the issue of having separate databases for Contacts and Notebook and simply use the mail file so that we can always be in sync and not need to worry. Right now all we're doing is duplicating the data with a risk it's not up to date.
Many customers find the overlap between Quickr & Connections difficult to fathom and we know that they all play better together with Sametime. I think a single installable combo offering which could be offered to any customer - not just a Notes/Domino one - would be a runaway success - and would make putting solutions together so much easier....assuming the installation was easy!!
Calling DB2 stored procedures works great, but there are "string" statement, not prepared statement with "?" parameters allowing to get the value from inout and out parameters after the call.
For Designer client, when I have an XPage which includes other xPages, it would be nice if when I double click on the included XPage control Designer then opens up that XPage in a new window. This would mirror the functionality of double clicking on a subform inside a form.
I have to change various passwords every ninety days. The observant will notice that this just a shade under three months, so you would think you could set a reminder to repeat every twelve weeks. But you can't, the maximum allowed is eight weeks. Why? This seems an unnecessary restriction.
And why must you enter a limit on the number of repeats. Please don't anyone tell me that it is because Notes creates an instance of each, I know that and I don't care. Why should I care about the rather dumb way this has been implemented? Not my problem - and this causes all sorts of other problems for users as well, such as the repeating events I can't delete because for some reason (bug?) there are no instances in the database. My Palm doesn't have this restriction, nor does Palm Desktop, nor does (hateful comparison) Outlook. None of these suffer from the first restriction mentioned here either.
I have to change various passwords every ninety days. The observant will notice that this just a shade under three months, so you would think you could set a reminder to repeat every twelve weeks. But you can't, the maximum allowed is eight weeks. Why? This seems an unnecessary restriction.
And why must you enter a limit on the number of repeats. Please don't anyone tell me that it is because Notes creates an instance of each, I know that and I don't care. Why should I care about the rather dumb way this has been implemented? Not my problem - and this causes all sorts of other problems for users as well, such as the repeating events I can't delete because for some reason (bug?) there are no instances in the database. My Palm doesn't have this restriction, nor does Palm Desktop, nor does (hateful comparison) Outlook. None of these suffer from the first restriction mentioned here either.
Explanation: notes.ini SERVER_MAX_CONCURRENT_TRANS and notes.ini SERVER_POOL_TASKS settings work together to determine how many NRPC threads can be actively processing server transactions. In most en
We all know how to use Lotus Notes against a Lotus Domino server, but this time I took some time to configure Lotus Notes like a POP3 client without connecting to a Lotus Domino server.Installation &a
Local vs Remote Consideration This was taken from the original comparison created by Narla Vasudevamurthy on 08/17/2008 updated to include functional and other consideration. Remote Co
In Lotus Notes, if you use a large Resource & Reservations (R&R) database when scheduling meetings, is there a way to set a date limit (how far in advance you can book the room or resource) without having to edit each Resource Document?