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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 188 от 2009-06-05
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Всем доброй ночи, а кому то и утра...
Как системный администратор UNIX систем, администраторам LOTUS, БД, программистам, прошу откликнуться на мой вопрос. Тут уже писали мои коллеги по работе много раз об этой проблеме. Но как я понимаю дело в другом и придется решать проблему мне. Перечитав многие ветки форума, сделал вывод, что есть люди у которых работает связка LOTUS+DB2. Испытывал эту связку, ставив сервак LOTUS с DB2Server строго по манам администратора LOTUS. Попыток было сделано 10 и 1 оказалась удачной, все пошаговые действия были записаны на бумажку ) не дай бог что-то перепутать. И вот по этой бумажке решил ставить уже на рабочий. И проблема повторялась все равно. Не пойму в чем дело.
Погуглив нашел 2 решения:

1. |#^#]>http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?...;rss=ct463lotus|#^#]>
2. |#^#]>http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/nd6forum.nsf/5...75?OpenDocument|#^#]>

1ое решение отпадает, так как если DB2 не был запущен перед запуском LOTUS, LOTUS не может соединиться с базой DB2 и соответственно вкладка в администраторе Test DB2Access не активна, а Enable DB2Server активна.
Остается иди по второму пути. Предлагается добавить в настройки след. директиву:
Option Public
Uselsx "*lsxodbc"

Вот и вопрос - где это прописывать в каком файле? В параметрах LOTUS, DB2AccessServer?
А может это и не решение, в общем жду ваших предложений )
Заранее спасибо
Ну почему никак.
Как то странно он стал себя вести, в почтовой базе стали помечаться письма на удаление, и это на одном девайсе из 15 нашли там вирь, вроде вычистили
но опять же все повторилось.
Кто нить с этим сталкиваться с таким?
Собственно делаю скриптом реплику шаблонов локально и периодически напариваюсь на глюк, что в реплике отсутствует дефаултовый вид. Баз много и этот глюк проявляет себя рандомно в разных базах.
Никто не сталкивался с таким?
Ну почему никак.
Поясните, пожалуйста, как работает веб-служба в Domino. Каков её "жизненный цикл", т.е. инициализация происходит при запуске сервера или же как простой агент - запускается при обращении к ней и "умирает" по завершению вызванной процедуры? Чем они вообще...
Поясните, пожалуйста, как работает веб-служба в Domino. Каков её "жизненный цикл", т.е. инициализация происходит при запуске сервера или же как простой агент - запускается при обращении к ней и "умирает" по завершению вызванной процедуры? Чем они вообще...
Интересные темы:
Список форумов:

Tips. Советы

Mitch Cohen has posted an excerpt from SDR 287348 regarding issues between Blackberry Enterprise Server 5.0 and Domino 8.0. He also provides links to the full release notes.

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Terri Puckett provides links to a pair of Technotes, #7002752 and #1141060, that have been updated. These Technotes have information on fixes for free time problems in calendar scheduling.

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Darren Duke provides the steps you need to follow to replace the websvc.jar file on your 7.x servers if you applied the new .jar file.

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Get tips on server placement, monitoring and more, ensuring optimum performance from your virtualized Domino servers, in this tutorial from contributor Eric Seibert..

Ben Langhinrichs' Domino test server started giving him errors about loading HTTP saying the port was in use or he lacked privileges. After some investigation he discovered his anti-virus program had taken control of his laptop.

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Julian Buss has an XPage with multiple data sources that's giving him headaches. He wants to know if there's something like a "reset" or "create" method for the NotesXSPDocument that he could use.

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Integra generates Notes data to Microsoft Word, Excel, and Lotus Symphony, allowing end users to analyse and present data using Graphs, Pivot Tables, Filters, etc. Supports Mail Merge and Labels. No software required for install, and no maintenance on the end user's workstation.

Through the optional use of Integra's event driven model, it provides a depth of access to data & computational capability, which is unique in the industry.

A FREE Integra for Notes evaluation is available from www.integra4notes.com/download.

Changing something on your computer can be exciting. Carl Tyler found some interesting "features" when he moved to IE 8 and offers some tips on making it more Notes-friendly.

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LotusUserGroup.org has posted the May 2009 Sys Admin Tips. Topics covered this month include: Keeping Your Sametime Meeting Center Clean and Healthy; Quick Tip: Sametime Advanced Update 8.0.1 and Sametime Connect 8.0.2; and From the IdoNotes Mailbox: Architecture Decisions for the EMS.

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Estimates are notorious for being inaccurate. So when the DAOS estimator told David Jones he could save 85.4 GB he didn't believe it. Now that he's started using it... The estimate was kinda close.

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Visit THE VIEW Online Knowledgebase at www.eview.com.

Mike Sobczak has been playing with Dojo 1.1.1 and is having some problems with dates. He's wondering if his problem is resolved in a later version of Dojo or if there's a widget he needs.

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As promised last week here's a simple demo of Gears working with Domino. And when I say simple...

How To Test It

The proof of any pudding is, as they say, in the tasting. So, err, let's eat.

If you visit the demo page and don't have Gears installed you should see a prompt to install it. Either do it that way or just go here and do it.

Come back to the demo page and you should see a security warning from Gears asking for permission for the site to use it. Just click on the trust box and press Allow. Go on, you know you trust me.


With the warning gone you'll see the "No documents found" message we've all come to know and love. That's because the page only shows documents created from your IP address. I did this so that other people don't work offline on the same data and not produce odd results when testing.

Click Add New Row and create a few documents in the view.


While you remain online the Update buttons simply use Ajax to update the document directly on the server.

Now press the Go Offline button. The "view" should be replaced by a message about downloading the data. This message remains while Ajax fetches all your documents and stores them in a local database (SQLite) on your PC. The green online box should turn red to signify offline status.


Pressing the Update button while offline will just update the field value directly to the local SQL database. When you've made some changes and are ready to go back online just press the button to do so and an Ajax requests sends details of all the modified documents back to the server where they're updated.

How Do I Know It's Really Offline!

For the sceptics there's an easy way to test this really is working offline. Press the Go Offline button again. Once the local view appears and the box turns red you can put your browser in offline mode too by choosing Work Offline from the File menu. If you don't trust that then pull you network cable out or turn your router off. Trust me though - it does work.

Just remember to re-enable your connection and/or browser before trying to put the app back online.

How Does it All Work?

When you press the Go Offline button Ajax fetches all the latest documents from the server. Some JavaScript calls to the Gears Database API then stored details of each document in a SQL table.

Once the data is stored offline Gears then fetches the files that make up the application. It does this by referring to a manifest file. Here's the contents of the manifest file for the demo app

{ "betaManifestVersion": 1, "version": "v1.0", // URLs to be cached (relative to the manifest URL) "entries": [ { "url": "demos.gears", "src": "demos.gears?Open&offline=true" }, { "url": "gears/init.js" }, { "url": "gears/GGD.js" }, { "url": "css/gears.css" }, { "url": "images/gears/logo.gif" }, { "url": "tools/gearsquery.html?open&dbinfo=domino" } ]

In it is a list of the files that Gears downloads to your PC and stores in a special folder, where it serves them from in offline mode.

Gears is not using the browser's cache! To prove it go offline and then clear the browser's cache. Revisit the URL you were at when you went offline and it's still there!

Notice one key trick in the manifest file. The first entry is to the main page "demo.gears" but we've told Gears to "cache" the page at "demos.gears?Open&offline=true". With this parameter passed the Domino form can be told not to send the view as part of the page (we build then with JavaScript in offline mode) and to make the status area default to red for offline. View the source of the page in online and offline mode to compare.

When you go back online this local store of files is removed to make sure you're not using the "cache" from then on.


It's a very simple demo but hopefully it proves the concept. What I didn't mention is that it works on handhelds devices too. If you want to try this out but don't have one to hand, try an emulator.


Obviously this demo can't be taken and used as is for most projects. It would be nigh on impossible to produce a solution that's fits all scenarios. Whether Gears can be of any use to you or not depends on lots of things...

What about the download? I'll make that available tomorrow once you've had chance to debug it for me.

Click here to post a response

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: John Turnbow
Tags: Web Services

I see an opportunity for a standard set of web services to come with Domino. User Name lookup, User information (returns office and home info), Hierarchy, etc.  Currently I have several requests for this so I'm making them myself.  Would be better if a standard set came with Domino and also some of the templates like contacts.

The reason for this is simple, people in other parts of the company can do quick lookups for employee information, see if an employee is still an employee, directory info, etc. 

As one SAP person I was working with "What that does not come with Domino?" Many expect these tools to come with the application server.

Having this already on the server makes it automatically more accessable, usable, ease of use for SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and other to integrate.

Author: Rishi Sahi
Tags: Java
I am suprised to see still no type ahead feature for Java agent like Lotus Script. R8.5 is Eclipse based environment , At least this should be included. Also, Ease of error debugging . E.g, If I've class defined "getRecords" and If I've used "getrecords" , It says "Unable to find symbol" . Error message should be more accurate and descriptive like Eclipse.

Author: Rainer Brandl
Tags: policy replication setting
In the desktop setting document you have the option to start a replication when the client starts and can define, if the user is asked.
It would be helpful if this option would also be available at the "Replicate when the client shuts down"-setting ...

Author: Ian Irving
Tags: ical .ics calendar
as of r7 it is possible to import ical format files (.ics files), however support is limited. 
In particular it is not possible to import All day events (those without Start and End times on the same day)

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: hotspot lotusscript
I would like to be able to simply create a hotspot via LotusScript, similar to creating a document link

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Статьи и Документация

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