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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Нагрузочное тестирование Domino - Rational Performance Tester

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 183 от 2009-05-25
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Стоит задача по нагпрузочному тестированию приложения Domino 8 и 8,5. Знаю что в Lotuse есть утилита server load но она вроде тестирует только почтовые базы и еще чего то там, а нам надо свои протестить.

скажите какое ПО лучше для этого использовать или же какие методы тестирования
Здраствуйте 1С'ники!!!! Нужно Ваша помощь: я провожу интеграцию lotus и 1С:Предприятие 8.1 через web-сервисы, все впринципе сделал, осталась одна задача, если в БД 1С нет пользователей все ок, а если есть хотя бы один то web-сервис просит аутентификации(имя и пароль), так вот как это сделать программно, слышал что это можно сделать.... Пишу на Java
Настраиваю печатные формы для Lotus-документов

TDoc-документ с Word-шаблоном

Set TItem = TDoc.GetFirstItem( "PrintFormFile" )
If ( TItem.Type = RICHTEXT ) Then
Forall o In TItem.EmbeddedObjects
If ( o.Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT ) Then
Call o.ExtractFile(TempFile)
End If
End Forall
End If
Set ActiveDocument = wordAppObject.Documents.Add(TempFile)

Word открывается с именем *Документ 1*
А как сделать, что бы название у Word-документа было, ну скажем, *Изменение*?(TempFile=Environ("Temp")+"\Изменение.doc" пробовал, не помогает)
Заранее спасибо.
День добрый, возник вопрос перехода с R5 на R7. Я сам не администратор Lotus, но вследствие отсутствия оного в фирме, эту задачу возложили на меня. Может кто-нибудь подскажет как это сделать безболезненно для сервера и моего мозга. Особенности, которые удалось выяснить, сервер служит для отправки и получения внешней почты, на одном железе стоят два сервера (partition: passthru и webmail), есть специфические шаблоны для names.nsf и admin4.nsf, которые, вроде, надо накатывать отдельно. Так вот, какова должна быть последовательность моих действий? Заранее спасибо за понимание)
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Tips. Советы

Tim Clark provides links to information on two XPages workshops. The first is June 10, in Switzerland, the second is June 16-17 in Manchester, UK.

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Chris Miller has built an RSS feed for anyone who wants to keep up with IBM news on Lotus and is making it available from this page.

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Use InstallPump to automate your Notes R8 migration. InstallPump enables you to rollout Notes throughout the enterprise without visiting each desktop.

  • 100% fully automated Notes upgrades/installs.
  • Modify the Replicator Page, Address Book, and Desktop... and much more.

See for yourself. Full evaluation copy available at http://installpump.com.

Download your FREE evaluation copy of InstallPump today.

Remember those certificates that expire Monday, May 18? Well, if you forgot, Stuart McIntyre includes links to IBM's open mic calls on the subject.

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Visit THE VIEW Online Knowledgebase at www.eview.com.

Exciting news! Last week, Lotus released a bunch of new widgets in a brand new widget catalog on Greenhouse!!!!! These widgets help you do things like access Twitter, look up words from Dictionary.com
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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Thomas Adrian
Tags: Email hierarchial replace
Notes hierarcial addressing is very confusing to users and must be replaced with standard email format.
IBM already have problems with Lotus traveler as the iPhone mail app only support email format, and they wiill run into even more problem in the future as they have promised to support external directories.

Author: Bosco D'Souza
Tags: groups restrictions lockdown
A gruntled employee got disgruntled one day and blasted out an email with curses to all of management all the way to the top, and copied a few key distributions groups effectively sending out the blasphemy to nearly all of the company.  Of course he was fired, but the email was the talk of the town.
We have since implemented a policy (via customizations to the NAB) to automatically lockdown groups if the membership goes over 100 members and it unlocks itself if the membership drops below 100.  Emails are sent automatically to the Admins when these triggers are activated.  We have created a view to show all restricted groups, and who are their admins and who has authorized access to them.  We provided a Manage Authorized users button visible only to Group Admins and if the membership is > 100 to add authorized users to this group who get reader access and can then email the large group.
I don't want to go forward maintaining this as a customization in the NAB and would like IBM to incorporate a feature on similar lines.  I will gladly share my code if they want it. 
Basically, I take of the All readers property on the group, which restricts it to the Admins, and certain designated privileged groups like the Support Center.  Authorized users are added via the $Readers field maintainence.  This feature even ristricts the groups from being emailed from the external world and works at the router level.
The idea has worked great over the past 3 years,  with no further incidents of blasphemy and misuse of large distribution lists.  Users can request access from the Admins of groups if they have the need to access particular groups (a small pain point for end users - but top management is happy).
FYI - We have also added the Group Member Count customization (I've seen that mentioned elsewhere in IdeaJam)

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Статьи и Документация

In an XPages Web application, a permission error occurs when calling some JavaScript server-side methods.
While designing an XPages application in Domino Designer, you find that the application starts to generate error 500 when accessed from the browser. This type of error can sometimes be resolved by "cleaning the project" in Designer.
In Lotus Notes, you are unable to switch input languages using the Grave Accent key. This situation occurs if your locale environment is set to Thai and you've set the Grave Accent key as the hot key for switching between input languages
This technote details which versions of the Lotus Notes client are supported on which Mac OS versions.
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