Доброго дня! Прошу о помощи (поиск по теме не дал результата)... Возникла необходимость создания доступа к почте через браузер для нек. пользователей. Простмотр есть, отправка при условии использования режима Full Mode происходит тоже на ура. Загвоздка состоит в том, что если включить режим Ultralite Mode или Lite Mode, то вместо привычных букв при прочтении отправленного письма (у получателей) отображается кодировка (не распознаются символы)... Прошу заметить, что причина не в браузере, а необходима настройка на сервере
PS И самое главное- сервер Lotus Domino 8.5 на Windows Server 2003
Добрый день. Стоит Lotus Domino 8.5 на Windows Server 2003 Собственно, как написано в теме, некоторые сотрудники проверяют почту с браузера (телефон, ноут, чужой пк) при острой необходимости и есть три режима отображения (с java, flash и без), а именно: Full Mode, Lite Mode и Ultrallite Mode. Когда происходит отправка письма из режимов Lite Mode и Ultrallite Mode- текст у получателей отображается в виде кодировки (вместо привычной кириллицы) Помогите вылечить)))
Это обзор активных тем Форума программистов: The Lotus Domino Server Service Terminated With Service-specific Error Доминошный сервер Автор: Maratik; Последний пост от: puks |#^#]>http://forum.codeby.net/?showtopic=29666|#^#]> Как восстановить контакты из Pim.vol Из КПК вытащен файл и нужен скрипт Автор: СергейБ; Последний пост от: Vovochka |#^#]>http://forum.codeby.net/?showtopic=28180|#^#]> В 1С 7.7. перепутаны местами в налоговом учете счета Н07.04.1 и Н01.05 Закрывается при закрыти месяца полностью 01.05 вместо 07.04.1 Автор: yolka; Последний пост от: kaa |#^#]>http://forum.codeby.net/?showtopic=29665|#^#]> Подскажите событие для ячейки табличного поля Автор: 111111; Последний пост от: kaa |#^#]>http://forum.codeby.net/?showtopic=29675|#^#]> Ie & Ajax ass Автор: HOYIPSA; Последний пост от: Vovochka |#^#]>http://forum.codeby.net/?showtopic=29682|#^#]> При закрытии месяца все расходы по з/п кидает на одно подразделение (д Выгрузка из ЗиК правильная, проверяла... Автор: yolka; Последний пост от: kaa |#^#]>http://forum.codeby.net/?showtopic=29667|#^#]> смена кодировки Xml "налет" Автор: aandreevich; Последний пост от: Vovochka |#^#]>http://forum.codeby.net/?showtopic=29679|#^#]> Восстановление удалённых файлов Автор: Slip21; ...
Не могли бы сделать, что бы чекст был нормально разделен, по теме в каждую строку а не в кучу как теперь.
Пытаюсь произвести интеграцию Sametime и AOL. Все, что требуется поднял, но запнулся на получении SSL-сертификата. Не пойму как куда надо направить сгенерированный запрос.
В общем имеем ситуацию имеется сертификат puper/UA, сервер test/puper/ua, юзер ivanov/puper/ua как одним махом заменить всё это корректно на super/UA, test/super/ua, ivanov/super/ua ?
Abstract This document provides links to .zip files containing re-signed Java applets for Domino 6.5x, 7.0.x, 8.0.x, and 8.5.
Download Description
What issue does the re-signed applets resolve? The certificate for some Java applets in Lotus Domino 6.5x, 7.0.x, 8.0.x, and 8.5 expires on May 18, 2009. This document provides links to .zip files containing re-signed Java applets for Domino 6.5x, 7.0.x, 8.0.x, and 8.5. For more details on the issue, refer to Technote #1381298 -- "Security certificate expiration messages generated from Domino applets (May 2009)"
How do you obtain the re-signed applets? Go to the Download Package section below and select the FTP link matching your Domino release.
Is there a separate download file for each Domino server platform? No. All the files in the zip should be copied to each Domino server, regardless of Domino Server platform.
Is there a separate download file for each individual Domino server release? i.e. 7.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2? No. There is a single download file for each major release. For example, "Domino_7x_applets_2009_all_platforms.zip" applies to all versions of Domino 7.0.x servers running on any supported platform.
Do these applets conflict with existing hotfixes? No. The re-signed applets do not conflict with existing hotfixes. You can copy these files to your server even if you have a hotfix applied.
How do you apply the applets? 1) Download and unzip the .zip file for your Domino version.
2) Shut down your Domino server (optionally you can quit HTTP task by issuing the following command at the server console: tell HTTP Quit)
3) Backup existing files (See table below for your Domino version)
4) Copy new files into the appropriate location. (See table below for your Domino version)
#Start Lotus Domino su - notes -c /local/lolotus =/local/notesdata/notes.ini
Вот содержимое lolotus:
#!/bin/sh # #load lotus server # pids=`/bin/ps -e | /bin/grep server | /bin/sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ .*//'` if test "$pids" then exit 0 else cd notesdata/ nohup /opt/ibm/lotus/bin/server 2>&1 & exit fi exit
Причем если я зайду под юзером notes и запущу Лотус строкой
то все стартует. А с прописыванием в rc.local Лотус почему-то не стартует при загрузке ОС, на другом сервере все ок, только там не 8.5, а 8.0.1. Что не так?
Bob Balaban offers some tips on how the "automatic garbage collection" feature of LotusScript works. While it's nice of LotusScript to flush memory regularly, it can lead to some unexpected results.
I know this subject and this application have been talked about in the Lotus Notes Blogosphere, but I wanted to go a bit deeper, as I had a really good case to truly try the product and give it a real test run. I always had a thing for prototypes, so I could not let an opportunity to check a tool that will let me do "codeless" prototypes even faster than just dropping a few fields here and there.
The need for mockups Let's first talk a bit on the real need to do mockups. I would compare this to building a house: you don't go right away and dig the hole for the foundation and start pouring concrete, do you? Of course not. You start by planning what are the basic needs you have for your house: how many rooms you need, how many bathrooms, and so on. Then you start sketching floor plans, moving things around to find a way to organize things the way you like them, to be functional for your family.
To me, building an application is the same: requirements gathering (3 rooms, 2 bathrooms) and then I do a mock-up so the user sees what the application might look like. Over the years, I discovered that most users are visual people and if you don't have anything to show them, it's harder to get the message through.
John Mackey has gotten a lot of questions about this problem with the File Download control in the 8.5 discussion template. He provides a description of the problem and a link to Irina Kojevnikova's solution.
Kevin Pettitt discovered this, very rude, person taking credit for other people's work. If they're inflating their credentials with other's work, Kevin reminds us it will reflect poorly on the rest of the Lotus community.
Mike Miller was given a project that involved creating PDFs as a final step. He walks through what was involved in creating a Java agent and provides the basic code if you need to do something similar.
This is a 2-minute video on checkoutlotus.com. It doesn't really have anything to do with Lotus or IBM, but it is funny (though language is a little salty). The site also has links to some more serious videos.
The ability to work via mobile devices while traveling is crucial to the success of many Notes/Domino users. If you're experiencing mail delivery problems on a BlackBerry, installing Sametime on a device or synchronizing mobile devices using Lotus Traveler, these articles will help.
IBM, please, please, please, pretty please with sugar on top, find a better way to organize and name what is available on the Actions pull down menu, what is on the Tools pull down menu and what is on the More action button in Mail. I've been a Notes user since 1995 and I still have to peck and hunt every time I want to retrieve a truncated message or add sender to my address book.
The menu organization is far from intuitive. These menus were created by a developer who had a bunch of things to make accessible through the menu and just threw things together violating everything from common sense to English language to usability.
Tools are things like SameTime, Widgets. 'Send and Receive Mail' is not a Tool -- it's an Action, a verb. By the same token, 'Desktop Search' is a tool, it's a noun, it is not a verb, not an action.
'New Message' is not an Action. In every other software, 'New' is under the File menu and it is under File in Notes, as well. But it is also left under Actions. As a user, how are you to know which one to use?
To make matters worse, the order of things on the menus changes based on where you are. 'Retrieve Entire Document' is at the bottom of the Actions menu at the folder level, but it is in the middle of the same menu at the message level.
This is plain aggravating and annoying to me. How do you think an average user feels?
This document describes Lotus iNotes (DWA - Domino Web Access) cumulative Hotfix 119.12CH2 for Domino 8.5.0 on platforms win32, win64, AIX, AIX64, Linux and Solaris
The option, "Automatically Check Mail Messages for Misspellings Before Sending" on the Mail \ Basics tab of the Notes Preferences does not apply to Calendar entries.
It's always frustrating when you are trying to schedule a meeting and you cannot see invitees' free time. Here are some troubleshooting tips to get you started: Free time information isn't availabl
This file contains information you need for installing and running Lotus Notes Fix Pack 1 Cumulative Client Hotfix 2 (FP1 CCH2) for the 8.0.2 build. This file also contains information about the SPRs included in this build. [<br>] The hotfix is available for download at Fix Central: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/. [<br>] This hotfix ALSO includes all fixes from Notes 8.0.2 Fix Pack 1 (FP1). This Client Cumulative Hotfix replaces Client Cumulative Hotfixes 1 , 2 and 3 for the Notes
My name is Andrew Lapidas, I am a Support Engineer with the Notes Client team. Every day, we work with administrators and end users having problems. Most of the preliminary questions we ask could ha
The convert task with the -e switch (for example, load convert -e DbName) is used to enable NSF support for IMAP. If you run this against a large database that is transactional logged it fails with the error "Insufficient memory - Lock Manager Pool is full".
The Domino 6.x or 7.x server crashes with "Panic: Insufficient semaphores to handle number of concurrent owned critical regions". Also, a wrong error is returned by Updall, "Special database object cannot be located" instead of "Access to data denied."