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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Sametime 8.0.2, Не могу нарисовать на доске в комнате собраний, и слайды

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 180 от 2009-05-18
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

1При выборе мгновенного собрания, в комнате собраний на закладке "Доска" не могу нарисовать.
1.Мой Router передает почту на релейный хост,
Это поле определяет SMTP хост, которому исходный сервер будет слепо
А мы выбираете "Начать доклад"
Делаете в документе проетка кнопку по которой открывается PickList со списком шаблонов из другой БД. Получаете док шаблона и привазываете его к проекту
ой, а вы не подскажете, как это можно реализовать??? в этом вся загвостка....
1. Да, пропишите адрес провайдера.
2. Поле на самом деле называется как "Host name lookup"
3. В DNS прописать mx записи для вашего домена указывающие на Domino сервер, тогда сервер провайдера будет передавать всю почту на domino сервер.
Добрый день (ночь, вечер или утро)!!!
Такая тема ...
Был большой файл.. его разбили на части и отправили каждую часть в отдельном письме.
Вопрос: как или чем сохранить сразу все вложения из выделенного количества писем одним махом, а не открывать каждое письмо и сохранять вложение?
Заранее спасиба БААААААААААААААльшое.
Стал настраивать мониторинг сервера Lotus (Monitoring Configuration events4.nsf).
Понастраивал разных проб, но БД Domino Domain Monitor (ddm.nsf) остается пустой.
При посылке в консоль
tell Event dumpprobes

выдается сообщение
tell Event dumpprobes
05/15/2009 12:27:04 Remote console command issued by AdminIvanovo/Ivanovo/Central/MTS/RU: tell Event dumpprobes
tell Event dumpprobes
05/15/2009 12:27:04 Warning: Domino Domain Monitoring is disabled

Как его включить ?
Уже запущены задачи
Event Interceptor
QuerySet Handler
Statistic Collector
Event Monitor

В домене два сервера на втором и без проб всё работает (в ddm.nsf валятся сообщения) как запущено не знаю.

Просто таки хэлп!
Ребят, а не могли ли вы подсказать что-нибудь хорошее по Lotus API(книги,статьи,сайты)(Желательно на русском).
А то даже не знаю с чего начать изучение...
Делаете в документе проетка кнопку по которой открывается PickList со списком шаблонов из другой БД. Получаете док шаблона и привазываете его к проекту
А мы выбираете "Начать доклад"
ой, а вы не подскажете, как это можно реализовать??? в этом вся загвостка....
да выбира, если не выбрать эту кнопку доска не активна
Ниже представлен код, использующий Notes C API для получения/удаления т.з. Deletion Stub.
Код рабочий, проверен в Notes 6.5.3. Думаю в 7-ке будет работать тоже. В 8-ке не знаю...

How to count and delete deletion stubs

Christophe Windelen wrote a blog entry a couple of years ago with a solution on how to delete deletion stubs for a Lotus Notes database. Take a look at his code to accomplish that, very nice!

I have modified it just a little bit to be able to first choose which database to work on and then to choose if you only want to count or if you want to count and delete them

Option Public
Const wAPIModule = "NNOTES" ' Windows/32

Declare Private Sub IDDestroyTable Lib wAPIModule Alias "IDDestroyTable" _
( Byval hT As Long)
Declare Private Function IDScan Lib wAPIModule Alias "IDScan" _
( Byval hT As Long, Byval F As Integer, ID As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function NSFDbOpen Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbOpen" _
( Byval P As String, hDB As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function NSFDbClose Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbClose" _
( Byval hDB As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function NSFDbGetModifiedNoteTable Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbGetModifiedNoteTable" _
( Byval hDB As Long, Byval C As Integer, Byval S As Currency, U As Currency, hT As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function NSFNoteDelete Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFNoteDelete" _
( Byval hDB As Long, Byval N As Long, Byval F As Integer) As Integer
Declare Private Function OSPathNetConstruct Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSPathNetConstruct" _
( Byval NullPort As Long, Byval Server As String, Byval FIle As String, Byval PathNet As String) As Integer
Declare Private Sub TimeConstant Lib wAPIModule Alias "TimeConstant" _
( Byval C As Integer, T As Currency)
Dim Db As NotesDatabase

Sub Initialize
Dim Session As New NotesSession
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim dbInfo As Variant
Dim sDbServer As String
Dim sDbPath As String
Dim retVal As Integer

dbInfo = ws.Prompt(13, "Choose database", "Choose a database")
sDbServer = dbInfo(0)
sDbPath = dbInfo(1)

Set db = session.GetDatabase(sDbServer, sDbPath)

retVal = ws.Prompt (PROMPT_YESNOCANCEL, _
"Delete or just count?", _
"Do you want to delete all of the deletion stubs in this database [Yes] or just count them [No]")

Select Case retVal
Case 1 : Call countAndDeleteStubs(db, 1)
Case 0 : Call countAndDeleteStubs(db, 0)
Case -1 : Msgbox "Operation cancelled"
End Select

End Sub

Sub countAndDeleteStubs(db As NotesDatabase, choice As Integer)
Dim ever As Currency, last As Currency
Dim hT As Long, RRV As Long, hDB As Long
With db
np$ = Space(1024)
OSPathNetConstruct 0, db.Server, db.FilePath, np$
End With
NSFDbOpen np$, hDB
TimeConstant 2, ever
NSFDbGetModifiedNoteTable hDB, &H7FFF, ever, last, hT
n& = 0
done = (IDScan(hT, True, RRV) = 0)
While Not done
If RRV < 0 Then
If (choice = 1) Then
NSFNoteDelete hDB, RRV And &H7FFFFFFF, &H0201
End If
n& = n& + 1
End If
done = (IDScan(hT, False, RRV) = 0)
IDDestroyTable hT
NSFDbClose hDB

If (choice = 1) Then
Msgbox "Deleted " & Cstr(n&) & " stubs in database " & db.FilePath & " on server " & db.Server
Msgbox "Database " & db.FilePath & " on server " & db.Server & " contains " & Cstr(n&) & " stubs"
End If

End Sub

взято отсюда
добрый день, подскажите пожалуйста как устанавливать патчи на сервера domino. к примеру, нужно обновить 7.0.1 до 7.3
заранее спасибо
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Tips. Советы

If you're thinking of developing Eclipse-based components for Notes 8.x Bob Balfe provides a links to a number of resources to help you get started.

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Kathy Brown needed to generate a folder for a user, if it didn't already exist, within an application and DXL sounded like an easy way to do it. This seemingly simple task turned into an exciting learning experience. Kathy has posted her code so we can learn with her.

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Jean-Yves Riverin has posted a reminder: Certificates for some Java applets in Lotus Domino 6.5x, 7.0.x, 8.0.x, and 8.5 expire on May 18, 2009. On May 18, Domino will start generating errors about the expiration. Jean-Yves provides a link to the Technote for more details.

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Darren Duke has posted the fix-list and a link to Fix Central if you need Hot Fix 12 for Quickr.

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Bob Balaban wrote about garbage collection in LotusScript recently. Now he offers a discussion on how different the same task is under Java.

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David Brown had a user who was upset that columns were missing from their Inbox. David considered the usual suspects before discovering it was a feature he wasn't familiar with.

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Integra generates Notes data to Microsoft Word, Excel, and Lotus Symphony, allowing end users to analyse and present data using Graphs, Pivot Tables, Filters, etc. Supports Mail Merge and Labels. No software required for install, and no maintenance on the end user's workstation.

Through the optional use of Integra's event driven model, it provides a depth of access to data & computational capability, which is unique in the industry.

A FREE Integra for Notes evaluation is available from www.integra4notes.com/download.

Domino clusters allow users to keep working when a server goes down, saving many, many headaches. Vaughan Rivett provides some basic tips and a 5-minute video to help you get started.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: javascript frameset frame support
When activating JavaScript that is being run within a frameset you get the error message:
JavaScript is only supported within a document.

Author: Kevin Mort
Tags: folder view selected documents
Ok so what we're looking for here is a product of a discussion with the more Windows centric folks at a customer site.
The belief is that it is a MS standard UI guideline that a group of selected items, once an action is taken on them, the selected group remains selected/highlighted so that a second action could be taken.
The example is in Outlook, you have several unread messages. You select those messages, and select the option to mark as Read.  Once this is done, the items remain selected and you can perform another operation on them such as moving to a folder.
In Notes views/folders such as Inbox, once you perform one action on a selected group of messages, the selection "collapses" and only the first item of the group is then selected. You have to select them again to perform the second operation.
This would of course apply to any view/folder regardless of  the database.

Author: Starrow Pan
Tags: internet address reply to all
In the mail conversation with internet users, when I select 'Reply to all', Notes will not check if the receiver list contains my internet address, say goodguy@mail.com, so I will receive my reply.
Notes should check the sender's internet address just as it checks the Notes mail address.

Author: Nathan Chandler
Tags: Deletion stub clear

Sometimes it is necessary to perform a restore and 'merge' a restored replica with the production replica. (by replicating the two together). However to do this you need to clear the deletion stubs from one/both replicas. You can try to do this by setting the Space Saving value Delete Documents not modified in x days (not ticking it, just setting the number) because apparently deletion stubs are kept for 1/3 of this value. So, theoretically you should be able to set it to 0, or 1 days to clear out all stubs.

However this method is not reliable. Often you do not get complete restoration of all of the deleted documents which implies that there are still deletion stubs hanging around in the database. 

I'd like to have a reliable and easy method for deleting all stubs from a replica.

A twitter widget has been added to the catalog (from Mukundan Desikan). ...
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Статьи и Документация

In some instances, text added to a CompoundText context using the function CompoundTextAddText cannot be opened in the Notes UI. Specifically, if the text is greater then 64K and does not contain any line delimiters, the following error occurs when you attempt to open the document: "Paragraph or field can not be larger then 64K bytes" The function call, in this case, returns NOERROR. If the data contains line delimiters, the data can be added and opened. If, however, the line delimiters are more than 1K apa
Can the router task enforce RFC821 Internet Addressing when Domino uses NRPC?
When you configure the authentication to an SMTP Relay using its IP address within brackets [A.B.C.D]
When running the Notes client on the Windows Vista operating system, the replication progress bar remains at 0% throughout replication.
Notes user denied access to Domino server after changing password when the user's Notes ID file is stored in an ID vault and the number of previous passwords exceeds the password history setting.
This technote links to four multimedia modules that cover how to setup an additional Lotus Domino server in an existing Domino domain on IBM i. A brief description of each module is listed below.
In Lotus Notes, if you reply to or forward a memo which is Unread, it stays in Unread status even if you open and then close it.
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