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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 93 от 2008-10-24

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 93 от 2008-10-24
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Как удалить корневой сертификат для сервера? Кроме как удаление keyfile.kyr??? Пытаюсь выпустить новый Key Ring для сервера, пишет что уже выпущен.
а в ACL сервера эти пользователеи прописаны?
а в ACL сервера эти пользователеи прописаны?
Как удалить корневой сертификат для сервера? Кроме как удаление keyfile.kyr??? Пытаюсь выпустить новый Key Ring для сервера, пишет что уже выпущен.
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Подскажите пожалуйста возможно ли программно запустить репликацию на одном сервере баз данных с одинаковыми ID-репликами. Причем репликация должна быть односторонней. Если это делать ручками, т.е File-replication-replicate, после чего выбирается...
1. Устанавливаю сервер Domino на CentOS 5.02. Запускаю /opt/ibm/lotus/bin/server -listen
2. Из-под vmware (на которой крутится Windows 2003 server) запускаю setupserver.exe и устанавливаю связь с сервером.
3. Затем регистрирую id файл на сервере Domino (естественно в домене) CA процессом. . Сервер добавляется в домен и его видно в Configuration - All server documents.
4. Id - созданный и подписаный cert.id подкидываю на сервер, который будет устанавливаться. Далее прохожу процедуру регистрации и когда дело доходит до установки, сервер пишет мне, что сертификат еще не подписан и нужно ждать.
Я понимаю, что СА процесс не очень быстро подписывает сертификаты, но 2 дня ждать.
"Толкали" процесс всем, чем можно, стоит на месте, не подписывает.
Возможно, что разные версии Domino. Версия сервера 7.0.1, а нового 7.0.3!
Посоветуйте, что делать?
Благодарю за ответы! blink.gif
Есть такой вопрос как работает IMAP с базами где более 10 тык доков, мне сдается что плохо. Так очень часто получаю алерты от монитора что
Server task IMAP Server on lotus is no longer responding [7HMR82].
кто нить с таким сталкивался и как решал?
Подскажите пожалуйста возможно ли программно запустить репликацию на одном сервере баз данных с одинаковыми ID-репликами. Причем репликация должна быть односторонней. Если это делать ручками, т.е File-replication-replicate, после чего выбирается...
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Нужен ли DB2 Access Server при локальной установке DB2, если я в дальнейшем хочу использовать Query Views..?
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Tips. Советы

As part of the effort to make sure codestore was XSS-proof, which I did at the same time as discussing XSS in detail on here, I made a change to the Form that stores comments to articles. Since the site was born and before it became a blog the form has allowed you guys to post HTML to it. All you needed to know was that the HTML needed wrapping inside [] square brackets. A few of you worked this out, but none of you took advantage of it in any sinister way.

In light of the alarming nature of and ease of performing XSS attacks I decided to disable Passthru HTML on that Form. To do this I add a field to the form called $$HTMLOptions and set its value to ""DisablePassthruHTML=1". You can no longer enter HTML of any kind anywhere on this site (although I might change that to allow a limited subset of HTML - b, i, a tags etc at some point).

The only reason I added it to that form is that the "Body" field on it was Rich Text, where as the comment form on the blog is plain text and so doesn't allow use of [] brackets anyway.

I discovered the existence of this new HTMLOptions fields following a post to one of XSS blog entries. I can't remember who posted it, but thanks anyway. The link was to this slideshow which discusses "What's new in the Domino web server". Although it doesn't mention which version of the server (doh!) I guess it's 7.0.2.

It's worth skipping through the slideshow if you have some time to spare as there are other options to the field that are worth knowing about.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Tommy Valand
Tags: formula @formula evaluate
Idea: As far as I know, formula can only output 64k of data.

This especially limits the usage of formula in Evaluate-statements.

Formula is --really fast-- compared to LotusScript. Formula has some inbuilt functionality that LS lacks. Two really powerful are @Tranform and @Sort.

Try sorting/filtering an array in LS (code is probably on OpenNTF in the codebin), and then do the same in Formula.

The problem with LS is that it needs a -lot- more code to sort/filter arrays, as there is no API for this in LS, and it is a lot slower (yes, there is Java, but with the current editor, I'm not touching it).

The problem with formula is that it can only output 64k (another problem is that @Sort doesn't like custom sorting of big lists/arrays).

I don't know what limitations there are on server side JS (N8.5). If there are none, and arrays are blindingly fast, I probably won't care about this problem in the future. Throw away the 32k limit on array indexes, and I'll be really happy!
Author: Ulrich Krause
Tags: ACL
We all know that we can set multiple entries in the ACL of a set of databases at once using the Domino Administrator  client.
But one option is missing. An example: You want to set the access level for a mailfile owner to Editor and enable a few options and assign a role or two.
From a developers point of view it is easy. You can write an agent. But as an administrator you normally do not write agents in LotusScript. You use your admin client.
Unfortunately there is no chance to do this today.
Pls. IBM, enhance the admin client and give us the ability to change the ACL of multiple databases. The ACLEntry to be changed has to be dynamic. ( i.e. the value of the owner field in the calendar profile of the mailfile)
I've already asked the people at Ytria, if this is possible by using aclEZ; it seems, that there is a chance to accomplish the aim.

Author: Ulrich Krause
Tags: ACL
We all know that we can set multiple entries in the ACL of a set of databases at once using the Domino Administrator  client.
But one option is missing. An example: You want to set the access level for a mailfile owner to Editor and enable a few options and assign a role or two.
From a developers point of view it is easy. You can write an agent. But as an administrator you normally do not write agents in LotusScript. You use your admin client.
Unfortunately there is no chance to do this today.
Pls. IBM, enhance the admin client and give us the ability to change the ACL of multiple databases. The ACLEntry to be changed has to be dynamic. ( i.e. the value of the owner field in the calendar profile of the mailfile)
I've already asked the people at Ytria , if this is possible by using aclEZ; it seems, that there is a chance to accomplish the aim.

Author: Alex Forbes
Tags: activities connections feature-request userinterface functionality
Currently you can only mark a To Do or Activity  as "Complete" or "Incomplete". Having only a boolean choice between these options makes it difficult to see, at a glance, the bigger picture of the activity and makes it harder to collaborate.
I'd like to see a system where the current "Mark To Do [Complete|Incomplete]" menu option is replaced with a "Mark To Do ..." option which expands to offer more choice. Ideally, I'd like to be able to express the following in a new system:
That a To Do is complete or incomplete
That a To Do is currently being worked on
That a To Do is deferred / suspended
These options should be mutually exclusive (i.e. only one of "Complete/Incomplete", "In-progress" or "Deferred" etc. can be used). Also, suitable icons / graphical representations of the status should appear next to the relevant To Do or Activity in the Activities panel in notes and on the web site interface.
Reason for request:
Having recently been working on Activities with other people its difficult to see what To Do's are currently being worked on or which should be left alone for now. We have resorted to various approaches such as inserting "[In Progress]" or "[Deferred]" into the activity title or moving To Do's into an "Deferred" or "In-Progress" section - but neither of these are ideal approaches.
For a start both methods are comparatively slow and inefficient, and both can cause information which used to be clear being obfuscated (e.g. moving to a section moves a To Do out of its natural / original section, and adding strings to the title causes you to 'loose' that number of characters 'off-screen' to the right.)

Author: Alex Forbes
Tags: activities connections feature-request userinterface functionality usability interface
Currently, when editing a Comment, To Do or other entry in the Activities web interface, you can only see about 6 or 7 lines of text in the edit box. This makes it very hard to edit entries of non-trivial length. I would like to see an option to make this field expand to either the entire length of the content being edited or at minimum to increase the field size by a given number of lines.
Reason for request:
When recently documenting a changing process in an activities comment, I have found it very frutrating when editing it. Given at current the entry is less than 300 lines long, I found it surprising just how much time I had to spend scrolling around to change parts of the entry.

Author: Roland Reddekop
Tags: accesscontrol
One barrier (besides lack of folders) we are experiencing here for the embracing of Quickr Entry is that when Execs send attachments to each other, often the documents are sensitive. They want them to be read ONLY by the recipients. So posting to their Quickr Entry place is not a satisfactory solution. Even posting to a regular team place (full license) requires them to think (a) which place to use and (b) who has access to that place.

So, an enhancement that would be amazing for Quickr Entry as well as regular Quickr is to add a checkbox to the dialog that pops up when you try to send attachments "Only give read access to recipients". If this option is selected, Quickr can put the attachment into a Place (Entry place or otherwise) and then automatically set the access control on that file to ensure that only the recipients can view it.

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Статьи и Документация

What is the procedure to re-enable Dynamic Client Configuration (DCC) on the client machine?
In some case, a Domino server's internal hostname or IP address is disclosed when responding to a specially formed GET request.
You have the ReplicaID of a database in a log and you would like to know which database it is. Is there an easy way to do that?
AMgr: Problem enumerating through the database list to search for agent documents: Program shutdown in progress
Unusual messages with html-like debugging tags appear on the Domino console after moving from OS400 platform to a Windows platform.
SPR# THIO76GCTW - This fix changes the quick find dialog from using the c dialog to using an swt dialog. Prior to this fix, after performing a quick search on ND8 Standard, IME setting is automatically changed. This regression was introduced in 8.0.
If you switch the To Do miniview to the New Notices miniview, the following error occurs: "Notes error: You are not authorized to perform that operation."
When you install a new Lotus Notes client on a machine that was installed with an image, you get an error message that a certain "Lotus Notes x.msi" file is on a remote network drive and is no longer accessible.
You receive an error when viewing a newer AutoCad file format in the Notes viewer.
The notesfl.bat and notesinv.bat files are used for the IBM Support Assistant (ISA) data collection tool.
The Lotus Notes Mail Quota Status Thermometer feature introduced in Notes 8.0.1 displays information about the current mail file usage and allocation. You would like to customize the Mail Quota Status Thermometer's messages but cannot find the messages in the database design. Can these messages be modified?
IBM will host an Open Mic conference call with Lotus Development and Support Engineers to discuss Using Blackberry Enterprise Server with Domino on October 30, 2008.
IBM® Support will host a Tech Exchange Webcast on the topic of "NSD case studies for Domino on System i" on November 4, 2008.
The spell checker in the German language version of the Lotus Notes client recommends strange alternatives while checking the word "öffnen" (open).
The IBM Lotus Domino and Notes Information Center has multiple books and multiple sections within each book. Use the search scope feature to search for information in only specific books or sections.
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