For ages my neighbour-cum-friend Wayne had been hassling me about paying a visit to his city-centre photography studio to work out why "the downstairs computer can't see the upstairs one". Because it involved wireless connections, which are always way more hassle than they ought to be, I had been putting it off with a "Yeah, I'll try and find time to pop in at some point".
Then a couple of weeks ago I offered to come in and sort it out on the proviso that we get a free photo session with the kids while I work on the connection.
Here's a rogues gallery selection of the results, starting with the whole Howlett clan (including Quinn, who's an honourary Howlett).
If there's such a thing as being too cute then Felix is having a go at it here. I want to laugh and cry both at the same time when I look at this photo.
Me girls. I've chosen the photos above and below to have framed for hanging in my office.
Here's a close up of Minnie (AKA "Felix in a dress"):
Another of my cheeky little chappy:
After Wayne had reeled off a couple of hundred shots I came back in to the room and he asked if I'd sorted the router. "Yeah, I just unplugged it and plugged in back in again" I replied. I kid you not. Sometimes, knowing about computers really can pay off.
The beta versions of infocenters (for example, the Notes/Domino 8 beta infocenter at allow readers to add comments to infocenter topics. This feature isn't available for final infocenters that are provided when a product ships, but I think it would be useful if it were.
This is related to this idea: (which I can't link to, I think because it's in a different ideaspace)
Well...we're trying to get the team back together again, but this time with more real world, here is the code now take it and run kind of stuff. You can see the abstract below. Cheers!
Sometimes the hardest part of a getting a good UI isn't the design itself, but figuring out HOW to get that design out of Notes/Domino. Take a walk through the best dev tricks of the UI pros, with 10 examples of popular UI patterns implemented in both the Notes client and through Xpages. Topics include: inline user feedback, forgiving input formats, zebra striping, tag clouds, vote-to-promote, and more. Walk away both with the knowledge and the source code!
For the last two years, we have presented on the theory and practice of UI design in the Notes client, focused primarily on compatibility with previous Notes releases. This year, we want to take a more concrete approach. Instead of theory and demos, we want to take a deep dive on specific UI patterns, primarily from recent Web 2.0 designs. We want to show specific reusable patterns such a rating systems, live filtering and inline field validation feedback -- with both rich client and Xpages implementations.
You would like to copy xACL settings, including advanced settings, and paste them into a backup copy of a database. After copying the xACL settings, you would like to paste them back into names.nsf after installing and setup of a server. Is this possible?
Currently it is not possible to simultaneously delete multiple folders in Lotus Notes. An enhancement request for t new functionality has been submitted to Quality Engineering.
It is not possible to add image files of type TIF, TIFF or PNG to your default signature in Notes. Although you can add an HTML file which references a TIF, TIFF or PNG file, a red X will appear when that signature is imported into messages.
This video covers tools that are common to all three productivity tools, and shows how to add graphics into documents, spreadsheets, and presentations using different methods. Click the Play button t
You have your wheel mouse settings set to scroll several lines per wheel click. In Lotus Notes, one mouse click only scrolls one document at a time in a database view.
Notes client crashes with PANIC: Lookuphandle: Handle out of range. NSD shows a crash on FreeHistoryRecData while the user is in the mail file Inbox folder.
In an organization where there are multiple organizational units, you create an organizational policy document for each one to apply different mail disclaimers. However once implemented, you find that the same disclaimer text is appended to outbound mails from all OU's.
The results of a view selection are not updated properly when using the toolbar arrows to navigate through the documents. This is more noticeable when dealing with several documents and corresponding open windows.
In Notes, the Spell Check preferences for Notes and the integrated Sametime client are not consistent. You can choose multiple dictionaries for Notes, but only one dictionary for the integrated Sametime client.
If you press the F1 key while an IBM productivity tool is open and has focus, the Help documentation for both the productivity tools and Notes® appears.
User runs client replication either manually or by schedule. Documents that appear in the server replica do not appear in the local client replica of the database. No errors are seen in the Replication page, client log file, or server log file. Replication seems to have run successfully. The documents are not in any views within the local database.