Всем привет. Встретился с очередным непониманием лотуса.
Предистория такова. По поставленным вместе с Lotus Workflow создал свою БД, насоздавал там своих форм агентов JobPropeties и прочего. Тепреь хотел сделать из всего этого свои шаблоны. В общем то из документации я понял что вполне достаточно скопировать рабочую БД и отчистить ее от лишних документов(некотрые нужны) При попытке создать из этого шаблона Workflow Application БД получаю you are not authorized to perform that operation: <имя файла новой БД>. По документации выяснил что желательно в ACL шаблона добавить [LocalDomainServers] и [OtherDomainServers](При этом в стандартном шаблоне их нет, но есть [Involved (Lotus Workflow) servers]. При этом с него БД создаетсья без проблем). Добавил данные группы. Мой шаблон для Organozation Directory стал работать, то есть по нему нормально стала создаваться БД. Но Workflow Application БД все так же не хочет создавать БД.
Помогите плз, уже 2-й день пытаюсь победить никак не получается. Надеюсь сносно объяснил
В связи с известным банковским кризисом и внезапного ухудшения условий труда вынужден заняться поиском новой работы, а то своих голодных ртов не прокормлю, а у меня их уже трое
Срочно требуется в серьезную контору опытный программист Lotus Notes (подтвержденный стаж не менее 2-3 лет), хорошее знание английского (немецкого) языка (разговаривать, писать без словаря), возможность отлучаться в долгосрочные загран. командировки (1-3 месяца), соц. пакет, достойная зарплата.
СП ЗАО "Международный деловой альянс" (IBA), г. Минск, Беларусь.
Тел. (8 029) 766-75-25 (МТС) 8.00 - 21.00, Сергей.
Здравствуйте, господа админы! Помогите, пожалуйста, создать батничек или скрипт, который бы создавал в Lotus Notes письмо и отправлял. Заранее известны адрес, тема, текст и вложение. Вроде как есть утилиты командной строки, только я пока толкового ничего не нашел. Заранее благодарю.
Determining which groups a Lotus Notes user belongs to is important, but difficult if you don't have access to the proper databases. This tip explains how to display a tree view of the groups and nested groups to which a user belongs with just the click of a button.
Create language-specific product support wikis off of the main (English) wikis and let the native language communities grow the content. The wikis should be 'seeded' with the most basic outline already provided in the native language and then customers, consumers and interested IBM/Lotus sales, support and development personnel can translate existing content into there, write new articles, respond to questions or whatever. This would provide a better solution to the needs of the user community than publishing the technical support content in English only and then relying on machine translation for providing the content in a more consumable form by non-native English speakers.
Want to deploy your application to Lotus Foundations, but unsure how to get stated? Here's a session that's just for you. In this session, you will learn about the Lotus Foundations architecture, server licensing, packages, autoinstall, license groups, ACLs, and other essential information to assure successful application deployment. In addition, you will learn about tools available to help you get started, as well as some tech-tips to help you get you application securely deployed to Lotus Foundations!
If you're looking to support Lotus Foundations, then this session is just what you need. Learn basic and advanced Lotus Foundations installation and maintenance tips, including: installation, webconfig, domino configuration, Foundations/Domino interaction, autoinstall, security, and more. Also presented will be softupdate, logs, and tips and tricks to get the most out of Lotus Foundations.
Web login forms provided in Lotus-created templates such as webmail redirect (iwaredir.ntf) and Quickr (and probably others) will not work if the server is set to disallow anonymous HTTP access (Server document: Ports --> Internet Ports --> Web --> Authentication options --> Anonymous --> No). When anonymous access is disabled, the images and imported scripts on the login form are not loaded, breaking the login page.
We as developers have a crude work-around which is to copy images and scripts to the icons folder (which is not secured) and reference them from there. The Lotus supplied templates do not do this (which makes sense being that it is not a great workaround).
Lotus should find a proper to handle this situation for template developers (and others) so that the server can be secured without breaking the login page. At the very least, fix the supplied login forms by moving the referenced resources to an unsecured folder.
I would suggest that the complete mail functionality of the Notes-client would be separated into a Notes-Mail-Client only. All other parts would remain as a separare "Notes-Application-Client".
The advantages would be:
- the mail client UI could be done much simpler as it would get rid of so many menu items, settings
- the naming of items could be done specific for a mail-client so that users could use it without any training
- the mail client would be more light-weigth as it would no need to load many functions
- it would run in a separate thread and not block the application client
Other ideas:
- optionally it could be that both clients could be docked/merged like in the current client for users who want it that way
- the mail-client (as an POP/IMAP client)could be released for free for private use (as IBM does not have any private users as customers
- it might make Notes easier to sell to customers who have Exchange, because you could tell them to use the "Notes-Application-Client" only.
PS: I know that this would be a radical redesign of the UI and it is unlikely to happen soon (if ever)
Provide documentation that matches the standard of the other Lotus products. The current set of documentation is little more than descriptions of the install process and the menu options. It's multiple grades down from the previous Nitix documentation (which at least had screenshots!). How about writing a Redbook?
How about being able to set up a default action for attachments, such that if you double-click the atta, instead of showing the Propeties box selection of actions (which, by the way is not the same as the list in right-click), that default action happens: one of Open/View/Save..... If the user wants to select a different action, they RT on the attachment as now.
Okay, Quickr is a web application. I know. But why it is not possible to have direct access to the Quickr databases & data with the notes client?
It's not a really smart solution with a connector that can just save attachments - an just only ONE attachment - in Quickr out of my mail database (see link to another Idea).
IBM Support hosted an Open Mic conference call with Lotus Development and Support Engineers to discuss configuring security for a Lotus Domino Web server (HTTP task) on 14 August 2008.
In some situations, using an Activities policy is not ideal or fails. In these situations, the following workaround will populate the Activities Settings on the Lotus Notes 8 client.
Traveler Documentation incomplete! Using a SSL-certificate created by Domino with Lotus Traveler works, no Verisign-Certificate or other expensive Certificate is nessecary. Install the Certificate
When registering new users, the default certificate expiration period is two years. Although you can change it, that change is only maintained for that registration session. Can the default period be changed to some other period, such as five years?
IBM® Support hosted a Tech Exchange Webcast call on the topic of "Best Practices for Domino® on System i" on October 8, 2008. This document contains the presentation files related to this topic.
When you edit an instant messaging status available or away message in Notes, it gets added to the drop down list in User Preferences > Instant Messaging > Status. How can he delete a status from the drop down?
If you start a UK English Domino server from the Windows 2000/2003 Programs menu, the date format in Domino is dd/mm/yyyy. If you start the server from the Windows services, the Domino server changes the date format to mm/dd/yyyy.
An agent manager executive task ends while running a LotusScipt agent. The server does not detect the fault and agent manager ends the server when it recognizes the executive job is no longer running. In the joblog for the executive, we see the agent crashed trying to insert into a rich text item.
You are trying to synchronize your Lotus Notes mail file that uses an iNotes template with Lotus Domino Web Access (iNotes Web Access or DWA). You notice that the Home Cell Phone field does not synchronize between your Personal Address Book and the $Contacts view in DWA. Why does this happen?
When moving users to a new mail server in Lotus Domino, the Monitor New Mailfile Fields request fails with an error that you are not authorized to perform the requested operation for the Out Of Office (OOO) agent. Why does this happen?
Domino Server Setup is run as a Windows service and upon completion of the setup process, when you click "Setup", server setup proceeds to 1% and then fails with the error "Invalid directory or device not ready".