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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 84 от 2008-10-03

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 84 от 2008-10-03
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

This one database shows ways to do many things. It's probably one of the most useful databases I've ever made available. Be sure to check it out and read the accompanying blog entries to find out about all the different things it does....

20 Aug 2007 | View Demo | Download Demo | Read More »

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This simple little rating system uses a little CSS to give the user a visual system of rating a document out of five stars (although you can customise to as many stars as you like). Clicking a star submits an Ajax call to rate the document and feeds back to the user the updated rating. Best of all, it all works without JavaScript (and even CSS) -- it's completely accessible....

6 Dec 2007 | View Demo | Download Demo | Read More »

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The WebSession class makes coding WQO and WQS Agents a doddle. If you're not using it yet you should be...

11 Feb 2008 | View Demo | Download Demo | Read More »

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We've all heard of drop-down menus, which are all well and good. What about things you want to appear when needed on the page that aren't part of the site navigation? Use flyouts! This demo shows how. Download and see how the login/admin links on the top right of the page function....

15 Feb 2008 | View Demo | Download Demo | Read More »

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First release of the DEXT application. Download included toolkits.nsf, which contains all the JavaScript libraries you'll ever need -- all in one central NSF file....

18 Sep 2008 | View Demo | Download Demo

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

создать в папке колонку с категоризацией (группировка) и следующую зделать колонку по которой будет сортировка(зделать её сортировочонй)
Добрый день.

Подобной темы в этом форуме не нашел (а если таковая имеется, то просьба не пинать smile.gif )

Предлагаю здесь постить отзывы о различных продуктах для защиты от вирусов под Domino.

ESET NOD32 for Lotus Domino.

Сидел на данном продукте с два года. Весьма не понятный оказался продукт.
Из себя антивирус представляет набор баз, которые копируютя в папку DATA.

Отдельно на сервере устанавливается обычный ESET NOD32 для Windows 2003, подкидывается ключик с "лицензиями" и этот движок видимо использовался для сканирование.
Говорю видимо, так как даже суппорт мне не смог ответить какой механизм работы данного продукта, на каком этапе происходит проверка, каким образом считаются лицензии (по всей видимости никакого подсчета не ведется). Частенько наблюдал картину, антиврус который установлен на сервере под виндой орал что обнаржил вирус в nSMTP.exe и просил разрешения удалить его или поместить в карантин.

Вот так выглядит главная страничка антивируса.

Кроме настроек действий, выполняемых антивирусом, есть фишка , которое носит громкое название Mail Filter Setup, а по сути жалкое и убогое подобие серверных правил, причем еще и не работающее.

Самые главное настройки и собственное единственные

А вот так выглядит карантинная база.

Вот и весь антивирус, который "вродебы" работает.

создать в папке колонку с категоризацией (группировка) и следующую зделать колонку по которой будет сортировка(зделать её сортировочонй)
Может кто поделится, очень надо.
Я пишу веб-службу на C# для Lotus Domino 6.5.
Встречу создаю примерно так:
                NotesDocument doc = db.CreateDocument();
                doc.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "Appointment");
                doc.ReplaceItemValue("AppointmentType", 3);
                doc.ReplaceItemValue("MeetingType", 1);

Вопросы такие:
1) Как добавить участников встречи?
2) Как выслать приглашения участникам?

в администраторе load convert -d databasename * newtemplatename
Добрый день.
Как можно поменять "Template name" сразу у нескольких баз скопом ?
Это работает с "non-mail databases"..
А мне как раз нужно поменять дизайн почтовых баз.. :/
Добрый день.
Как можно поменять "Template name" сразу у нескольких баз скопом ?
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Tips. Советы

Almost a year ago I talked about how you can get Domino's UntilKey URL parameter to make its StartKey counterpart do what you'd expect it to -- return only exact matches from the first column in the view. If you had a sorted view of animals you could return all those who were Cats use a URL like this:


All's well and good and I've used the the trick repeatedly since, not knowing how I managed without it.

Then this week I was talking about using lists in the first column of a view to allow flexible lookups. Again, all was good. Until I tried to search for the last document in the view. In the example it's a car called Zonda. Type in "Z" and nothing comes back.

The bug: It looks like the UntilKey trick doesn't work on views sorted by a multi-value column. It just won't return the last document.

Taking the example of the cars here's an empty result set for "Z" and here's what you'd expect to see, which points to a view with a normal single value column.

Just another reason not to trust Domino to give you want you want and to go you own way. For me I'll be using my Ajax NotesViewNavigator Object. No doubt there's a performance hit, but at least it does what you want it to.

Click here to post a response

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Michael Butcher
Tags: Flash Charts in Notes Client or Web Browser
I have an idea to create a Notes Domino Database that allows users to build charts quickly and easily via the Browser or Notes Client. Users indicate which database to use and  which categorized view to point to and it converts the Category counts as data point.
The can choose from several chart types (bar, pie, etc), change the size of the chart, backgound color, even create drill down charts.
By using javascript you can click on a Bar chart and drill down to the next data element.
By allowing the users to create the exact report they want it saves time and money for the organization.
One of the drawbacks of Lotus Notes/Domino has been its ability to create slick looking Charts from the data within a Notes Database without exporting the data to another tool. Chart IT 2.0 Features Written in Notes Easy to Use Charts are customizable. Works with any Notes Database Utilizes Notes ACL Security Requires Adobe Flash Plug-in to present Graphs 
 Dynamically builds a list of Databases on the Server ( Web Version ) Dynamically builds a list of categorized views: ( Web Version )
Future possibilities include: Multiple Charts on the same form (Dashboards) Allowing users to build queries

Author: Jennifer Heins
Tags: compapps
This is an idea for new content to be written. Do you think this is a good topic? Does this information already exist somewhere?
This content would cover composite applications for desktop solutions that require multiple types of applications to run in a Lotus Notes 8.x collaboration environment by providing inter-communication between components. SOA composite applications deliver high levels of business services and this content covers the architecture, available tools, component considerations, administration, assembly, deployment and wiring of composite application components in Lotus Notes 8.x.

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: local database folder open
for local databases the option to open just the containing folder would be a timesaver to navigate through your local data structure (see attached image).

Author: Fredrik Söderquist
Tags: iNotes Websphere Domino infrastructure lotusphere2009 ls09
Session abstract/description:
How did SLL design and build their unique, highly available and extremely scalable solution for their 45 000+ iNotes-only users using IBM Lotus Domino and IBM WebSphere Application Server? What are the key elements that made SLL’s IBM Lotus Domino solution eligible for an IBM Best Practice whitepaper? This session will show you why asymmetrical mail-clustering and fully automated user management together with an IBM WebSphere Application Server solution is the way to go for large IBM Lotus iNotes-environments. The session will underline the benefits of this solution and show how SLL migrated their 45 000+ users to a new environment without any type of downtime or disturbance with the IBM WAS front end as a key infrastructure element.
Please outline why it is important that this session be included on this year’s Lotusphere agenda:
I think the following statement from the upcoming IBM Best Practice Whitepaper about SLL’s Lotus Domino-environment says it all (statement from first draft of whitepaper, executive summary):
“Based on an ingenious solution design, in combination with strong standard product functionality and a small set of specific custom changes, Stockholm Läns Landsting created, and now operates, a high performance, highly available and extremely scalable collaboration infrastructure, based on IBM software. Stockholm Län Landsting utilizes IBM Lotus Notes and Domino and IBM Lotus Sametime in combination with an IBM WebSphere high availability solution, to implement what IBM characterizes as an industry good practice installation of a feature rich and resilient collaboration environment. Serving more than 46,000 users and sustaining peek loads of approximately 20,000 concurrent users, the Domino installation at Stockholm Län Landsting represents one of the largest deployments of iNotes in the world.”
I believe that SLL have the only true “Cloud computed iNotes-solution” in the world based on IBM software? If not the only, then surely a very unique solution and a good industry/best practice solution utilizing the best of both IBM Lotus Domino and IBM Websphere Application Server to obtain highly available and extremely scalable infrastructure for iNotes. Want to give Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo a competitor using iNotes? – SLL’s solution can easily scale to these proportions and beyond.

Author: Jeff Gilfelt
Tags: developerWorks eclipse
I am often asked by other developers who are interested in extending the Lotus Notes client where is the best place to get started with developing Eclipse based plug-ins for Notes 8. Some of the best resources available are the following articles that were published on developerWorks during the Notes 8.0 public beta:

Extending the IBM Lotus Notes V8 sidebar and toolbar

Integrating IBM Lotus Notes data into the Lotus Notes V8 sidebar and toolbar
Leveraging user context in the IBM Lotus Notes V8 sidebar and toolbar

Unfortunately, these articles still contain the Eclipse setup instructions that were required during the beta phase of Notes 8, before the Lotus Expeditor Toolkit shipped. While this setup process probably "still works", it is over complicated and is likely to put off even the most experienced of developers. While the Lotus Expeditor Toolkit setup is documented elsewhere, both in a developerWorks article and in the composite apps wiki, there is no mention of it in the above articles.

So in short, my idea is that the developerWorks editors request/allow authors to go back and update articles that were written for products or features that were in beta at the time of writing to ensure that they reflect any changes or additions made to the shipping versions.

Author: Jeff Gilfelt
Tags: developerworks
Of late I have found that the number of technical articles and tutorials in the developerWorks Lotus zone written by IBM employees far outweighs the number written by non-IBM authors. While I appreciate the insights and detail that is offered by the people who developed the products, I often find that the articles written by non-IBMers better reflect real world problems and solutions faced by professionals who work with these products.

Case in point is the excellent XPages tutorial published recently, written by Chris Toohey.

And in the interests of full disclosure - YES, I have had my own content submissions rejected recently, and NO I am not bitter about it :)

Author: Eric Lohry
Tags: linkjam comment
Allowing comments to links would help bring usability to each entry.  For example, someone posts a link about baking a chocolate cake.  Someone else posts a comment that says "here is a link to a sugar-free choclate cake recipe".  Another comment might say, "for better chocolate cakes recipes, go to gourmet.com." etc.
Just use the same code as is in IdeaJam.

Author: Eric Lohry
Tags: linkjam voting
Similar code as is in IdeaJam, but instead of voting up or down, the question could be: "Do you find this link useful?"

Author: Keith Brooks
Tags: Checklist
One thing which frustrates me to no end when traiing new admins is the lack of a basic checklist for them to follow.
The Infocenter is way too much detail for newbies and a bit misleading for others. The Quickr one for instance goes in circles about LDAP vs. Directory, Domino vs. Quickr, etc..
It would be nice to see simple checklists.
I am working on one now for Quickr with Stuart and can share it once done with some rough drafts of it.

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Статьи и Документация

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The behavior for Non Delivery Reports (NDR) are inconsistent in a Domino 6.5.x or 7 environment.
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