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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 89 от 2008-10-15

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 89 от 2008-10-15
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

When you check ACL of database, sometimes it is very hard to say which particular user has enough rights for example to delete documents in database or who has required role. This code will check each entry in ACL, then it will check if this is a group or user (using Domino Directory), and if this is a group expands all group members, then it will export result to Excel file, where you can use autofilter for easy records navigation
Code to automatically display thumbnails in the domino directory using DXL and background agents The code is here => http://www.seancull.co.uk/Public/seancull.nsf/dx/visual-directory-thumbnails-in-the-domino-directory.htm
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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Срочно требуется в серьезную контору опытный программист Lotus Notes (подтвержденный стаж не менее 2-3 лет), хорошее знание английского (немецкого) языка (разговаривать, писать без словаря), возможность отлучаться в долгосрочные загран. командировки (1-3 месяца), соц. пакет, достойная зарплата.

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Тел. (8 029) 766-75-25 (МТС) 8.00 - 21.00, Сергей.
Есть форма FTtype и связанный с ней view - FTypeView
В хэлпе дизайнера
Reserved fields that control mailing options - список полей с пояснениями
по первому вопросу - суть вообще не понял
"зделать поле компутед в форме с именем Saveoptions и значением "0"

Спасибо, работает. Это какие-то скрытые системные поля в базе ? А где можно посмотреть их список ?

Вот на первый бы вопрос еще ответ...
Я запоминаю содержимое поля - до редактирования его в переменной FTTypeTemp.
P.S. Еще, как отключить системный запрос на сохранение данных в форме - при выходе ?

Заранее спасибо.

зделать поле компутед в форме с именем Saveoptions и значением "0"
P.S. Еще, как отключить системный запрос на сохранение данных в форме - при выходе ?

Заранее спасибо.

зделать поле компутед в форме с именем Saveoptions и значением "0"
Есть ли способ преобразовать документ Lotus типа встреча (у которого Form=Appointment) в vCalendar (или iCal, iCalendar, vCal и тп)?
"зделать поле компутед в форме с именем Saveoptions и значением "0"

Спасибо, работает. Это какие-то скрытые системные поля в базе ? А где можно посмотреть их список ?

Вот на первый бы вопрос еще ответ...
В хэлпе дизайнера
Reserved fields that control mailing options - список полей с пояснениями
по первому вопросу - суть вообще не понял
Я запоминаю содержимое поля - до редактирования его в переменной FTTypeTemp.
Модератору: Я понимаю, что данное сообщение на по Lotus. С другой стороны IBM Websphere - главный конкурент BizTalk Server, т.е.связь довольно прямая.
Если необходимо, перенесите, пожалуйста, тему в более подходящую ветку. Спасибо!
Не сочтите сообщение рекламой, блог не содержит рекламы, только техническую информацию.

Всем привет.

Так уж получилось, что я сейчас один из немногих русскоязычных специалистов по BizTalk Server.

Если интересно побольше узнать о BizTalk Server, то добро пожаловать на мой новый русскоязычный блог по BizTalk Server:

Старый англоязычный блог на

С уважением,

Леонид Ганелин
[Most Valuable Professional in Microsoft BizTalk Server - 2007, 2008 Award]
[moderator of the Microsoft/MSDN/BizTalk forums]
так это потому что документ то не обновляется
Call NotesUIDocument.Refresh
Ну, добавил в начале
Имеется компьютер с Windows Vista в домене. На этом компьютере виртуальная машина VMware, в том же домене, на машине W2k3 с сервером Lotus Domino 7. Виртуальная машина пингуется из любого места локальной сети. Также в домене есть сервер Ms Exchange. Письма из домино в эксчандж доходят нормально.

Проблема: обратно письма не доходят. Также не удаётся пересылать письма между пользователями домина. Lotus Notes пишет SMTP protocol returned a permament error: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay. Что делать?) Буду рад любым советам и соображениям.
так это потому что документ то не обновляется
Call NotesUIDocument.Refresh
Ну, добавил в начале
Как вывести в колонке View-а содержимое поля типа RichText ?

Ставлю в ней следующую формулу :


Содержимое, тем не менее, не отображает.
Как и просто @Text(FTComment)
Domino 8 и Active Directory
Стоит Lotus Domino 8.0.0, есть задача Мигрироват пользователей с Active Directory. Вроде бы видит домен и различные настройки и поддомены но когда я начинаю их импортировать то Админка зависает кто знает в чём может быть проблема, когда стояла версия Domino 7.0.2 всё и импортировалось.
попробуйте @Abstract
Господа, кто нибудь знает как подключить к лотусу криптобиблиотеку с реализацией ГОСТ? Поискал на форуме - не нашел.. Возможно ли использовать ГОСТ-криптографию хотя бы для ЭЦП документов?
Господа, кто нибудь знает как подключить к лотусу криптобиблиотеку с реализацией ГОСТ? Поискал на форуме - не нашел.. Возможно ли использовать ГОСТ-криптографию хотя бы для ЭЦП документов?
Вопрос кто нить уже проверял как эта связка работает?
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Tips. Советы

The best thing about having kids is having the excuse to do things you'd never do otherwise. This weekend we accompanied Felix and his granddad to a local steam enthusiasts open day on the Great Central railway. I don't know which of them was the most excited!

Felix loves Thomas the Tank Engine. First thing in the morning I have to put the DVD on. Last thing at night I read him a Thomas book before tucking him in to bed. In the mean time he plays endlessly with the track and trains (you can see he's clutching on to Thomas in this shot above).

It fascinates me that Felix has a perception of a "choo choo" despite only ever having seen them in animated cartoon form. How on earth does his sense of reality stretch to comprehending a life-size one? As soon as we arrived at Quorn & Woodhouse station he was shouting "choo choo" and not long after the first one rolled in. You should have seen the sense of awe on his slack-jawed face.

The highlight of the day was the appearance of the newly-built (?ú3 million) A1 Tornado, which I have to admit was an amazing sight. I'm no steam buff, but there is still a little boy in me (and a mechanical engineering degree somewhere) and what boy doesn't like a machine of that size.

Apart from enjoying the "big stuff" aspect of it all I have to admit to being a sucker for nostalgia. Don't we all wish we could have lived at some point in the past? Not long back Karen and I had the "which century would you prefer to live in" conversation. Karen went for early 20th (ala Miss Marple) while I went way back to the 16/17th. I'd be a farmer in the English countryside tending my land with no knowledge of the world's wars, terrorism, politics, the credit crunch, knife crime, motorways, traffic jams etc etc. I know it's a naive concept but I like to day dream of a better world.

When would you prefer to have lived?

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Prepared statements let Lotus Notes Domino users update and insert data into tables. Check out this Java code, which retrieves data from documents and tests to see if the data exists in a SQL table. If it does exist, the data is updated. If it doesn't exist, the Java code inserts the data.

One of the first things I wrote about on codestore was a way to work out what format a Domino server expected dates in. Should they be mm/dd or dd/mm?

The code was a very simple one-liner of @Formula, which I've used in just about every application I've worked on since. You can see I've used it in the DEXT JavaScript object too (about 10 lines in).

What about when you want to do the same thing but from LotusScript? Not something I'd needed to do until last week when I was extending ('scuse the pun) the Ext.nd application by adding a date format property to it's base "session" Agent.

What I thought would be a case of multiple if statements turned out to be another one-liner after I learnt of the the Datenumber() function and used it in conjunction with "my" array-less Replace() shortcut. Here's the code:

Print |Ext.nd.DATE_FORMAT = "| +  Replace(Cstr(Datenumber(1948, 12, 31)), Split("31/12/1948", "/"), Split("d/m/Y","/") )  +|";|

There's nothing more satisfying then solving a problem in one line of code. Yeah, I know it's on six lines. I did that to make it presentable.

The results is the following on my local, UK-based servers:

Ext.nd.DATE_FORMAT = "d/m/Y";

Or the following when I replicate the database to this site's server, which is in America:

Ext.nd.DATE_FORMAT = "m/d/Y";

Whether it's of use or not at least it's an introduction (for some of us at least) to the DateNumber() function, which I'd never seen before.

Then I got thinking about how to improve on it, as I can't work out if it's truly global or not. I know it works if the server uses / as the date separator, but I can only assume it works with "." or other variations. Can't see why it wouldn't though.

While messing about with this I was looking in the help files and discovered something else. Notes has an "International" class. Using that we could see what the server's date separator is. Not only that but it already has a property to tell us whether the server is MDY or DMY.

We could use it to write a function like this:

Function GetDateFormat() As String Dim international As NotesInternational Set international = session.International Dim BaseFormat as String If international.IsDateDMY Then BaseFormat = "d/m/Y" Elseif international.IsDateMDY Then BaseFormat = "m/d/Y" Elseif international.IsDateYMD Then BaseFormat = "Y/m/d" Else 'default BaseFormat = "d/m/Y" End If GetDateFormat = Join( Split(BaseFormat, "/"), international.DateSep)
End Function

Although that's a lot of code isn't. I much prefer the one-liner, don't you?

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Stuart McIntyre
Tags: quickr photo image ldap
The Lotus product range is very inconsistent when it comes to manging user photos.
You can paste them into a Domino directory to use in Notes. Sametime wants them added to the jpegPhoto field in the LDAP directory.  Whereas Quickr wants them available via a WebService (but gives no clues as to how to do this), and Connections expects all users to add their own photos! Arrgghh!
So, please Lotus, can you make this consistent for the next round of new releases.  Sametime seems to have the most workable and 'standard' LDAP solution, and so I think this is the one that should stay. Quickr and Connections should both support the access of photos from the jpegPhoto attribute in the LDAP so that the images are consistent.
if individual Connections admis wish to then allow their users to change the photos, then thats fine, but lets get them in from LDAP in the first place!

Author: Scott Cochrane
Tags: email inbox local-replica
I have heard from several people and my own albeit limited experience backs this up: "outlook just seems to receive the email - none of this sending and receiving".  This is in connection with situations where the user is running a local replica of their mail file.
What I mean is - when you are sent a mail on exchange/outlook the mail just seems to arrive - does the client or the server maintain an open connection?, I don't know and the users doesn't care - they just want the email there.
On notes, even with check for new mail set to every minute and replication quite frequent - I often have the scenario where I get a chime indicating new mail but the email isn't there - or at least it isn't on my local replica - and as a remote worker I prefer running off the local replica all the time.
So the idea:  when the location document has a local mail file set but you are online make check for new mail almost instantaneous (every 20 secs?) and when new mail is found kick off a selective replication to pull in the new documents to the inbox.  Or something like that - I just want the emails to appear!

Author: Bill Malchisky
Tags: domino java controller jc install
Very simple...Domino updates the registry to enable itself as a Windows service--when selected during install. Give admins the option to "Add '-jc' to Windows service Registry value" or "Enable Java Controller with service" option.
Otherwise, if admins want to enable the java controller, then they have to remember to go dig through 20 layers (aproximately :) ) of Registry branches to modify the appropriate leaf. Just add the string during install if they want it. Makes a nice time-saver requiring no major changes to the Domino installation logic.

Author: Bill Malchisky
Tags: domino java controller jc install
Very simple...Domino updates the registry to enable itself as a Windows service--when selected during install. Give admins the option to "Add '-jc' to Windows service Registry value" or "Enable Java Controller with service" option.
Otherwise, if admins want to enable the java controller, then they have to remember to go dig through 20 layers (aproximately :) ) of Registry branches to modify the same leaf that the installer just modified. Add the string during install if they want it. Makes a nice time-saver requiring no major changes to the Domino installation logic.

Author: Sjef Bosman
Tags: LotusScript Recompile Exclude
When a database contains LotusScript libraries created from an LSS-file, by using the %Include directive, the library can no longer be compiled.
I'd like an option in the Designer to specify that a certain library cannot be recompiled, in order to prevent useless error messages.

Author: Chris Mobley
Tags: meeting invitation delegate
Currently an invitee can only send a request to the chair of the meeting to add other invitees.  It would be useful to have an automated process to request to the chair to invite others.
This functionality was documented in a technote, but they appear to not plan on persuing the functionality.
I get complaints from users that Outlook can do this, but Notes can't.  I understand the argument about it being a bad practice to invite others to a meeting that you are not the chair of,  but the users want it nonetheless.

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Статьи и Документация

A database generated locally on a Notes 6 or 7 client and then transferred to CD or DVD cannot be opened using a Notes 8 client.
In Notes 8 Standard Configuration, the Day-At-A-Glance side bar in Summary mode will display all calendar entries for the week.
The first time the new Notes 8 "Synchronize Contacts" replication option is used, contacts previously synchronized to the Domino Web Access 6 or 7 mail file are duplicated.
When running Lotus Notes on Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, you find that Notes sometimes crashes when editing a field, typically a Rich Text field. The typical scenario is one in which the crash occurs after copying and pasting, cutting and pasting, or using the delete or backspace key to remove content.
The errors shown below occur when you upgrade to the Lotus Notes® 8.0.2 release from 8.0.1 with CCH1 (Cumulative Client Hotfix) installed. After the installation, the Notes client will not run. How do you handle this situation?
When you use the InstallSheild Tuner files provided in the install kits for Notes 7 and Notes 8 (Standard Configuration), the option to create a response transform file is missing.
SPR# YYZG69N8ML - Fixed a problem where n-upgrade recipient name became unreadable if it was a group name.
SPR# YPHG6CQFP8 - Fixed a problem where attachments in DBCS could not be deleted when forwarding mail. This regression was introduced in 6.5.4.
SPR# WTHE6DBP92 - Fixed iPrepareBuffer to take into account the two bytes required by the compound text type.
SPR# VOHL7EMHTZ - When NSD attaches to processes, the OS trigger a breakpoint exception in the process so debuggers (like NSD) can determine that the process attach operation is completed. Under certain unusual conditions, NSD gets multiple breakpoints from processes when it attaches to them. Typically, the 2nd breakpoint occurs when an explicit call to DebugBreak() is made by applications but there are timing issues that causes a 2nd breakpoint to be triggered by the OS but not necessarily by explicit call to DebugBreak. NSD was mishandling this case and reporting the 2nd breakpoint as a crash. The fixes addresses this issue correctly. This problem was only seen on Windows 2003 but it is possible that it can happen on other Windows version as well.
The allowed maximum message size is set in the Configuration document (Router/SMTP > Restrictions and Controls > Restrictions). Messages less than the set value are not accepted and a delivery failure is returned to the sender. "Maximum message size exceeded".
When message disclaimers are enabled at the server, the From: field in the outgoing message can be replaced with the senders Notes name in the format of Firstname_Lastname/Org (example John_Smith/ACME).
Learn how the IBM® Lotus® Mobile Connect clientless option can be used in conjunction with IBM Lotus iNotes™ to gain secure, remote access to enterprise iNotes servers from devices (handhelds, laptops, workstations) requiring access outside the bounds of their corporate intranet.
The condensed directory is not working correctly in Domino.
SMTP messages received by Domino are not delivered to user's mail file for over five days. The messages are sent by external internet recipients to the Domino users on Day one . They are showing in the log as being received by the Domino SMTP Listener task on Day one. But they are not delivered into the user's mail file until day several days later.
В статье представлен обзор IBM Lotus Quickr, причём основное внимание уделяется его базовым сервисам. Ознакомьтесь с вариантами установки, техническими требованиями и простыми способами настройки сервисов.
Выполните развёртывание функции Dogear из IBM Lotus Connections в автономной среде. В статье подробно рассматривается процесс развёртывания и объясняется цель каждого шага. Выполнив эти инструкции, вы сможете быстро развернуть функцию Dogear и гарантировать её правильную работу.
В статье демонстрируется, как в IBM Lotus Domino разработать Java-агент, который будет отправлять сообщения JMS-провайдеру (в частности, IBM WebSphere MQ) и получать от него ответные сообщения.
Новый JavaScript API из IBM Lotus Forms V3.0 позволяет управлять поведением Ð²ÑÑ‚Ñ€Ð¾ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼ Lotus Forms в браузере при помощи простого HTML и JavaScript. Новый механизм подписчика на события (event listener) позволяет создавать специальные функции для обработки форм и облегчает интеграцию с другими системами.
Создавайте сложные Web-приложения легко и непринужденно. Данное руководство показывает, как использовать Lotus Notes и Domino для создания Web-сайта сообщества под названием BlammoSplat. Это первое из Ñ‚Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñ€ÑƒÐºÐ¾Ð²Ð¾Ð´ÑÑ‚Ð², в ÐºÐ¾Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‹Ñ Ð¾Ð¿Ð¸ÑÐ°Ð½Ð° хронология разработки сайта, предоставляющего возможности для ÑÐ¾Ð²Ð¼ÐµÑÑ‚Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð¾Ð±ÑÑƒÐ¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ð¹ и создания анимации с использованием Domino и Open Laszlo.
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