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07:20 Seven major categories of IT gear to post double-digit growth in 2002 [CDR-Info]
07:20 Ritek, CMC Magnetics set to start CD-R production in China in 3Q [CDR-Info]
07:20 PIDA: CD-R disc demand to ease this year [CDR-Info]
07:20 CD-ROM drives still going strong [CDR-Info]
07:20 Columbia TriStar Renews Contract to Use Macrovision's DVD Copy Protection [CDR-Info]
07:20 Sony loses ModChip case in Australia! [CDR-Info]
07:20 Chip sets seen lowering DVD recorder costs [CDR-Info]
07:20 InPhase Technologies receives R&D100 fOR high performance Holographic recording media [CDR-Info]
07:20 Settec introduces a new, updated Alpha-Audio copy protection [CDR-Info]
07:20 StarForce Technologies reveals StarForce Professional 3.0 [CDR-Info]
09:19 VeriSign posts loss after $4.6bn charge [The Register]
09:22 UDDI v.3 coming soon (to a Web service near you) [The Register]
09:23 TSMC figures suggest slower silicon recovery [The Register]
09:24 Telefonica abandons Germany as 3G hopes collapse [The Register]
09:26 IBM and Linux our biggest threats - Microsoft [The Register]
09:28 France Telecom begs for tax-payer bail-out [The Register]
09:47 Today is SysAdmin Day [The Register]
11:00 iPAQ is 'tainted brand' - Kewney [The Register]
11:37 Princeton 'hacks' Yale admissions site [The Register]
12:31 DreamQuest Software Announces Release of Wireless Multiplayer Games for the Nokia 9200 Communicator [TwoMobile]
12:42 Audiovox RTM-8000 GSM/GPRS Pocket PC CompactFlash Card [TwoMobile]
12:59 HP Introduces Jornada 928 Wireless Digital Assistant [TwoMobile]
13:05 Ethical hacker faces war driving charges [The Register]
13:26 NEC splits chips, screens [The Register]
14:07 Economy sneezes, PDA biz catches cold [The Register]
14:22 Plextor PX-208T review [CDR-Info]
14:50 Apple lawyers nix box pix [The Register]
16:14 Valenti backs away from P2P hack bill [The Register]
18:43 What's wrong with this JPEG picture? [The Register]
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