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01:21 CenDyne ships portable 40x USB 2.0 CD-RW drive [CDR-Info]
01:21 Stop music for free, pleads record industry(!) [CDR-Info]
02:28 Congressman vows Pigopolist legislation [The Register]
03:22 MedioStream to demonstrate DVD+RW Video Recording (DVD+VR) support [CDR-Info]
03:22 YAMAHA shows news DVD+R/+RW recorder! [CDR-Info]
04:21 YAMAHA shows new DVD+R/+RW recorder! [CDR-Info]
04:21 Sony shows DVD±R/RW dual optical pickup [CDR-Info]
07:14 Nokia, IBM strike content management deal for mobiles [The Register]
07:16 Cisco to roll out airport WLAN hotspots in Europe [The Register]
07:20 Dell rules out Lexmark purchase [The Register]
07:23 Scan your way to the web with a camera mobile phone [The Register]
08:36 MS to ship 64-bit .NET preview this month [The Register]
08:46 Last minute glitch knocks Win2k SP3 back to summer [The Register]
09:31 Internet attacks on the rise [The Register]
10:08 Blueyonder and One.Tel in broadband promos [The Register]
11:04 Punters will pay for mobile phone anti-theft devices [The Register]
12:00 Future for online content is bright [The Register]
12:04 Hacker t-shirt launched in medium [The Register]
12:33 Microsoft 'hoovers millions' from UK schools - MP [The Register]
13:27 Microsoft stakes IP claims on OpenGL [The Register]
14:24 Nokia claims Matsushita scalp for Series 60 [The Register]
14:25 IC24 launches daytime Net service [The Register]
14:31 Liverpool Council bans email on Wednesdays [The Register]
14:47 Mobile entertainment prepares for growth [The Register]
15:39 Dan Technology - two concerned customers! [The Register]
15:39 Tiscali to shut second UK office. Or not [The Register]
15:44 Dutch ban virtual kinderporno [The Register]
17:02 Networking vendors eat their babies [The Register]
17:43 Al-Queda poised to strike hard via the Internet [The Register]
17:43 al-Qaeda poised to strike hard via the Internet [The Register]
23:22 Software Architects announces v2.0 of UDF development toolkit [CDR-Info]
23:22 Ricoh Japan announces support for DVD+VR recording format for MP5125A [CDR-Info]
23:46 ATI A3 chipset based mainboard from ASKA - SST-5650MBD [Digit-Life]
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