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00:21 Oak technology supplies High-Speed controller for Mitsumi CR-485C recorder [CDR-Info]
00:21 Promark Technology and Rimage announce distribution partnership [CDR-Info]
01:21 Philips explains the X-Race in optical recording! [CDR-Info]
04:23 LG announces new combo drive (GCC-4320B) [CDR-Info]
08:36 PA-8800s will snap into existing HP Unix boxes [The Register]
08:39 PC prices plummet in Europe [The Register]
08:41 Sendo to Undercut XDA, [The Register]
08:44 Another year of telco turmoil - C&W [The Register]
08:48 Liberty Alliance proposes Web security standards [The Register]
08:50 PGP Vuln exposed by Outlook plug-In [The Register]
09:16 Eclipse in broadband promo [The Register]
09:33 Citrix to pink slip 10 per cent [The Register]
09:40 Archie Norman lined up for Energis as banks take over [The Register]
09:44 Confirmed: MS to ship beefed up 802.11 security in XP SP1 [The Register]
11:04 Vallance recounts WorldCom war stories [The Register]
11:27 HiTi Unveils The 630PS Digital Mini-Lab [TwoMobile]
11:33 Reg Cancer Busters donates 1,000 years [The Register]
11:42 Vodafone sues Daily Telegraph for libel [The Register]
12:21 Preinstalled Mandrake Linux PCs go live at Walmart [The Register]
12:22 MadPlayer Makes U.S. Debut as Part of Sprite & Def Jam University National Promotion [TwoMobile]
12:27 Zaurus Bugs Put Corporate Networks at Risk [TwoMobile]
12:54 Webmaster conference held in London pub [The Register]
13:49 Mobile Athlon, AMD fanboy spat, Intel price cuts [The Register]
14:12 WorldCom whistleblowers play in tune [The Register]
14:28 Canon, Matsushita disclose details of 2-In., 3GB Disc [CDR-Info]
15:18 Interoute buys part of Ebone [The Register]
15:25 E-business lives on, says EDS [The Register]
15:27 Hardware Zone reviews TDK CyClone 40/12/40 external portable [CDR-Info]
15:48 Security industry's hacker-pipming slammed [The Register]
17:12 Wireless LAN platform for UK rail passengers [The Register]
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