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03:21 Multimedia standard defined by consortium [CDR-Info]
06:55 New IE spy progie exploits DCOM [The Register]
09:39 Yamaha CRW-F1 Portable CDR with Advanced Audio Master Quality Recording [TwoMobile]
09:44 Belkin Introduces Complete Bluetooth Solution for Personal Connectivity and Immediate Data Access [TwoMobile]
09:47 Lip-Reading Cellphone Silences Loudmouths [TwoMobile]
10:03 Vodafone eyes up SFR in Vivendi fall-out [The Register]
10:05 DoubleClick exits US ad sales business, L90 takes over [The Register]
10:06 FTC turns screws on Payola search [The Register]
10:07 NAI revisits McAfee.com takeover bid [The Register]
10:09 Microsoft updates Java (in its own way) [The Register]
10:10 Ebone to shut as sale falls through [The Register]
10:10 SGI to develop MIPS chips for Origin, Onyx [The Register]
10:27 Cyberwar is Hell [The Register]
10:43 Xbox mod-chips still on the menu [The Register]
11:25 European antitrust chief concerned over MS Palladium [The Register]
11:25 European antitrust chief concerned over MS Palladium? [The Register]
11:43 EC greenlights PSINet Europe sale [The Register]
11:52 Akamai wins Digital Island patent injunction [The Register]
12:25 Police bust global Net pedo ring [The Register]
13:00 Indymedia.nl loses anarchist hyperlinks case [The Register]
13:28 Alera Technologies announces new DVD+R Cruiser DVD recorder [CDR-Info]
13:53 $200k prize offered for getting Linux to run on Xbox [The Register]
13:56 CNET sniffs Silicon.com [The Register]
14:04 Java runs like the clappers on HP Superdome [The Register]
14:26 Pioneer announces 2X writing for Blu-Ray discs! [CDR-Info]
15:42 Court freezes lawscot.co.uk, owner claims unfair trial [The Register]
15:46 Internet privacy campaigner to become MS privacy officer [The Register]
16:08 Corporates! Give your PCs to Africa [The Register]
16:41 Mac users to MS: your Right to Left defence is Upside Down [The Register]
16:42 PDA makers snub Dell handheld plans [The Register]
17:45 Bug puts Unix servers in a BIND [The Register]
19:52 More boards for AMD CPUs - new solutions from EPoX [Digit-Life]
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