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06:21 Prodisc to increase own-brand “Smart Buy” CD-R disc shipments [CDR-Info]
06:21 Smarte Solutions partners with DCA to deliver copy protection [CDR-Info]
06:21 Plextor USA introduces portable CD-RW/DVD-ROM combo USB 2.0 drive [CDR-Info]
07:21 AOpen launches the first external slim combo DVD+CD-RW ,ESV-188 [CDR-Info]
07:21 ITC to probe Recordable CD imports... [CDR-Info]
08:17 CA lowers projections for 2003 [The Register]
08:19 DoCoMo admits wireless pix overcharging [The Register]
08:23 Real's WMP, Open Source moves risk Redmond ire [The Register]
08:27 Borland speeds Kylix C++ for Linux development [The Register]
08:54 Pluthero quits Freeserve for Energis [The Register]
09:07 Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 released [The Register]
09:19 Segway joins the Arms Race [The Register]
11:06 US e-porn industry gets trade organisation [The Register]
11:08 Marconi debts up as sales halve [The Register]
11:12 John Bryce Training goes tits up [The Register]
12:00 MSWord 2000 'offensive to lesbians,' says rock star [The Register]
12:00 Customs arrest 22 in £50m VAT fraud probe [The Register]
13:00 ARM Q2s up on licensing, stock twitches briefly [The Register]
13:22 Marantz Japan announces 40/12/48 CD-RW recorder [CDR-Info]
13:33 Apple users demand higher prices, worse treatment [The Register]
13:47 Lucent slashes 7,000 jobs [The Register]
13:52 Vmyths threatened for using mi2g press-kit photo [The Register]
14:24 Two new drives added in the BURN-Proof certified drives [CDR-Info]
14:24 Sony to develop Blu-Ray disc-based, small-sized optical pickup [CDR-Info]
14:33 Nortel to axe more Irish workers [The Register]
15:28 UK unveils Open Source policy, may make it 'default' option [The Register]
16:17 NTL loses key email wiretap case on appeal [The Register]
16:39 No more JPEGs - ISO to withdraw image standard [The Register]
17:24 BT duff DNS makes UK Web sites invisible [The Register]
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