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02:22 Midbar introduces the new and enhanced CDS 200.4.0 [CDR-Info]
03:52 Copyright enforcer Ranger Online caught stealing content [The Register]
06:21 Holograms prepped as next DVD spin [CDR-Info]
06:21 Matsushita to double DVD recorder output [CDR-Info]
06:41 HP Continues Compaq's Detente with EMC [The Register]
06:46 Chinese mobile to outstrip fixed lines in a year [The Register]
06:49 Reading the runes of IBM's Q2s [The Register]
06:51 Internet monopoly alert! [The Register]
06:52 Symantec buys SecurityFocus, Riptech, Recourse [The Register]
06:58 AMD chalks up huge loss, admits to extended red zone [The Register]
08:13 Deloitte Consulting has Monday: on its mind [The Register]
08:58 BT ordered to cut cost of Net access [The Register]
10:36 Cash'n'Carrion sinks claws into Nigerian 419 scam [The Register]
10:45 Redbus row rumbles on [The Register]
10:45 NTT DoCoMo Introduces the FOMA SH2101V Two-piece Wireless Terminal [TwoMobile]
10:56 Planex Communications Launches USB-based Bluetooth Adaptor [TwoMobile]
11:11 Hello, I'd like to speak to Dr Really Evil please... [The Register]
11:19 Virgin.net pilots broadband [The Register]
11:32 UK boffins get supercomputer boost [The Register]
11:46 The Snowcrash Netsurfer Mini Workstation [TwoMobile]
12:44 AOL "cooked books" as dot.com bubble burst [The Register]
13:05 Deloitte Consulting rebrands as mineral water [The Register]
13:08 FoTW: Bad language breeds Bad language [The Register]
14:09 Amazon opens web services kimono [The Register]
14:31 'Dotcom millionaire' pulls out of porn [The Register]
15:44 Mac users outraged at iTools, upgrade taxes [The Register]
16:04 Net access at work is a perk, say employees [The Register]
16:12 Nokia shares slip on lowered estimates [The Register]
16:34 JPEGs are not free: Patent holder pursues IP grab [The Register]
17:07 Hitachi creates splash with water cooled P4 notebook [The Register]
18:57 Fair Use advocates silenced by Big Brother [The Register]
22:22 Oak Technology supplies high-speed controller for Accesstek's 48X/16X/48X CD-RW [CDR-Info]
22:22 AOpen launches a high speed portable USB2.0 CDRW40X - EHW 4048U [CDR-Info]
22:22 MedioStream releases neoDVDstandard v4.0 with Video Recording (VR) support for DVD+RW Drives to OEM partners [CDR-Info]
22:22 TDK gets 4x recording speed with write-Once, read-many-times disc meeting 'Blu-ray Disc' spec! [CDR-Info]
22:22 All about StarForce. Developers of a unique copy protection system answer questions online. [CDR-Info]
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