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Popsop.ru. Дизайн упаковки. Дизайн бренда Blackburn’s Brand Design: Inspired with Aztec Culture

Blackburn has recently re-designed Chilano (previously Chileno) a top selling Chilean wine brand in the U.K that is in all the major supermarkets.

Original design

Having designed the successful original the company was entrusted with its recent re-design to reflect the brands increased price point, this taking the product visually into more premium territory.


The re-design

Focusing on the mainstay of the brand, the now established C icon, the colours were toned down to reflect its more premium status.


Each varietal required its own C incorporating different colours and patterns. The re-designs creators drew their inspiration from the highly distinctive Aztec culture, their textiles, ceramics and mosaics. Each C becoming a unique and intricate work of art.


A distinctve label shape that higlights the C added further visibility on shelf.


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