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RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

Links for 2008-09-02 [del.icio.us]
2008-09-03 09:00

Inlines Skates Shouldn't Slip or Slide
2008-09-03 12:05
If you or any new skater appears to stay on their feet fairly well on most outdoor surfaces, but slides, slips and falls more when skating on smooth indoor surfaces,...

Mats's photo
2008-09-03 12:35
New photo of Mats-Kaarel Ruus was added to his profile.

Ohno Zone- Melting Pot On Ice
2008-09-03 12:48 peterdoucet

Ohno Zone recently shared a link to the following article; Melting pot on ice- Speedskating club is picking up speed with eye on Olympics;

Central Virginia has emerged as a gathering place for the frosty activity of short-track, speed skating.

“Steve Burton has taken charge, turning Richmond into a hotbed for skating, around the nation and around the world,” said Virginia speedskating coach/program director Scott Koons, a 1998 Olympian.

US 10k- More Results & Pics
2008-09-03 12:53 peterdoucet

The thread U.S. 10K Classic - Sept. 1, Atlanta features results and a podium shot from the recent US 10k.

Jessica Wright on the podium‘- photo and caption from here

Pictures- 8th Memorial Brunelli- From Pattinaggio Bellusco
2008-09-03 13:04 peterdoucet

Pattinaggio Bellusco has some photos from the 8th Memorial Brunelli; use the following links; [A] [B] [C]

Photo from Pattinaggio Bellusco

Photo from Pattinaggio Bellusco

Report, Pictures, & Video- Ottawa Inline Skating Fesitval- From Road Rash Chronicles
2008-09-03 13:15 peterdoucet

You can find 144 pictures, a report, and videos (see links below) from the Ottawa Inline Skating Festival thanks Road Rash Chronicles-

Photo from cor1000

2008 Worlds Gijon- French Skater Profiles
2008-09-03 13:20 peterdoucet

Equipe de France Roller 2008 published more skater profiles-

Team Levallois Sporting Club Roller Elite published an article (en Francais) featuring Alexis Contin and Julien Levrard- Alexis Contin et Julien Levrard à Gijon, aux championnats du monde de roller.

Rolls Issue 3 (France): PDF Download
2008-09-03 13:27 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Download: rolls3web.pdf (17mb) / rolls.fr. (Text in french, nice pictures). Thanks Gauthier.

Pass’a fond Tour 2007 (Barcelona)
2008-09-03 13:33 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Cyril Daniel, Clement Milot, Denis Gul and more! Thanks ADR (french topic).

2008 Worlds Gijon- Long Chicken And Yesterday’s Pictures + More
2008-09-03 13:38 peterdoucet

For dinner last night, I ate a ‘long chicken’. Wayne Burrett ate a long chicken for lunch and he hated it. He said it tasted like plastic. Someone overheard him call it ‘long chicken shi*‘.

Our hotel rooms are infested with mosquitoes. Alex Perrie and Morgane Echardour seem to be their favourite targets/ meals.

Alex Perrie is rooming with Wayne Burrett and Jade Pauley. While Jade and Wayne are sleeping sprawled on their beds- outside of their bed sheets, Alex has to hide and huddle under the sheets while still being eaten alive.

During training and before racing begins, there’s a lot of downtime. I’ve had time to rest, walk around the neighbourhood, bike a bit around Gijon, work on SSW, watch movies, hang out, stretch and throw some ice on my legs and back (cold!!), and of course practice & plan for my races.

There’s no training on the track today. The road course is supposed to be open for practice. It is wet outside this morning.

The opening ceremonies are taking place this evening and then the races begin on tomorrow.

The World Championships provide a great opportunity to race at an extremely high level, catch up with friends, network, experience the newest and latest equipment trends. These World Championships are going to be fast and intense with a phenomenal atmosphere & plenty of buzz for everyone- racers, coaches, managers, officials, supporters, delegates, fans, and the media.

As you know, Mundo Patin has been putting up tons of photos. The latests photos feature various training pictures. You can also go to the thread World Championship 2008 in Gijón, Spain and see more pictures as well as Bill Begg’s latest comments-

Ready to go, allthe pre championship meettings today & the general assembley of the CIC, where it appears Roberto Marotta will return unappossed.

The all important draw will take place at 4 pm, its a narrow front runners track & a bad back row draw could seetop skaters struggle to see the front.

With the new flat banking tracks specified by the CIC many racers consider the racing not as exciting as parabolic tracks, now we find so called standardized specification tracks,have very little in common & not made to specifications, Korea, Colombia & Spain tracks,have only one characteristic in common, they have the urathane type coated surface.

Indian file racing around the pole line for long races, is not exciting, lets hope I stand to be corrected.

Here are a few of my pictures-

Photo from Mundo Patin

Photo from Mundo Patin

One of the sexiest guys at worlds ;) photo from fotosAH@mundopatin.com

The Fkl.1 Skates From Alchemy
2008-09-03 14:02 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Enlarge the picture. Thanks Sentinel. More pictures here and here.

Skate Warehouse: South Coast Tour
2008-09-03 14:12 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Edit of the first 2 days of Skatewarehouse’s south coast tour, with skating in weymouth, westbay and plymouth. With skating from Ian Hendire, Sim Warren, Dan Tillet and Andrew Halls. Via KDM. Check the streaming video in HD.

Remz 0803 & Razors Icon 2
2008-09-03 14:22 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
up: Remz 0803 ; release date October 15th. Larger pictures. Thanks Razor_Dave & Mike Rinaldi. up: Razors Icon 2 ; release date November 15th.

FHM: Taig Khris & Madonna
2008-09-03 15:54 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Next to Madonna being checked by her friend (we’re never too cautious), here is Taig Khris & the Loreal Ad (video here). Bigger pictures of the mag. Thanks Some_old_boy.

2008 Worlds Gijon- A Younger Perspective- Training The Mind & What He Wants
2008-09-03 18:13 peterdoucet

Keith Carroll published two entries including What I Want and Training The Mind-

It’s so easy to just be strong and then decide ‘I’m going to go race like hell.’ Well that is a great approach but there is so much more you need to do. You literally have to visualize every aspect of the race so you are mentally prepared. You have to visualize the race when everything goes perfect, and even when something goes wrong so that you are always prepared. You should be able to see yourself with the results you want before you even tie your skates.

2008 Worlds Gijon- Team France- Thomas Boucher & Julien Despaux Profiles
2008-09-03 18:56 peterdoucet

Equipe de France Roller 2008 published two more skater profiles;

The Nimh California Tour - Full Story
2008-09-03 19:07 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
The Nimh Team just returned from their California tour. The tour consisted of Brian Shima, Montre Livingston, Jon Jon Bolino, Joey Chase, Casey McFarland, Adam Brierley, Keith Brierley, Chad Hornish, Jon Elliott & Jan Welch. Check out this article for entire coverage of the tour.

Reports + Pictures- US 10k Classic
2008-09-04 00:26 peterdoucet

Go to the thread US 10k Classic Results to find pictures and a report written by women’s winner Jessica Wright-

As mentioned above - the course was incredible! It was so exciting - especially launching downhill towards the finish line. This is not your average 10k - it was so much fun that it seemed like it was over too quickly. I hope more people make a showing next year - I will definitely be there.

Photo from Jessica

Henry Visscher- 24 Hours Solo Blog
2008-09-04 00:30 peterdoucet

Check out Henry Visscher’s blog- 24 hrs solo skeeleren voor WR en India.

He’s the guy who set the 24-hour solo mark, skating a whopping 541km’s in 24 hours!!

Photo from 24 hrs solo skeeleren voor WR en India

2008 Worlds Gijon- Skating The Line & Opening Ceremonies
2008-09-04 00:35 peterdoucet

Bill Begg reported on the CIC meeting held here in Gijon earlier today- read what he has to say in the thread World Championship 2008 in Gijón, Spain-

Well the opening ceromoney has been & gone, short political speachers & teams doing a lap of honour set the tone for a great opening, but alas the show did not live up to expectations, but the 300 T/T tomorrow will make up for that for sure.

As with these new style flat bankings & the measured line 12 inches or 30 centermeters from the inside of the track & people shortcutting the corners, we do not want cheating or false World records.

Admidst much banter & confusion Roberto responded that they must keep off the white painted line & do the T/T distance,or they will be disqualified.

It will be very interesting to see what markers are used & sure to be scattered from here to Kingdom Come & just who will be disquallified.

Next July the very important World Games will be held in Taiwan in July, Qualifications from senior skaters aggreegate of their best 3 events will determine the Qualification. But Individual World champions are first priority of the 27, plus there are a minimum of 3 places that must be kept for Taiwan , even if they do not Qualify, but this should not be a problem for the hosts, to be in the top 30 men & 30 women who Qualify for the 2009 World games, these are held every 4 years for the non Olympic sports.

2008 Worlds Gijon- Opening Ceremony Pics
2008-09-04 00:51 peterdoucet

The opening ceremonies took place earlier this evening- I may put a video together later if I have time to spare. Here are a few pictures-

sKino skates live from Paris
2008-09-04 02:11 nobody@flickr.com ((¯`·.¸Piera Nel Mondo Dei Umpa Loompa¸.·´¯))

(¯`·.¸Piera Nel Mondo Dei Umpa Loompa¸.·´¯) posted a photo:

sKino skates live from Paris

Skino live from Paris
August 2008

September 3 in Gijon – Opening Night
2008-09-04 02:27 CadoMotus News <noreply@blogger.com>
Most of the team did not want to skate today. The technical Moreda track has required a lot of skating to ‘get the hang of’, and I suspect many skaters had the same feelings as the Australian team on the day before competition starts: that a day off would be welcomed by the body.For the week, or weeks as was our case, before the Championships start it is typical to spend 2 sessions per day

newest tee
2008-09-04 08:30 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:

newest tee

2008-09-04 08:30 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:


zero spin fish1
2008-09-04 08:30 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:

zero spin fish1

Links for 2008-09-02 [del.icio.us]
2008-09-03 09:00

Inlines Skates Shouldn't Slip or Slide
2008-09-03 12:05
If you or any new skater appears to stay on their feet fairly well on most outdoor surfaces, but slides, slips and falls more when skating on smooth indoor surfaces,...

Mats's photo
2008-09-03 12:35
New photo of Mats-Kaarel Ruus was added to his profile.

Ohno Zone- Melting Pot On Ice
2008-09-03 12:48 peterdoucet

Ohno Zone recently shared a link to the following article; Melting pot on ice- Speedskating club is picking up speed with eye on Olympics;

Central Virginia has emerged as a gathering place for the frosty activity of short-track, speed skating.

“Steve Burton has taken charge, turning Richmond into a hotbed for skating, around the nation and around the world,” said Virginia speedskating coach/program director Scott Koons, a 1998 Olympian.

US 10k- More Results &#38; Pics
2008-09-03 12:53 peterdoucet

The thread U.S. 10K Classic - Sept. 1, Atlanta features results and a podium shot from the recent US 10k.

Jessica Wright on the podium‘- photo and caption from here

Pictures- 8th Memorial Brunelli- From Pattinaggio Bellusco
2008-09-03 13:04 peterdoucet

Pattinaggio Bellusco has some photos from the 8th Memorial Brunelli; use the following links; [A] [B] [C]

Photo from Pattinaggio Bellusco

Photo from Pattinaggio Bellusco

Report, Pictures, &#38; Video- Ottawa Inline Skating Fesitval- From Road Rash Chronicles
2008-09-03 13:15 peterdoucet

You can find 144 pictures, a report, and videos (see links below) from the Ottawa Inline Skating Festival thanks Road Rash Chronicles-

Photo from cor1000

2008 Worlds Gijon- French Skater Profiles
2008-09-03 13:20 peterdoucet

Equipe de France Roller 2008 published more skater profiles-

Team Levallois Sporting Club Roller Elite published an article (en Francais) featuring Alexis Contin and Julien Levrard- Alexis Contin et Julien Levrard à Gijon, aux championnats du monde de roller.

Rolls Issue 3 (France): PDF Download
2008-09-03 13:27 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Download: rolls3web.pdf (17mb) / rolls.fr. (Text in french, nice pictures). Thanks Gauthier.

Pass’a fond Tour 2007 (Barcelona)
2008-09-03 13:33 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Cyril Daniel, Clement Milot, Denis Gul and more! Thanks ADR (french topic).

2008 Worlds Gijon- Long Chicken And Yesterday&#8217;s Pictures + More
2008-09-03 13:38 peterdoucet

For dinner last night, I ate a ‘long chicken’. Wayne Burrett ate a long chicken for lunch and he hated it. He said it tasted like plastic. Someone overheard him call it ‘long chicken shi*‘.

Our hotel rooms are infested with mosquitoes. Alex Perrie and Morgane Echardour seem to be their favourite targets/ meals.

Alex Perrie is rooming with Wayne Burrett and Jade Pauley. While Jade and Wayne are sleeping sprawled on their beds- outside of their bed sheets, Alex has to hide and huddle under the sheets while still being eaten alive.

During training and before racing begins, there’s a lot of downtime. I’ve had time to rest, walk around the neighbourhood, bike a bit around Gijon, work on SSW, watch movies, hang out, stretch and throw some ice on my legs and back (cold!!), and of course practice & plan for my races.

There’s no training on the track today. The road course is supposed to be open for practice. It is wet outside this morning.

The opening ceremonies are taking place this evening and then the races begin on tomorrow.

The World Championships provide a great opportunity to race at an extremely high level, catch up with friends, network, experience the newest and latest equipment trends. These World Championships are going to be fast and intense with a phenomenal atmosphere & plenty of buzz for everyone- racers, coaches, managers, officials, supporters, delegates, fans, and the media.

As you know, Mundo Patin has been putting up tons of photos. The latests photos feature various training pictures. You can also go to the thread World Championship 2008 in Gijón, Spain and see more pictures as well as Bill Begg’s latest comments-

Ready to go, allthe pre championship meettings today & the general assembley of the CIC, where it appears Roberto Marotta will return unappossed.

The all important draw will take place at 4 pm, its a narrow front runners track & a bad back row draw could seetop skaters struggle to see the front.

With the new flat banking tracks specified by the CIC many racers consider the racing not as exciting as parabolic tracks, now we find so called standardized specification tracks,have very little in common & not made to specifications, Korea, Colombia & Spain tracks,have only one characteristic in common, they have the urathane type coated surface.

Indian file racing around the pole line for long races, is not exciting, lets hope I stand to be corrected.

Here are a few of my pictures-

Photo from Mundo Patin

Photo from Mundo Patin

One of the sexiest guys at worlds ;) photo from fotosAH@mundopatin.com

The Fkl.1 Skates From Alchemy
2008-09-03 14:02 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Enlarge the picture. Thanks Sentinel. More pictures here and here.

Skate Warehouse: South Coast Tour
2008-09-03 14:12 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Edit of the first 2 days of Skatewarehouse’s south coast tour, with skating in weymouth, westbay and plymouth. With skating from Ian Hendire, Sim Warren, Dan Tillet and Andrew Halls. Via KDM. Check the streaming video in HD.

Remz 0803 & Razors Icon 2
2008-09-03 14:22 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
up: Remz 0803 ; release date October 15th. Larger pictures. Thanks Razor_Dave & Mike Rinaldi. up: Razors Icon 2 ; release date November 15th.

FHM: Taig Khris & Madonna
2008-09-03 15:54 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Next to Madonna being checked by her friend (we’re never too cautious), here is Taig Khris & the Loreal Ad (video here). Bigger pictures of the mag. Thanks Some_old_boy.

2008 Worlds Gijon- A Younger Perspective- Training The Mind &#38; What He Wants
2008-09-03 18:13 peterdoucet

Keith Carroll published two entries including What I Want and Training The Mind-

It’s so easy to just be strong and then decide ‘I’m going to go race like hell.’ Well that is a great approach but there is so much more you need to do. You literally have to visualize every aspect of the race so you are mentally prepared. You have to visualize the race when everything goes perfect, and even when something goes wrong so that you are always prepared. You should be able to see yourself with the results you want before you even tie your skates.

2008 Worlds Gijon- Team France- Thomas Boucher &#38; Julien Despaux Profiles
2008-09-03 18:56 peterdoucet

Equipe de France Roller 2008 published two more skater profiles;

The Nimh California Tour - Full Story
2008-09-03 19:07 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
The Nimh Team just returned from their California tour. The tour consisted of Brian Shima, Montre Livingston, Jon Jon Bolino, Joey Chase, Casey McFarland, Adam Brierley, Keith Brierley, Chad Hornish, Jon Elliott & Jan Welch. Check out this article for entire coverage of the tour.

Reports + Pictures- US 10k Classic
2008-09-04 00:26 peterdoucet

Go to the thread US 10k Classic Results to find pictures and a report written by women’s winner Jessica Wright-

As mentioned above - the course was incredible! It was so exciting - especially launching downhill towards the finish line. This is not your average 10k - it was so much fun that it seemed like it was over too quickly. I hope more people make a showing next year - I will definitely be there.

Photo from Jessica

Henry Visscher- 24 Hours Solo Blog
2008-09-04 00:30 peterdoucet

Check out Henry Visscher’s blog- 24 hrs solo skeeleren voor WR en India.

He’s the guy who set the 24-hour solo mark, skating a whopping 541km’s in 24 hours!!

Photo from 24 hrs solo skeeleren voor WR en India

2008 Worlds Gijon- Skating The Line &#38; Opening Ceremonies
2008-09-04 00:35 peterdoucet

Bill Begg reported on the CIC meeting held here in Gijon earlier today- read what he has to say in the thread World Championship 2008 in Gijón, Spain-

Well the opening ceromoney has been & gone, short political speachers & teams doing a lap of honour set the tone for a great opening, but alas the show did not live up to expectations, but the 300 T/T tomorrow will make up for that for sure.

As with these new style flat bankings & the measured line 12 inches or 30 centermeters from the inside of the track & people shortcutting the corners, we do not want cheating or false World records.

Admidst much banter & confusion Roberto responded that they must keep off the white painted line & do the T/T distance,or they will be disqualified.

It will be very interesting to see what markers are used & sure to be scattered from here to Kingdom Come & just who will be disquallified.

Next July the very important World Games will be held in Taiwan in July, Qualifications from senior skaters aggreegate of their best 3 events will determine the Qualification. But Individual World champions are first priority of the 27, plus there are a minimum of 3 places that must be kept for Taiwan , even if they do not Qualify, but this should not be a problem for the hosts, to be in the top 30 men & 30 women who Qualify for the 2009 World games, these are held every 4 years for the non Olympic sports.

2008 Worlds Gijon- Opening Ceremony Pics
2008-09-04 00:51 peterdoucet

The opening ceremonies took place earlier this evening- I may put a video together later if I have time to spare. Here are a few pictures-

sKino skates live from Paris
2008-09-04 02:11 nobody@flickr.com ((¯`·.¸Piera Nel Mondo Dei Umpa Loompa¸.·´¯))

(¯`·.¸Piera Nel Mondo Dei Umpa Loompa¸.·´¯) posted a photo:

sKino skates live from Paris

Skino live from Paris
August 2008

September 3 in Gijon – Opening Night
2008-09-04 02:27 CadoMotus News <noreply@blogger.com>
Most of the team did not want to skate today. The technical Moreda track has required a lot of skating to ‘get the hang of’, and I suspect many skaters had the same feelings as the Australian team on the day before competition starts: that a day off would be welcomed by the body.For the week, or weeks as was our case, before the Championships start it is typical to spend 2 sessions per day

newest tee
2008-09-04 08:30 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:

newest tee

2008-09-04 08:30 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:


zero spin fish1
2008-09-04 08:30 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:

zero spin fish1

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