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Сирия: подбивших Су-25 боевиков уничтожили высокоточным ударом

Сирия: подбивших Су-25 боевиков уничтожили высокоточным ударом
2018-02-03 22:07
После уничтожения российского Су-25 в районе Идлиба по боевикам был нанесен удар из высокоточного оружия. Не менее 30 террористов были ликвидированы.

Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 04.02.2018
2018-02-04 09:50
Главные итоги и события прошедших семи дней в Калужской области.

Ким Чен Ын покатался на троллейбусе по Пхеньяну
2018-02-04 10:02
Лидер КНДР Ким Чен Ын прокатился с супругой на троллейбусе по ночному Пхеньяну. Об этом сообщает Центральное телеграфное агентство Кореи. Политик решил совершить такую поездку после визита на столичный завод, где он осмотрел производственные цеха и новые модели троллейбусов. По задумке лидера КНДР, этот вид транспорта должен стать визитной карточкой Пхеньяна.

Борис Титов встретился с российскими предпринимателями в Лондоне
2018-02-04 10:03
Уполномоченный по защите предпринимателей Борис Титов совершает поездку в Великобританию. Сегодня, 4 февраля, он встретится с парламентариями страны, представителями вооруженных сил и университетского сообщества. А накануне Титов встретился с живущими в Великобритании российскими предпринимателями.

Немецкие депутаты приехали в Крым обсуждать отмену санкций
2018-02-04 10:05
В субботу вечером в Симферополь прибыли представители правой партии «Альтернатива для Германии». Они собираются обсудить вопросы снятия санкций и признания российского статуса Крыма.

В Волгограде заброшенный особняк XIX века отреставрировали для бизнесменов
2018-02-04 10:11
Из старого заброшенного здания в центре Волгограда сделали современное пространство для предпринимателей. Особняк отреставрировали, сохранив при этом исторический облик.

Более 30 тыс девочек не родились в Грузии из-за селективных абортов
2018-02-04 10:14
Таковы приблизительные данные за период с 1990 по 2015 годы. Специалисты говорят, что для страны, чье население не дотягивает до 4 миллионов, это катастрофические цифры © Настоящее Время. Все права защищены (https://www.currenttime.tv/a/28999877.html).

Во Львове радикалы сожгли церковь Московского патриархата
2018-02-04 11:32
Во Львове радикалы подожгли храм Святого князя Владимира, который относится к Московскому патриархату.

Soth Korea: 'Disappointing'- IOC President on CAS decision on Russian athletes
2018-02-04 11:32
The President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach called the decision made by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) to overturn IOC suspensions on 28 Russian athletes «disappointing and surprising,» during a press conference in PyeongChang, Sunday. Thomas Bach admitted that «the Russian athletes internationally are tested internationally more than the athletes of any other participating country.» IOC President called the decision to overturn life bans on Russian athletes by the Court of Arbitration for Sport «extremely disappointing and surprising for the IOC.» He added that «the absence of sanction by CAS does not mean that your entitled receive an invitation from the IOC, because receiving this invitation is a privilege for clean Russian athletes.» On Thursday, CAS decided to overturn the suspension of 28 Russian athletes from the PyeongChang Games, the Thomas Bach confirmed that the IOC is considering to appeal the decision to the Swiss Federal Tribunal.

Вести. Эфир от 04.02.2018 (11:00)
2018-02-04 11:49
На столичный регион обрушился самый мощный снегопад за всю историю метеонаблюдений, коммунальные службы работают в усиленном режиме. На лыжах более 7,5 тысячи километров - российские десантники вышли на старт. За сколько планируют преодолеть дистанцию. Лидер КНДР прокатился по ночному Пхеньяну на троллейбусе.

Germany: Greenpeace put on ice before final round of Grand Coalition talks
2018-02-04 11:53
Police detained Greenpeace activists protesting outside Berlin's Willy Brandt House ahead of the final rounds of coalition talks on Sunday. They also confiscated a '2020' ice sculpture activists had installed in front the house. Activists had to be carried off as police removed a banner reading «keep your climate promises» from the ice sculpture and confiscated the installment. 2020 represents the '2020 climate & energy package' set by the EU in 2007 aimed at a 20 percent cut in greenhouse gas emissions (from 1990 levels), a 20 percent of EU energy from renewables and a 20 percent improvement in energy efficiency by 2020.

Российские таможенники взяли шопоголиков под контроль
2018-02-04 12:19
Набеги россиян на зарубежные магазины — отныне под особым контролем у таможенных служб. Речь, конечно, не о мелких покупках, а о трофеях повесомее, тех, что положено декларировать. Только за последнее время в страну пытались незаконно ввезти десятки товаров на сотни миллионов рублей. Безуспешно. Теперь сотрудники таможни знают заранее, что и у кого искать.

Томас Бах: МОК оспорит решение Спортивного арбитража
2018-02-04 12:29
Президент Международного олимпийского комитета Томас Бах провел пресс-конференцию в Пхенчхане. Главе МОК пришлось уделить немало внимания ситуации с российскими спортсменами.

Более 10 детсадов откроют в Москве в 2018 году
2018-02-04 13:09
Одно из таких заведений сразу на 300 воспитанников открыли в столичном районе Солнцево.

В Киеве проходит очередной марш за импичмент Порошенко
2018-02-04 14:28
Бывший одесский губернатор и лидер «Движения новых сил» Михаил Саакашвили требует отставки президента Украины.

«Песня с историей»: Старинные часы
2018-02-04 14:41
Сегодня мы вернемся в 81-й год и вспомним хит, который стал оглушительно популярным. Речь идет о песне Ильи Резника «Старинные часы» Сам он признался, что за 20 минут написал эти стихи. В это же время Леонид Брежнев награждается четвертой золотой Звездой Героя Советского Союза, а Юрий Антонов убежден, что все хорошее не забывается. В Советском Союзе впервые переходят на летнее время, а группа Верасы беспокоится, что будет, если мода на детей совсем пройдет. /В Ленинграде открывается рок-клуб, а Алла Пугачева признает, что жизнь невозможно повернуть назад.

Глава МОК Томас Бах отказался отвечать на вопрос о «чистых» россиянах
2018-02-04 14:42
Вопрос участия в Играх в Пхенчхане тринадцати оправданных КАС российских спортсменов будет решен в ближайшие два дня.

Germany: Grand Coalition talks enter expected final day in Berlin
2018-02-04 14:43
Politicians of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and the Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU), including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and SPD leader Martin Schulz arrived at the Willy Brandt House in Berlin, Sunday, for the final day of Grand Coalition talks. Manuela Schwesig, Minister President of Mecklenburg Vorpommern, stressed the importance of dedicating enough time for finding solutions for issues discussed during the talks saying, «It doesn't make sense to put extra pressure and say we should be done in a week and afterwards say, what have they negotiated for? Nonsense?»

«Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Александр Филиппенко
2018-02-04 14:49
«Однажды весною, в час небывало жаркого заката, в Москве, на Патриарших прудах…». В жизни Александра Филиппенко была точно такая сцена. И случилась она незадолго до начала съемок фильма Владимира Бортко по роману Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита». Что произошло с актером на углу Патриарших? Видит ли сам Филиппенко в этом мистическом совпадении волю провидения? И как события того дня повлияли на судьбу актера?

State of Palestine: Palestinian community's only school demolished by Israeli forces
2018-02-04 14:55
The only school in the Bedouin community of Abu al-Nawwar in the West Bank was demolished for the fifth time within the last two years by Israeli forces, following orders issued by the Israeli army's civil administration, footage showed on Sunday. School children, wearing their school attire, gathered among the rubbles as they waved the Palestine flag and carried signs which read, «We are so steadfast despite all [their efforts]. We are not leaving our land» and «It is my right. Do not demolish my school. We are the children of al-Nawwar.» The Palestinian community mostly consists of tin houses and sheds, surrounded by modern Israeli settlements and is inhibited by around 700 people making a living by rising cattle. Palestinians claim that the demolition is part of the systematic effort on the Israeli part to force them out of the east Jerusalem to finish the 'E1' settlement project and is part of Israel's' effort to isolate the southern part of the West Bank from its north, in effect secluding Jerusalem.

Germany: 'Difficult hours of negotiations lay ahead' — Merkel on Grand Coalition talks
2018-02-04 15:06
Head of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) Martin Schulz and German Chancellor Angela Merkel gave a quick statement to the media before the next negotiation session starts on the eighth day of Grand Coalition talks at SPD headquarters in Berlin, Sunday. Schulz said that all three parties have come closer during the last days but that important agreements are missing, especially in social political topics such as housing, labour and health care. Merkel added that difficult hours of negotiations lay ahead of them but that they know their task and will try to live up to it. The Grand Coalition negotiation talks are scheduled to end today, but all parties have agreed on two extra days in case no agreement will be reached by tonight.

State of Palestine: Children protest against Israeli siege of Gaza Strip
2018-02-04 15:16
Dozens of children gathered in Gaza on Sunday, to protest against the Israeli blockade and the cut-off from state aid and funding. Dozens of children raised their fists and called on the international community to allow them to have a «normal» childhood and stop the Israeli occupation with signs like «Gaza children call your conscience.» «I send my message to the entire world that we want our rights, the right to education, to live in safety, freedom, health, water and electricity,» said Maram El-Banna. «We want to be free like the outside world» said Yasmin al-Attar, adding that free movement is not a given for them as it is for the rest of the world. The head of #SaveGaza campaign Nazeeh al-Banna stressed that «this protest is a stand for the children to address the world and the international community.» The protest was organised by NGOs in Gaza as part of the #SaveGaza campaign.

МОК может пригласить на Олимпиаду 15 российских спортсменов
2018-02-04 15:17
Это 13 атлетов и двое тренеров, которых недавно отправдал Спортивный арбитражный суд в Лозанне.

4 февраля — Всемирный день борьбы против рака
2018-02-04 15:19
Как показывает статистика, среди основных причин заболевания раком лидируют неправильное питание и курение.

Сторонники Саакашвили проводят в центре Киева «Марш за будущее»
2018-02-04 15:32
Требования активистов – отставка президента Украины Петра Порошенко, а также выборы нового парламента и формирование нового правительства.

Cyprus: Presidential candidates cast votes in 2nd round of Cyprus elections
2018-02-04 16:26
Candidates for the 2018 presidential election in Cyprus, Stavros Malas and incumbent President Nicos Anastasiades, cast their ballots in the second round of elections in Nicosia, Sunday. Stavros Malas, a candidate backed by the Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL), said he wanted to «build bridges between politics and citizens.» Nicos Anastasiades meanwhile went to vote accompanied by his children and then called on the electorate to participate in the ballot. «Our country has problems yet to face it and what it needs is the cooperation of everyone, regardless of today’s winner,» he said.

Greece: Thousands flood Athens in protest over Macedonia name dispute
2018-02-04 17:09
Tens of thousands gathered in Athens on Sunday to protest against the use of the name 'Macedonia' by Greece's neighbour in a lengthy dispute between Athens and Skopje over the official name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (as it is known in official institutions). The protesters gathered in Syntagma Square in front of the Greek Parliament, carrying flags and banners decrying the use of the name 'Macedonia' amid ongoing UN-mediated negotiations over the appellation of the former Yugoslav republic. According to Greek police, some 140,000 protesters attended the protest, which was organised by several local associations. Many see the name 'Macedonia' as posing a threat to the Greek state since it implies a territorial claim over the eponymous region of northern Greece.

Саакашвили провёл в центре Киева новое шествие
2018-02-04 17:13
Лидер украинской партии «Рух новых сил» и бывший президент Грузии, Михаил Саакашвили после более чем месячного перерыва вывел своих сторонников на марш «За будущее» в центре украинской столицы с требованием отставки президента Украины Петра Порошенко.

South Korea: Fans cheer for unified Korean ice hockey team ahead of first match
2018-02-04 17:15
Supporters and opponents of the joint Korean women's ice hockey team gathered outside the Seonhak International Ice Rink for their first match, in Incheon on Sunday. Supporters of the joint Korean team waved unification flags and held banners reading «One Korea — yes,» among others. Scores of people opposing the joint Korean team assembled nearby, waving South Korean flags. The combined Korean team lost 3-1 in a friendly match against Sweden, after only practising together for a week. The unified Korean team was formed following an inter-Korean accord reached last month. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that 12 North Korean players would join the 23-player South Korean team. At least three North Korean players are to be included in the game day roster of 22.

Матвиенко предложила Баху реформировать МОК и ВАДА
2018-02-04 17:38
Председатель Совета Федерации России Валентина Матвиенко отреагировала на слова президента МОК Томаса Баха. Выступая в Пхенчхане, Бах подверг критики решение Спортивного арбитражного суда (CAS), оправдавшего наших спортсменов. Бах призвал к реформированию CAS.

Greece: Tear gas billows as police confront Macedonia naming rally protesters
2018-02-04 17:50
Riot police faced off with protesters at a demonstration against the use of the name 'Macedonia' by Greece's neighbour, in Athens on Sunday. Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Syntagma Square in front of the Greek Parliament, carrying flags and banners decrying the use of the name 'Macedonia' amid ongoing UN-mediated negotiations over the appellation of the former Yugoslav republic. According to Greek police, some 140,000 protesters attended the protest, which was organised by several local associations. Many see the name 'Macedonia' as a threat to the Greek state, saying it implies a territorial claim over the eponymous region of northern Greece.

Саакашвили провел в центре Киева шествие за отставку Порошенко
2018-02-04 18:44
Лидер украинской партии «Рух новых сил» и бывший президент Грузии Михаил Саакашвили после более чем месячного перерыва вывел своих сторонников на марш «За будущее» в центре украинской столицы с требованием отставки президента Украины Петра Порошенко.

Минобороны России и власти Турции пытаются добиться выдачи тела погибшего в Сирии пилота
2018-02-04 18:52
В Москве подтвердили, что штурмовик был сбит боевиками вчера вечером. летчик, по данным военного ведомства, успел катапультироваться, но погиб в перестрелке с боевиками.

Московские поликлиники перешли на усиленный режим работы
2018-02-04 18:53
Москвичам на улице приходится несладко. Пешеходы вынуждены штурмовать сугробы и снежные наносы, под которыми прячется лед. В таких условиях повышается риск получить травму. Все городские поликлиники из-за непогоды работают в усиленном режиме.

Путин призвал конкурентов не давать россиянам невыполнимых обещаний
2018-02-04 20:59
Вечером 31 января Центральная избирательная комиссия закончила прием подписей, необходимых для регистрации граждан в качестве кандидатов на должность Президента России. Заветные коробки в ЦИК к сроку донесли далеко не все претенденты.

UK: Clashes erupt at pro-Kurdish protest in North London
2018-02-04 20:59
Hundreds of pro-Kurdish protesters marched through Haringey, North London, on Sunday to protest against the Turkish military operation in Syria's Afrin. The protest led to clashes after people reportedly identified as Turkish nationalists engaged with the demonstrators. The police detained several people before the protest ended in Wood Green. On January 20, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the beginning of the military offensive 'Operation Olive Branch' against the Kurdish YPG militia. Turkey views the YPG, which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned militant group the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), whose leader is Abdullah Öcalan.

Трамп решил вынести сор из избы, чтобы спасти себя и республиканцев
2018-02-04 21:29
Громкий скандал в Америке. В спецслужбах США к осени 2016 года сложился заговор против тогда еще кандидата в президенты США Дональда Трампа. Причем работа против Трампа продолжалась даже после его победы на выборах.

Russia: Matviyenko calls for reform of IOC and WADA
2018-02-04 21:39
«It's quite natural to think about reforming WADA — the World Anti-Doping Agency, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC),» Chairwoman of the Russian Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko said in Moscow, Sunday. Matviyenko criticized the IOC and WADA for what she called their «inability to act within the framework of democratic procedures, because this is a clear sign of the degeneration of the original meaning of the Olympic movement, the Olympic spirit of these international organisations.» IOC and WADA «commercialised international sport, the Olympic movement,» she said. «In a certain sense, I would say, [IOC and WADA] turned them into a business, they put profit in first place, not the athletes,» she added. She said, «I am absolutely sure that the principles of the Olympic movement, laid down by Pierre de Coubertin [the initiator of the modern Olympic Games] are still alive and, ultimately, absolutely will win.»

«Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым»: Новая «Холодная война»
2018-02-04 22:00
26 лет назад закончилась холодная война: Джордж Буш и Борис Ельцин подписали декларацию о партнерстве, доверии и взаимном уважении России и США. Тогда нам хотелось верить, что это договор о мире, а не капитуляция. За ошибку пришлось дорого заплатить. Кажется, сегодня мы вернулись в исходную точку. Что нас ждет: новая холодная война или будем договариваться?

Germany: Coalition talks to continue on Monday — SPD GenSec
2018-02-04 22:10
Coalition talks to form Germany's next government are set to resume Monday morning, SPD General Secretary Lars Klingbeil said at a press conference in Berlin, Sunday. Despite the self-imposed deadline of Sunday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, CSU chairperson Horst Seehofer and SPD leader Martin Schulz have yet to reach a final agreement. Sunday's negotiations between the CDU/CSU bloc and the Social Democrats (SPD) saw significant progress, said Klingbeil. However, the parties realised «that there are still issues to be discussed; issues where the parties' positions are far apart; issues that we would like to talk about in a detailed and focused way.» If successful, the talks would create a renewed Grand Coalition of major parties led by Angela Merkel.

«Вести недели»: США будут развозить ядерные бомбы по всей планете
2018-02-04 22:25
Российская олимпийская сборная возвращает себе лидерство в общем зачете на Олимпиаде в Сочи. И моральная победа в канун Игр в Пхенчхане. С Бандерой Украину в Европу не пускают: как Польша мстит Киеву за героизацию палачей Волынской резни? Что такое криптовалюта и откуда она берется? Новый этап президентской гонки в России: кто сошел с круга и кто продолжает борьбу?

Ecuador: Voters cast their ballots in re-election limit referendum
2018-02-04 22:34
Voters flocked to polling stations in Quito, Sunday, to cast their ballots in a multi-question referendum. The vote includes seven questions, among which is whether to end unlimited presidential re-election, which if passed would bar former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa from running for another term in the 2021 election race. Incumbent President Lenin Moreno, Correa's predecessor elected last year, proposed the referendum which could prevent Correa from returning to power. The referendum includes six other questions, ranging from the restructuring of the Council for Citizen Participation, which could give Moreno more authority over the council, to the reduction of political rights for corruption convicts, which could prevent officials convicted of corruption from seeking office. Referendum results are expected at around 20:00 local time (01:00 GMT).

Germany: Protesters scuffle at rally in support of Turkish Afrin military operation
2018-02-04 23:08
Around 350 people held a demonstration in the town of Heilbronn, Sunday, in support of the Turkish military operation in the Syrian region of Afrin. Brief scuffles broke out when a counter-group emerged to oppose the rally. Local police had to intervene to stop several women from clashing. «We as police have to make sure that the demonstration goes without any disruptions. That's why we had to detain one person for a short time. Now we are checking, if any offences have been committed,» said police spokesman Carsten Diemer. On January 20, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the beginning of the military offensive 'Operation Olive Branch' against the Kurdish YPG militia. Turkey views the YPG, which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned militant group the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), whose leader is Abdullah Öcalan.

«Новости США за 60 секунд»: Трамп в Огайо, меморандум демократов и супербоул
2018-02-04 23:21
Трамп посетит Огайо. Пенс намерен противодействовать «олимпийскому наступлению» Пхеньяна. В Конгрессе рассмотрят вопрос о публикации меморандума демократов. Железнодорожная авария в Южной Каролине. Супербоул — крупнейшее событие в американском спорте.

Syria: Smoke billows from Haj Khalil village after fierce fighting between Turkish and Kurdish forces
2018-02-05 00:53
Footage from Sunday reveals the aftermath of fierce fighting between Turkish forces and the Kurdish YPG (People's Protection Units) in the village of Haj Khalil in Syria's Raju district, west of Afrin. The clashes were part of Turkey's ongoing Operation 'Olive Branch' offensive. On January 20, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the beginning of the military offensive 'Operation Olive Branch' against the Kurdish YPG militia. Turkey views the YPG, which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned militant group the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), whose leader is Abdullah Öcalan.

Pakistan: Ousted PM Sharif hopes to reverse Supreme Court ruling
2018-02-05 01:54
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif vowed to fight back against a unanimous Supreme Court ruling in 2017 which disqualified him from his position over undeclared income, whilst addressing a mass rally in Peshawar on Sunday. Sharif called on the people of Pakistan to vote for the Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) in this year's general elections, so that parliament could rescind the court decision that gave Sharif a life disqualification from his former position as prime minister. «Five people [five Supreme Court judges] have given a verdict against your decision. Do you accept this verdict? Then do you want to amend the law and the Constitution? This game has continued for the last 70 years,» said Sharif.

Italy: Erdogan arrives in Rome for 24-hour visit
2018-02-05 01:58
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived on Sunday evening at the Hotel Excelsior in Rome for a one-day visit to the Italian capital. Footage shows Erdogan and his presidential court arriving at the hotel where he will stay, in the Via Veneto neighbourhood. His agenda includes meetings with Italian President Sergio Mattarella and Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, and an audience with Pope Francis in the Vatican. According to local media, the Kurdish community have called a demonstration in the gardens of Castel Sant'Angelo on Monday. Security measures are in place in a «green zone» that runs from San Pietro to Piazza del Popolo, up to the Colosseum and the Circus Maximus, where demonstrations will not be allowed.

Venezuela: Maduro announces he will run for re-election in 2018 vote
2018-02-05 02:25
President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro announced that he will seek re-election in the upcoming presidential elections, on Sunday in Caracas. Thousands of supporters of Maduro marched through the streets of Caracas to support the Venezuelan president's candidacy. The protesters carried flags of Venezuela, red shirts of the government party and photos of Maduro, and marched to the Government Palace. «I am already ready to be the presidential candidate of the patriotic, revolutionary, Bolivarian and Chavist forces of Venezuela», said Maduro amid cheers and applause from the crowd. The march involved retired military personnel who participated in the coup d'etat of February 4, 1992, against sitting President Carlos Andrés Pérez, led by Bolivarian leader Hugo Chavez. The exact date of the Venezuelan elections will be announced by the National Electoral Board (CNE) on Monday, announced Maduro earlier in the day.

Russia: Waiting for the Snow-to-Go — Bus stranded in record-breaking snowfall in Moscow
2018-02-05 02:35
Footage from Sunday showed a bus stuck in the streets of Moscow following a record- breaking amount of snowfall reaching 38cm (15 inches). The large snowfall which happened on Saturday beat the previous record from 1957. Dozens of flights were delayed at the Russian capital's airports and traffic was seriously affected.

Greece: 140,000 protest Macedonia name dispute in Athens
2018-02-05 03:10
A mass protest under the motto 'Macedonia is Greece' took place in Athens on Sunday, against the use of the name Macedonia by the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Syntagma Square in front of the Greek Parliament, carrying flags and banners decrying the use of the name 'Macedonia' amid ongoing UN-mediated negotiations over the appellation of the former Yugoslav republic. According to Greek police, some 140,000 demonstrators attended the protest, which was organised by several local associations. Greek songwriter and composer, an icon of the Greek left Mikis Theodorakis addressed the crowd, saying «Macedonia was, is, and will forever be Greek.» He told the demonstrators that anarchists had daubed red paint over his home on Saturday to prevent him from participating in the protest. Many in Greece see the name 'Macedonia' as a threat to the Greek state, saying it implies a territorial claim its own eponymous region of northern Greece.

Russia: Snowfall in Moscow knocks down thousands of trees
2018-02-05 04:12
A record-breaking amount of snowfall in Moscow brought down over two thousand trees in the capital on Sunday, according to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. The footage shows how one of the trees fell on a citizen's car and smashed it. The number of victims as a result of the strongest snowfall has increased to five. More than a hundred flights were delayed on February 4th.

Что происходит с капитальным ремонтом в Красноярском крае
2018-02-05 05:29
Гость программы — генеральный директор регионального фонда капитального ремонта Нина Авдеева.

Ecuador: Preliminary results show voters ban Correa from re-election
2018-02-05 05:55
Preliminary results of a referendum on whether to prevent unlimited presidential re-elections suggest that former President Rafael Correa will be blocked from returning to power, footage filmed in Quito on Sunday reveals. The first count shows that 64% of voters supported the change. According to local media, voter participation in the referendum was over 80%. The referendum also included six other questions, ranging from the restructuring of the Council for Citizen Participation, which could give Moreno more authority over the council, to the reduction of political rights for corruption convicts. Incumbent President of Ecuador Lenin Moreno, elected last year, proposed the referendum. Official results will be announced on Tuesday.

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