<<Наши танки>> не въедут в Москву: гастроли Захара Мая отменяются
«Наши танки» не въедут в Москву: гастроли Захара Мая отменяются 2018-02-02 22:57 Российские гастроли украинского рокера Захара Мая отменяются. Всему виной — неприкрытая русофобия музыканта, который шутит про подрыв Крымского моста и глумится над жертвами авиакатастрофы под Сочи, но не гнушается ехать в Москву и Санкт-Петербург на заработки. Новости культуры. Эфир от 02.02.2018 (23:45) 2018-02-03 00:12 Владимир Путин принял участие в праздновании 75-летия победы в Сталинградской битве. Денис Мацуев и Владимир Федосеев играют произведения Бетховена. В Театре имени Маяковского покажут премьеру спектакля «Сказки Венского леса». В Москве проходит Первый Международный конкурс молодых пианистов имени Рахманинова. Интервью с Мэтом Коллишоу. Археологи сделали ценные находки в ходе раскопок в центре Москвы. Марсоход Curiosity сделал снимки с хребта Веры Рубин. 2-го февраля традиционно отмечается День Сурка. State of Palestine: Clashes with Israeli forces during protests across West Bank 2018-02-03 01:22 Israeli forces attempted to disperse protests in Ramallah on the ninth Friday of Rage against US President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Two Palestinians were wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets, while a number of Palestinian civilians were suffocated by tear gas during clashes with the Israeli occupation forces at the northern entrance of Al-Bireh city. Similar clashes erupted in other locations across the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where Israeli soldiers used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse demonstrators. USA: Trump meets with North Korean defectors in Oval Office 2018-02-03 03:43 SOT, Interpreter: «Yes I taught in North Korea, I was a university professor. I actually taught Juche ideology, which is the North Korean leader's ideology.» SOT, North Korean defector (Korean): «And I fled North Korea in 2004 and the reason was my family was political prisoners so we all had to go to a political prison so we all decided to flee and escape North Korea.» SOT, Interpreter: «Yes I taught in North Korea, I was a university professor. I actually taught Juche ideology, which is the North Korean leader's ideology.» SOT, Donald Trump, US President: «That's tough stuff, that's pretty tough.» SOT, Journalist: «Mr President, do you believe there's more that the United States can do to help North Korean defectors?» SOT, Donald Trump, US President: «Well, we're doing a lot. We've done more than...yeah, I mean we have many administrations that should have acted on this a long time ago when we weren't in this kind of a position. You know, we ran out of road, you know the expression. The road really ended. They could have done it 12 years ago, they could have done it 20 years ago, they could have done it four years ago and two years ago. We have no road left, so we'll see what happens. But in the meantime we'll get through the Olympics and maybe something good can come out of the Olympics, who knows. Thank you very much, everybody.» President of the United States Donald Trump spoke with eight North Korean defectors in the Oval Office, Washington DC on Friday, amidst ongoing tensions between Pyongyang and Washington. Trump listened to the stories of the eight defectors, six of whom now live in South Korea and two of whom live in the United States, commenting that their lives had been «pretty tough». Among the defectors was Ji Seong-ho, who was invited to attend Trump's recent State of the Union address. At the end of the session, Trump stated that «many administrations» should have acted on North Korea «a long time ago». He also expressed hope that «something good can come out of the Olympics». South Korea are hosting the upcoming Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. A surprise offer by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to send a delegation to the games has led to speculations of a thaw in tensions between the two countries. USA: Latest US Nuclear Posture Review aims for 'greater trust' with Russia 2018-02-03 04:10 The Trump Administration announced on Friday that the US' new Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) intends to increase understanding of Russian nuclear stockpiling and to establish «greater trust» with Russia. Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas Shannon warned of Russian and Chinese nuclear capabilities, saying that Moscow retains a «large stockpile of non-strategic nuclear weapons» which it continues to modernise. He went on to say that China is also modernising and expanding its nuclear forces, before warning that both countries challenge «the free and open international order». One of the NPR's intentions is restabilising the conditions necessary for «greater trust with Russia and improved transparency with China as it expands and modernizes its nuclear forces», affirmed Shannon. He also said that «unfriendly regimes» like North Korea or Iran «put our lives at risk by pursuing nuclear weapons», adding that «the potential threat of non-state actors getting their hands on a nuclear weapon remains at the front of all of our minds». Shannon highlighted that the 2018 NPR focuses on strengthening extended deterrence and the long-term goal remains eliminating nuclear weapons from the world. USA: UN praises result of Syria talks in Sochi 2018-02-03 04:48 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres praised the outcome of the intra-Syria talks at the Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi, during a press conference in the New York UN Headquarters, Friday. «I want to express my appreciation for the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and the way the Russian federation engaged with United Nations. The congress concluded with a statement fully in line with that common understanding», said Guterres. However, Guterres reiterated that political progess must also be accompanied by progress on the ground in Syria, yet «in the last two months, not a single convoy of life saving relief has reached the area, no medical supplies, no food. Humanitarian aid is not getting in, and people suffering bad health conditions are not getting out». According to the Secretary General, UN Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura will draw on the outcome of the talks in Sochi to work towards full implementation of Security Council resolution 2254, which calls for a ceasefire and political settlement in Syria. The Syrian National Dialogue Congress took place between January 29 and 30. Around 1,600 delegates representing a wide range of Syria's political forces participated in the peace talks. Mexico: 'Pay attention' to Russian election meddling — Tillerson warns Mexico 2018-02-03 05:13 US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned Mexico to «pay attention» to Russian meddling in elections around the world, during a North American Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Mexico City, Friday. «You asked about Russian interference in Mexican elections. All I can say is that we know that Russia has fingerprints in a number of elections around the world. We hear this from our European counterparts as well. My advise to Mexico would be: pay attention, pay attention to what is happening», said Tillerson. Tillerson also spoke about the humanitarian «crisis» in Venezuela, urging the Maduro government to «return to free, open, credible, democratic elections and to allow the Venezuelans a voice in their government». Last month, US National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said that Russia would try to influence Mexico's general elections, which are scheduled to take place on 1 July 2018. However, McMaster did not elaborate on how Russia would do so. Число случаев заболевания ОРВИ в Москве снизилось на 17% 2018-02-03 09:23 Прививки в городе сделали более 55 процентов населения. Trump and Putin caricaturised as 'ninot' dolls in Valencia 2018-02-03 10:09 The Ninot Exhibition opened its doors in the City of Arts in Valencia on Friday, showcasing more than 700 satirical dolls, known locally as «ninots», many of which depict world leaders in humorous poses. US President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and deposed Catalan President Carles Puigdemont were among the various caricatures that could be seen. The «Ninot» is just a small part of a bigger sculpted scene, the «falla». Exhibition coordinator Marcos Soriano explained that a «falla» is «one of the figures that represent those scenes, in which we find criticism, satire, wit and grace». Visitors vote for the best «ninot», and the winner will escape the inevitable destiny of all the others: being burnt during the traditional Fallas celebration on March 19. The sculptures are created for the commemoration of Saint Joseph, which takes place annually in Valencia, at the end of March. The 'Fallas' are paraded through the streets, before being set alight at the culmination of the festival. «Индустрия кино»: И «Оскар» достается... 2018-02-03 10:29 В своем новом выпуске «Индустрия кино» продолжает рассказ о фаворитах оскаровской гонки. Мы будем говорить с Сэмом Рокуэллом про фильм «Три билборда на границе Эббинга, штат Миссури» и с Марго Робби про ленту «Тоня против всех». Мы также посмотрим новый триллер «Селфи» от создателей дилогии «Духless». Мюллер ничего не нашел, но отношения США и России испортил 2018-02-03 11:12 В США опубликовали досье о грубых нарушениях ФБР и Минюстом страны закона о разведке. Рассекретить документ обещал Дональд Трамп. Речь идет о незаконном наблюдении со стороны агентов спецслужб. Впрочем, политические противники Белого дома, напротив, считают, что закон нарушает Трамп. Почему? Марсоход Curiosity сделал снимки с хребта Веры Рубин 2018-02-03 11:29 Марсоход Curiosity находится на Красной планете уже более 5 лет и за это время совершил немало важных открытий. Недавно он остановился на хребте Веры Рубин. Там аппарат сделал 16 снимков, которые в NASA соединили в потрясающую, ультраширокую панораму. В Москве проходит Первый Международный конкурс молодых пианистов имени Рахманинова 2018-02-03 11:51 В Москве проходит Первый Международный конкурс молодых пианистов имени Рахманинова. Площадкой для него стала Российская академия музыки имени Гнесиных. Интервью с Мэтом Коллишоу 2018-02-03 11:54 Мастер иллюзий. Выставка Мэта Коллишоу открылась в столичной галерее Гари Татинцяна. В Москву художник привёз ключевые произведения последних четырех лет. Археологи сделали ценные находки в ходе раскопок в центре Москвы 2018-02-03 12:18 В ходе раскопок в центре Москвы, между Остоженкой и Пречистенкой, археологи сделали ценные находки. Среди них — печные изразцы, нательный крест, банка из-под помады, обломок турецкой курительной трубки. Небензя: у США к Ирану отношение, как у сенатора Катона к Карфагену 2018-02-03 13:09 Постпредство России при ООН. Кто назначен на место Виталия Чуркина? Экскурсия по российской миссии с новым постпредом Василием Небензей. Его первое полноценное телевизионное интервью. Как из Совбеза ООН выглядят результаты сирийского конгресса в Сочи? От полосы препятствий до икебаны: чем заняться в Москве в выходные 2018-02-03 13:10 Снежная полоса препятствий, турнир по фигурному катанию и соревнования по тюбинг-болу. Любителей активного отдыха в эти выходные ждут десятки мероприятий. Будет куда сходить и ценителям прекрасного. Их ждет экзотический уголок Японии и ароматы XIX века в картинной галерее. Вести. Эфир от 03.02.2018 (11:00) 2018-02-03 13:17 «Россия в моем сердце!» — концерты и спортивные состязания по всей стране. ФБР и Минюст США обвинили в грубейших нарушениях в ходе расследования дела о «российском вмешательстве». А кто его финансировал? В Бурятии наградили детей, которые совершили настоящий подвиг. «Где мы?!»: Ширвиндт выйдет на сцену в новом спектакле и необычном образе 2018-02-03 13:46 7 февраля состоится первое за многие годы появление на сцене как артиста Александра Ширвиндта. Премьера будет на сцене московского Театра Сатиры. Ширвиндт — еще и в новом образе. «Где мы?!» — так называется пьеса. «Агитпроп»: Вашими молитвами 2018-02-03 13:47 Пастор Турчинов испытал первую крылатую ракету. Сугубо украинская разработка заслужила одобрение американских партнеров. Впрочем, и сами они не жалеют денег ни на оружие, ни на распространение проповедей. Растущие аппетиты военных больше не сочетаются с миротворческой диетой. Reuters: США могут увеличить ядерный потенциал из-за России 2018-02-03 13:58 Соединенные Штаты не исключают наращивания ядерного потенциала, опасаясь возможного «первого удара» со стороны России. Об этом говорится в новой ядерной доктрине США. Основными противниками США в документе называются Россия и Китай. При этом составители доклада отмечают, что Вашингтон не намерен видеть в Москве и Пекине противников и надеется на стабильные двусторонние отношения. «Наша стратегия позволит России понять, что любое использование ядерного оружия, пусть даже и ограниченное, неприемлемо», — цитирует выдержку из доктрины агентство Reuters. USA: US using 'Russia scare' to justify military spending hike and nuclear buildup 2018-02-03 14:03 Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoli Antonov commented on the United States' new Nuclear Posture Review in Washington DC, Saturday, stating that the US was using the alleged «Russia scare» to «justify the rise in military spending and the nuclear buildup.» Antonov said that the New Posture Review document «requires careful study and analysis,» adding «I hope that in the very near future there will be meetings between Russian and American specialists, during which our Washington colleagues will find explanations for many unclear statements in these document.» Touching on the issue of international treaties observance, namely, the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), the Russian Ambassador to the US stated that «Russia is clearly and fully responsible for and fulfilling all international obligations.» Antonov also mentioned that thanks to a «brilliant doctrine» American diplomats now can speak with their colleagues in the world «from a position of strength,» adding that «As a Russian diplomat, I would like to say that it is hardly necessary to speak with us from a position of strength, in a haughty manner, and tell us what and how we should do.» Germany: Grand Coalition talks continue between SPD and CDU/CSU 2018-02-03 15:35 Politicians of the SPD and CDU/ CSU arrived for the seventh day of coalition talks at the CDU headquarters in Berlin, Saturday. CSU Secretary General Andreas Scheuer is confident that the talks will be over by tomorrow despite seeing a few big boulders of party policy character and dissent left to be agreed on. His colleague Alexander Dobrindt from the CDU speaks of pitfalls on the way but mentions that unity has been reached in the majority of topics. SPDs Minister President Manuela Schwesig from the Labour resort is certain that an agreement of fixed-term employment is possible with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, while she denies that the SPD has agreed on an annual limitation of new refugees and asylum seekers for Germany. The parties try to reach an agreement by tomorrow evening. «Церковь и мир»: Митрополит Иларион — о любви и «Нелюбви» 2018-02-03 15:49 Как Церковь смотрит на инициативу приравнять длительное сожительство к браку, а также на успех фильма «Нелюбовь» на Западе? Максим Сурайкин выяснил, с какими проблемами сталкиваются фермеры 2018-02-03 15:50 Кандидат в президенты от партии «Коммунисты России» Максим Сурайкин посетил животноводческое хозяйство в подмосковном Путилкове. Существует оно с советских времен, и сейчас это частная ферма. Максим Сурайкин осмотрел хозяйство и пообщался с работниками. Его интересовало, с какими проблемами сталкиваются сейчас фермеры. «Фанимани»: Почему россияне смогли бы купить Бангладеш 2018-02-03 15:50 Чем простые россияне готовы ответить американцам на «кремлевский доклад»? Каким образом таможня научилась отслеживать траты граждан за границей и как теперь не стать контрабандистом? Почему россияне, если захотят, могут купить Бангладеш? И есть ли смысл становиться абонентом виртуальных сотовых операторов? Самые интересные события недели из мира денег и экономики — в программе «Фанимани». Russia: Muscovites express support for Russian athletes 2018-02-03 15:50 Tens of thousands of Muscovites gathered at the Vasilievsky Slope in Moscow, Saturday, to attend a rally and concert to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad. The participants also expressed their support to Russian athletes taking part in the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. According to the organisers, the event, entitled 'Russia in my heart,' was organised to support the values of Russian society. According to the police, up to 60,000 people attended the event. Пайщики ждут от Грудинина справедливости 2018-02-03 15:51 Кандидат в президенты от КПРФ Павел Грудинин сегодня принял участие в акции «За социальную справедливость». Тем временем, пайщики руководимого Грудининым совхоза имени Ленина собрались в подмосковном Одинцове. Они утверждают, что их обманом лишили акций предприятия, и теперь они намерены вернуть свою долю себе. Germany: Berlin protesters rally against the far-right after car-burnings 2018-02-03 15:55 Protesters gathered outside the town hall of Berlin's Neukoelln district, Saturday, to demonstrate after the cars of a prominent activist and the left-wing owner of a bookstore were burned late last month. Activists believe the attacks were carried out by neonazis since those targeted were active opponents of the far-right. Protesters held flags of Die Linke (The Left) and held placards against right-wing extremism. Антонов надеется, что США разъяснят «неоднозначные пассажи» своей ядерной доктрины 2018-02-03 16:14 Российский посол в США Анатолий Антонов надеется, что в ближайшее время Вашингтон даст разъяснения по новой ядерной доктрине страны. Он считает, что представленный Пентагоном документ требует детального изучения и анализа. Суд отклонил иск шестерых атлетов из России к МОК 2018-02-03 16:32 Федеральный суд в Швейцарии отклонил иск шестерых российских спортсменов к Международному олимпийскому комитету (МОК) на отказ в выдаче им приглашений на зимние Олимпийские игры в Южной Корее. Об этом сообщает спортивный портал Insidethegames со ссылкой на источник в МОК. Иск подавали биатлонисты Александр Логинов и Ирина Старых, конькобежцы Денис Юсков и Павел Кулижников, прыгун на лыжах с трамплина Дмитрий Васильев и шорт-трекистка Татьяна Берегулина. Все шестеро ранее были уличены в применении допинга в своей карьере, но к настоящему моменту сроки их дисквалификации закончились, отмечает Insidethegames. «Дороги к свободе»: Украина и коллаборанты 2018-02-03 16:46 Что такое украинский закон о коллаборационизме и против кого он направлен? Виталий Портников беседует с одним из инициаторов законопроекта, депутатом Верховной Рады Украины Сергеем Высоцким. На патриотический митинг в Севастополе собрались 5 тысяч человек 2018-02-03 16:51 Пять тысяч человек собрались в Севастополе на патриотический митинг «Севастополь — за сильную Россию». На площадь Нахимова пришли представители общественности города, ветеранских и молодежных организаций. Они выразили свою поддержку внешнеполитическому курсу России, в частности, политике в отношении Сирии. «Признаки жизни»: Забастовка. Петербург 2018-02-03 16:52 Питерские активисты Навального, несмотря на прессинг полиции, организуют акцию «Забастовка избирателей». Фильм Евгении Марченко Объединение клубов реконструкторов создадут в Калужской области 2018-02-03 17:17 Калужские реконструкторы выбрали представителя от Калужской области для представления на всероссийском уровне. Решение было принято на общем собрании. Помимо этого участники встречи подняли вопрос создания центра по военно-исторической реконструкции в области, который будет заниматься так же и патриотическим воспитанием молодежи. Для этого необходимо найти помещение для встреч с членами клуба, а так же хранения костюмов и декораций. Так же было принято решение создать объединение клубов реконструкторов. Суд в Крыму оставил под арестом задержанного ранее в Новом Мире Рамазанова 2018-02-03 17:29 Подконтрольный Кремлю Верховный суд Крыма не удовлетворил апелляцию на арест задержанного 23 января после обыска в селе Новый Мир Симферопольского района крымского татарина Исмаила Рамазанова. Об этом 2 февраля сообщает корреспондент «Крым.Реалии». Перед этим адвокат Алексей Ладин ходатайствовал о возврате дела задержанного 23 января после обыска в селе Новый Мир Симферопольского района крымского татарина Исмаила Рамазанова в суд первой инстанции. 23 января в Симферопольском и Кировском районах аннексированного Крыма российские силовики провели обыски. Тогда в Новом Мире обыскали дом крымского татарина Исмаила Рамазанова, которому предъявили обвинение в пропаганде экстремизма. Всемирный день борьбы с ненормативной лексикой 2018-02-03 18:05 3 февраля отмечается Всемирный день борьбы с ненормативной лексикой. Впервые русский мат был упомянут в берестяной грамоте XII века, которую обнаружили археологи. Правда, что именно там написано, учёные уточнять отказались. До XIV века на Руси все неприличные слова назывались «нелепыми глаголами». Теперь же названий много: ругательства, нецензурная брань, ненормативная лексика, ругань, сквернословия, попросту мат. По словам специалистов, человек употребляет нецензурные выражения в среднем 230 тысяч раз в течение жизни. Syria: Russian missiles strike area of Su-25 downing, killing at least 30 militants — MoD 2018-02-03 21:27 Russian airstrikes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, Saturday, in the area of Idlib province where a Russian Su-25 aircraft had crashed earlier in the day, according to the Russian Ministry of Defence. The Defence Ministry added that according to radio intercepts, more than 30 Jabhat al-Nusra fighters were killed in the strikes. A Russian Su-25 jet crashed in Idlib province in north-western Syria on Saturday, the Russian Defence Ministry confirmed, adding that it was probably shot down by an air-defence weapon. The pilot ejected but was killed by militants on the ground, according to the Russian Defence Ministry. Source: Russian Ministry of Defence Germany: Pro-refugee rally held in Cottbus 2018-02-03 21:33 Hundreds attended the pro-refugee 'Life without Hatred' rally in Cottbus, Saturday. The protesters exhibited numerous placards and banners denouncing anti-migrant sentiment, such as «Detoxify Your Brain», «Cottbus for Everyone» and «Against Fear [of Refugees]» The protest follows tensions and violence in the area, including an alleged knife attack by Syrian teenagers last month in which a German teenage boy was injured. Six members of the far-right were arrested on Thursday, due to a suspicion of their handing out bottles with tear gas ahead of Saturday's protest. Ireland: 'How much more humiliated can the Irish nation be?' asks Farage 2018-02-03 21:48 Former UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage spoke at an 'Irexit' eurosceptic conference at the Royal Dublin Society Event Centre in Dublin on Saturday. Farage spoke to a raucous crowd in the Irish capital, pontificating on the success of the Brexit campaign and called on Irish nationals to «make these arugments, to organise, and mobilise this country» to attempt to follow suit. Farage brought up more specific issues pertaining to Ireland as well: «What on earth is going on with the politics of this [Ireland] country? How much more humiliated can the Irish nation be? For years being run by the troika. The indignity, a few years back of your budget, being seen by the German government before it was put to the Dail [lower house of Irish legislature]» he said, referencing the 2011 event in which draft proposals for the Irish December budget were presented to German lawmakers before their Irish counterparts. «ТопСеть»: Драка в прямом эфире и бунт против офисного рабства 2018-02-03 22:10 Драка в прямом эфире и человек-мем против офисного рабства. Самые популярные и обсуждаемые ролики за неделю − в программе «ТопСеть». Путин: только там бизнес будет развиваться, где ему идут навстречу 2018-02-03 22:20 3 февраля президент провел в Ростове-на-Дону заседание президиума Госсовета. Развитие промышленного потенциала регионов страны обсудили на «Ростсельмаше». UK: Thousands march in London demanding end to NHS 'crisis' 2018-02-03 22:26 Thousands of people marched through central London to Downing Street on Saturday in protest against what they see as funding cuts and shortages in the National Health Service (NHS). Health workers, activists and unions took to the streets to demand an end to what organisers describe as a «crisis» in the UK's public health care system this winter, that includes a shortage of funding and hospital beds. They carried placards with slogans such as «more staff, more beds, more funds» and «Tory cuts kill.» Protesters blamed UK Prime Minister Theresa May and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Jeremy Hunt for the current situation in the NHS. Germany: 2,500 stage anti-refugee protest in Cottbus 2018-02-03 23:58 Around 2,500 protesters participated in an anti-refugee protest in Cottbus on Saturday, organised by the right-wing 'Zukunft Heimat' association. The protesters marched through Cottbus while holding placards and chanting against Chancellor Angela Merkel and Islam. Present at the anti-refugee protest was also Pegida founder Lutz Bachman, who remarked «nothing will be changed if we don’t show our faces and open our mouths. It is a very simple history. Staying together makes us stronger.» The protest follows tensions and violence in the area, including an alleged knife attack by Syrian teenagers last month in which a German teenage boy was injured. UK: Veterans protest 'witch-hunt' prosecutions of former Troubles soldiers 2018-02-04 00:16 Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) Henry Bolton marched with Northern Ireland veterans and their supporters in London on Saturday, demanding recognition and justice for soldiers killed by IRA bombings during the Troubles. «I served in Ireland 1970, 71, 72 and 74, and I'm here for justice. Not only for us. But for people that we left over there or that died over there that belong to us,» said one of the veterans, named Peter Rainer. The march took place in reaction to an ongoing government investigation into the conduct of soldiers stationed in Northern Ireland during the Troubles. According to the organisers of the march, the prosecution of former soldiers is an «unfair witch-hunt.» Germany: Far-right activists demonstrate in commemoration of WW2 German air raid victims 2018-02-04 00:38 Far-right activists gathered to commemorate the German victims of the 1945 allied bombing campaign of the Second World War in Weimar on Saturday. Several streets were closed in the former Capital of West Germany to allow the demonstration to conduct their torch-lit procession. There was a large police presence to separate the right-wing activists from their counter demonstrators, who staged a counter-demo under the slogan «Don't get history twisted — Weimar against the right». The right-wingers numbered around 40 people, while the larger group of counter demonstrators held placards reading «Heart instead of Hate» and made a lot of noise to disturb the right-wing speakers. Israel: 'Corrupted, go home' — Hundreds rally against government in Tel Aviv 2018-02-04 01:11 Hundreds participated on Saturday in the weekly «March of Shame» in Tel Aviv against alleged corruption by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government. Protesters shouted slogans including «shame» and «corrupted, go home» and carried banners denouncing the government. «We will fight for this country, against corruption, there is no right wing, no left wing, only one thing: a fight against corruption, the law which is the base of democracy», stated one of the rally organisers Eibi Benjamin. A small group of right-wing, pro-government protesters also took part in a counter demo. This is the ninth week in a row that the anti-corruption rally is held in Tel Aviv. Apart of the main demonstration in Tel Aviv, smaller anti-corruption protests were also held in Jerusalem, Haifa, and Afula, according to local media. In the past year, Netanyahu has been questioned in two corruption probes, which he claims to be false accusations from his opponents. Results of the investigation are expected within the next few weeks. If charged, the prime minister would be under pressure to resign or to call new elections. Morocco: Thousands protest against coal mining deaths in Jerada 2018-02-04 02:16 Thousands of protesters marched through the streets of Jerada on Saturday, to demonstrate their anger at the government's lack of solutions to coal mining related deaths in the region. Protesters carried the coffins of those who had died in coal-mining incidents for burial. Demonstrations have been taking place in Jerada since December 22, when two brothers aged 23 and 30 died after an abandoned coal mine collapsed and flooded. Outrage grew following the attempted rescue operation which reportedly took 36 hours. Protesters have been denouncing the economic policy of the government that encourages people to dig abandoned mines in dangerous conditions. The Jerada mine used to employ over 9,000 people before it closed in 1990. Despite the mine being shuttered, impoverished young people continue to brave the pits — dubbed «the mines of death» — to extract coal by hand to sell to local traders. Netherlands: Scuffles erupt during protest against Turkish operation in Afrin 2018-02-04 02:33 Around 2000 protestors gathered on the Schouwburgplein, in Rotterdam, on Saturday, to demonstrate against the Turkish military operation taking place in the Syrian region of Afrin. The demonstrators marched through the streets of Rotterdam chanting «Erdogan, terrorist» and «Free Afrin.» During the march, demonstrators exchanged words with a pedestrian. The police took the pedestrian into a building and blocked the entrance with horses. Some scuffles also broke out among the protesters. Around six people were reportedly arrested. According to a woman who participated in the march, some of the arrested people were Turkish. She claimed that they had come to disrupt the Kurdish protest. «They've come to provoke us. They call us terrorists. They curse at us. We got a permit to demonstrate here, they didn't. We were given the opportunity to demonstrate. And they have come here to ruin that. We don't accept that,» she said. Greece: Far-right Golden Dawn party rally over Macedonia naming dispute 2018-02-04 03:04 Hundreds of far-right Golden Dawn party members and activists rallied in Athens on Saturday against the Greek government's stance on the Macedonia naming dispute and to honour a 1996 military incident which cost the lives of three Greek navy officers and brought Greece and Turkey to the brink of war. Protesters burned the flag of Macedonia, while waving Greek and Golden Dawn flags, far-right banners and chanting the Greek national anthem. «Today the demonstration was to honour the three officers of the Hellenic navy who sacrificed their lives in 1996 against Turkey, and the second very important issue for what we demonstrated today was the issue about Macedonia and the name, the one and only Macedonia that was, is and will be forever Greek», explained Golden Dawn Parliament member Ilias Panagiotaros. Golden Dawn oppose what they see as the Greek government's conciliatory approach to the issue of the Republic of Macedonia's name. Many nationalists believe that the name Macedonia implies a territorial claim on the eponymous northern region of Greece, with which it borders. Talks are underway to devise a provisional name for Macedonia in order to bypass Greek opposition to its membership of NATO under its current name. South Korea: IOC Executive Board meets for second time in PyeongChang 2018-02-04 03:52 Members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board met in PyeongChang for a second time on Sunday, ahead of the 23rd Winter Olympic Games. The IOC Executive Board is expected to discuss a number of organisational issues, including the Olympic Agenda 2020 and reports on the activities of the IOC Administration. The board is also due to address the Larry Nassar sex abuse case that has put USA Gymnastics on the spotlight. It is also likely that the recent decision by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) to overturn doping bans on 28 of the 39 Russian athletes will dominate discussions on the second day of the IOC Executive Board meeting. Later on Sunday, IOC President Thomas Bach is expected to give a press conference at the Main Press Center. Italy: Anti-fascists rally against right-wing party CasaPound's alleged violence 2018-02-04 04:25 Over 5,000 antifascist protesters marched on Saturday in Genoa against alleged recent aggressions from the right-wing CasaPound party. Students, civil associations and members of the general public joined the march, in which several old Italian partisans that fought against Nazi and Fascist armies during Italy's occupation also participated. «We were patriots. We collected that [Italian] flag dishonoured and tarnished by Mussolini and by the King. We took it back, we strove to clean it with our blood and we gave it polished to the Italian people», claimed partisan Enzo Piaras On January 12, a group of anti-fascists were allegedly attacked by about thirty members of the far-right movement CasaPound. This marks just one of many allegations of violence made against CasaPound members. CasaPound inaugurated its own first office in Genoa in June 2017, which increased tensions between fascist and anti-fascist groups. The party is running in Italy's upcoming national elections in March. France: 'No mercy for fascists' — Anti-fascists counter right-wing rally in Ouistreham 2018-02-04 05:36 Dozens of anti-fascists participated in a counter-protest against a right-wing, anti-migrant rally in Ouistreham, Saturday. Protesters chanted «we are children of migrants», «no mercy for fascists» and «we are anti-fascists», amongst others. «Today we were much more than them. What is interesting to see is that they left before us. We were more and the idea was to let them understand that this speech shouldn't grow and that fascism will never pass, in elections or in people's minds», said one protester. «What is amazing is to see that this movement mobilised a lot of people who were not necessarily activists neither engaged in anything», added another. The anti-migrants protest was organised by the far-right Parti de la France party. The two simultaneous demonstrations passed without clashes and were kept separate from each other by police authorities. |
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