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Russia: Crimea celebrates 4th anniversary of reunification with Russia

Russia: Crimea celebrates 4th anniversary of reunification with Russia
2018-02-23 22:06
Residents of Sevastopol marched around the city in celebration of the Defenders of the Fatherland public holiday on Friday, which also coincided with the anniversary of the beginning of Crimea’s reunification with Russia. The event ended with a rally. One of the participants said that since spring of 2015, the people in Crimea have been feeling like “free people that are actively participating in the building of our Russian Federation.” Crimea was officially incorporated into the Russian Federation on March 21, 2014 when the Russian Federation Council adopted the Treaty on Accession of the Republic of Crimea to Russia.

State of Palestine: 20 Palestinians injured in clashes with Israeli forces in Nahel Oz
2018-02-23 22:50
Palestinian protesters were carried away on stretchers after clashes broke out with Israeli forces in Nahel Oz in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday. Black smoke could be seen rising into the skies as ambulances raced away with the injured protesters. Over 20 protesters were injured, eight of which were reportedly from live ammunition, as clashes erupted with Israeli forces in Nahel Oz. Israeli forces deployed tear gas at dozens of Palestinian protesters near the crossing, as demonstrators set fire to dozens of tyres. The protest follows a string of demonstrations against US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

USA: 'A teacher would've shot the hell out of him' — Trump talks guns, Iran, N. Korea at CPAC
2018-02-23 23:16
Crowd chanting: «Lock her [Hillary Clinton] up!» US President Donald Trump said that teachers with guns can prevent gun attacks at schools, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland on Friday. Trump suggested that «it's time to make our schools a much harder target for attackers,» in reference to the recent attack in a Parkland school that cost the lives of 14 people. «These teachers love their students and these teachers are talented with weaponry and with guns,» the US President stated. He added that «A teacher would have shot the hell out him before he knew what happened.» Trump warned the crowd that the Democrats will «take away your second amendment which we’ll never allow to happen.» Speaking about his accomplishments, he said: «No president has ever cut so many regulations in their entire term, okay, as we’ve cut in less than a year.» He concluded his speech by saying that the US imposed on North Korea “the heaviest sanctions ever imposed on a country before.”

Switzerland: Shooting outside Zurich bank leaves two dead
2018-02-23 23:35
Journalist (German): «Could it be a terrorist act?» Felix, Military member (German): «I can exclude this. We dont assume it was a terrorist background.» Journalist (German): «You believe these two were the only involved in the crime?» Felix, Military member (German): «We assume they are the only ones involved into the shooting. We have no clues for anybody else involved.» Journalist: «How did you feel when you saw the victims on the ground?» Simon, Military member, IT division: «It was pretty strange because you just don't expect to see dead people on the street, lying on the floor. (Inaudible) That's pretty much it.» Felix, Military member: «Two, one shot the other guy and then shot himself.» Journalist: «Do you have any information on who that person might have been?» Felix, Military member: «I don't know.» Journalist: «How did you feel when you saw this happening?» Felix, Military member: «Nothing specific, just a bit strange that something like this happens here in Zurich.» Journalist: «How did you know it was really shots? Felix, Military member: «Because I heard it and I saw the blood running down the street.» Felix, Military member (English): «See, not that much. Mostly I just heard like three to four shots, then we went outside looking at what happened. Then we saw one body lying on the floor. We got a bit closer and saw a second body and blood flowing from the bodies down the street.» A man shot a woman dead outside a bank in Zurich before killing himself, Swiss police said. Police excluded the shooting to be a terrorist act, and stated they believed the two people were the only individuals involved. A military member who witnessed the shooting aftermath said “I just heard like three to four shots, then we went outside looking at what happened. Then we saw one body lying on the floor. We got a bit closer and saw a second body and blood flowing from the bodies down the street.»

Belgium: Merkel pleads for 'resolution in Ghouta' at UNSC
2018-02-23 23:36
German Chancellor Angela Merkel hopes to reach a resolution on the situation in the Syrian region of Eastern Ghouta, speaking at United Nations Security Council in Brussels on Friday. «Macron and I today wrote a letter with regard to the terrible situation in eastern Ghouta and Syria,» the German Chancellor said. She added that «we urged the Russian president (Vladimir Putin) to do everything to make it possible for a resolution to be passed in the UN Security Council today.» «Hundreds of thousands of people are living in absolutely disastrous humanitarian conditions. I very much hope that it will be possible to pass such a resolution tonight,» Merkel stated. On Friday, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is voting on a draft resolution to enact a 30-day ceasefire across Syria, which will allow emergency aid to be delivered to areas such as the Eastern Ghouta.

Belgium: Macron urges Russia to back UN vote on Ghouta
2018-02-24 00:10
French President Emmanuel Macron urged Russia to intervene in Syria and facilitate the 30-day ceasefire at the UN while speaking in Brussels on Friday. «Our priority in Syria was the fight against Islamic terrorism,» the French President said. Regarding the situation in Eastern Ghouta, Emmanuel Macron stated that “it is necessary for Russia to intervene and I am calling upon the Syrian regime to respect these laws.» The French President carried on with saying that «Europe is a single market with a policy of reforms and solidarity, that solidarity in favour of convergence.» He stressed that: «some countries are in a more difficult situation and we shall help them bridge the gap because it is their history and they need something.» On Friday, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) will vote on a draft resolution to enact a 30-day ceasefire across Syria, which will allow emergency aid to be delivered to areas such as the Eastern Ghouta.

USA: 'Not crumbs, this is serious dough,' Conway defends tax cuts at CPAC
2018-02-24 00:59
White House Counsellor Kellyanne Conway said Americans were already seeing positive effects of tax cuts in their wages, while talking at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland on Friday. Conway criticised comments made by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in January when she called tax cut benefits «crumbs.» «These are not crumbs, this is real bread. And I think people are seeing it already, real serious dough, not exactly crumbs. They are seeing it directly and immediately through wage increases and through bonuses and raises that people have received,» Conway said.

USA: Pharma Bro Shkreli to be sentenced March 9, forfeit $7.3 million
2018-02-24 01:28
A former drug company executive failed in his bid to have a conviction of scheming to manipulate his company’s stock price overturned during a court hearing in Brooklyn on Friday. Martin Shkreli, who is known as Pharma Bro, made his first public appearance since he was jailed in September for putting a $5,000 bounty on Hillary Clinton’s hair in a Facebook post. Sporting a beard and smiling at times, prosecutors say he should forfeit $7.3 million in assets and the judge ordered he return to court for sentencing on federal fraud charges on March 9. Shkreli, 32, made global headlines in 2015 after the pharmaceutical company he founded, Turing Pharmaceuticals, secured the US rights to sell a reportedly life-saving medicine called Daraprim for $55 million (€49,5 million) and raised the price from $13.50 (€12.15) to $750 (€675) per pill shortly afterwards. But this criminal case is unconnected. He was convicted of trying to prop up the price of shares in Retrophin Inc.

USA: Trump blasts Russia, Iran actions in Syria ‘disgrace'
2018-02-24 03:21
US President Donald Trump branded Russia and Iran’s actions in Syria a “humanitarian disgrace” while answering questions at the White House on Friday alongside Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. «What Russia, and what Iran, and what Syria have done recently is a humanitarian disgrace, I will tell you that,» Trump said when asked about the joint effort with Australia to ensure civilians protection in eastern Ghouta. Having announced a new round of harsh sanctions on North Korea, Trump also discussed the possibility of even harsher actions saying, «If the sanctions don't work, we'll have to go phase two and phase two may be a very rough thing, maybe very very unfortunate for the world.» Trump also left the decision of whether or not his son-in-law will keep his interim security clearance up to his chief of staff General Kelly saying, «General Kelly respects Jarred [Kushner] a lot and General Kelly will make that call, I won't make that call.» Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull refrained on making any suggestions to the US on its gun issues in light of Florida mass shooting saying, «You have an amendment in your constitution which deals with gun ownership. You have a very very different history and I, we focus on our own political arguments and debates and we wish you wise deliberation in your own.»

USA: Lockdown as woman tries to drive through White House barrier
2018-02-24 03:46
A woman was detained by Secret Service on Friday after attempting to drive a car through the barrier of the White House, sparking a lockdown in Washington DC. The woman has not yet been identified but an initial report claims she'd attempted to jump the White House fence twice before. Locals spoke of their panic. The President Donald Trump was inside with the Australian Prime Minister. No injuries were reported.

Somalia: Scores dead in double Mogadishu bombing
2018-02-24 03:59
Two car explosions rocked the Somalian capital Mogadishu leaving at least 18 dead and 40 injured on Friday. Many of the casualties were civilians who were close to the Dorbin Hotel where a bomb in a luxury car was detonated close to a checkpoint. The other explosion took place near the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) where according to an Aamin Ambulance service six staff were killed. Most of the dead bodies were transferred to Madina Hospital to be identified.

Germany: Shape of Sheeran comes to big screen at Berlinale
2018-02-24 04:09
Songwriter, which documented Ed during the making of his most album Divide, began production following the success of Multiply in 2015, carrying on during Ed's break from the spotlight when his latest album was made.

Spain: Hundreds protest free speech after rapper jailed for king insult
2018-02-24 04:37
Hundreds of protesters took to Madrid Puerta del Sol on Friday demanding freedom of speech after a Spanish rapper was jailed for three and half years for lyrics insulting the Spanish monarchy. José Miguel Arenas, who goes by his artistic name Voltonyc, had allegedly defamed the crown, glorified terrorism and made threats in a series of songs. Protesters also carried banners to bring attention to the removal of the artwork by political prisoners by Santiago Sierra from art fair in Madrid.

USA: ‘Russia? My only connection is vodka,’ says Farage
2018-02-24 05:01
I have never been to Russia, i have never been to Moscow, i have never met russian operative ir agent . I have never done business in Russia i have never taken money from Russia. I may be guilty of drinking the odd Russian vodka.” The former UKIP leader Nigel Farage ridiculed the Trump -Russia connection during his speech at the CPAC conference in Maryland on Friday. He claimed to be a person of interest to the FBI and joked he was “running memory sticks back and forth” between the White House, Kremlin and Julian Assange. Farage said his only link he has to Russia though he never been there is “drinking the odd Russian vodka”. He told the audience that supporting Trump back in 2016 was “the best decision he has ever made in his life,” praising Trump for being a great president and “exceeding expectations”. According to Farage this is the fourth time he has addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference.

State of Palestine: Four Palestinians wounded in clashes with Israeli forces around Nablus
2018-02-24 05:42
Several Palestinians were shot and injured during clashes that erupted with Israeli forces in different locations in the West Bank district of Nablus on Friday. Clashes broke out between Palestinians and Israeli army forces at the Huwwara military checkpoint in Nablus. Israeli forces used live ammunition, rubber-baton rounds, and tear gas canisters against Palestinian residents during the clashes. A Palestinian was shot and injured by a live bullet in the thigh, and another was struck with a Tutu explosive bullet during the clashes. One man was struck with a live bullet in the abdomen, while another sustained shrapnel injuries. Others were reportedly treated at the scene for rubber-coated steel bullet wounds. A number of others were treated for tear gas exposure

Майкл Макфол о российском расследовании спецпрокурора Мюллера
2018-02-24 07:00
Бывший посол США в России Майкл Макфол в интервью Русской службе «Голоса Америки» прокомментировал обвинительное заключение спецпрокурора Мюллера в отношении 13 россиян. По его словам, оно произвело ощутимый эффект. Подробности в программе «Настоящее время. Итоги» в субботу.

«Индустрия кино»: Олег Трофим и Джоан Роулинг
2018-02-24 07:22
Гость в студии — режиссер фильма «Лед». В прокат выходят «Ночные игры», говорим с Джейсоном Бейтманом. Кузьма Сапрыкин и Александр Ряполов рассказывают о феноменальном успехе «Движения вверх». Обсуждаем аниме «Мэри и ведьмин цветок»: что позаимствовала Джоан Роулинг у автора книги Мэри Стюарт.

Peru: Students clash with police over new labour laws
2018-02-24 07:38
Students clashed with police in the Peruvian capital of Lima on Friday over new youth labour laws. Water cannon and tear gas was used by police as protests turned violent when their route was blocked. The new law, passed by congress, could see youngsters working for up to three years without receiving a salary.

«Агитпроп»: Другое Отечество — другие защитники
2018-02-24 09:50
Как изменилось за последние десятилетия восприятие Дня защитника Отечества и о чем это говорит — расскажет Константин Семин в программе «Агитпроп».

«Настоящее время. Итоги» с Юлией Савченко. Эфир от 24 февраля
2018-02-24 10:14
«Чертова дюжина» прокурора Мюллера — расследование российского вмешательства в американскую жизнь и политику набирает обороты. Что грозит обвиняемым в случае экстрадиции и как на расследование реагирует президент Трамп? Специальный гость эфира — экс-посол США в России Майкл Макфол.

Специалисты Национального института здравоохранения разрабатывают универсальную вакцину против гриппа
2018-02-24 10:22
Специалисты Национального института здравоохранения разрабатывают универсальную вакцину против гриппа.

Рауль Кастро отмечает первый юбилей на посту руководителя Кубы
2018-02-24 10:45
Сегодня — ровно 10 лет, как Рауль Кастро занимает пост председателя Государственного совета Кубы. В феврале срок его полномочий должен был закончиться, но парламент решил оставить Кастро на высшей государственной должности острова Свободы до середины апреля. На этом посту Рауль Кастро сменил своего брата Фиделя.

Afghanistan: One dead, 6 injured in Kabul suicide attack
2018-02-24 10:47
One person died and six others wounded after a suicide bomber detonated his device in the diplomatic area of Afghan capital of Kabul on Saturday. The attack happened in the Shash Darak area of Kabul, near NATO headquarters and not far from the U.S. Embassy. Officials said the casualty count could rise. No group has yet claimed it carried out the attack.

Худи с Симпсонами на фоне бомб: что рассказывает миру сирийский подросток о жизни в Восточной Гуте
2018-02-24 11:09
Селфи на фоне войны — 15-летний Мухаммед Найем из Восточной Гуты, начиная с первых дней новой атаки на город, снимает разрушенные дома, собственную школу, от которой остались только руины, улицы, заваленные обломками. И себя — на фоне уничтоженного города.

События недели. Эфир от 25.02.2018
2018-02-24 12:39
На нерегулируемые перекрестки Тамбова вышел родительский патруль. Как проверить, действительно ли к вам пришли из избиркома? В Мичуринске прошла выставка о чекистах Тамбовщины.

Актер Николай Караченцов начал восстанавливаться после химиотерапии
2018-02-24 12:54
О его диагнозе стало известно несколько месяцев назад.

Somalia: Mogadishu double bombing death toll rises to 38
2018-02-24 13:11
if they cannot protect us from the slaughter of the constant explosions.» The death toll from Friday night’s double explosion in Mogadishu has risen to 38, according to the Aamin Ambulance service. Most of the deaths occurred when a car bomb exploded at the front gate of the Dorbin hotel, while the other explosion took place near the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), killing six people. The government said it was aware of the attacks and prevented the car bomb to reach its planned destination, but the relatives of the dead accused the government of failing to protect the security. Most of the dead bodies have been brought to Medina hospital for identification.

«Рыбкагейт»: Навальный удалил со своего сайта ссылку на расследование
2018-02-24 13:30
Оппозиционный политик Алексей Навальный удалил со своего сайта ссылку, по которой можно было найти материалы расследования о вице-премьере Сергее Приходько и миллиардере Олеге Дерипаске. Об этом сообщило издание «МБХ медиа». По словам Навального, ссылка мало кем посещается, потому что расследование теперь просматривают в основном в YouTube. Политик объявил, что после закрытия прежней ссылки вся информация переносится на внешний ресурс, который, по его словам, «никуда не пропадет, и люди будут его находить». Навальный подал иск к Роскомнадзору, который обязал политика удалить с сайта Navalny.com данные расследования Фонда борьбы с коррупцией про руководителя аппарата правительства Сергея Приходько и миллиардера Олега Дерипаску. Об этом сообщалось 13 февраля со ссылкой на текст иска.

Сергей Лавров: давление ЕС сплотило Россию и Сербию
2018-02-24 13:32
По итогам своего пребывания в Белграде глава российского МИД Сергей Лавров дал интервью «Вестям в субботу».

Syria: Thousands mourn YPG fighters in funeral procession in Afrin
2018-02-24 13:36
Thousands participated in the funeral procession of 14 People's Protection Units (YPG/YPJ) fighters in Afrin on Friday. According to a civilian, as many as 150 people have already died in Turkey's military campaign against the YPG. The Turkish military started launching airstrikes and rockets on Kurdish positions in Afrin shortly after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the military operation dubbed Olive Branch. The Turkish President also declared that the next destination for Turkish forces would be Syria's Manbij. Turkey views YPG which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned militant group Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

Александр Вучич: Белград и Москва всегда будут вместе
2018-02-24 13:47
Исполнилось 180 лет с момента установления российско-сербских дипломатических отношений. Отметим одну милую особенность сербского языка.

РБК: в Россию вернулся бизнесмен из списка Бориса Титова
2018-02-24 14:31
В Россию вернулся ростовский бизнесмен Андрей Каковкин, находившийся в розыске и включенный в так называемый «лондонский список» предпринимателей, который составил бизнес-омбудсмен Борис Титов. Об этом сообщает РБК со ссылкой на представителя Титова Дмитрия Григориади. По его словам, Каковкина сразу по прибытии доставили в полицию, но через несколько часов отпустили, обязав явиться и не ограничив его в перемещениях. Предпринимателя разыскивали по делу мошенничестве и неправомерном обороте средств и платежей. Григориади заявил, что считает вероятным прекращение уголовного преследования Андрея Каковкина.

«Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Елена Цыплакова
2018-02-24 14:55
Сериал «Кармелита. Цыганская страсть» Елена Цыплакова снимала, как режиссер. Эта работа продолжалась два года, почти круглосуточно. А когда последние сцены были смонтированы, Елена поняла: она не может ходить. Это была не просто усталость. Сегодня Елена Цыплакова расскажет о том, что помогло ей встать на ноги, о том, как она пришла к вере и почему надо верить в чудеса.

110-летие Николая Ракова отметили праздничным концертом в Калуге
2018-02-24 15:12
16 февраля 2018 г. в концертном зале Детской школы искусств №1 им. Н.П.Ракова состоялся Межшкольный конкурс-фестиваль юных исполнителей на фортепиано имени Н.П.Ракова, посвященный 110-летию со дня рождения этого замечательного композитора. Юные пианисты детских школ искусств города Калуги приняли активное участие, исполнив по два разнохарактерных произведения. Обязательное условие конкурса — исполнение одного из сочинений Николая Петровича Ракова, который в своем творчестве большое внимание уделял именно детскому репертуару. Композитором написано огромное количество разнообразных пьес, и каждый участник смог найти для себя произведение близкое по характеру, понятное, как говорят «по душе».

Thailand: Activists protest military rule, call for elections
2018-02-24 15:14
Pro-democracy groups organised the first in a series of peaceful protests in Bangok on Saturday, in which they call for a general election in Thailand this year. The main organiser is the Democracy Restoration Group (DRG), which had announced a road map of peaceful protest in the next weeks that is expected to culminate with a bigger demonstration in May. Prime Minister and Commander of the Royal Thai Army General Prayut Chan-o-cha had expressed intentions that Thailand would have a democratic election, but so far repeatedly postponed the protested election dates, which in turn drove the DRG to stage its protests. In May 2014, Chan-o-cha led a coup d'etat, leaving the country under military rule for the 12th time in 82 years. Thailand has experienced more coups than any other country in contemporary history since the Siamese Revolution of 1932, when over six centuries of absolute monarchy was replaced by the first Thai constitution.

Украинские военные обстреляли Докучаевск из минометов
2018-02-24 15:21
За сутки украинские силовики выпустили по территориям ДНР и ЛНР больше сотни снарядов. Обстреляны несколько населенных пунктов, разрушены и повреждены дома.

Проблемами водоснабжения займутся в Бабынине и Воротынске в 2018 году
2018-02-24 15:37
В Бабынине капитально отремонтируют школу, и займутся проблемными вопросами водоснабжения и водоотведения. Эти и другие вопросы обсудили в ходе отчета главы администрации Бабынинского района Владимира Яничева. Привлечение инвесторов остаётся приоритетным направлением развития Бабынинского района. Так, в экономику муниципалитета в 2017 году инвестировано свыше миллиарда рублей, что в 2 раза больше по сравнению с 2016 годом. В районе открываются животноводческие фермы и перерабатывающие производства. В планах на 2018 год ‒ улучшить качество воды в Бабынине и Воротынске, капитально отремонтировать здание школы.

Технология переворота: реальный сценарий украинской оранжевой революции
2018-02-24 16:35
Реальный сценарий украинской оранжевой революции. Андрей Медведев с гостями студии обсуждает технологии госпереворота.

Совбез ООН перенес голосование за резолюцию по Сирии на субботу
2018-02-24 17:40
Совет Безопасности ООН перенес голосование по проекту резолюции о прекращении огня в Сирии на субботу. Члены Совбеза ООН пытались согласовать проект резолюции в пятницу, 23 февраля, но не достигли консенсуса. Кувейтский дипломат Мансур Айяд аль-Утейби уточнил, что спорным является, в частности, пункт, где обозначены сроки вступления в силу перемирия и его продолжительность. 22 февраля принятие документа заблокировала Россия. Ранее глава МИД России Сергей Лавров утверждал, что перемирие не должно распространяться на те группировки, которые Москва считает террористическими. Среди них — противники режима сирийского президента Башара Асада в Восточной Гуте, пригороде Дамаска. Именно бомбардировки этого анклава, который контролирует вооруженная оппозиция, стали поводом для созыва заседания Совета Безопасности ООН. Сирийская оппозиция и международные гуманитарные организации заявляют о сотнях жертв среди мирного населения в результате бомбардировок. В пятницу бомбежки продолжились.

Italy: 'Italians first' — Lega Nord leader Salvini rallies in Milan
2018-02-24 22:45
Leader of Italian right-wing Lega Nord (Northern League) party Matteo Salvini held a rally in Milan’s main square on Saturday, under the slogan 'Italians first' and ahead of the March 4 general elections. The rally in Milan’s Piazza del Duomo was the end of a procession that had started in Porta Venezia earlier on Saturday.

Latvia: Russian community protest bill ending Russian language in schools
2018-02-24 23:08
About 1,000 protesters flocked to central Riga, Saturday, to protest against a bill, which would gradually shift all lessons in Latvian schools to the official national language only. The protesters appeared with banners and placards as 'Russian schools are to be', 'Take your hands off Russian schools' in Russian, and 'Stop ethnic discrimination' in English. A member of the Headquarters for the Protection of Russian Schools Aleksander Filey slammed the bill, saying that the Russian community could «cease to exist in the nearest future.» According to the law, education for the final classes in the schools for national minorities would allow teaching only in the Latvian language.

USA: Hundreds rally in DC for rights of working class ahead of Supreme Court vote
2018-02-24 23:13
Hundreds of workers and labour union representatives from across the US rallied at the Freedom Plaza in Washington DC, Saturday, to defend the rights of working class people. The rally, called 'Workers Day of Action,' gathered working class families and activists to defend their right to organise and to stand up in solidarity ahead of the Supreme Court hearing crucial to workers' union rights. On Monday the Supreme Court will hear arguments in the case of Janus v. the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, that is due to decide if public service workers who are non-union members will be forced to pay a union to advocate for them on political questions. The union activists say this case is politically motivated and designed to benefit the corporations in favour of rich and powerful undermining the rights of the working class.

UN: Russia tried 'every possible way to avoid' resolution — Nikki Hailey
2018-02-24 23:48
American ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley accused Russia of deliberately stalling the vote on the Syrian resolution, speaking from UN Security Council in New York City, Saturday. «Today Russia has belatedly decided to join the international consensus and accept the need to call for a ceasefire. But only after trying every possible way to avoid it,» the US ambassador said. 'The Syrian people should not have to die waiting for Russia to organise their instructions from Moscow, or to discuss it with the Syrians,» Haley said, stressing the fact that the resolution could have been approved three days earlier. Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said that they took more time,» because we did not support the ceasefire top-down pattern on sufficiently long term.» The resolution contains a part, which states that the ceasefire does not include Islamic State, Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups,» the Russian ambassador said and concluded by saying «this battle will be continued.» The vote for the 30-day ceasefire was unanimously voted earlier on Saturday. SOURCE: UNIFEED-UNTV

UN: UNSC vote cannot be used as pretext for military action — Russian ambassador
2018-02-25 00:30
Journalist: «So the Turks must stop their operations?» Vasily Nebenzya: «Don't extract those words from me, read the resolution.» Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said that negotiations were prolonged «to make sure that is not used as a pretext for any military action» speaking after the UNSC meeting in New York, Saturday. «We wanted to make sure that is not used as a pretext for any military action. Because we heard some troublesome, worrying comments on that in recent days, and including today, some of the very bellicose,» the Russian ambassador said. «It's not only about eastern Ghouta, because we have to attend to all Syria, and the resolution says throughout Syria,» he added, while refusing to comment on Turkey's Afrin operation inside northwest Syria. SOURCE: UNIFEED-UNTV

Нью-Йорская община: как живут крымские татары в Америке
2018-02-25 01:00
26 февраля в Украине может официально стать Днем сопротивления российской оккупации. Соответствующий указ рассматривает украинский президент Петр Порошенко. Неофициально этот день и так отмечали: именно 26 февраля в Крыму прошел многотысячный митинг. Верховный Совет полуострова пикетировали крымские татары и местные активисты с лозунгами «Крым — не Россия». С момента аннексии многие крымские татары были вынуждены покинуть полуостров, опасаясь преследований. Одна из самых больших крымскотатарских общин — в Нью-Йорке. Здесь есть и те, кто уехал много лет назад, и те, кто покинул Крым недавно. Но все они хотели бы когда-нибудь вернуться на родину. Ксения Туркова — о том, как живут крымские татары в Америке.

Italy: Anti-fascists in Palermo wield duct tape to taunt beaten Forza Nuova member
2018-02-25 01:12
Anti-fascist demonstrators marching in Palermo on Saturday, were seen holding duct tape in reminder of the aggression against a far-right Forza Nuova party member four days earlier. Demonstrators rallied against Forza Nuova leader Roberto Fiore, who held a meeting in a Palermo hotel on the same day. Exponents of the National Association of Italian Partisans (ANPI) and of several unions were present at the rally. On Tuesday, Forza Nuova provincial secretary Massimiliano Ursino had been reportedly bound with duct tape to hands and feet and beaten up by half a dozen people. Ursino had been arrested in July 2006 for having robbed and beaten up two Bangladeshi citizens in Palermo. Anti-fascist demonstrations took place in Milan and Rome on the same day, in a tense political climate ahead of the March 4 general elections.

Estonia: Military parade and march honour 100th anniversary of Estonia
2018-02-25 01:27
Thousands of people attended a commemorative military parade in Tallinn on Saturday, marking the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. Military vehicles, tanks and the military marching band partook in the commemorative march. The military strength of the country was represented by the United Military Educational Establishments of the Defence Forces, the Baltic Defence College, the Guard Battalion, the Staff and Communications Battalion and the others. Military from Finland, France, Georgia, Denmark, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine and the United States also partook in the march. In the evening, locals marched with torches throughout the streets of Tallinn to commemorate the anniversary.

Philippines: Protesters call to 'Fight Tyranny' after plans to change constitution
2018-02-25 01:52
Scores of protesters took to the streets of Manila on Saturday, to protest against what they say are President Rodrigo Duterte's repressive policies and his plans to change the constitution. Protesters with signs chanted slogans like 'Yes to Democracy, Fight Tyranny.' According to a protester, Duterte's plan to change the constitution «will affect our children.» «I hope that this will create what I call a critical mass, so that a little spark will really make a conflagration that will bring us to anew qualitative change in our life as people,» the protester said. Philippines President plans to change the constitution and shift the governing system from a unitary state under a presidential representative into a federal state, in what critics see as an effort to prolong his stay in power.

«Формула власти». Эфир от 25.02.2018
2018-02-25 02:09
«Формула власти» в Аммане — столице Иордании. Гость программы — король Абдалла II. В этом году Иордания и Россия отмечают 55-летие со дня установления дипломатических отношений. Это отношения крепкой дружбы. Его Величество принадлежит к древнему роду — семья ведет свою родословную от пророка Мухаммеда. Абдалла II последователен в своей миротворческой деятельности и следует заветам великого отца.

Israel: Netanyahu happy with Trump's embassy move to occupied East Jerusalem
2018-02-25 02:18
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his happiness with US President Donald Trump's decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem in a TV address from West Jerusalem, on Saturday. «This is a great moment for the state of Israel. President Trump's decision to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem will make our independence day celebrations even happier,» he said. Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on December 6, 2017, in a live televised address from Washington DC, simultaneously starting the process of relocating the US embassy from Tel Aviv. The announcement sparked a wave of protests throughout the world.

Italy/Iraq/Syria: Colosseum and cathedrals lit red in solidarity with persecuted Christians
2018-02-25 02:39
Rome's Colosseum, and Cathedrals in both Syria's Aleppo and Iraq's Mosul were lit up in red on Saturday, to bring attention to Christians persecuted around the world. The Colosseum in Rome, the Saint Paul church in Mosul and the St. Elijah Maronite Cathedral in Aleppo all turned crimson to show solidarity with those Christians killed and persecuted for their faith. The colour was supposed to represent the spilled blood of persecuted Christians. The event at the Colosseum was accompanied with a live-stream of the ceremony at the St. Elijah Maronite Cathedral in Aleppo projected on its exterior and brought attention to the situation of Christians in Iraq, and Syria, among others, such as Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian condemned to death for blasphemy.

Israel: 'Bibi go home' — Protesters demand resignation over corruption
2018-02-25 03:16
Hundreds of Israelis took to the streets of Tel Aviv on Saturday, to demand Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's resignation over corruption charges. Protesters condemned, «Corporate power, organised crime» and demanded, «Bibi Netanyahu go home.» «In the past, whenever there was a indictment recommendation with the police, politicians used to resign but it's hard to see Bibi for any reason other being dragged to the court maybe by the attorney general or by the legal system,» a protester said. On February 13, the Israeli police recommended that Netanyahu should be indicted for bribery and fraud. Over the past year, Netanyahu has been questioned in two corruption probes, which he claims to be false accusations from his opponents. The final decision on whether the Prime Minister will face charges will be made by the attorney general's office.

68th Berlinale wraps up with 'Touch me Not' winning Golden Bear
2018-02-25 03:38
The final press conference of Berlin’s 68th International Film Festival was held at the Grand Hyatt, Berlin, on Saturday night. The prize winners spoke about their films and the festival experience. The controversial film «Touch Me Not» won the festival’s coveted grand prize, the Golden Bear. «Touch Me Not» grabbed the headlines prior to the award ceremony as viewers reportedly left screenings of the film due to its sexual content. In her press conference, filmmaker Adina Pintilie explained her understanding of the controversy. «The film is going to be perceived very subjectively. So it depends very much on what it triggers in everybody. It’s more like a mirror that we offer the viewer in which he can contemplate possibilities of himself or herself,» Pintilie said. Meanwhile, winner of Best Documentary, Ruth Beckerman, spoke about how she hoped her film — The Waldheim Walz — would further discussions about the issues of populism in politics. Beckerman said, «And I hope that this film will provoke discussions, especially in Austria, but also in other countries concerned with this problem and show also that, if you have some courage, and if there is a functioning civil society, we must not be depressed but we can overcome these people again.» With both the grand prize and the runner up being awarded to female film directors, Silver Bear winner Malgorzata Szumowska commented, «I think it's a sign of the times.» She also stated that the #MeToo campaign «can change something in the society.»

Israel: Thousands of African asylum seekers protest deportation plan
2018-02-25 05:02
A small group of about 150 anti-refugee protesters rallied against a 20,000-strong asylum seeker demonstration in south Tel Aviv on Saturday. African asylum seekers and their Israeli supporters were protesting against government decision to deport African asylum seekers; anti-refugee protesters on the other hand were demanding «liars go home.» «The Israeli government doesn't want to deal with asylum-seekers here and their purpose for doing this is to deport everyone and I think it's a moral challenge that Israel has,» an asylum-seeker from Darfur stated.

Netherlands: Protesters march in The Hague to denounce Turkish op in Afrin
2018-02-25 05:12
The Kurds who have not yet been able to heal their wounds from the attacks of the Islamic State. The Kurds who have fought for their freedom.» Protesters took to the streets of The Hague on Saturday, to denounce the Turkish military operation in the Kurdish-dominated enclave of Afrin in northern Syria. Protesters form several Pro-Kurdish associations marched with Kurdish flags and banners throughout the streets of the Dutch city. The Turkish military started launching airstrikes and rockets on Kurdish positions in Afrin in January, shortly after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the military operation dubbed Olive Branch. The Turkish President also declared that the next destination for Turkish forces would be Syria's Manbij. Turkey views YPG which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned militant group Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

South Korea: IOC upholds Russian ban denying flag at closing ceremony
2018-02-25 05:54
International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach announced the IOC decision to uphold its ban on Russia in the 2018 winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang on Sunday, thus denying the country to march in the closing ceremony under its flag. The decision was contributed to two cases of doping committed by Russians athletes in the games, though according to Chair of the Olympic Athlete from Russia Implementation Group Nicole Hoevertsz «These ADRVs [Anti-Doping Rule Violations] were individual and isolated cases that did not show a pattern of systematic and organised doping activity.» «The Implementation Group recommends lifting the Russian Olympic Committee's suspension once all results of the doping tests of the OAR [Olympic Athletes from Russia] athletes during the Olympic Winter Games of PyeongChang 2018 have been confirmed as negative,» she said. The decision came hours before the closing ceremony.

Власти Таджикистана: насилия в семьях стало меньше
2018-02-25 06:55
Комитет по делам женщин Таджикистана утверждает, что количество случаев насилия в семье снизилось почти на четверть. Корреспонденты Настоящего Времени встретились с женщинами, которых избивали мужья и другие родственники, и с теми, кто им помогает. Их истории опровергают статистику чиновников

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