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Serbia: Belgrade citizens rally to oppose Kosovo independence anniversary

Serbia: Belgrade citizens rally to oppose Kosovo independence anniversary
2018-02-18 05:45
Around 300 people took to the streets of Belgrade on Saturday, to oppose the 10th anniversary of the independence of Kosovo. The protesters sang patriotic songs about Kosovo and held Serbian flags as well as giant flags of Kosovo with «No surrender» written on. They chanted «Kosovo is the heart of Serbia» and chanted against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic including «Vucic, you faggot.» The northern Serbian region of Kosovo and Metohija declared unilateral independence from Serbia on February 17 2008.

USA: Parkland students rally for gun control in Fort Lauderdale
2018-02-18 06:37
Students from the Parkland's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where 17 people were killed in a shooting three days earlier, held a rally calling for gun control in Fort Lauderdale on Saturday. Demonstrators held a range of posters calling for gun control in the wake of Wednesday's school shooting, which left 17 people dead and dozens more injured. Thousands of people attended the event, including students David Hogg, who filmed the school shooting as it happened and Emma Gonzalez, who made an impassioned plea advocating changes to the second amendment of the US constitution.

South Korea: We wanted an 'Olympics of Peace' — President Moon Jae-in
2018-02-18 06:51
«I believe these Olympics have been very moving, not only for Koreans but for the people of the world,» said South Korean President Moon Jae-in during a surprise visit to the Main Press Centre for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang on Saturday. «We were to make this the Olympics of peace. First of all, due to North Korea's participation in the winter Olympic Games we were able to lower some of the tensions that were becoming very heated in the Korea Peninsula. As a result, I believe we were able to host a very safe Winter Olympics,» the South Korean President told journalists during an impromptu chat. Moon Jae-in also added that he hoped that the «many achievements» in advancing inter-Korean talks would eventually lead to a better common sense and the possibility for dialogue between the United States and North Korea, with the end goal of denuclearisation on the peninsula.

Syria: 'Close to the effects of chemical weapons' — Dr. after Turkish shelling in Afrin
2018-02-18 09:48
At least six civilians were transported to the General Hospital in Afrin, Friday, with symptoms of suffocation following an alleged attack using toxic gas during Turkey's 'Olive Branch' operation in northern Syria. According to the reports, the Turkish airforce conducted shelling in the Afrin region. One of the affected residents of Aranda village reported that after the attack with a «white» substance, people «were short of breath, we could barely see it, and then we lost consciousness.» Director General of Afrin Hospital Dr. Khalil Sabri stated that «six people were treated with unknown cases, which is close to the effects of chemical weapons. There was a shortness of breath. Their bodies had red spots. There was itching in the body. There was also a case of vomiting and itching in the eyes.» According to the Reuters news agency, a Turkish diplomatic source rejected any allegations of using chemical weapons in Syria, calling the accusation «black propaganda.» «These are baseless accusations. Turkey never used chemical weapons. We take utmost care about civilians in Operation Olive Branch,» stated the source.

ЦРУ призналось в регулярном вмешательстве в выборы
2018-02-18 09:59
ЦРУ регулярно вмешивалось в выборы в иностранных государствах и продолжает это делать. Об этом изданию New York Times сообщил бывший агент американской разведки Стивен Холл. Он был сотрудником ЦРУ 30 лет.

«Оно вам надо?»: Расстрел во Флориде, новый политический труп и южнокорейская Олимпиада
2018-02-18 10:02
Как русской девочке удалось спастись в кровавой бойне в собственной школе? За что украинские власти выгнали из страны Михаила Саакашвили? Забудьте о собаках! В Пхенчхане их давно уже нет.

Одна «скорая» на 20 тыс. человек: в Кыргызстане врачи не доезжают до пациентов
2018-02-18 10:05
Автопарк скорой помощи Кыргызстана требует срочного обновления: на республику в 6 млн. человек есть лишь 300 машин, из которых половина ждет ремонта. Из-за того, что машины нечем заменить, они эксплуатируются вдвое-втрое дольше положенного срока, и все равно врачи приезжают к пациентам с опозданиями.

В «Новом Иерусалиме» открылась выставка Бориса Кустодиева
2018-02-18 10:10
В выставочном комплексе «Новый Иерусалим» открылась выставка работ Бориса Кустодиева. Она приурочена к 140-летию со дня рождения художника. В экспозиции — 65 полотен из различных музеев и частных коллекций. В том числе — редкие экспонаты.

Власти ЛНР расследуют попытку диверсии
2018-02-18 10:11
Власти ЛНР заявили о попытке диверсии в местной телерадиокомпании. Целью злоумышленников стала система, предназначенная для оповещения гражданского населения о начале обстрелов и боевых действиях.

Israel: Rocket hits house in Sha'ar HaNegev
2018-02-18 10:25
Emergency services arrived at the scene after a rocket hit a home in Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council near the border with Gaza, late on Saturday. The rocket is believed to have been fired from the Gaza Strip. Earlier an explosive device was detonated on the Gaza border, after which the Israeli military carried out a series of attacks on Hamas targets in Gaza. The rocket which hit the house in Sha'ar HaNegev was fired following the Israeli forces' retaliatory operations, according to reports.

Результаты ДНК-теста «сына» Спартака Мишулина оказались ложными
2018-02-18 11:17
Нобелевскую премию готовы вручить шведские ученые российским коллегам, которые невероятным способом установили родство легендарного Спартака Мишулина и некоего Тимура Еремеева. Для такого серьезного исследования они использовали старый костюм Карлсона и даже якобы смогли выделить из него живую ДНК. Научно-семейная драма разыгралась после того, как Еремеев объявил себя внебрачным сыном артиста.

Сергей Лавров рассказал, что требуется для работы в МИД
2018-02-18 11:18
МИД России уделяет особое внимание творческим характеристикам человека при отборе на работу. Среди других наиболее важных качеств успешного кандидата — самоотдача и готовность решать сложные вопросы вне зависимости от своего графика, рассказал министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров. Беседа вошла в документальный фильм, посвященный завершившемуся недавно в Сочи конкурсу «Лидеры России».

Новые правила перепланировки вступили в силу в Москве
2018-02-18 11:46
Джакузи на балконе и туалет на кухне: дизайнерские эксперименты теперь можно узаконить. В Москве отныне действуют новые правила перепланировки квартир. Всю процедуру оформления разрешений можно пройти в Интернете за 15 минут — даже если владелец хочет узаконить перепланировку, что называется, задним числом. Легализация поможет избежать ЧП, подобных тому, что произошло на этой неделе в Звенигороде.

Москва пополнит список мегаполисов, объединенных в агломерации
2018-02-18 11:47
Столицу и Подмосковье объединили Сочи и Российский инвестиционный форум. Сергей Собянин и Андрей Воробьев подписали соглашении о развитии двух регионов. Совместные решения общих вопросов и проекты, которые касаются каждого: как расширяются границы большого города и как все это повлияет, например, на московских дачников и пассажиров будущих Московских центральных диаметров?

Germany: Netanyahu holds aloft 'Iranian drone' wreckage, warning: 'do not test Israel's resolve'
2018-02-18 11:50
Israeli Prime Minister held aloft what he claimed was a fragment of an Iranian drone downed over Israel, at the Munich Security Conference, Sunday. «Here's a piece of that Iranian drone, or what's left of it after we shot it down,» he said. He added: «I brought it here so you can see it for yourself. Mr Zarif, do you recognise this? You should. It's yours. You can take back with you a message to the tyrants of Iran: do not test Israel's resolve.»

«Чуркин». Трейлер
2018-02-18 13:03
Выдающийся дипломат, он служил постпредом во время одного из самых сложных периодов американо-российских отношениях. Памяти Виталия Чуркина.

Germany: 'No collusion because there was no meddling!' — Ex-Russian ambassador to US
2018-02-18 13:35
Former Russian ambassador to the US Sergei Kislyak said that there was «no meddling, there was no collusion,» while commenting on the recent indictment of 13 Russians for alleged meddling in the last US presidential election, speaking on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, Sunday. The diplomat added that Russian-US relations are the victim of the «pre-election» process in the US, stressing that the alleged involvement of the Russian state in the US elections is «simply nonsense.» «Having lived for quite a while [in the US] I think that almost everything in the [United] States is pre-electional. And this year they are going to have another election in November,» added Kislyak referring to midterm elections for the House of Representatives and Senate, including a number of local elections. He added that in coming years, we will learn of the «internal mechanism» of how the current «anti-Russian russophobic hysteria» was created, calling it an instrument of «internal fights» in the US. Earlier special US counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russian individuals and three organisations for allegedly interfering in the 2016 US presidential election.

Israel: 'Bibi — king of Israel' — scores battle severe rain to support Netanyahu
2018-02-18 13:42
Around 150 people braved the rain and the cold to gather outside the Israeli Prime Minister's official residence in Jerusalem on Saturday to voice their support for Benjamin Netanyahu. «We love you, we love you!»; «Bibi is the king of Israel» chanted protesters, standing with Israeli flags, backing Netanyahu. Rafi Hayoun, one of the protesters, claimed: «there is no problem with democracy, the people decided, Bibi till 2023.» The majority of protesters were believed to be members or supporters of the Likud-National Liberal Movement, with Netanyahu as its chairperson. On February 15, after a 14-month investigation police recommended the indictment Netanyahu for alleged bribery and breach of trust in two separate cases. The move has sparked rival protests across the country.

В Киеве начинается марш сторонников Михаила Саакашвили
2018-02-18 13:50
В центре украинской столицы собрались сторонники бывшего губернатора Одесской области Михаила Саакашвили. Их главное требование - отставка президента Петра Порошенко.

Если окажетесь перед Родченковым, что вы ему скажете? Ответ Лебедевой
2018-02-18 14:14
Знаменитая легкоатлетка Татьяна Лебедева не понимает, ради чего беглый ученый Григорий Родченковзаварил нынешнюю антидопинговую кашу.

В Мюнхене завершается международная конференция по безопасности
2018-02-18 14:44
В течение трех дней десятки глав государств обсуждали в столице Баварии самые актуальные вопросы международной безопасности.

В центре Киева несколько тысяч человек требуют: «руки прочь от Миши»
2018-02-18 14:45
В Киеве проходит антипрезидентская акция «Движения новых сил». Люди держат госфлаги Украины и красно-черные флаги украинских националистов и скандируют «Отставка», «Руки прочь от Миши».

Российского спортсмена заподозрили в нарушении антидопинговых правил
2018-02-18 15:00
Штаб российской делегации в Пхенчхане получил уведомление от МОК о возможном употреблении допинга одним из атлетов.

USA: Protester evicted as ousted Google engineer Damore discusses diversity at PSU
2018-02-18 15:02
SOT, Speaker at conference: «From your coworkers?» SOT, James Damore, former Google employee: «Yeah.» A protester attempted to unplug the audio system during a debate featuring former Google engineer James Damore at Portland State University on Saturday. The ‘Freethinkers of PSU’ student group invited James Damore to take part in a panel discussion on gender diversity. Damore was fired by Google for writing a memo on gender diversity within the company, in which he criticised the firm's diversity policy and claimed that the gender gap in tech may be due to biological differences. Damore recounted his experience at Google and said he had received “violent threats from coworkers” due to his memo. A handful of students in the auditorium left in the middle of the discussion and a women tried to disconnect the sound system before being evicted from the room. A small group of protesters stood outside the ‘Hoffman Hall’ with signs protesting against the presence of Damore on campus. James Damore has filed a lawsuit and a complaint against Google’s decision. However, on Thursday, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) concluded that Google hadn't violated any labour laws in its termination of Damore's employment contract, saying he had made «unprotected discriminatory statements» in his memo.

Germany: Rabbi Goldschmidt slams Polish PM for 'Jewish perpetrators' remarks
2018-02-18 15:13
Reporter: «You and other participants were discussing the situation here at the Munich Security Conference when one of the participant journalists asked a question to Polish Prime Minister about the Holocaust and about World War II, what is your reaction to what was said by the Polish [Prime Minister]?» SOT, Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, President of the Conference of European Rabbis: «What was said by the Polish Prime Minister is totally inacceptable, to call Jews ‘perpetrators’ of the Holocaust, these are words which undermine and are unacceptable to any person who knows history, who knows Europe and wants a better future. And we did not expect the Polish Prime Minister to say such things.» President of the Conference of European Rabbis Pinchas Goldschmidt termed as «unacceptable» remarks by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in which he said Jews were «perpetrators» in Poland during World War II, in Munich on Sunday. «What was said by the Polish prime minister is totally inacceptable, to call Jews ‘perpetrators’ of the Holocaust, these are words which undermine and are unacceptable to any person who knows history, who knows Europe and wants a better future,» said Rabbi Goldschmidt. He made the comments on the sidelines of the 'Conference of European Rabbis.'

Ghost Town! Village forced to relocate for Olympics construction
2018-02-18 15:43
A village of some 30 homes had to be completely relocated for the construction of Olympic facilities in the area of Sukam, leaving residents without sources of income, as they moved to a new site nearby amid a much altered landscape. Footage filmed on Sunday shows images of littered streets, new Olympic buildings and construction sites. Many of the new Sukam village inhabitants once worked in agriculture but were reportedly forced to sacrifice their fields due to the relocation. «I have no idea what to do now,» said one resident. Reportedly, one of the biggest problems is access to drinking water, since the new village lacks good-quality sources despite the area being famous for its natural water resources.

Газпром отмечает 25-летие
2018-02-18 16:22
В пятницу главу компании Алексея Миллера принял президент России Владимир Путин. Компания активно работает над социальной программой по газификации России.

«Лидеры России»: как подняться на социальном лифте
2018-02-18 16:40
Президент Владимир Путин познакомился с финалистами конкурса «Лидеры России» и встретился с участниками всероссийского форума «Наставник».

Как Саакашвили отправился в «европейское турне»
2018-02-18 17:20
У Саакашвили теперь — голландский паспорт. Получал срочно. 12 февраля лидер уличной оппозиции Киева Михаил Саакашвили неожиданно даже для себя отправился из Киева в европейское турне. Еще утром дальнюю дорогу ничего не предвещало.

Новый погром в здании Россотрудничества в Киеве: неонацистов никто не остановил
2018-02-18 17:40
В Киеве активисты Организации украинских националистов (ОУН-УПА, запрещена в России) забросали булыжниками и яйцами здание Российского центра науки и культуры (Россотрудничества) на улице Борисоглебской. В атаке на здание участвовали около сотни радикалов, пришедших туда от Майдана независимости.

Саакашвили: меня душили, как Шарикова
2018-02-18 17:59
Последний «Сулугуни»: как выволакивали украинского политика грузинского происхождения из киевского ресторана?

Syria: Afrin doctors plea for help following alleged chemical attack
2018-02-18 21:44
Medics of Afrin General Hospital gave a press conference on Sunday, following an alleged toxic gas attack on the village of Aranda on February 16. The attack is believed to be part of the Turkish military's 'Olive Branch' operation in northern Syria. Director of Afrin Hospital Dr Khalil Sabri confirmed that six civilians were transported to the hospital with symptoms of poisoning, including shortness of breath and coughing. After carrying out a clinical examination on the cases, Sabri explained that, “it was suspected that these injuries resulted from the inhalation of toxic gas». According to a member of the Health Authority in Afrin, Abdullah Yousef, «the results of the analysis showed that the soil samples contain a large percentage of chlorine.» «Other soil samples from other areas of the village were analysed and no chlorine trace was observed,» he said. «We call upon all institutions, influential forces and international actors, and all countries with democratic systems, to do whatever is necessary to put an end to this aggression and to convene an emergency session at the United Nations to stop this war,» said Yousef.

Битва за Нил: монументы, разделенные тысячелетиями
2018-02-18 21:56
Министр транспорта Максим Соколов сообщил, что уже в ближайшее время авиарейсы между Москвой и Каиром возобновятся. Еще совсем недавно Египет принимал из России по два миллиона туристов в год. Но любовь к пляжам не единственное, что роднит наши страны.

UK: 'Wake up UK!' — protesters urge British media to speak up over Afrin
2018-02-18 22:01
Hundreds of people marched through central London on Sunday, decrying the Turkish military operation ‘Olive Branch’ in northern Syria and the corresponding reactions of British politicians and media. Protesters with banners and flags walked from the BBC headquarters at Portland Place to Whitehall. One of the activists, Mark Campbell shared his opinion, saying that, «Turkey is committing war crimes in Afrin now and the international community is silent, it is very frustrating.» The Turkish military started launching airstrikes and rockets on Kurdish positions in Afrin shortly after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the military operation dubbed 'Olive Branch.' The Turkish President also declared that the next destination for Turkish forces would be Syria's Manbij. Turkey views the People's Protection Units (YPG), which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned militant group Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

«Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Игорь Ливанов
2018-02-18 22:20
Кто бы мог подумать! Игорь Ливанов начинал свою карьеру не в Москве. В провинции он проработал много лет. Это будет самый счастливый период в его жизни на много лет вперед. В Москву же Игорь Ливанов убежит — от горя, справиться с которым ему, наверное, не удалось до сих пор. За что артист до сих пор не может себя простить? Какая боль привела его в Москву? И счастлив ли он сегодня? Игорь Ливанов. О потерях, чувстве вины, поисках гармонии и предательстве сегодня!

Germany: 'Kick Zarif out of Germany' — Protesters rally outside Munich Security Conference
2018-02-18 22:25
Members of the People's Mujahedin of Iran organised a protest against Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, in Munich on Sunday. Protesters carried posters and banners depicting the leaders of the People's Mujahedin of Iran Maryam Rajavi and Massoud Rajavi as they demanded Zarif to be kicked out of Germany, shouting chants against Zarif, Rouhani and Khamenei. Several iconic gallows had also been set up by protesters. One protester gave a speech directed towards the Iranian foreign minister and Iranian officials saying, “Have you come here to lie again, the very same lies Khomeini said in 1979...You have lost all credibility. You are done for.» Zarif is currently in Germany to attend Munich Security Conference.

Latvia: Central bank chief detained by anti-corruption agency, urged to step down
2018-02-18 22:43
Latvia's Minister of Finance Dana Reizniece-Ozola suggested that the head of the country's central bank lmars Rimsevics should step down after he was detained by the country's anti-corruption agency, speaking from a press conference in Riga on Sunday. The Head of the Latvian Bank was arrested on Sunday following a police raid of his office and private property. The country's authorities have not yet clarified the motives behind the detention, however, Reizniece-Ozola said that, «tomorrow Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau will release all relevant information.» She refused to give further comment on the possible connection between Rimsevic's arrest and the claims made by Norvik Banka's major stakeholder Grigory Guselnikov on the Latvian central bank's alleged attempts to extort money. In addition to being head of the Central Bank since 2001, Ilmars Rimsevics has also been a member of the European Central Bank's Governing Council since 2014, when Latvia entered the Eurozone.

Italy: Mass anti-fascist rally takes Venice by storm
2018-02-18 22:57
Anti-fascist protesters descended on Venice on Sunday, decrying the far-right group Forza Nuova. Organisers held banners reading “Venice is antifascist” as they marched through the Italian city, lighting flares and shouting anti-fascist chants. One protester, Marco Baravalle told protesters, “Roberto Fiore (Forza Nuova leader) wasn't able to land in Venice's lagoon because it was blocked with a huge democratic demonstration.”

«Песня с историей»: «Помоги мне»
2018-02-18 23:05
Сегодня наш герой — один из самых известных шлягеров главного кинокомпозитора Советского Союза. Суперпопулярной эта песня стала в 69-м году, и это время запомнилось не только музыкой. На орбите Земли проводится первая пилотируемая стыковка советских космических кораблей. А Муслим Магомаев летит к звездам. Принимается постановление о дальнейшем развитии туризма в СССР. А Дмитрий Гнатюк любуется буйно цветущей черемшиной. В первый полет отправляется истребитель МИГ-23. А герой Юрия Никулина в фильме «Бриллиантовая рука» теряет сознание под призыв «Помоги мне».

Germany: Saudi Arabian FM slams Iran for actions in Middle East and Africa
2018-02-18 23:08
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia Adel al-Jubeir talked about the destabilising effect of Iran in the Middle East and with countries in African, during the Munich Security Conference on Sunday. Underlining the tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, al-Jubeir said, «We didn't attack Iran, Iran is the one attacking us.» He also emphasised that for Iran to be treated as a regular state, «It has to change its behaviour and comport itself with international law.»

«Новости США за 60 секунд»: Трамп раскритиковал ФБР и «российское расследование»
2018-02-18 23:17
Президент Трамп вновь раскритиковал «российское расследование». Трамп подверг критике ФБР за «пропуск сигналов» о стрелке из Флориды. Флорида оплакивает жертв парклендской трагедии. Американские спортсмены в Пхенчхане: еще одна медаль.

Hungary: Orban pushes anti-migration stance as election nears
2018-02-18 23:45
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban slammed Europe’s migration policy and called for a global alliance against migration during his annual address to the nation in Budapest on Sunday. Speaking on the migrant situation in Germany, Orban said that the number of «native Germans has decreased in bigger German cities.» «In Bavaria for instance they spend more money on migration and integration, than for economy, for the environment and for health altogether,» he added. Orban said that Brussels, as well as Berlin and Paris «wanted us [Hungary] to implement their politics.»

Ukraine: Thousands rally in Kiev calling on Poroshenko to resign
2018-02-19 00:27
Thousands of people flocked to central Kiev, Sunday, to demand the resignation of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The demonstrators marched from Shevchenkos Park to Mikhailovsky Square, decrying the deportation of former Odessa Governor Mikhail Saakashvili and calling for Poroshenko's resignation. Saakashvili addressed his supporters through a live broadcast, reportedly speaking from Amsterdam. Similar protests took place in Lviv and Kharkiv.

Italy: 'I won't betray' claims Giorgia Meloni at first election rally
2018-02-19 00:58
The leader of the national-conservative Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d'Italia) party Giorgia Meloni held her first election rally in a bid to win the prime minister's sea in Rome, Sunday, claiming 'I won't betray.' Though Meloni also invited her allies, a former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Italian politician Matteo Salvini, they did not attend the event. Being critical of the current Italian government, Meloni slammed Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni for his recent meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Giorgia Meloni said she was «ashamed» by him explaining the Italian elections to Merkel as the German politician is «not doing Italian interests.» Earlier, Italian Prime Minister Gentiloni visited Berlin where, as media reports, he reassured the German Chancellor that Italy is expected to still be pro-European after the general elections on 4 March, 2018.

Синдром непризнания: власти РФ о россиянах в Сирии
2018-02-19 01:00
Российский МИД признал возможную гибель пятерых россиян в Сирии. При этом официальный представитель министерства Мария Захарова сделала оговорку: эти данные предварительные и нуждаются в проверке. Тем временем, речь, по разным данным, может идти о десятках и даже сотнях погибших.

Ukraine: Candle-lit procession marks fourth anniversary of Euromaidan
2018-02-19 02:55
Ukrainians held a candle lit procession on the Heavenly Hundred Heroes avenue in Kiev on Sunday evening, to mark the anniversary of the Maidan protests of 2014. The attendees placed flowers and lit candles at a monument dedicated to the 'Heavenly Hundred,' a term used in Ukraine to refer to the 130 activists who died in the unrest. The Euromaidan Revolution reached its peak during February 2014, and culminated in then Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovych being ousted from office. The wave of protests was followed by the secession of Crimea and ongoing conflict in the eastern, Russian-speaking parts of the country.

Italy: Protesters rally at French-Italian border in solidarity with refugees
2018-02-19 03:49
Some 150 activists protested at the Italian-French border town of Ventimiglia, Sunday, to demonstrate against the heavy French police presence in solidarity with migrants. The protest, organised by left-wing group 'No Borders,' was entitled 'We tread the border' (Calpestiamo il confine). The protesters climbed up the hills to the border fence, repeating the route that a number of migrants have travelled in order to reach France. According to the report, 13 people died in the mountains attempting to cross the border, which is now separated with a chain fence and barbered wire.

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