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Россия и Аргентина сотрудничают в противодействии наркотрафику

Россия и Аргентина сотрудничают в противодействии наркотрафику
2018-02-23 01:44
Источник в МИД РФ сообщил, что спецслужбы России и Аргентины провели совместную спецоперацию по пресечению наркотрафика. В интересах оперативных мероприятий детали пока не разглашаются, сообщает телеканал «Россия 24».

USA: Eric Trump speaks of father’s ‘tremendous sacrifice’
2018-02-23 06:16
Eric Trump talked about his father’s “huge sacrifice” running for US president while speaking during a Q&A session at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday in National Harbor, Maryland. «We are not a political family, we never were. I don’t think I ever knew what a delegate was when we first entered politics. I don't know if I cared what a delegate was,» said the US President’s son.

USA: Trump says pay bonus to armed teachers, open ‘mental institutions’
2018-02-23 07:11
US President Donald Trump reiterated his earlier call for teachers to be armed as a measure against school mass shootings and called for increasing the minimum age from 18 to 21 during a school safety discussion at the White House on Thursday. He also doubled down on focusing on mental health, saying: «Part of the problem is we used to have mental institutions and I said this yesterday, we had a mental institution where you take a sicko like this guy, he was a sick guy, so many signs, and you'd bring him to a mental health institution.» The president spoke as he opened a school safety discussion at the White House with state and local officials from around the country.

«Язык птиц»: актеры с расстройством аутического спектра не играют, а проживают
2018-02-23 07:27
В Петербурге труппа Большого Драматического театра и актеры центра «Антон тут рядом» показали зрителям «Язык птиц». Этот спектакль артисты с расстройством аутистического спектра и артисты БДТ им.Товстоногова показали в день 99-летия театра.

Тысячи пенсионеров перекрыли центр Мадрида, требуя повысить пенсии
2018-02-23 09:19
Массовые демонстрации прошли в Мадриде, Барселоне, Бильбао и других городах. Протестующие сочли оскорблением то, что в прошлом году пенсии были повышены лишь на 0,25%, и считают, что правящая правая партия во главе с премьером Мариано Рахоем «обкрадывает» и «выжимает» пенсионеров.

Brazil: 'Temer, you stole everything' — Lula states intention to run for presidency
2018-02-23 09:58
Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio 'Lula' da Silva announced his intention to run for the Brazilian presidency, to a crowd of Workers' Party (PT) supporters in Sao Paulo, Thursday. «Temer, you stole everything in this country but you won't steal my speech and my votes,» he said referring to the current president. Lula, who is currently barred from running due to a corruption conviction, claimed that the media, the 'bankers' and other political parties are all of one voice in not wanting him to take up the candidacy. Lula would be favourite to win a presidential vote, according to opinion polls. The former president was addressing supporters at an event celebrating 38 years of the Workers' Party in Brazil.

Валентин Фалин ушел из жизни. Пресс-портрет
2018-02-23 10:42
Известный журналист, дипломат, ученый и искусствовед Валентин Фалин скончался на 92-ом году жизни. Об этом сообщили его близкие. Валентин Фалин много лет отдал дипломатической службе: в частности, занимал пост посла нашей страны в ФРГ.

Syria: Turkish strike hits convoy near Afrin
2018-02-23 11:21
The aftermath of a Turkish strike on a convoy in which reports say several people were wounded, can be seen in footage filmed near the Ziyara crossing on Thursday. The Turkish military said in a statement that they had destroyed the convoy of several dozen vehicles as it was carrying equipment and weapons to fighters in Afrin, according to reports. But other media reports say the convoy was carrying aid and civilians. The convoy was reportedly travelling from the north of Syria. It has not been confirmed to whom the convoy belonged. Several people were transferred to a local hospital.

В Музее археологии Москвы презентовали интерактивную карту столицы
2018-02-23 11:25
В Музее археологии Москвы прошла презентация интерактивной карты столицы. Это результат совместной работы археологов, геодезистов и картографов.

USA: 'Ask Putin those questions' — US Dept. of State tells journalists
2018-02-23 11:26
Heather Nauert, spokesperson for the United States Department of State, challenged journalists to raise their questions concerning the current situation in Syria to Russia, during a press briefing in Washington DC on Friday. «I would encourage each of you to ask Russia — take these questions to Vladimir Putin. Take these questions to RT, to Sputnik. Ask them those very questions,» she said, in answer to a question about the unfolding situation in Syria's eastern Ghouta. Nauert commented that the US government would like to see the currently discussed 30-day ceasefire in Syria happening, as is the only way to get humanitarian aid into eastern Ghouta. She also blamed the current impasse on Russia, noting the «11 UN actions that Russia has blocked specifically on Syria.» «I don't think that they appear to be interested in ending this,» Nauert claimed.

Лев Додин: дело о хищении — сильный удар по репутации
2018-02-23 11:27
Сегодня Смольнинский районный суд Петербурга санкционировал арест обвиняемых в хищениях бюджетных средств. Они были выделены на возведение новой сцены Малого драматического театра - Театра Европы.

UK: Russian vessels pass through English Channel
2018-02-23 12:24
Russian naval force vessels passed through the English Channel near Portsmouth on Friday, on their way back to their base ports. The fleet was comprised of the Russian ship Feodor Golovin, landing ship Alexander Ostrakovskiy and tanker Yelnya, which, according to reports, were deployed in missions in Syria.

Пригожин причастен к завершившейся разгромом атаке наемников в Сирии
2018-02-23 12:37
В планировании нападения воюющих на стороне режима президента Сирии Башара Асада российских наемников на Сирийские демократические силы - союзников международной коалиции во главе с США - 7 февраля принимал участие бизнесмен Евгений Пригожин, которого называют другом Владимира Путина. Это утверждает газета Washington Post, ссылаясь на данные разведки о переговорах Пригожина с сирийскими военными и чиновниками.

Syria: Aerial footage of Turkish airstrike on convoy near Afrin
2018-02-23 12:40
The Turkish Ministry of Defence released aerial footage on Friday, of its forces' airstrike on a convoy entering the Afrin region through the Ziyara crossing a day earlier. The Turkish military said in a statement that they had destroyed the convoy of several dozen vehicles as it was carrying equipment and weapons to fighters in Afrin, according to reports. But other media reports say the convoy was carrying aid and civilians. The convoy was reportedly travelling from the north of Syria. It has not been confirmed to whom the convoy belonged. Several people were transferred to a local hospital.

Иванка Трамп прилетела в Южную Корею
2018-02-23 12:52
Иванка Трамп, дочь и советник президента США, прибыла в Республику Корея. Она возглавила делегацию, которая посетит церемонию закрытия Олимпиады.

Colombia: Border controls tighten as Venezuelans continue seeking legal status
2018-02-23 12:53
Head of Colombia's Migration Authority Christian Kruger announced the introduction of new security and identification measures at a border crossing with Venezuela in Villa del Rosario, Cucuta municipality, Friday. The measures are to be put in place after a recent increase in the number of Venezuelans attempting to gain entry to Colombia, where many are seeking legal protection. Kruger announced the installation of ID readers, and also readers of biometric information, such as iris and fingerprint scanners. «What we want here is that each and every one of the people who enter, be it nationals or foreigners, are identified one by one, [that] their judicial records and their [personal] documents are original... We maintain that this has to be very important to improve our immigration controls,» said Kruger. Colombia has faced a spike in the number of people entering the country from Venezuela, from where they are fleeing instability, inflation, and a worsening political crisis. There are reportedly already over 600,000 migrants from Venezuela in Colombia.

Russia: Putin lays wreath on Defenders of the Fatherland Day
2018-02-23 13:33
Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow, Friday, in commemoration of the Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, as well as Chairperson of the Russian Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko and other high-ranking officials also participated in the ceremony. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a nationwide holiday honoured annually on February 23, celebrating those who serve or have served in the Russian Armed Forces. It marks the date of the start of recruitment into the Red Army in 1918.

Намайданили. Украина отметила годовщину госпереворота
2018-02-23 13:36
Историческая оценка: на Украине — очередная годовщина Майдана. Киев отметил дату беспорядками, Госдеп призвал власти Незалежной усилить реформы. К чему пришла страна за четыре года после кровавых событий?

Восточная Гута станет вторым Алеппо: бояться или надеяться
2018-02-23 13:37
Накануне в Совбезе ООН по поводу ситуации в Восточной Гуте прошло экстренное заседание. Его созвали по инициативе России. Участники встречи в Нью-Йорке обсудили сложную материю сирийского кризиса. В итоге была принята резолюция.

Депутата Леонида Слуцкого обвинили в сексуальных домогательствах
2018-02-23 14:00
О действиях Слуцкого, которые она расценила как домогательства, ранее рассказывала еще одна журналистка, но пояснила, что не хотела предавать эти случаи огласке, так как боится, что не сможет больше работать в Думе.

Россию обвиняют в бомбардировках в Восточной Гуте. Погибли уже 300 человек
2018-02-23 14:21
Наблюдатели утверждают, что российская и сирийская авиация бомбят район Восточная Гута в Сирии, который примыкает к Дамаску. Только за последнюю неделю там погибли 300 человек, а глава ООН заявил, что люди там «живут в аду». Минобороны РФ заявляет, что «обстановка в зонах деэскалации стабильная».

Syria: At least 1 killed, several injured as Turkey shells convoy *GRAPHIC*
2018-02-23 14:35
At least one person has been killed and scores more were injured after Turkish forces shelled a convoy en route to Afrin, footage filmed Thursday night shows. According to Kurdish sources, the convoy carried civilians from the cities of Qamishli and Kobane to Afrin in a show of solidarity. «Turkish aggression struck the delegation from Qamishli and the city of Kobane, resulting in a large number of casualties,» said the supervisor of Emergency Department at Afrin Hospital Joan Nasser, where those who sustained injuries from the shelling were transferred. One of the injured claimed, «I came to Afrin for Hajj, the plane bombed us after we got out of the bus.» Another injured person claimed that the convoy included only civilians, «I came from the city of Derek, to support Afrin, we are civilians, we came for our people in Afrin, there were no soldiers among us, we did not carry weapons and missiles.» People were rushed to the nearby hospitals in Afrin and Nubl, at least one person was confirmed dead. Afrin citizens were celebrating the news of the convoy coming to the city when the event was stopped following the announcement of the shelling. Earlier the Turkish Ministry of Defence released aerial footage of its forces' airstrike on a convoy entering the Afrin region through the Ziyara crossing a day earlier. The Turkish military said in a statement that they had destroyed the convoy of several dozen vehicles as it was carrying equipment and weapons to fighters in Afrin, according to reports. But other media reports say the convoy was carrying aid and civilians.

Syria: Vehicles destroyed, debris scattered in wake of deadly Turkish shelling
2018-02-23 14:59
Vehicles were destroyed, with debris scattered around the area, after Turkey attacked a convoy heading to the Afrin enclave through the al-Ziyara crossing, as seen in footage capturing the aftermath on Friday morning. Buses and cars with reportedly civilians on board heading from Syrian cities of Kobane and Qamishli to support Kurds in Afrin, were targeted by the Turkish military on Thursday night. At least one person was killed and scores injured in the attack. People were rushed to the nearby hospitals, and those injured claimed that the convoy was purely civilian. Earlier, the Turkish Ministry of Defence released aerial footage of its forces' airstrike. The Turkish military said in a statement that they had destroyed the convoy of several dozen vehicles as it was carrying equipment and weapons to fighters in Afrin, according to reports. But other media reports say the convoy was carrying aid and civilians.

Али Феруз рассказал о пытках в Узбекистане
2018-02-23 15:13
Журналист «Новой газеты» Али Феруз бежал из Узбекистана в Россию в надежде получить убежище, но вместо этого его арестовали и собирались выслать обратно. Чтобы этого избежать, Феруз пытался покончить с собой, объяснив, что предпочитает умереть быстро, чем с мучениями, которые его ждут в Узбекистане.

South Korea: Ivanka Trump arrives in Seoul ahead of Olympics closing ceremony
2018-02-23 15:26
The daughter of US President Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, arrived in Seoul, Friday, ahead of her attendance at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics closing ceremony on Sunday. «We are very excited to attend the 2018 Winter Olympic Games to cheer for Team USA and to reaffirm our strong and enduring commitment with the people of the Republic of Korea,» she told reporters shortly after her arrival at the airport. Ivanka Trump, who serves as senior advisor to her father, is scheduled to meet with South Korean President Moon Jae-in before heading to Pyeongchang, location of the Olympic Games.

Spain: Police evict sit-in pro-Catalan protest outside court in Barcelona
2018-02-23 15:40
Catalan police officers evicted a sit-in protest outside the High Court of Justice of Catalonia, in Barcelona on Friday. The demonstration was organised to coincide with the anniversary of a coup attempt in Spain on February 23, 1981, and to call for the release of jailed Catalan leaders. The protesters were performing a sit-in outside the court, when police stepped in and started dragging the participants to the sidelines. Up to 10 detentions were reported.

Путин вручил «Золотую Звезду» родным Филипова и поблагодарил участников сирийской кампании
2018-02-23 15:47
Президент России Владимир Путин вручил медаль «Золотая Звезда» Героя России родителям погибшего в Сирии военного летчика Романа Филипова и его вдове Ольге. Это произошло в Кремле на торжественной церемонии вручения государственных наград, приуроченной ко Дню защитника Отечества.

Гуту бомбят кассетными снарядами
2018-02-23 16:00
Пригород сирийской столицы находится на грани гуманитарной катастрофы.

Spain: Ex-Catalan police chief Trapero released without bail by Madrid court
2018-02-23 16:14
Former Catalan police chief Major Josep Lluis Trapero testified at the Spanish National High Court in Madrid on Friday, on the charges of 'sedition against state'. Upon the conclusion of the hearing, Trapero was released without bail, despite the prosecution demanding one of €50,000 ($61,505), reports say. Trapero was relieved of his duties after being accused of failing to comply with the government's orders to stop the voting process of the Catalan independence referendum on October 1.

Russia: Emotional moment coach of skater Zagitova watches golden Olympic performance
2018-02-23 17:11
First coach of Alina Zagitova, the 2018 Olympic champion in women's figure skating from Olympic Athletes from Russia (OAR), shares her emotions while watching Zagitova's golden performance in Russian city of Izhevsk on Friday. «We were very nervous. Alina's skating today was a bit more discreet [than usual], but she did everything,» said Natalia Antipina, Alina's first coach. The first coach of 15-year-old old Zagitova was rooting for her with Alina's father, sister, other coaches and kids, on the ice rink in Zagitova's hometown. «I'm very happy. I don't even know how to express my feelings. She is great,» Alina's sister Sabina could barely hide her excitement. Alina Zagitova won the Olympic women's figure skating competition bringing OAR their first gold medal at the Pyeongchang Games. In the free skate 15-year-old Zagitova managed to maintain the advantage over her compatriot and training partner Evgenia Medvedeva, a two-time world champion. Canada's Kaetlyn Osmond took bronze.

Russia: Communist Party honours Red Army on 100th inception anniversary
2018-02-23 17:49
The Communist Party of the Russian Federation held a march in honour of the 100th anniversary of the Red Army creation, in Moscow on Friday. In total about 1,000 people reportedly took part in the event. Participants of the march carried portraits of Lenin, Stalin, as well as flags of different countries, and Soviet banners. The march began on Pushkin Square and continued along Petrovka Street. The event ended with a rally at Revolution Square. The march was attended by leader of the Russian Communist Party, Gennady Zyuganov and presidential candidate Pavel Grudinin. Gennady Zyuganov mentioned that «all the leaders» of the Russian Government, Presidential Administration, Duma and Federation Council «are under sanctions for the first time in the history of diplomacy.» «We were declared a war again,» Russian communist leader concluded. Russian presidential candidate Pavel Grudinin said that it is necessary to «give back to our army a great future,» adding «we must make sure that the army is the greatest in the whole world.»

Germany: No food for you — NGO to stop giving food to foreigners
2018-02-23 18:05
A non-governmental food bank which distributes food for people in need sparkled controversy in Essen on Friday, by deciding not to admit any more foreigners due to an increase on the percentage of refugees compared to the amount of Germans. On Twitter, the food bank was deemed 'Nazi' for this decision, while the head of the association sees it without surprise, justifying «In the last two months and a half, we have stopped the admission of foreigner fellow citizens, because the percentage of foreigner fellow citizens has increased to 75% here and we, in Essen, also want to give the Germans fellow citizens the possibility to come to the food bank. Unfortunately we don't have place for everyone.» The foreigners who had been already admitted can still receive the help, but one German taker said that in her opinion «only the Germans with German ID have access and the others should stay out, because it is too full,» adding «We Germans have been a bit suppressed, because so many refugees came.» Another German taker, on the other hand, believes the decision «isn't right», stressing «Everyone who is in need is entitled to receive food supply and it doesn't mean that one need to have a German ID.» Peter Renzel, alderman for Youth, Education and Social Aeas in Essen didn't question the controversial decision, saying only that «75% have a foreign passport and only 25% [have a] German [one] and if various takers, especially the old ones, say here to the voluntaries that they feel uncomfortable in this position, the association reacted [like this] and I have to accept it.»

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Former NATO/EUFOR workers rally for pensions, health insurance
2018-02-23 18:11
A few hundred former workers of the NATO and EUFOR missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina protested in front of the organisations’ headquarters in Sarajevo on Friday, demanding missing health insurance, pension and benefit payments. Former NATO and EUFOR workers have not been paid obligations for pension and health insurance and other benefits for a period of ten years. Their lawyers claim that some few thousand former workers are affected and the total debt towards them amounts to millions of euros.

«Афиша»: Depeche Mode и «Мстители: секретная база»
2018-02-23 19:49
Depeche Mode. А также: стоит ли идти на нашумевшую выставку от Marvel «Мстители: секретная база»? Подробнее — в программе «Афиша».

Иванку Трамп сравнили с сестрой Ким Чен Ына
2018-02-23 20:01
Соединенные Штаты ввели против КНДР самый крупный пакет санкций. В списке — 56 пунктов, ограничения касаются судов, судоходных компаний и торговых бизнес-компаний. И так совпало, что 23 февраля на Корейский полуостров прибыла дочь американского лидера Иванка Трамп.

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