USA: 'March For Our Lives' calls for tighter gun laws in San Fran rally
USA: 'March For Our Lives' calls for tighter gun laws in San Fran rally 2018-03-25 07:13 Thousands of protesters took to the streets of San Francisco, California on Saturday, to march for tighter gun laws in the United States, after the last mass school shooting, which killed 17 people in Parkland. Dozens of high school students led the march to call for gun control and ban automatic weapons. «I would want our president to tighten gun laws because the people who are younger, like below the age of 21, can get a gun but they can't get a beer,» stated one protester. The 'March For Our Lives' rally took place in 846 locations around the world and were led and planned by student organisers in collaboration with the non-profit organisation Everytown for Gun Safety. Вести-Москва. Эфир от 25.03.2018 2018-03-25 09:35 Бюро по отъему квартир. Обманутые клиенты Международного кредитного бюро требуют возбудить уголовное дело. Карлсон из Кунцева. Как председатель ТСЖ устроил личный курорт на крыше столичной многоэтажки. Вписать в ампир. Кто меняет фасады знаменитых сталинок? На салатовой ветке метро открыты новые станции. Куда дальше? «Оно вам надо?»: Попытка прогноза 2018-03-25 09:58 Как могут развиваться политические события в России и мире после избрания Путина на пятый президентский срок? Боевики покидают Восточную Гуту 2018-03-25 10:02 По данным Министерства обороны РФ, в минувшую субботу по гуманитарному коридору из населенного пункта Арбил в Восточной Гуте вышли почти тысяча боевиков группировки «Фейлак ар-Рахман» и членов их семей. «Специальный репортаж»: Дети одной реки 2018-03-25 10:05 Сибирь — слишком большой регион, чтобы определять его одним словом. И Ямал, и Якутия, и Хакасия, и Томская и Тюменская области - все это Сибирь. Есть регионы страны, название которым дает река. Потому, говоря о Красноярском крае, все чаще уточняют: Енисейская Сибирь. Удивительная часть страны, главное наполнение которой — живущие здесь люди, дети одной реки. Пол Маккартни присоединился к сторонникам ужесточения оборота оружия 2018-03-25 10:06 К прошедшему накануне в Нью-Йорке «Маршу за нашу жизнь», в котором приняли участие сторонники ужесточения контроля над оборотом оружия, присоединился легендарный британский музыкант Пол Маккартни. Кучински запретили покидать Перу 2018-03-25 10:08 Перуанский судья Хуан Карлос Санчес Бальбуэна удовлетворил запрос прокуратуры, которая добивалась запрета на выезд из страны для бывшего президента Педро Пабло Кучински. По сообщению местных СМИ, суд пришел к выводу, что Кучински должен оставаться в Перу до окончания расследования дела о коррупции. Дональд Трамп стал мишенью для подначек со стороны семейки Симпсонов 2018-03-25 10:16 Известный американский мультсериал «Симпсоны» выпустил короткометражный эпизод, высмеявший предполагаемые фобии президента США Дональда Трампа. Парик из пекинеса, розовая пижама и танцы на столе. В таком виде создатели «Симпсонов» представили Дональда Трампа. Сербия вспоминает погибших от бомбардировок НАТО 2018-03-25 10:18 На несколько минут в центре города Алексинац был выключен весь свет и прозвучали сирены воздушной тревоги. Этот город сильно пострадал от авианалетов альянса. В церемонии приняли участие тысячи сербов. Президент республики Александр Вучич заявил, что не позволит списать жертв бомбардировок НАТО на сопутствующие потери. Посол России принял участие в церемонии, а вот западные дипломаты на нее демонстративно не приехали. Обыски в офисе «Кэмбридж Аналитики» продолжались 7 часов 2018-03-25 10:34 Это та самая фирма, которую подозревают в незаконном использовании данных Фейсбука и вмешательстве в американские выборы. Следователи изъяли все компьютеры и документы. Сербия почтила память жертв бомбардировок страны 2018-03-25 10:35 В субботу, 24 марта, вечером в городе Алексинац, серьезно пострадавшем в 1999 году в результате бомбардировок НАТО, прошла памятная церемония с участием президента Сербии Александра Вучича, президента Республики Сербской Боснии и Герцеговины Милорада Додика и членов сербского правительства. Вести. Эфир от 25.03.2018 2018-03-25 11:00 В деле Скрипаля появился неожиданный свидетель: близкая подруга британского шпиона слишком напугана, чтобы рассказать полиции о последних днях перед отравлением. В Сибири начался сезон паводков: размыты дороги, затоплены участки, вода подбирается к домам. На Байкале стартовал международный турнир по гольфу. USA: Pro-guns protesters crash march against guns 2018-03-25 11:01 Dozens of pro-guns protesters rallied in Washington DC on Saturday, as thousands of anti-guns protesters were marching down the streets in support of gun control. Founder of the 'Patriot Picket' association Jeff Hulbert said that they were there to support civil rights and in particular the second amendment. «The second amendment does serve a purpose» he said and added that even though they are «used to the abuse» they had brought helmets to protect themselves from anti-guns protesters. A plaintiff in in Supreme Court's Heller v. District of Columbia gun case, Dick Heller, said that they were «representing the second amendment’s most important function and that is to protect the first amendment being exercised by the masses of people here today.» Counter-protesters engaged in conversations with anti-guns protesters and argued the function of guns and civil rights protection. Thousands took to the streets of Washington DC in the 'March for our Lives' protest in support of gun-control laws. Tunisia: Gaddafi's son eyes Libya presidency, Saif al-Islam's spokesperson confirms 2018-03-25 11:23 A spokesperson for the son of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said Saif Al-Islam al Gaddafi would bring stability to Libya if elected president, speaking from Tunis, in Tunisia, on Thursday. Spokesperson Ayman Mohammed Abu Ras stated that Saif Al-Islam al Gaddafi «will officially announce his candidacy when the Supreme Electoral Commission opens the door, to run for the post of head of state, or in the parliamentary elections.» Libya reportedly plans to hold a presidential election later this year. Abu Ras also commented on the investigation into former French President Nicolas Sarkozy over allegations of illegal election campaign financing received from Muammar Gaddafi's government. He said: «they should have detained him long ago because since 2007 the French state has known very well how Sarkozy dealt with the Libyan regime and how much [he] benefited from it and why [he] revolted against the Libyan regime to hide facts.» Japan: Anti-Abe protesters rally in Tokyo against pacifist constitution overhaul 2018-03-25 11:46 Scores of people rallied in Tokyo on Sunday to protest against Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) held a convention on the revision of the country's post-war pacifist constitution. At the party convention, the ruling LDP has reportedly adopted a proposal to overhaul the constitution. Last May, the Japanese prime minister proposed to add a reference to the Japanese Self-Defence Forces (SDF), while leaving the first two clauses of Article 9 unchanged. The first two clauses of Article 9 prevent Japan from using force to resolve international disputes and renounce its right to maintain a standing military. Abe's critics have expressed concern that the revision would allow Japan to expand the role of the SDF overseas. Amendments in the Japanese constitution require approval by two-thirds of each house of parliament and a majority in a public referendum. Syria: Faylaq al-Rahman reportedly releases eight Syrian soldiers in E. Ghouta 2018-03-25 12:38 Syrian Soldier (Arabic) :"From Adra Industrial City.» Journalist (Arabic) :"Under what charge? How long have you been kidnapped?» Syrian Soldier (Arabic) :"Four and half years.» Journalist (Arabic): «How long?» Syrian Soldier (Arabic) :"For four and half years.» Journalist (Arabic) :"Hi sir, nice to see you. Tell me who kidnapped you and how do you feel, and who liberated you, and how were you been treated?» Syrian Soldier (Arabic) :"The Syrian Arab army liberated us. The strength of the Syrian Arab army, its favor and will. I was (kidnapped) for a year and two months, I did nothing wrong at all.» Jobar's main rebel group Faylaq al-Rahman reportedly released eight Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers in Harasta of eastern Ghouta on Saturday. Syrian state news agencies write that the move happened after the district was recaptured by the Syrian army. The release came as part of the deal between the Syrian army and the rebel group. According to unverified reports, Faylaq al-Rahmen was asked to release all their prisoners before they could head to northern Syria, transported by the Syrian army. Путин: «Срок годности» неограничен 2018-03-25 12:39 Утром 25 марта активисты петербургского «Молодежного Яблока» вывесили на Пантелеймоновском мосту баннер с изображением Путина . «Мы по-прежнему считаем, что сменяемость власти — необходимое условие для процветания страны; к сожалению, нам приходится наблюдать постоянную пропаганду культа личности действующего президента. И впереди еще 6 лет с президентом, срок годности которого, видимо, неограничен», говорят активисты. В Подмосковье скандальный полигон «Ядрово» очистят огнем 2018-03-25 12:50 Его накроют герметичным куполом, пять тысяч раз насквозь прошьют гигантской иглой, а дальше — очищение огнем. Газ, скопившийся в недрах свалки будут сжигать при помощи факельной установки. Это детали рекультивации мусорного полигона «Ядрово» под Волоколамском. Займутся ею иностранные специалисты, которые обезвредили сотни переполненных свалок по всему миру. В Белоруссии задержали десятки людей во время митинга оппозиции 2018-03-25 13:00 Свыше 30 человек, среди которых пенсионеры и мужчина – инвалид второй группы, задержали до начала митинга в честь 100-летия независимости Белорусской Народной Республики. Более 60 московских театров бесплатно показали спектакли 2018-03-25 13:01 Акцию «Ночь театров» организуют в Москве уже в шестой раз. Завершены реставрационные работы в павильоне «Космос» на ВДНХ 2018-03-25 13:11 За последние семь лет удалось отремонтировать в общей сложности более тысячи памятников архитектуры. «Мы выбрали президента»: фильм о голосовании 18 марта 2018-03-25 13:58 Московские избиратели и члены избирательных комиссий на президентских выборах 18 марта 2018 года — в документальном сериале «Выбирая Россию». Afghanistan: Blast near Herat mosque kills at least 3, injures 9 2018-03-25 14:15 A suicide attack near a Shiite mosque in the Afghan city of Herat left at least three people dead and nine more injured, Sunday. The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) has reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack. According to Deputy Police Chief Aminullah Amin, two bombers are believed to have intended to enter the mosque but were barred from reaching it by guards at the site. Security officials have confirmed that the blast rocked the site during mid-day prayers. Олег Матвейчев: западные эксперты поражены «вирусом Псаки» 2018-03-25 15:15 Психологические игры Запада и результаты президентских выборов. Ошибались ли западные эксперты в оценке ситуации в нашей стране? Попытки раскрутки так называемой «коррупционной повестки». На эти и другие вопросы в эфире ДеньТВ ответил известные политтехнолог, профессор Олег Матвейчев. Syria: Police supervise E. Ghouta evacuations via Harasta corridor 2018-03-25 15:19 Head of the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in the Syrian Arab Republic Yuri Evtushenko said that «396 militants and 592 family members have fled from Eastern Ghouta» via the Harasta humanitarian corridor by buses, speaking from near the settlement of Arbin on Saturday. According to Evtushenko the «withdrawal of militants» was preceded by «lengthy and complex» negotiations with the armed group Faylaq al-Rahman. Seventeen buses transported evacuees from the settlement of Arbin via the humanitarian corridor to the Idlib province, the Russian Ministry of Defence reports. According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, as a result of the agreement, militants of the armed group Ahrar al-Sham from the Harasta al-Basal settlement were evacuated under the control the Syrian police and the Russian Reconciliation Centre for Syria. The Russian Ministry of Defence said that 4,979 militants and their families were evacuated from the enclave in the last two days. All evacuees will be brought to the settlement of Qalaat al-Madiq in the Idlib de-escalation zone, the Ministry of Defence stated. Пучдемон задержан на границе Дании и Германии 2018-03-25 15:23 Полиция ФРГ задержала бывшего главу Каталонии Карлеса Пучдемона на германско-датской границе. Как сообщил в воскресенье его адвокат Жауме Алонсо-Куэвильяс, Пучдемон был задержан в Германии, когда он пересекал границу с Данией, направляясь из Финляндии в Бельгию. В Минске задержали десятки оппозиционеров 2018-03-25 15:24 В Минске задержали несколько десятков оппозиционных активистов. 25 марта они отмечают так называемый День воли, он приурочен к годовщине основания Белорусской народной республики. И даже согласовали с властями митинг-концерт. Russia: Person jumps from shopping centre to escape fire in Kemerovo, 4 dead — reports 2018-03-25 15:52 A fire broke out at shopping mall in Kemerovo on Sunday, leaving four dead and 26 injured according to local sources. Footage shows the desperate attempt of a person jumping from a window to escape the fire. Four children have died due to fire products, gas and smoke, according to local sources. According to a spokesperson for Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, 100 people have been safely evacuated and 20 rescued. Eyewitnesses report that the area around Zimnyaya Vishnya (Winter Cherry) shopping mall has been blocked and the smoke is visible from far way. Emergency services, fire engines and more than 60 firefighters are at the scene. В Минске на акции оппозиции произошли задержания 2018-03-25 15:59 В Минске в день столетия провозглашения независимости Белорусской Народной Республики — День воли — задержаны десятки гражданских активистов. Они собирались провести шествие в центре Минска. Инициатором несогласованной акции выступал оппозиционер Николай Статкевич. В настоящее время он также находится в милиции. Germany: Exiled Catalan leader Puigdemont arrested near German border 2018-03-25 16:00 Former President of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont was arrested by German police on Sunday. Footage shows images of the Federal Police border building at the Danish-German border. According to the State Criminal Office in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein's highway police detained Puigdemont shortly before noon. The former Catalan president was stopped by police when he was crossing the German border from Denmark. Puigdemont was reportedly en route to Hamburg, from where he is believed to have intended to return to Belgium. The former Catalan president had lived in Brussels since he fled Spain after being dismissed by the Spanish government following the Catalan unilateral declaration of independence on October 27, 2017. Puigdemont is facing up to 25 years in prison on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds over his role in the push for the Catalan divorce from Spain. An international arrest warrant for Puigdemont was re-activated by the Spanish Supreme Court on Friday when the exiled Catalan leader was visiting Finland. В Германии задержан бывший каталонский лидер Пучдемон 2018-03-25 16:11 Бывший каталонский лидер Карлес Пучдемон задержан полицией в Германии. Об этом сообщает его адвокат, который написал в Твиттере, что немецкая полиция остановила Пучдемона 25 марта, когда он пересекал границу, чтобы въехать из Дании в Германию. Пучдемон содержится в полицейском участке. Afghanistan: Suicide blast kills 3, injures 9 in Afghan city of Herat 2018-03-25 16:31 A suicide attack near a Shiite mosque in the Afghan city of Herat left at least three people dead and nine more injured, Sunday. The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack. According to Deputy Police Chief Aminullah Amin, two bombers are believed to have intended to enter the mosque but were barred from reaching it by guards at the site. Security officials have confirmed that the blast rocked the site during mid-day prayers. Путин пообещал не сидеть на президентском посту 100 лет 2018-03-25 17:07 23 марта Центральная избирательная комиссия официально огласила результаты выборов главы государства. За явным преимуществом в гонке победил действующий президент России Владимир Путин. Он заручился рекордной за всю новейшую историю страны поддержкой — 56 миллионов избирателей. Spain: Protesters demand release of jailed Catalan leaders in Girona 2018-03-25 17:32 As many as fifty protesters gathered in front of headquarters of the regional governing headquarters in Girona on Sunday to demand the release of imprisoned former Catalan leaders and call for Catalan independence. The protest was mobilised by youth organization La Forja and Committees for the Defense of the Republic. «They cannot come back. And us, we are not going to give up until achieving the republic,» a protester said. Protesters covered the building facade in yellow paint, the colour of freedom, and detonated a smoke flare near the building. Mandatory credit: ACN Germany: Puigdemont taken into police custody after crossing Danish border 2018-03-25 17:45 Former President of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont was taken into police custody, as footage filmed in the German municipality of Schuby in Schleswig-Holstein on Sunday shows. Footage shows a van allegedly carrying Puigdemont departing a highway police station and heading to Neumuenster. According to the State Criminal Office in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein's highway police detained Puigdemont shortly before noon. The former Catalan president was stopped by police when he was crossing the German border from Denmark. Puigdemont was reportedly en route to Hamburg, from where he is believed to have intended to return to Belgium. Puigdemont reportedly travelled with four other people, whose identities have not been disclosed, aboard a Renault Espace vehicle. The vehicle was driving on the A-7 motorway before it was intercepted at 11:17 local time (13:17 GMT) by the German police between the towns of Shuby and Jagel, some 30 kilometres (18,6 miles) south of the border between Germany and Denmark. The exiled Catalan leader had lived in Brussels since he fled Spain after being dismissed by the Spanish government following the Catalan unilateral declaration of independence on October 27, 2017. Puigdemont is facing up to 25 years in prison on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds over his role in the push for the Catalan divorce from Spain. The Spanish National Intelligence Centre (CNI) reportedly kept Puigdemont under surveillance since his arrival in Finland. An international arrest warrant for Puigdemont was re-activated by the Criminal Chamber of the Spanish Supreme Court on Friday when the exiled Catalan leader was visiting Finland. «Песня с историей»: «Любовь настала» 2018-03-25 17:46 Сегодня в программе «Песня с историей» вернемся в 1979 год и вспомним песню, превратившую молодую певицу Розу Рымбаеву в звезду советской эстрады. В это же время СССР и США подписывают Договор об ограничении производства ядерного оружия. А Мария Пахоменко одурманена сладкой ягодой. Станция «Марс-6» впервые передает данные о красной планете на Землю, а Алле Пугачевой светят звезды лета. Проходит Всесоюзная перепись населения, а для Розы Рымбаевой настает пора любви. Подробности − в программе «Песня с историей». «Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Эльдар Рязанов 2018-03-25 17:48 Про людей говорят, что они живы, пока о них помнят. А режиссер жив, если его фильмы смотрят и любят. Эльдар Рязанов в этом смысле уникален. Его картины не только знают, их цитируют. Его киноленты такие близкие, понятные, любимые, поэтому и Рязанов каждому из нас кажется родным. При этом Эльдар Рязанов не всю жизнь мечтал снимать комедии. После окончания ВГИКа он видел себя только в документальном кино. Но одно событие изменило его планы. Подробности смотрите в программе «Раскрывая тайны звезд». Ножи, биты, противогазы: в Кишиневе задержан 21 провокатор 2018-03-25 17:52 Больше двух десятков провокаторов задержали на прошедшем в Кишиневе митинге сторонников объединения Молдавии и Румынии. Все они были в медицинских масках. В рюкзаках задержанных были найдены противогазовые маски, ножи, бейсбольные биты и иные запрещенные предметы. Высокие репродуктивные технологии: в Самаре открылась клиника «Мать и дитя» 2018-03-25 17:59 В Самаре открылась крупнейшая в регионе многопрофильная клиника «Мать и дитя». Ранее такой же центр заработал в Новосибирске. Такие события — в русле демографической инициативы президента Путина и точно вписываются в программу поддержки семьи, материнства и детства, предложенную Путиным в ежегодном Послании. USA: Former university building demolished by HUGE implosion in Austin 2018-03-25 18:07 A 10-storey building which used to house the headquarters of the University of Texas System was demolished by implosion, in Austin on Sunday. This marks the first demolition via implosion in the city in 10 years. The building, which was 40 years old, was destroyed to make room for a new office tower which will be built in its place. Russia: Football has 'nothing to do' with politics — fmr Portuguese striker Gomes *EXCLUSIVE* 2018-03-25 18:15 The legendary former Portuguese striker, participant of 2002 and 2006 FIFA World Cups, Nuno Gomes visited Russia to participate in the opening of the first 2018 World Cup Football Park in Sochi on Saturday. «We’re talking about football; football has nothing to do with political. I hope everything will go well, I believe that Russia will host all the fans in order to [help] them to stay here in Russia, to spend a wonderful World Cup,» Gomes said. Predicting the results of the FIFA World Cup in Russia, Nuno Gomes supposed that the «semi-final’s four teams [will be] Brazil, Portugal, Spain and Germany.» «One of the biggest challenges [for Portugal] is exactly that we’re European champions, so a lot of eyes are looking to our national team and maybe that could be one of the reasons that increase our responsibility, we have to go step by step,» he added. The World Cup is set to take place in Russia this summer from June 14 to July 15. Moldova: Unionists hold demonstration on 100th anniversary of Bessarabia-Romania unification 2018-03-25 18:29 A massive rally to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the annexation of Bessarabia into Romania was held on the Square of the Great National Assembly in Chisinau on Sunday. The rally was attended by an estimated 100,000 people, and organised by so-called Unionists, who seek the unification of Romania and Moldova, both being majority Romanian-speaking countries. Attendees held both Moldovan and Romanian flags, and chanted slogans such as «Union». Former Romanian President Traian Basescu was also in attendance and spoke on stage. Bessarabia is the historical name of the region which was a part of the Principality of Moldavia, and was ceded to the Russian Empire. Despite being controlled by the Russian Empire and later Soviet Union, Moldova retains cultural and linguistic ties to its neighbour Romania, and many in both countries seek unification. Germany: Puigdemont moved to Neumuenster correctional facility 2018-03-25 18:52 Germany: Puigdemont moved to Neumuenster correctional facility *SCRIPT TO FOLLOW* Russia: 5 dead, 30 injured in Kemerovo shopping centre fire 2018-03-25 18:57 Firefighters are combatting a fire that broke out at a shopping centre in Kemerovo on Sunday, leaving five dead and 30 injured according to the Russian Investigative Committee. The bodies were, reportedly, found on an indoor playground. According to local EMERCOM, the area of the fire exceeded 1,500 square metres. The fire source was located on the top floor where several cinema halls and children's playgrounds with attractions are located. Interfloor overlapping collapsed on the area of 30 square meters. 200 animals of 25 kinds, among which Guinea pigs, rabbits, a guinea-fowl, dwarf Cameroonian goats, mini-pigs and othesr, have reportedly died in a petting zoo located in the shopping mall. Over 230 people and 50 units of equipment are involved in the firefighting operation. Traffic near the shopping mall is blocked. Syria: Crowds cheer as SAA enters Eastern Ghouta suburb for first time in years 2018-03-25 19:06 Crowds cheered as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) entered Ayn Tarma's suburb in Eastern Ghouta for the first time in years, Saturday, following the announcement of Jobar's main rebel group Faylaq al-Rahman agreement to leave the area. Ayn Tarma residents took to the streets to greet hundreds of SAA soldiers entering the suburb, located three kilometers (1.9 miles) east of Old Damascus. Pro-government forces reportedly re-captured the entire Ayn Tarma Valley earlier in the week, as the remaining militants and their families departed Eastern Ghouta to head to northern Syria. Faylaq Al-Rahman and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham also reportedly agreed to transfer control of Zamalka, Arbin and Jobar. Russia: Golfing on ice! Golfers combine their love of ice and golf at Baikal lake 2018-03-25 19:10 Golf players and winter lovers all across Russia held a golf tournament on ice in frozen Baikal lake near the popular tourist village of Listvyanka in Irkutsk region on Sunday. Some 50 participants tested their golf skills under frozen conditions, on a field of 2,000 (6,561 foot) square meters. Reports reveal that the athletes went through nine holes. Applications for participation in the tournament have already been submitted by athletes from several Russian cities. A gold player contesting for the prize explained that the most important thing in winter golf is «strategy» and «developing tactics.» The first ice and snow golf tournament on Baikal Ice took place 14 years ago. In 2017, the organising committee of the competition announced the holding of a ‘World Cup on ICE’ golf tournament in Baikal in 2020. France: Church of Trebes holds service for victims of Trebes terror attack 2018-03-25 19:21 I also have a thought for all Super U employees who will have to go back to work there. We all know each other here, from near and far, I do not think you can find anyone who will be detached from what is happening today.» The Church of Trebes joined parishes across Carcassone to hold a service on Sunday, and prayed for the victims of the Trebes terror attack that occurred on March 23 and left four dead and sixteen others wounded. Footage shows friends and community members, clearly distraught, as they attended the service, carrying palms and olive branches into the church. Many prominent community members include the Prefect of Aude Alain Thirion, Bishop Alain Planet, and Imam Mohammed Belmihoub from the Viguier mosque were also in attendance. The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack. An investigation has reportedly been launched by the anti-terrorist division of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Paris. Spain: 'An injustice' — locals give their opinions on Puigdemont arrest 2018-03-25 19:40 Local residents in Barcelona on Sunday gave their opinions on the arrest of exiled Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont, who was detained shortly before noon whilst crossing the German border from Denmark. Opinions on Puigdemont's detainment were mixed, with one man named Ramon describing the situation as «very bad». «They detained him and they will bring him to Spain and, here, they will probably send him to prison. I think that it is bad if he goes to prison,» said Ramon. A couple named Ernesto and Carmen called the arrest an «injustice» and described it as a present-day «Spanish inquisition». However, another resident named Joana said that the police «did what they were supposed to do». Former President of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont was moved to Neumuenster correctional facility after being taken into police custody in Schleswig-Holstein on Sunday. Puigdemont is facing up to 25 years in prison on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds over his role in the push for the Catalan divorce from Spain. France: Muslim community share thoughts and prayers on Trebes terror attack 2018-03-25 19:51 SOT, Reporter (French): «What must the government do then?» SOT, Amin, Member of 'permanent revolution' association (French): «They should keep them in custody.» Prayers were held by the Muslim community for fallen French police officer Arnaud Beltrame and other victims of Trebes terror attack at the Palais des Congres Marcel Dufriche in Montreuil on Sunday. Several attendees shared their thoughts regarding the attack with one saying, «Every time that there is a problem in the society, like there is a social problem, daily life problems, economic problems, at the hospitals, the farmers problems, etcetera, they bring up terrorism in a glance. It's like they want to distract the people from the problems. Now it's become a pretext in all the countries in the world like a magician's hat, they bring up the little terrorists like the little rabbits from the hat.» On Friday, a gunman killed one person while stealing a vehicle from Carcassonne. The gunman then reportedly drove to the nearby town of Trebes, where he took hostages at a Super U store. Beltrame was among the officers who rushed to the scene when the attacker stormed the supermarket. The gunman, who has been identified as 26-year old Redouane Lakdim known for minor delinquencies, was shot dead after the police raided the supermarket. According to French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, the incident «appears to be a terrorist act.» The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack. An investigation has reportedly been launched by the anti-terrorist division of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Paris. Belarus: 30 activists detained at 'Day of Will' demonstration in Minsk 2018-03-25 20:24 30 opposition activists were detained before planned 'Day of Will' celebrations in Minsk on Sunday. The demonstrators planned to hold two large events in Minsk; a March of Dignity and Freedom and a rally-concert. The authorities allowed only the second event which was held at the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater. More than 30 people were detained, upon arriving to Yakub Kolas Square, where part of the opposition was going to start a festive procession which had been restricted by the authorities. The Day of Will celebrates the creation of the Belarusian People's Republic in 1918. This date is not officially celebrated in Belarus, and it has become a date largely celebrated by those opposed to the current Belarusian government and President Alexander Lukashenko. Germany: 'Free Puigdemont'- Banner demands outside Neumuenster correctional facility 2018-03-25 20:33 Protesters put up a banner outside Neumuenster correctional facility demanding the release of former President of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont who was moved to the facility after being taken into police custody in Schleswig-Holstein, as footage filmed on Sunday reveals. Protesters later had to move the banner from the facility entrance to a nearby fence in accordance with facility personnel instructions. According to the State Criminal Office in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein's highway police detained Puigdemont shortly before noon. The former Catalan president was stopped by police when he was crossing the German border from Denmark. Puigdemont was reportedly en route to Hamburg, from where he is believed to have intended to return to Belgium. Puigdemont reportedly travelled with four other people, whose identities have not been disclosed, aboard a Renault Espace vehicle. The vehicle was driving on the A-7 motorway before it was intercepted at 11:17 local time (13:17 GMT) by the German police between the towns of Schuby and Jagel, some 30 kilometres (18,6 miles) south of the border between Germany and Denmark. The exiled Catalan leader had lived in Brussels since he fled Spain after being dismissed by the Spanish government following the Catalan unilateral declaration of independence on October 27, 2017. Puigdemont is facing up to 25 years in prison on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds over his role in the push for the Catalan divorce from Spain. The Spanish National Intelligence Centre (CNI) reportedly kept Puigdemont under surveillance since his arrival in Finland. An international arrest warrant for Puigdemont was re-activated by the Criminal Chamber of the Spanish Supreme Court on Friday when the exiled Catalan leader was visiting Finland. Russia: 15 vehicles buried under snow as massive avalanche hits ski resort 2018-03-25 20:50 Footage shows how a powerful avalanche hit a parking lot under Europe's highest mountain, Mount Elbrus, in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic ski resort on Sunday. According to the local EMERCOM, 15 cars were buried under the snow. Luckily, the parking lot was clearand there were no casualties. The cable cars in the region were closed due to the snowslide. Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus Mountains is the tenth most prominent peak in the world,at a height of 5,642 metres (18,510 ft). Russia: Putin is 'absolutely correct' — Peskov on Skripal case 2018-03-25 21:11 Dmitri Peskov, Press Secretary for Russian President Vladimir Putin (Russian): «Yes, this is unprecedented rudeness. The main thing is that no one has ever met with the situation when they accuse the country of something they cannot even formulate. And they do not try to formulate it. We state that this is an unprecedented [situation] which borders with banditry [manners] in international affairs. What is behind this? [Perhaps] Britain's internal problems or Britain's relationships with their allies or something else. This is probably not our business. Our duty is how to cope with this provocation. Again, I want to tell you that you see that President Putin has absolute calmness and endurance. In contrast to the vis-a-vis on the island, he is absolutely correct. Putin formulated his position — we deal with our internal affairs in the first place. And this is an incident that happened to you with which you must sort out, and then talk about it. That's actually the position of Putin.» Vladimir Putin's Press Secretary Dmitri Peskov described British behaviour on double-agent Sergey Skripal's poisoning case as «unprecedented rudeness» during an interview in Moscow on Sunday. Peskov went on to say that the Great Britain accuses Russia of something it «cannot even formulate». «This is an unprecedented [situation] which borders with banditry [manners] in international affairs,» Peskov stated. According to Peskov, such behaviour could be caused by «Britain's internal problems or Britain's relationships with their allies or something else,» adding «this is probably not our business.» The Kremlin spokesperson noted that Russia's «duty is how to cope with this provocation.» Peskov said that Putin remains «absolutely correct» unlike his «vis-a-vis on the island,» adding that «an incident» happened in Great Britain and the country «must sort it out, and then talk about it.» «That's actually the position of Putin,» Peskov concluded. Mandatory credit: NTV «Cambridge Analyticа» вмешивалась в избирательные кампании по всему миру 2018-03-25 21:38 Одной из главных тем американской прессы стала утечка персональных данных десятков миллионов пользователей сети Facebook. Охотилась за этим гигантским массивом информации британская кампания Cambridge Analytica, а потом и лихо добычей распорядилась. Spain: Catalans clash with police in Barcelona at pro-Puigdemont demo 2018-03-25 21:55 Thousands of Catalans staged a mass protest in Barcelona on Sunday, hours after their former leader, Carles Puigdemont, was detained in Germany. Riot police struck protesters with batons and pushed them back as they tried to move towards the office of the Spanish government in Catalonia. Many protesters were carrying placards of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to decry the German police's seizure of Puigdemont. Puigdemont was detained while crossing the border between Denmark and Germany and Sunday, and was moved to Neumuenster correctional facility. Puigdemont is facing up to 25 years in prison on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds over his role in the push for the Catalan divorce from Spain. «Новости США за 60 секунд»: Закон о правительственных расходах и «российское расследование» 2018-03-25 22:04 Дональд Трамп объяснил свое решение подписать закон о расходах федерального правительства. В группе юристов, представляющих президента в связи с «российским расследованием», произошли изменения. Менее половины американцев считает, что Facebook соблюдает законы о защите частной жизни. USA: Anti-abortion activists face off with counter-protesters in NYC 2018-03-25 22:12 Foley square in New York City witnessed the 'International Gift of Life' march on Sunday where anti-abortion protesters faced off with feminist, pro-life counter-protest groups. Anti-abortion protesters chanted, «Choose life,» as the pro-choice rally countered this with, «Without this basic right, women can't be free.» Anti-abortion protester Denise Mountenay spoke to the crowds saying, «I was an abortion patient, and abortion killed my children, abortion hurts women and it hurt me and killed my children, abortion is not a safe procedure and they are lying.» France: National Gendarmerie Director General pays tribute to fallen officer Beltrame 2018-03-25 22:29 Director General of the National Gendarmerie Richard Lizurey visited the gendarmerie barracks in Carcassonne on Sunday, to pay his respects to the fallen officer Arnaud Beltrame. Lizurey explained that it was «essential» to come and see the gendarmes and staff who were «engaged in the action last Friday who were remarkable during the operation and whose action allowed, I think, to limit the number of victims.» Lizurey also mentioned he would be visiting Beltrame's wife. Beltrame was among the officers who rushed to the scene when the attacker stormed the supermarket, and managed to switch places with one of the hostages inside the supermarket they were being held in. The gunman, who has been identified as 26-year old Redouane Lakdim, was shot dead after the police raided the supermarket. According to French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, the incident «appears to be a terrorist act.» The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack. An investigation has reportedly been launched by the anti-terrorist division of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Paris. UK: 'Earthly Messenger' — Aylesbury debuts world's first David Bowie statue 2018-03-25 23:13 Hundreds gathered in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire on Sunday to witness the unveiling of the world’s first David Bowie memorial sculpture. 'Earthly Messenger', which is installed in Aylesbury's Market Square, features an older David Bowie regarding his former younger alter-egos including Ziggy Stardust, whom Bowie debuted in Aylesbury, with a smile. «Bowie is such a mercurial character that he gave me the perfect venue to be able to express what I've been developing — my own sort of art — which is being able to tell a story through sculpture,» said Andrew Sinclair, the artist behind the work said. A club co-founder and music promoter David Stopps hosted the event while musicians Howard Jones and Steve Hogarth of rock band Marillion unveiled the statue. CEO of Sony Music Rob Stringer, a local of Aylesbury also attended celebrations. Торговая война с США: Китай ударит по сфере потребления 2018-03-25 23:17 Дональд Трамп жирным фломастером и в своей размашистой манере при свете телекамер подписал меморандум «О борьбе с экономической агрессией Китая». Фактически это — объявление торговой войны самой густонаселенной стране планеты. Somalia: 4 killed, scores wounded in suicide blast *GRAPHIC* 2018-03-25 23:20 A suicide bomber struck a security checkpoint in Mogadishu on Sunday, leaving at least four dead and others wounded. The blast reportedly occurred only metres away from parliament, after the driver of the explosive-strapped vehicle was stopped by security. According to witness Daqane Abdi Ali, «before the security forces could even tell him to get out of the car, the car suddenly exploded, there was a fire and smoke everywhere.» «Thankfully I wasn't harmed by the explosion... I saw at least four dead bodies and others injured,» Ali continued. The blast comes just days after another car bomb killed 14 people in Mogadishu last Thursday Russia: Kemerovo fire death toll increases to 37, more remain missing 2018-03-26 00:14 SOT, Old woman, Witness (Russian): «We got a call from Moscow already and we were told that people jumped out of the windows and laid on the ground.» The death toll from the fire at the Winter Cherry shopping centre in Kemerovo, Sunday, has increased to 37, with reports of 69 people still missing, including 40 children. One witness, Ekaterina, was in the shopping centre on the fourth floor to see a children's film with her children when the fire broke out: «A woman ran to us and screamed that we should run. Everyone started to run away, me and the children, there were seven of us.» Reportedly, the automatic fire extinguishing system did not work. According to the Russian Emergency Ministry, EMERCOM, the area of the fire exceeded 1,500 square metres. The fire source was located on the top floor where several cinema halls and children's playgrounds with attractions are located. The interfloor overlapping collapsed on an area of 30 square meters. Around 200 animals of 25 kinds, among which Guinea pigs, rabbits, a guinea-fowl, dwarf Cameroonian goats, mini-pigs and others, have reportedly died in a petting zoo located in the shopping mall. Over 230 people and 50 units of equipment are involved in the firefighting operation. Traffic near the shopping mall is blocked. Spain: Clashes as police push back Catalans in pro-Puigdemont demo 2018-03-26 00:46 Police clashed with protesters as thousands of Catalans staged a mass protest in Barcelona on Sunday, after their former leader, Carles Puigdemont, was detained in Germany. Riot police struck protesters with batons and pushed them back, using their police vans to disperse the angry crowds as a fire broke out in one of the streets. Puigdemont was detained while crossing the border between Denmark and Germany on Sunday, and was moved to Neumuenster correctional facility. Puigdemont is facing up to 25 years in prison on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds over his role in the push for the Catalan divorce from Spain. Spain: President of Catalan Parliament calls for unity after Puigdemont arrest 2018-03-26 01:03 Catalan President Roger Torrent i Ramio called for calm and unity after protests broke out following the recent detention of former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont, speaking in Barcelona, Sunday. Puigdemont was detained while crossing the border between Denmark and Germany on Sunday, and was moved to the Neumuenster correctional facility. Puigdemont is facing up to 25 years in prison on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds over his role in the push for the Catalan divorce from Spain. Spain: Catalan protesters clash with police in mass demo after Puigdemont arrest 2018-03-26 02:24 Police clashed with protesters as thousands of Catalans staged a mass protest in Barcelona on Sunday, after their former leader, Carles Puigdemont, was detained in Germany. Riot police struck protesters with batons and pushed them back, using their police vans to disperse the angry crowds as a fire broke out in one of the streets. Puigdemont was detained while crossing the border between Denmark and Germany on Sunday, and was moved to Neumuenster correctional facility. Puigdemont is facing up to 25 years in prison on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds over his role in the push for the Catalan divorce from Spain. Russia: Drone footage captures horror of Kemerovo blaze that killed scores 2018-03-26 02:31 Drone footage from the 'Mishen v dym' YouTube channel captured the smoking Winter Cherry shopping centre in Kemerovo, Sunday, where according to recent data, the death toll has risen to to 37, with reports of 69 people still missing, including 40 children. According to the Russian Emergency Ministry, EMERCOM, the area of the fire exceeded 1,500 square metres. The fire source was located on the top floor where several cinema halls and children's playgrounds with attractions are located. Around 200 animals of 25 kinds, among which Guinea pigs, rabbits, a guinea-fowl, dwarf Cameroonian goats, mini-pigs and others, have reportedly died in a petting zoo located in the shopping mall. Over 300 people and 50 units of equipment are involved in the firefighting operation. Argentina: Thousands march in Buenos Aires against bill to legalise abortion 2018-03-26 02:51 Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Buenos Aires, Sunday, to protest against a bill to legalise abortion for the seventh time. The protesters marched with placards reading 'No to abortion, you have to take care of both lives' and 'Abortion is murder' through Avenida del Libertador. One of the protesters said that abortion «was not the solution in any case» and that the protesters «are defending life, because we believe that all life is valuable, the unborn child has the right to live, but we are also in favour of the woman and being with her and accompanying her.» This subject has garnered more attention since Argentinian President Mauricio Macri said he was in favour of a debate and would encourage the Congress to vote on it, even if he was said to be anti-abortion. In Argentina, abortion is only allowed in cases of rape and risk to a woman's health. Spain: At least seven injured in Lleida during protest after Puigdemont arrest 2018-03-26 03:13 At least seven people were injured when protesters clashed with police in the Catalan city of Lleida, Sunday, following the recent detention of former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont. Puigdemont was detained while crossing the border between Denmark and Germany on Sunday, and was moved to the Neumuenster correctional facility. Puigdemont is facing up to 25 years in prison on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds over his role in the push for the Catalan divorce from Spain. Mandatory Credit: ACN Spain: Protesters block highway in Girona following Puigdemont arrest 2018-03-26 03:50 Dozens of protesters blocked a highway in Girona, Sunday, following the recent detention of former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont. Hundreds of Catalans staged a mass protest in front of the sub-delegation of government of Girona, where they installed a banner reading 'Liberty'. Reportedly, some scuffles erupted between car drivers and the protesters, as the pro-independence activists set fires on the AP-7 highway and impeded the traffic. Puigdemont was detained while crossing the border between Denmark and Germany on Sunday, and was moved to Neumuenster correctional facility. Puigdemont is facing up to 25 years in prison on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds over his role in the push for the Catalan divorce from Spain. Morocco: Protest against 'mines of death' continue in Jerada 2018-03-26 04:50 Dozens of people protested in Jerada, Sunday, demanding the release of detained activists and to improve the living conditions of local residents. Demonstrators have been campaigning against the economic policies of the government, which they claim encourages people to dig abandoned mines in dangerous conditions. The Jerada mine used to employ over 9,000 people before it closed in 1990. Despite the mine being shuttered, impoverished young people continue to brave the pits — dubbed «the mines of death» — to extract coal by hand to sell to local traders. The demonstrations have been taking place since December 22 last year, when two brothers aged 23 and 30 died after an abandoned mine collapsed on them. |
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